There is a saying in the proverb: Take a virtuous wife and a beautiful concubine. This makes many people mistakenly believe that ugly people are more virtuous and beautiful people are the opposite.

But in fact, the uglier they are, the more mischievous they are. Those who are beautiful are more likely to be virtuous and have good personalities.

Because the ugly ones have rarely received care since childhood, while the beautiful ones have always been in this kind of care. It is self-evident that the person who grew up in two completely different environments has a better personality.

Why are femme fatales so popular among people?

Because beautiful people are more likely to be remembered...

If you don’t believe me, go check it out. Are there more ugly shrews or femme fatales on the street?

Ugly ones and bad-natured ones are common to everyone, so we are used to them, so we don’t think it’s a big deal. However, there are very few beautiful ones with bad personalities, so we are deeply impressed by them once we see them.

For example, the lady next to me is virtuous and virtuous, and she is also plump and plump, and she sleeps very well.

And the same goes for these concubines and ladies around me.

Li Ming was led by the eldest lady to the last room. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a nervous beauty wearing brocade clothes.

Among Wang Ling's three concubines, it was impossible for any one to be favored all the time and which one to be unfavored all the time. Those who were able to take them home as concubines were naturally ones they had liked before. Naturally, there could not be any bad-looking ones, as was the case with Ni Guangling.

She is clearly the least favored at present, but in Li Ming's opinion, her appearance is no different from the other two concubines.

"I was ordered to come and rescue the female relatives in the mansion. Those who can come with me can stay in my mansion. Those who can't come with me will be escorted to the Jiaofang Department."

Li Ming looked at the handsome woman with long hair in front of him, smiled and said: "Do you want to go to Jiaofangsi, or do you want to come with me?"

"The slave family, the slave family doesn't want to go to the Jiaofang Division, please ask the master to save the slave family!"

Hearing Li Ming's words, Ni Guangling's expression suddenly showed fear. She hurriedly walked to Li Ming and knelt down on the ground, looking up at him pitifully.

"Hey, it's easy to talk, it's easy to talk. You look and have a good figure."

Li Ming reached out and touched Ni Guangling's face, sighing aloud, then lifted the hem of her robe, picked her up and walked to the bed.

"Master, it feels so comfortable."

A blush flashed across Ni Guangling's face, and she took the initiative to hug Li Ming tightly with all four limbs, letting Li Ming's whole body rest on her, which was really soft and comfortable.

"Okay, okay, sir, you won't be able to do anything like this."

Li Ming smiled and nodded, then stretched out his hands to touch the beauty's cheeks, kissed her red lips, straightened his back and said with a smile.

"Dejin, dejin, master..."


As the sun sets to the west, the sky gradually becomes dark.

The eldest lady, two personal maids, two concubines, the eldest lady, and the second young lady were resting on the stools in the room. The eldest lady pretended to be calm, the eldest lady and the second young lady both blushed and did not look at the bed, but the second concubine was It felt much more natural. On the contrary, the two maids kept lowering their heads and looking at their toes, not daring to look back at all.

It wasn't until the sky got dark that the movement on the bed finally stopped. Li Ming got out of bed with a smile, got dressed with his concubine Ni Guangling, and walked to the girls.

After pinching the eldest lady's buttocks and rubbing the eldest lady's buttocks, Li Ming said with a smile: "There are still people in the house, I'll see if they can be saved. I'm satisfied with you guys, but I There are also rewards for my subordinates, brothers, and followers, so I can’t just eat alone.”

"There are thirty female maids and thirty male servants in Datongpu. Do you want to take a look?"

After hearing what Li Ming said, the eldest lady pressed her beady body against his and couldn't help but ask.

"Look, why don't you look, let's go."

Li Ming patted the dignified lady's butt and spoke with a smile. The usually dignified lady blushed and hurriedly led the way.

After walking out of the door, Li Ming hugged the two guards stationed in black and hugged each other. They both waved their hands and turned to leave.

Then Li Ming hugged the eldest lady and eldest lady's buttocks, and soon walked from the yard to Datongpu where the servants lived.

As soon as the eldest lady and eldest lady were carried in by Li Ming, the whole Datongpu immediately became quiet, and then the eldest lady explained Li Ming's purpose without Li Ming saying a word.

