Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 405: Martial arts surge

Chapter 405: Martial arts surge
It is expected that the empire will win in the great competition between the countries. There are many experts in this court. Who will win and who will be weak between the two sides? Even Li Ming's five people have a similar idea in their minds about who will win and who will lose against Kurul. conclusion.

Taking into account Li Ming's lack of combat experience and other factors, and with the support of three centurions, he would win no matter what the fight was. Therefore, this victory was not surprising to Emperor Jianming and some senior officials in the court.

Of course, this is also a 'test'. They have an expectation of Li Ming's strength. They are at the top, so their expectations are naturally different from what ordinary people think. In other words, their expectations are much higher than what ordinary people think. .

For example, if Li Ming's five-person team faced off against Kurul, normally the odds of winning would not be that great. After all, they were one level behind, so it was not easy to break through.

Whether you can win or not depends entirely on fate.

But in their eyes, this is a matter of course. '

Just like what ordinary people think is excellence is 80 points, but in their eyes excellence is 100 points.

The starting point for a benchmark is a real ordinary person, while the starting point for a benchmark is a genius.

In other words, the four of Li Ming and the other four, except Zhao Xiu who is not good at fighting, faced off against Kurul. It was a battle that only geniuses could do. If they could win, it would prove that they were really geniuses. If they lost, It's just a chess piece to exercise war emotions.

Fortunately, the outcome of the matter was as they wished. They won, and the four of them alone were able to suppress Kurul.

The whole battle sounds simple, but the control of timing, the creation of opportunities and the grasp of opportunities are very perfect and challenging. Fortunately, they did a good job.

Of course, even though it was a sure win, the reward should not be less.

Considering that Li Ming was already a noble of the rank of military aircraft waiter just after he took office, it is not appropriate to reward him too much now, so he was only raised half a level above the noble rank.

But the physical rewards far exceeded last time.

Gold and silver treasures are secondary, but the most important thing is cultivation resources.

This [Hundred Yuan Pill] is one of the most important rewards, and its effect is naturally extraordinary.

Just one pill took Li Ming more than three months to slowly absorb the power inside.

And as the power of the medicine was completely digested, his Qi cultivation also improved by leaps and bounds, breaking through to the first-class level in one fell swoop, and even [Qingsong Qi] reached the Dacheng level!
Looking at it again, the internal energy in the body is already flowing like a mighty river!
"170 years of internal strength, first-class level."

Li Ming felt the surging Qi in his body, and a heartfelt smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. With such a huge internal force, the power of any martial arts move he performed would skyrocket.

Against an enemy like Kurul, he can easily defeat him alone!
After feeling the increase in internal force in his body, Li Yang still did not stop, but continued to take out a pill [Hundred Pills]

Like [Hundred Yuan Pill], [Hundred Pill Pills] is also a gain-type elixir that increases Qi, and is still useful for first-class masters.

Li Ming took the elixir in one gulp, then closed his eyes and continued to use his energy to digest the elixir's power, and continued to absorb the elixir's power according to the [Qingsong Zhenqi] method.

The turbulent Qingsong Qi is continuous and powerful, full of stamina and full of vitality. Under the powerful supply of [Hundred Pills], it continues to grow visible to the naked eye.

It's just that you shouldn't practice too much every day, otherwise it's easy to activate your inner fire. Li Ming continued to practice for another hour before he stopped practicing his inner strength, and walked out of the room. He pressed his palm against the weapon rack, and a long spear was immediately struck by him. Absorbed.


Li Yang held the spear in his hand and breathed air gently in his mouth. Then he thrust out the spear fiercely. The spear came out like a dragon. In an instant, the figure soared in the field, filled with dots of cold light.

[Qingsong Breaking Army Spear] The extremely superb marksmanship and martial arts passed down in Qingsong Temple.


The Qingsong Qi in the body is like a great river rushing through the meridians. The strong Qingsong Qi drives the operation of the [Qingsong Breaking Army Spear], making Li Yang's movements of firing the gun smoother and smoother and more coherent.

As a skill inherited from the Qingsong sect, [Qingsong Breaking Army Spear] can naturally be matched with [Qingsong Zhenqi]. Zhenqi can make the spear technique operate more smoothly and freely, and the marksmanship can also greatly increase the power of the zhenqi.

The effect of such mutual operation is far more than the effect of one plus one equals two.

