The sun was shining, and it brought some warmth to the body. Only the places where the sun didn't shine were cold, and the steps were also very cold and uncomfortable.

Yu'er and Xiaohe, who had been sitting in the car with cold feet and cold legs, asked Li Ming if he could take advantage of the stop to move around and circulate blood to warm his feet.

"The powerful enemy has retreated, but it may not be safe."

Li Ming frowned. He was not sure if there were any hidden enemies around him, but after thinking that even if someone came to attack, he would not attack these women, he still said: "It doesn't hurt to come down for a while. Not only them, but also the people in the mansion." Please come down together with your servants, but remember not to go too far, everyone is moving around the car. If you want to poop or pee, ask the people around you to stop them, and you can't go more than three steps away."

"Hey, I got it, Master."

The steward who came to ask immediately nodded when he heard this, and then hurriedly turned his head to greet some of the followers who were following him, telling them to notify them one by one in a carriage by carriage.

"Master said, if you want to stay warm, everyone who poops or pees will get down and stand by the carriage to let the sun shine. You can't poop or urinate more than two steps away, and everyone will surround you."

"If you want to stay warm, everyone who poops or pees should get down and move their feet beside the carriage! Those who poop or pee can't be more than two steps away and have people surround them, as the master said."

"It's cold hands and feet. If you want to poop or pee, get out immediately and don't go too far by the car. Let others gather around you to poop. Master said..."

The attendants around the housekeeper hurriedly ran over to notify each carriage one by one. The housekeeper himself was not idle, and trotted over to notify each carriage one by one.

The matter in front of the team had not yet been resolved. No one yelled in an ignorant manner, everyone hurried down silently, and no one walked away dishonestly. Everyone started to move obediently.

In this era when life is at stake, those who are ignorant are basically dead.

Fortunately, the master, uncle and uncle who went out to solve the problem and the group of bandits were a hundred steps away from the team, so they had little influence on each other.

The movement behind them also attracted the attention of the thirteen [Qingsongguan] disciples who were arrayed in front of the team to protect them. When they heard the movement, some people also twisted, silently turned around and took two steps to unzip their pants and face the roadside. Peeing on grass.

"Brother, how did these people come to feel that they have no magic power, but they can cast spells? They are all innate and perfect masters."

Liu Zhuang went to the roadside and took a deep drink. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and ran over and couldn't help but ask Li Ming.

"It's not clear yet, but most of them are from the peace-keeping faction."

Li Ming shook his head, squinted his eyes and said, "I attacked a wave of these people in the court a few days ago, and now we are being attacked like this while walking along the road. Judging from their martial arts styles, it's all me. They are the only ones who have this style, strength, information, and motivation.”

"Brother, what you said makes sense. Although these people are masked, their martial arts methods cannot be changed. They must be Daqian martial arts. Being able to gather so many masters at one time is definitely not something ordinary people can do. The most suspicious person is These are the peacekeepers.”

Zhao Xiu on the other side couldn't help but agree, and then spoke again: "But it cannot be ruled out that other countries are trying to sow discord."

"Damn it, we don't have many spells, and we haven't had time to learn them yet, otherwise we wouldn't be able to allow them to come and leave as they please."

Liu Zhuang snorted and spoke in a depressed tone.

"Don't talk nonsense. If my eldest brother hadn't distributed the spirit beads to us in advance so that we could cultivate our magic power before setting off, you wouldn't be alive today."

Liu Wu on the side opened his eyes and hurriedly scolded him. After saying this, Liu Zhuang rolled his eyes: "How could I not know this? I'm just so angry. These people come and leave at will. And we are just a few less than them." It’s just the same thing.”

"This group of people has extraordinary strength. If we don't have the patience to adapt to the magic practice at home during this trip, I'm afraid it will be really dangerous this time."

Wang Guangyun on the side couldn't help but say: "In the future, when going into battle to kill the enemy, marksmanship and riding skills, battle formation training, and insight into the timing are important, but the art of close combat cannot be relaxed, otherwise we may not be able to react in time if such an assassination occurs. "

"Brothers Liu Zhuang and Wang Guangyun are right."

