Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 415 Maid and Servant

Li Mansion was full of signs of hustle and bustle.

Thirty maids, thirty male servants, a total of NO.60 people, plus three concubines, two young ladies, an eldest lady, and two eldest lady's personal maids, this time there are 68 people.

For safety reasons, there were no servants in the Li Mansion. Although Li Ming had reached the rank of Marquis, there were only a dozen servants and servants in the family, most of whom were maids.

There was no other way. When I first entered the capital, I didn't understand all the situations, and I had little strength. Naturally, I didn't dare to go around and mess with too many servants. On weekdays, many of the jobs were even done by the senior brothers on duty in turns.

But now, half of these brothers and sisters were injured in the battle, and their followers were also injured. They all need someone to take care of them. With so many people lost, there will be no one to do the work at Li Ming's house. It's impossible to let him do it with just one master, or his uncle, the remaining brothers, or his own woman, right?
Let all these more than ten servants go, I'm afraid they will be too busy to handle it.

At this time, the role of servants and maids comes into play.

Come to work.

What kind of work does the maid do every day?

The first is the ordinary maid. The ordinary maid is responsible for daily service and chores.

"Every time there are servants and concubines inside and outside, when the rooster crows at first and the salt rises, the master washes his clothes. The male servant sweeps the hall and the courtyard, and the maid sweeps the hall. The maid sweeps the hall, sets up chairs and tables, and displays the utensils for washing and washing. The master, father, and mother As soon as he gets up, he brushes the bed quilt and stands on the left and right, ready for orders. He retreats and has food and drink. When he has free time, he washes clothes and sews, first in public and then in private. At night, he brushes the bed again and unfolds the quilt. During the day, he serves his concubines inside and outside. However, according to the master’s orders, each of them will do his job and serve a hundred servants.”

The rooster crows, usually around 05:30, when the maids get up and prepare to "go to work".

The first item of work is to clean the interior and inner courtyard (the outer courtyard is cleaned by the male servant);

Article [-]: Arrange tables and chairs to prepare breakfast for the host;
Article [-]: Prepare the owner’s toiletries;

Article [-]: While the master is washing, the maid returns to the master’s room to make the bed;

Article [-]: After finishing sorting, return to the master and stand beside him, waiting for further orders from the master.If the host gives in, go to the kitchen to cook;
Article [-]: Sewing and washing clothes;

Article [-]: Serve the master for lunch and nap;

Article [-]: Continue to sew and do some chores;
Article [-], prepare dinner;

Article [-]: Lay out the bedding and wait for the master to fall asleep.

The second is the maid in the same room, the kind of person who takes care of the male master's diet and daily life and is with him at all times. Even if he sleeps at night, he will be in the same room with the male master.

They would put a large open bed in the male master's room, and the maid would sleep on this bed for the convenience of taking care of her. This is the origin of the common room maid, because the room is open to the public.

First of all, before the male master goes to bed, what the maid needs to do is to wash herself, wear only a small amount of clothes and get into the bed, and use her own body temperature to warm the bed. This process may take about half an hour.During the process of warming the bed, he cannot sleep deeply, let alone play. After the bed is warm, he invites the owner to come over and sleep.

Secondly, after the host comes to the bedroom, he undresses and undresses the host and makes the bed.If the owner is elderly, he will have to support him and help him adjust his sleeping position.During this period, no mistakes can be made, otherwise the owner will be punished if he causes discomfort.It can be said that the maid was obedient and very cautious in this process.

After completing the above two processes, can the maid go back to sleep by herself at this time? The answer is no, and the last process is still needed.The temperature in winter is relatively cold. At that time, the room could only be heated by a fire pit, so the temperature in the room was still relatively low.

In addition, the feet of people who sleep at night in winter are most likely to get cold, so these maids have to help their masters warm their feet to ensure that their masters' feet do not get cold late at night.This work is completed by two maids, each with one foot in their arms to help the master warm their feet.

Next is the personal maid

This kind of people stay by their master's side, accompany them, and serve them personally. They generally don't need to work, they only need to give orders to others. At most, they can just bring tea and water. Most of them are the master's confidants.

Just like Miss Yu'er and Miss He, now there are two concubines of Li Ming.

Then comes the rough handling of the maid
This kind of work is usually the dirtiest and most tiring, such as boiling water, cooking, chopping firewood, feeding pigs, no matter what kind of work is dirty, it will be their turn to pay the most and get the least. This kind of work is actually the most dirty. pitiful.