Hearing that they could not go to the Jiaofang Department, these servants and maids had no reason to disagree. They all agreed excitedly. Li Ming checked them one by one and found that they were all good-looking and had nothing wrong with them, so he waved his hand and said, They followed.

Then a group of people went to the valet shop in a mighty manner. Li Ming took a look and saw that they were all young and strong people who were scared and a little numb, so he nodded and asked them to follow.

When he led these people to the courtyard, a leader of the black-clad guards hurriedly stopped Li Ming and asked the female servants to stay where they were and quietly took him away to whisper.

"Master Li Ming, the leader has told you that if you take away all the people in this house, let them take their belongings with them. In addition, these gold and silver will also be given to you to help you support these people. ."

The leader of the black-clothed guard smiled and handed a wooden box to Li Ming's hand, and said softly: "Inside is 500 taels of gold. I went to exchange it for you with the silver in this house so that you can carry it. "


Li Ming was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows, turned around and raised his chin to the eldest lady who was following behind him: "Go back quickly and bring out all your personal belongings. The servants will bring the clothes and quilts."

"Hey, okay."

After listening to Li Ming's instructions, the eldest lady was happy, looked at Li Ming gratefully, and then hurriedly turned around and took everyone behind her back to get their things.

After they left, Li Ming bowed his hands to the leader of the black guards in front of him, turned around and pulled him aside.

"May I ask this brother, what does this mean? Why should such a traitor's female family members be treated so well?"

Li Ming looked a little confused. Every servant had the opportunity to be taken away by Li Ming, instead of being taken directly to the Jiaofang Division. He could also take things with him when he left, and someone would give him money to relieve his stress. This was too much. That's outrageous.You know, what is Jiaofangsi? This is an official brothel that makes money for the imperial court. The imperial court actually ignores those who make money for them, and instead gives them the opportunity to stay among the people?
"Master Li Hou, you came to the capital late. You may not know that this Lord Wang Ling has made secret achievements in the past. The court should not be too harsh on him."

The leader of the black-clothed guard shook his head, with emotion in his voice: "This secret skill is still related to the Xiongnu. It cannot be shown to others openly. But in private, the emperor also saw the royal tomb and gave him a reward, but it was because of this secret skill." , causing Wang Ling to be unable to break away from the relationship with the Xiongnu. In addition, we and the Xiongnu have not completely broken up yet, and some things cannot be done too perfectly... Therefore, no one is willing to do something like this. You are so cruel, the emperor wanted you to take away the women and servants of his family."

"However, these female servants, not even the eldest lady and eldest lady, know about this matter. I am afraid that what happened just now is for your sake. You don't need to say anything, lest they get into trouble."

The black-clothed guard spoke with a smile, and then whispered in Li Ming's ear: "I heard that Mr. Wang Ling also has a younger son who was also protected by the emperor. Although you were in danger that day, it seemed that Wang Ling only wanted to throw a cup as a reward. You will die without a burial place, but in fact, those words are the result of Wang Ling’s deliberate gift to you, and it is impossible for him to throw the cup.”

"It's just that the war is about to start and the Huns are forcing too much, so I have to do this. He has tried his best to help you, so you might as well be nice to his family. Your Majesty, I appreciate your loyalty and attitude, so I secretly reward you. In addition, , these are what the leader told me to say if you ask."

After the black-clothed guard leader finished speaking, he smiled and cupped his hands, said nothing more, turned around and bowed back to his original position.

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with emotion, and then silently returned to his original position.

He looked at the sunset in the capital, with the tombs of the kings who were accused of treason and these complicated past events behind them. With such a wise king, how could Daqian not prosper?

However, if there are practitioners in this country, it seems that Emperor Daqian is also a practitioner, but I don’t know if there will be formations covering the capital at the level of Qi training.

Daqian Bingfeng is so powerful but he has been holding back and not taking action. Is it because there is no time, or is it because the practitioners on the Xiongnu side are strong and have some scruples?

Is it true or false that Emperor Jianming said that the Xiongnu cultivators were no longer able to survive and took decisive action?

Is it because the Xiongnu cultivators are failing, or is it that the cultivators from the Daqian Empire are failing and are counterattacking before death to solve the crisis?