Zhao Xiu couldn't help but speak: "In ordinary high school duels, whoever can win with one more move can determine the outcome, or even decide life and death. But now that we are leading troops to fight and face the assassination of these higher-level masters, we have one more method. Maybe it will be a different result. Whether it is a war or a battle between masters like this, the number and perfection of means is extremely important!"

"Whoever has more shortcomings will have more weaknesses and will be more likely to be defeated by enemy attacks. Likewise, whoever has more means, even if there is only one extra spell like this, that is the key means to determine victory or defeat."

Liu Zhuang couldn't help but nodded and spoke. After speaking, he looked at Li Ming with some worry: "Brother, the only method we have now is to protect the body and soul. Not to mention the effectiveness of these two methods, there are many other shortcomings. "

"Spells are rare. There is no telling when we can get them or whether we can possess them. We might as well train a force specifically for such a powerful master to deal with such a scenario where masters attack and kill him."

Wang Guangyun's eyes burned: "Now that we have acquired a military status, we have an army in hand, and we can train various armies openly, and we can also have crossbows. If we train a well-trained master and form a single formation to cooperate with each other, The first practice is to fight with swords, the second practice is to escape from siege, the third practice is to practice strong bows, powerful crossbows, poisonous soldiers and hidden weapons, form a small team to hide in the dark, it will be miraculous if this happens again!"

"Hey, Brother Wang Guangyun has a good idea. If we don't have enough experts, we'll just use our best soldiers. Not to mention how useful it will be by then, it's worth it if it can disrupt their rhythm and help us share some of the pressure!"

Liu Zhuang's eyes were bright and he couldn't help but speak.

"This is a really good idea, and we can also make some special crossbows to deal with this situation."

Zhao Xiu on the other side couldn't help but have a gleam in his eyes: "I heard that [Qianji Pavilion] is the best at making all kinds of powerful hidden weapons. Maybe we can contact them."

"[Qianji Pavilion] Although the powerful hidden weapons are expensive, we don't need too many of these soldiers."

After brainstorming and chatting, Wang Guangyun couldn't help but speak: "This kind of soldiers and horses are more valuable than more expensive. I think every five people in a team, a total of 10 teams, can play an important role. "

"When we first build it, we don't need to train so many people at once. Just train 15 people first. Select those with outstanding talents and cool personalities from among the young men who join the army and train them vigorously."

Zhao Xiu made a calculation in his mind and hurriedly said: "It doesn't necessarily have to be young and strong. If there are trustworthy martial arts masters who defect to the army, we may be able to recruit them directly and appoint them on the spot!"

"We can't use everyone here. Although this kind of assassination is dangerous and critical, since we are going to enter the battlefield in the future, we must still focus on battlefield conquest."

Wang Guangyun's mind raced, and he began to add: "Those who are physically strong and masters of hard skills are mostly used in battlefields, and those who are sensitive, strong, and quick in reaction are often used in such battle formations."

"Yes, we can't all fight on the battlefield with stupid people like us. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with someone who is as agile as a monkey and has good body skills."

Liu Wu couldn't help but say: "It is best for every Henglian general to have such a sensitive and fast master to assist him, so as not to be attacked by others for obvious weaknesses."

Everyone already sketched out a beautiful blueprint with one glance and one word. Li Ming smiled and nodded with satisfaction. "They say brainstorming, one person's idea is ultimately one-sided. It seems that if we encounter any problems in the future, we will still have to sit down together and discuss to find a comprehensive solution."

"It's just that although the idea is good, it must be adapted to the time and place. It's still unclear who the family can recruit. If you blindly consider everything, you may not be able to reach every aspect."

As Li Ming spoke, he couldn't help but make some pointers: "Our current status depends on your Majesty's suggestions. Your Majesty's biggest need is to solve the Huns. Although these suggestions are good, everything must be based on military construction first."

"If there are talents, you should satisfy the army first, wait until the army is built, and then go back to sort out the internal defense."

"In addition, you still need to read more military books, practice more on how to discern opportunities, and think more and practice more on how to deal with various situations."

"However, [Qianji Pavilion]'s high-power hidden weapons can be contacted in advance. If the conditions are suitable, we can also customize weapons that are easy to use, powerful and powerful."