In addition, the kind of personal maids may be young ladies who grew up with Miss Qianjin, and have become accustomed to their care. After he gets married, these girls will also marry with them. This is called dowry maid.

The dowry maid is most likely to become the maidservant.

All in all, these maids will get up at dawn and the cock crows.

Then immediately change clothes and wash up. The male servant is responsible for cleaning the outer hall and the outside. An older servant is responsible for cleaning the area bordering the inner and outer halls. The maid is responsible for cleaning the inner hall, furniture, vases, and windows.Arrange the grooming tools for the owner.

When the owner wakes up, he quickly arranges the bed, folds the bedding, and stands near the bathroom, ready to be called at any time.After the master washes up, he has to rush to the kitchen to help with the cooking.All the trivial matters assigned by the master must be obeyed.

When I have free time, I mainly focus on washing the mattress, following the rule of "the master comes first, myself second".

Before going to bed at night, bedding should be prepared, serve the owner to change clothes, and then rest.

Men manage external affairs, and women manage internal affairs.Men do not stay in their private rooms during the day without any reason, and women do not peek into the middle door without any reason.A man walks at night with a candle.If a woman comes out of the middle gate for a reason, her face will be covered.Male servants are not allowed to enter the middle gate unless they are repairing or have serious reasons. Women who enter the middle gate must avoid them and must cover their faces with their sleeves.There is a gray head under the bell, but the master communicates internally and externally and conveys things internally and externally. He is not allowed to be promoted to the hall or enter the kitchen.

The male servants are responsible for external affairs, and the maids are responsible for domestic affairs.The male servants were not allowed to enter the inner hall without any reason, and the maids walked out of the middle hall to ask for leave.The male servants must light a lamp when they go out at night, and the maids must use tarps, hoodies, etc. to hide their faces when they need to go out for some reason.

Except for emergencies, home maintenance and other reasons, male servants are not allowed to enter the inner hall without any reason.When it is necessary to enter the inner hall, the maid must get out of the way in time.Those who have no time to escape must cover their faces with their sleeves.

An older male servant was responsible for ringing the bell in the middle hall. He was responsible for reporting on matters outside. However, even if he was reporting on his behalf, this old servant was not qualified to enter the inner hall or the kitchen.

Does a wealthy landowner only have one first wife?Of course not, more than 1 women.For those with the rank of Juren or above, three persons are clearly specified.There is no limit, if there are more than 3 people, the number recorded in history books is 5.With so many women, of course they need an independent and private area to settle down. This is the "inner hall", which is used to block the opportunity to get close to men outside.

Why should the male servant be placed in the outer hall?

Based on the position of the male owner.The outer hall is used for daily reception and work, and the nave is located between the two.At night, when the male host wants to rest, he passes through the central hall and enters the inner hall.At this time, the male maid stopped and switched to the maid service.

The treatment is similar to that of the emperor, except that servants below the princes are unclean.Being unclean means there is a hidden danger.Therefore, the inner halls of landlords' houses are all filled with female servants.

The central hall is located between the inner and outer halls. A copper bell is tied to the door, and a 1-year-old servant guards the door.The inner hall uses a copper bell to signal that information and items need to go through such a process when they are transferred to the old servants.Similar procedures are not only done in the homes of rich people, but also in the homes of poor people who love to toss.

I met a male owner who didn't follow the rules and couldn't control his lower body (most of them were like this).

Then most of the maids in the inner hall will be used as tools for that.And when you are lucky, you will be tortured by the female master in turn.If the female master has no status, the favored maid will gain the status.It’s hard to describe the details, but if the family rules are loose, everything will be fine.But if she is the favored maid of an official family, ordinary maids will be dealt with arbitrarily if they go beyond the standard.

Sima Wen Gong was a pure man with few desires. He had no concubines in his family, but the ban on maidservants was very strict.One day, a guest peeked out of the gap of the roulette wheel and saw a maidservant with an unkempt head and dirty face. She was as thin as a ghost and was amazed.I know that my predecessors were strict about the distinction between internal and external affairs when running a household.

For a servant, he who insults his master will be hanged.

That is, strangling the throat with hands and killing someone alive.

In this era of etiquette and law, the relationship between master and servant is very rigid.

There is a daughter of the Zheng family in Tongzhou who is a maid of the Ma family.When Ma's family fell into decline, all his servants left, but Zheng stayed alone to attend to the sick, raise his young master, and support his master with clothes and clothes.After more than seventy years, he never left and ended up a virgin.