Various speculations emerged in Li Ming's mind, but in the end he silently tightened the six spirit beads in his pocket. He decided that no matter how sure the victory was in the following war, he could not be careless, and everything was about stability.

But before that, if you can improve your strength as quickly as possible, you still have to improve your strength as soon as possible!
Li Ming was thinking in his mind, and stood quietly in the courtyard for a while, then went to pick up the clothes and belongings of the eldest lady, the third concubine, the eldest and second miss, and two personal maids, together with a group of servants. They all came over with their bags on their backs.

The eldest lady walked behind Li Ming and looked at him with her eyes.

"Call the maids that you usually serve here, and let them serve you in the future."

Li Ming smiled and touched the eldest lady's smooth face, and said softly to the eldest lady, second lady, and third concubine on the side.

"it is good."

The girls' expressions suddenly flashed with joy, and they hurriedly went to the maid group to call the maids who usually served them.

In the entire mansion, only the eldest lady has the right to let her personal maid live in a single room. The other people's maids live together, so when Li Ming went to find them, only the eldest lady asked for the personal maid.

Li Ming watched them finish selecting, nodded, and then bowed his hands to the black-clad guards around him, and strode out of the house with the gold in hand under the polite greetings of the black-clad guards.

"Master Li, this is the carriage we prepared for you."

When they arrived at the door, some guards in black were leading fifteen large carriages outside. When they saw him coming out, they hurriedly smiled and waved. Li Ming smiled and nodded, then waved to ask the servants to squeeze in and lead the way. The four eldest ladies, eldest and second ladies sat in the first carriage, the three concubines sat in one, and the seven maids sitting in the same room sat in one. The other carriages were all distributed to the servants who brought things, and then they took them away. The servants took the initiative to drive the carriage towards Li's mansion.

"I didn't expect that the master is so proud that even the guards in black would be so polite to us. We will be very lucky in the future."

On the way back, when the black-clad guards in front of the mansion gradually moved away, the eldest lady sitting next to Li Ming couldn't help but look at him with shining eyes and said.

"Hahaha, if you follow me, how can you not enjoy happiness?"

Li Ming laughed, and then saw the eldest lady's eyes shining brightly, he couldn't help but hold her beady body in his arms and kissed her on the lips.


The eldest lady put her arms around Li Ming and actively greeted her. Her clothes were messy before she let go with a blushing face: "When I get to the house, others will see that my clothes are messy. Master, I will wait for you tonight. "

"Hahaha, okay, okay."

Li Ming smiled and patted the eldest lady's round ass. Then he saw the eldest and second ladies on the side looking away shyly, and he picked them up one by one and kissed them hard.


The two ladies' faces were red from being kissed, and they felt very embarrassed to be in his arms. However, they spoke reluctantly, but their bodies showed no intention of getting up. Seeing this, Li Ming naturally kissed him fiercely, until he reached the end of the kiss. , and then put down the eldest and second young lady with a red face.

The eldest lady looked at the two young ladies who looked at her with blushing faces and looked at her in embarrassment, and murmured in her heart: "You have learned to compete for favor at a young age." '

But after finishing speaking, she also lamented in her heart, knowing that all the recent changes had come too fast and had a great impact on them. From today on, they are no longer noble ladies, and she is no longer the big man with the power in the backyard. Madam, many things that I didn’t know how to do before and didn’t even bother to do have to change.

Two innocent young ladies were competing for favor, and she, the eldest lady, had to be humbled.

"Xiaocui, Ling'er, I like your own feelings. Don't learn anything from others when you go down. I will tell you what I want you to learn."

While packing clothes in the carriage, Li Ming pinched their buttocks and said with a smile.

"Understood, sir."

"Ling'er understands."

The two beautiful young ladies nodded hurriedly and spoke. Li Ming nodded with satisfaction, took his hand back and touched the buttocks of the eldest lady next to him: "From today on, you will be called Mrs. Li, and don't imitate me. I like the way you feel now.”

"Hey, Master, I listen to you."

The eldest lady's eyes lit up and she said eagerly.

Li Ming smiled and nodded, and then led the three of them out of the carriage. (End of chapter)

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