Li Ming nodded, and as he spoke, he thought of something in his mind: gunpowder.

Gunpowder has been around in this world for a long time, but it was only used to enjoy fireworks and firecrackers, or to assist Taoist priests in making alchemy, but no one had ever taken the trouble to make a powerful weapon.

But in this world with extraordinary power, it makes sense. After all, gunpowder is powerful, but it is also an external object. It is not as important as the enhancement of one's own Qi. After all, Qi can prolong life and live more comfortably. Who cares about this? Woolen cloth?

Ask yourself, if he lived in this world, he would not want to "waste" energy and time on these mundane things.

If it is a talisman and alchemy formation for cultivating immortals, these ordinary foreign objects... are really unnecessary.

But now... that's not necessarily the case.

There are extraordinary individuals in this world, and naturally there are also extraordinary materials. If nothing else, the long swords in their hands are made by craftsmen with high martial arts and are not weaker than the fine equipment of the earth.

It shouldn't be a problem to create a barrel as required for a rifled gun.

The key is how to create it yourself without leaking secrets.

Most of the warriors who have their own strength and know how to forge are attracted by forces like [Hidden Sword Villa] and [Qianji Pavilion]. Generally, the skilled craftsmen who can be found are ordinary people.

'It seems that this matter will eventually fall on our own people'

It may be possible to find a trustworthy expert in your own power, cultivate both internal and external skills, improve your spirit, learn the craftsmanship of a skilled craftsman, strictly manage your residence, and create a weapon according to what he has in mind.

And it’s not just guns, the creation of high-energy gunpowder is also equally important...

After hearing what Li Ming said, everyone calmed down a bit, and then discussed some details. They suppressed their thoughts and turned their attention to the front to see how the uncles resolved these matters.


"We don't know their specific origins. We only saw them once having contact with officials, but we don't know the specific officials. We just heard someone mentioned."

Hearing Liu Qingshi's question and looking at the unkind expressions on the three of them, the eldest of the five swallowed his saliva and couldn't help but speak, but he hesitated here.

"As soon as I thought about it, are you afraid that we won't save your lives?"

Seeing his expression, Xu Jin narrowed his eyes and immediately shouted loudly.

"...It's...the third prince."

The eldest among the five moved his lips and spoke in a low voice. All five of them pursed their lips and shrank their hands.

Liu Qingshi and the other three immediately paused and looked at each other with squinted eyes.

"The man in yellow robe has never landed in the sky, and has never had any contact with us. We really don't know anything about him."

The second child spoke next, looking at the three people in front of him with a worried and nervous expression.

"Throw away the sword, tie your hands and feet, and wait for your life."

Wang Hengliang narrowed his eyes and scolded him. After speaking, he said in a cold voice: "I don't care about anything else. If there is even half a lie in what I said about the third prince, you will not be able to live or die!"

"I listened to the third prince's instructions at that time, and I didn't dare to listen again, but I have no idea what was said before and after, or what the instructions were."

The boss hurriedly spoke: "As for this group of assassins, they have been forcing me to wait since the man in yellow robe arrived. There is no communication at all. We don't know much."

"Better so."

Wang Hengliang snorted, and then raised the sword in his hand. They immediately dropped the useless sword obediently and bound their hands and feet with their own clothes. The nervous disciples behind him were also ordered to do the same.

Not long after, they all tied themselves up. Wang Hengliang immediately flew out and pushed them to the ground. He quickly searched to see if there were any other hidden things. After searching, he asked the servants behind him to get hemp ropes to tie them all up. .

Even the minions behind these people were treated like this. After they were all searched and tied up, their ears were plugged, their eyes were blindfolded, and Jian Pu, half of the disciples and Chen Yue were left to take care of them.

Immediately after Wang Hengliang personally suppressed the five people, Liu Qingshi and Xu Jin found Li Ming with serious expressions and told them what they had inquired about.

"Third Prince..."

Li Ming's eyes narrowed, and then he waved his hand: "Go back first, keep a close eye on them, and then ask about [Hidden Sword Villa] when you get back. You will know whether it is true or not."

"Don't mention the matter of the third prince again. Master Liu, please go to their residence with your master to see if there is anything you can bring back..."

(End of this chapter)

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