As the shadow of the gun pierced the sky, it was not until an hour later that Li Ming stopped to practice. He let out a sigh of relief and stood there with a smile on his lips.

"Qingsong finally succeeded in defeating the gunman."

Li Ming was satisfied in his heart. It didn't take long for him to acquire this marksmanship. It was a very good result to be able to practice to this point in such a short period of time. After all, he spent most of his time cultivating his inner strength, Qi, and strength. On the basis of practice.

And it is also due to the fact that he practices martial arts from the same line, which promote each other.

Otherwise, even a genius would not be able to practice a first-class marksmanship to a minor level so quickly.

Once he has mastered his marksmanship, he will have more support and combat effectiveness when fighting enemies on the battlefield.


After practicing the marksmanship, Li Ming gently threw the steel gun back to the weapon rack. Then he sucked a hundred-forged steel sword into his hand. Then he moved and the sword moved with him. A little bit of cold light suddenly appeared.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The whistling sound left by the sword light piercing the air lingered in his ears. In an instant, the long sword flashed across Li Yang's body like lightning.

After a moment, Li Yang flicked his wrist, and the long sword moved forward in an instant.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In one breath, the long sword thrust forward a full 120 times at high speed. It was not until he finished stabbing in one breath that Li Yang took a deep breath and stopped.

One of the main points of [Qingsong Needle Sword Technique] is to thrust the sword, and it is a very fast sword thrust.

There are two ways of stabbing the sword. One is to inadvertently stab the sword while practicing and dancing like just now. It is difficult for gods and ghosts to prevent it. The other is to stab out as densely as pine needles in one breath just like now. The fast sword makes it difficult for people to guard against it.

To be able to stab 120 swords with one breath is already a very advanced level of progress in Xiao Cheng. In three months, Li Ming's [Green Pine Breaking Army Spear] reached the Xiao Cheng stage of [Qing Pine Needle Sword Technique]. It is already extremely difficult to reach an extremely lofty realm.

But judging from the frown on his face, it was clear that he was not satisfied.

"It's just a little bit closer, but it's almost done..."

Li Yang murmured to himself, he could feel that his [Qingsong Needle Sword Technique] had reached a relatively high level among Xiao Cheng, and there was only one door left to break through to Dacheng.

No matter how he practiced, he always felt like something was missing.

"Perhaps, if you study hard and practice hard, you will be able to succeed naturally."

Li Ming looked at the snow around him, his heart moved slightly, and he continued to practice hard. "Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

In an instant, the entire courtyard was filled with Li Ming's flying sword figure.

The sword light roared, and the snow covered the entire courtyard, creating a scene covered in silver.

After practicing for another half an hour, still not satisfied, he stepped across the snow and stopped under the pine tree.Those huge and tall trees are like majestic guards, guarding this quiet territory.

Li Ming clenched the hilt of the sword, faced the wind and snow, concentrated his energy, and began to practice the needle sword technique.His sword moved in the air, leaving behind a dry sound like snowflakes flying all over the sky.

His figure was walking through the pine forest, his figure was soft and graceful, his sword path was graceful and smooth, and his light sword light shot through the air in the wind and rain, bringing with it a majestic and domineering aura.His expression was focused and calm, as if he was in a fairyland on earth.

While practicing swordplay, snow suddenly fell from the sky.

The snowflakes are getting bigger and bigger, and the scene in front of me is getting blurry.Li Ming's practice speed became extremely slow, as if he was like an old machine. His movements were slow but powerful.

In front of him was a shaky world, but in his ears were the clear whistling sounds and the crackling sounds of thunder.He was like a small boat rowing in the windy and snowy valley, taking a chance and passing through the majestic world step by step.

His practice time seemed to drag on for an extremely long time, and he could feel his body, mind and consciousness trembling violently as he dripped water, as if he was undergoing a cold test.

After practicing continuously for a long time, Li Ming finally exhaled slowly and put away his sword at the next moment. He no longer practiced swordsmanship, but walked out of the pine forest in the backyard and returned to the hall to eat.

The cook had already prepared lunch. While eating, Li Ming asked a few questions about the situation of his followers, master, uncles, uncles, and senior brothers. After receiving the news that everything was normal, he nodded with satisfaction.