Zhang's maidservant is from Haining.The mistress was widowed and poor, so her brother cut off the house and lived with his maidservants, spinning crops for food.Your servant is serving your mistress. Her mistress is dying of illness and there is no one who can help her.The maid was in urgent need of handling matters, so she recruited a matchmaker. She originally made a vend to use it as a funeral service, and said: "I don't ask for much, so I got seventy minks, which I will collect from my mistress. When the matter is over, I will come to be her wife." He told his mistress, The mistress feels its meaning.When the mistress died, the maid kept her with seventy minks.After the service was over, I asked my husband's family to welcome him with a chariot. The maid held the coffin and it was so painful.

Bai Shi, a native of Qin'an, was Zhang Cui's maid.Cui's wife died first, became ill and died, and her children wept.Bai Ri: "Your Majesty has passed away, and I am responsible for this croak!" Cui nodded and continued to cry.She bowed under the bed with a white bun and said: "My servant is now the wife of the king, how can I have different ambitions in life and death!" Cui Nai was silent.He caress his children until they grow old.

In addition, people are required to do laundry, cooking, chopping firewood and boiling water, cleaning, and feeding poultry and livestock every day.

As a marquis, Li Ming lived such a miserable life. He might not feel bad about it, but those who were interested would probably be able to stand it long ago.

For example, the emperor.

This time, I took advantage of the opportunity of Prince Shibosi's mausoleum to betray the imperial court, and deliberately let him fill the mansion with more maids. In this way, there would be people to do everything, and the palace where the military aircraft is waiting will look like the palace where the military aircraft is waiting. , can support such a big mansion.

In addition, there may be another factor - Li Ming has too few women and no heirs.

This is so uncomfortable. How can a general who is fighting abroad have no heirs at home? How can people feel at ease if he has no heirs at home?

So Emperor Jianming kept sending women to Li Ming because he didn't believe that he couldn't produce heirs.

What is the Black Guard? It's not the emperor's sword. The message from the leader of the Black Guard actually implies that it is the emperor.

Of course, this also sends a message - the emperor has noticed you, you will be safe in the future, and you no longer need to be so cautious.

A dignified military aircraft is so cautious in the capital, so how can ordinary people live?
Of course, it may be that this assassination made Emperor Jianming embarrassed to say too much, so he hinted in this way.

However, no matter what, with these sixty servants, the mansion can indeed support itself.

The most important thing is that the emperor gave these maids and servants to him intact, or they were given to him from the guards in black. What does this mean?

It shows that these servants have gone through trials, which can make people feel at ease.

Of course, everything may just be a fantasy guess by Li Ming. Who knows what the specific situation will be.

"This is Yu'er and this is Xiaohe. They cannot be wronged in the mansion."

Li Ming first took the eldest lady, three concubines, and two young ladies to meet Yu'er Xiaohe's two concubines brought from his hometown and introduced them to them.

"Ms. Li, I have met my two sisters."

The eldest lady was more mature than Yu'er, but she sweetly called them sister immediately after they met. Although Yu'er and Xiao He were a little surprised, they accepted it calmly.

"Ling'er, Xiaocui, I've met my two sisters."

The eldest young lady and the second young lady also spoke. Yu'er and Xiao He also smiled and nodded hurriedly, and then the three concubines behind also said hello to them.

"They will live in the mansion from now on. They are temporarily counted as third-class concubines, second-class concubines, and first-class concubines, below you. These maids and servants have also been arranged, especially to take care of the injured senior brothers and Wang Guangyun. The four of them, other than that, just stay at work."

Li Ming said with a smile, and then thought for a while: "Don't be too harsh. It's not too late to get up at dawn every day. You should have a rest time at noon, and rest when it gets dark at night. You should also have three days of rest every month. You need to boil hot water to wash clothes and other things in winter. All in all, try to make things easier for the servants."

"But one thing is that anyone who dares to deceive the master's family or disrespect the master's family will be severely punished!"

Li Ming simply set the tone, and then began to call the servants behind to pull the carriages into the yard, and then began to arrange the accommodation of these servants and women.

Then he told his uncles and masters about the matter. After having dinner together that night, he called them to the study together with Wang Guangyun, Liu Wu, Liu Zhuang, and Zhao Xiu.

"Today, the emperor kept me in the palace and gave me a special reward."

Li Ming took out the six spirit beads and looked at the seven people in front of him with a smile, "These six spirit beads are to help people quickly condense their magic power. In addition to these, there is also an article called "Qi Jue" which is about cultivating immortal skills. Law!" (End of this chapter)

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