As the mansion he changed became bigger and bigger, they no longer deliberately gathered together when eating. Wang Guangyun, Liu Zhuang, Liu Wu, Liu Qingshi, Wang Hengliang, Xu Jin and the disciples of Qingsongguan each guarded him. The huge courtyard prevents thieves or enemies from sneaking in.

Not only that, even the water and meals used are consumed separately from each other, and the sources are purchased from various places from time to time, so they are very cautious.

In fact, the power that Li Ming can possess is not limited to these. Not to mention anything else, the three hundred private soldiers alone have a huge operating space. However, Li Ming is not in a hurry to do it immediately, but writes a letter of resignation. , let my father choose first among his hometown.

"There should be some movement in the past three months."

After lunch, Li Ming couldn't help but think to himself. He looked out at the heavy snow that was drifting again. He frowned slightly and muttered. Then he looked aside and saw Xiao He and Yu'er wearing beautiful coats with fair skin. And beautiful.

He couldn't help but smile, he went up and held Xiao He's butt with his left hand and Yu'er's butt with his right hand, and they brought them to the bed of the house with a smile on their face.

"Master, it's broad daylight~"

Yu'er muttered in his mouth, but had no intention of resisting at all. He was breathing heavily after three times, five divided by two, and his eyes were widened by Master Li Ming.

Xiaohe tucked in the quilt, and as soon as she was tucked in, Li Ming hugged her and kissed her on the mouth.



The snowflakes outside the window are getting bigger and faster.

It rained continuously for an hour without stopping.

Li Ming came out of the bedroom, and within a few steps he saw a girl appear in his sight. She was the beautiful girl he had chosen from the palace. He smiled and waved, and waited for the girl to run over. He carried her into another bedroom and got into bed.

Li Ming couldn't put it down because of the hot body of the little beautiful maid. It took him an hour to get out of the bed.

Outside, the heavy snow finally stopped, and the whole courtyard was covered with a layer of snow that reached to the knees. The servants ran out and swept the snow away with brooms. Li Ming moved and quickly skimmed over the snow. , The body is extremely fast, but there are no marks on the snow.


With the wind whistling in his ears, Li Ming flew like lightning to the edge of the pine forest pressed by the branches in the backyard. Following his footsteps, he stood up and flew to the top of the pine tree.

"Qingye Shenfa, Dacheng."

A smile appeared on Li Ming's lips, feeling satisfied with the progress of his martial arts training.

In three months, the first [Green Leaf Body Technique] practiced was completed, followed closely by the [Green Pine Needle Sword Technique] that was almost completed, and the last [Green Pine Broken Army Spear] was completed. This progress is not unpleasant.

What's more, with the help of the elixir, he has developed [Qingsong Qi] and achieved first-rate Qi. In the past three months, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

He couldn't help but practice Qing Kung in the courtyard for a while, then picked up the spear and started practicing [Qingsong Pojunqiang]. After practicing for two hours, the meridians involved in [Qingsong Pojunqiang] started to hurt again, so he gave up immediately. , began to practice [Qingsong Needle Sword Technique]

He practiced until dark, then stopped practicing, returned to his hall to have dinner, caught a beautiful maid to accompany him to the room, and happily went to bed to play.

By the time I finished playing and went to bed, it was already late at night.

But in the early morning of the next day, Li Ming still woke up in high spirits.

After breakfast, he went to the living room to practice his internal skills comfortably. Li Ming was about to hone his martial arts skills when he suddenly received a notification.

"Sir, a housekeeper came to Mr. Wang's house and said that Mr. Wang invited you to come and have a talk."

The housekeeper hurriedly walked to Li Ming and spoke respectfully.

"Oh? Mr. Wang, which Mr. Wang?"

Li Ming was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise.

"It's Lord Wang Ling of Shibo Division."

The housekeeper spoke softly, and Li Ming frowned: "Wang Ling of Shibo Division, am I not familiar with him?"

As he murmured, Li Ming couldn't figure it out, but a top official from the shipping department invited him to his home for a banquet, and he couldn't shirk it. After thinking about it, he nodded: "I'll go take a look at changing clothes."


The housekeeper responded hurriedly, turned around and went back to inform the housekeeper of the Wangling Mansion who was still waiting outside. The maids around him had already automatically stepped forward to help Mr. Li Ming change into clothes commonly used for banquets.

Li Ming got dressed and stepped out, only to see a middle-aged man wearing a black gown waiting outside the hall with a smile on his face.

"Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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