Encountering an assassin's attack on the way back home is not a complicated matter at all. The only thing is to find a way to catch the assassin, and then find out all the people behind it and kill them.

Dare to kill me?Then I will kill all of you!
But once this matter involves the third prince, it becomes complicated.

Today's Emperor Jianming looks very young and energetic, but this should be due to his successful practice. In fact, he is already over 50 years old. He has seven children under his command, including the eldest prince, the empress, and the eldest prince who belongs to a different family. The concubine's second prince, third prince, fourth princess, fifth princess, sixth prince, and seventh princess.

Among them, the eldest prince and the second prince are both in their 30s, and the third prince is in his 20s. The sixth prince is only eight years old and has little influence. The only influential princes in the court are the eldest prince and the second prince. , these three are the Third Prince.

Now that Emperor Jianming was in the prime of life, he was successful in spiritual practice, his country was stable, and he had the ambition to point his sword at the Western Regions, so he did not establish a prince.

There are certainly reasons for doing this. In the current situation of Emperor Jianming, it is the time when the entire court needs to work together. If a prince is established, there will be a large number of talented people clinging to him. Once he is so clinging, the power he can mobilize will inevitably be affected. The impact will be more or less detrimental to the overall situation.

This can be seen from the behavior of Emperor Jianming. He was an absolutely cautious person, and he always planned everything before taking action. Even with Daqian's current national power, he was already very sure of dealing with the Huns, and almost captured them with ease, but he still I am fully prepared and have the mentality of a lion fighting a rabbit.

Under such circumstances, he naturally would not see a factor that would hinder him from mobilizing his power. Therefore, even though the eldest prince, the second prince, and the third prince were already older, he had no intention of establishing a prince.

However, this resulted in a situation where the crown prince's position was vacant and the three princes all had their own agendas.

Even if they don't, the ministers below will choose the corresponding prince based on their own interests, and then promote this matter, striving to put the prince who is in line with their own interests to the throne, and greatly promote the development of their own interests.

Although under the extremely consolidated imperial rule of the Daqian Empire, these ministers could not make any waves, but they would eventually have such momentum.

Among the three princes, the eldest prince has been practicing among the border troops, the second prince has been wandering around the court to help, and the third prince has never made any movements.

But now it seems that the third prince may be a little close to the peacekeepers.

And...if the possible speculation is true, the third prince actually dares to send someone to assassinate him, a famous minister promoted by His Majesty the Emperor. Even if the other party has no murderous intention, it is difficult to guess his intention.

"In matters between princes, one careless move can lead to being shattered into pieces. Now that we have not accomplished anything, we should not get involved in the affairs of these princes. Even if this matter is really the worst case scenario we guessed, it is As if it didn’t happen.”

Inside the carriage, Wang Hengliang, Xu Jin, Liu Qingshi, Wang Guangyun, Zhao Xiu and Li Yang gathered together. Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu were guarding outside the carriage. After carefully discussing the news they heard from these [Juyi Villa] people, , Zhao Xiu couldn't help but said: "Even if everything turns out to be the worst case scenario we imagined, we still have to wait until it develops and expands in the future before settling the accounts."

"Now that we have nothing, it's really not appropriate to get involved in these things."

After hearing what Zhao Xiu said, everyone nodded solemnly.

"Besides, no one knows what the Third Prince is like. What Chai Yongjie of [Juyi Villa] said may not be true. Even if it is true, he only heard these five words, the same five words, before and after. Keeping up with different content means completely different meanings, and it’s really not easy to make rash decisions based on this.”

Liu Qingshi spoke cautiously, his brows full of color.

[Qingsongguan] is a pretty good first-class force in the world, but it is only in the world. Compared with the royal family who controls the world, it is not worth mentioning.

He and Wang Hengliang's martial arts are very strong, but there are so many masters in the royal family. Not to mention anything else, the six spirit beads that Li Ming was rewarded this time are all things that he [Qingsong Temple] does not have.

Not to mention two more spells.

Facing the power of the royal family, they were too weak after all.

Although the third prince does not represent the royal family, and even the assassin who came to attack them suddenly this time is not necessarily related to the royal family, but is more likely to be a peacekeeper, but... no matter who it is, they are not suitable now, and they do not have this The mind is involved in these things.

Therefore, at this moment, even just a few words made each of them feel extremely vigilant. Sitting here and talking for a long time, even Liu Qingshi, who has traveled around the world, has rich experience and knows the role of mentality best, is very solemn. .

Such a whirlpool is really not something they can participate in now.

"These are exactly what I want to say. This sentence is rotten in everyone's heart and should not be mentioned before the time comes."

Li Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, obviously knowing the seriousness of this matter.

If this matter was really done by the third prince, what was his purpose?
In order not to start a war, they sent people to assassinate him?
But Emperor Jianming was determined to fight. Couldn't he see that it would be the same with or without him?
The battle between the Xiongnu and Daqian will definitely go on, and this will never change just because of Li Ming.

However, under such circumstances, why would the other party come to assassinate him?
Just a warning?
But what if it's not...

Given the strength of the other party, they sent so many powerful innate masters of magic this time, but no assassination was successful. If the other party really has murderous intentions, will they send stronger ones in the future?
Is it right for him to continue returning home? Will he encounter more dangers on the road?
All kinds of problems suddenly turned into mountains lingering in the heart because of one sentence, which made people feel heavy in their hearts.

However, no matter what, everything is still happening secretly, and everyone has not broken their skin, and there is still room for maneuver no matter what.

On the contrary, if he exposes this matter and changes it from secret to public, then it will really turn the living chess into a dead chess.

Once they truly stand on the opposite side, with the power that the third prince has in his position, they will die on the spot if they are not careful.

Therefore, even if there are all kinds of doubts about this matter and there are all kinds of crises now, it cannot be openly publicized.

However, just not doing it is not an option.

"Let me tell you, it is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. In the coming time, you must always maintain sufficient vigilance and be prepared to deal with all situations."

Li Ming spoke seriously to everyone, and then narrowed his eyes: "How many carrier pigeons do we have that can fly back to the capital?"

"Five more."

Wang Guangyun on the side spoke next. "Keep two, and prepare the rest for me to write a letter and send it to the capital."

Li Ming thought for a while and immediately gave instructions.

Then someone got a pen and paper and started writing on the frame on the spot.

Upon seeing this, Wang Guangyun immediately went to the team to fetch all the carrier pigeons that could travel to and from the capital, waiting for Li Ming to finish writing.

"Your Majesty personally declares that on his way back to his hometown, my minister Li Ming suddenly encountered nine assassins. Their martial arts are extremely high. They are all in the middle and late stages of Xiantian. They also master magic and have extraordinary strength. They can fly away. It is difficult to prevent them. The minister's life is fragile. , It’s unreasonable, but I am returning to my hometown this time to train my troops and prepare for the expedition against the Xiongnu. I am afraid that my small life may delay the great cause of sending troops.”

"I think that although my army is small, every bit of the power to conquer the Xiongnu is important. In fact, I will not escape my guilt even if I die. For the future training of the army, I hope that your majesty will bother to dispatch experts to guard it, so as to shake Xiao Xiaoxiao." .”

Li Yang quickly wrote letters on the paper with small characters. He wrote three letters in a row. After waiting for the ink to dry, he rolled them into paper rolls and stuffed them into the mail bucket on the pigeon's leg.

"To prevent any accidents, please master. Master, you two will follow me and take a look."

After writing the letter, Li Ming smiled and said to his uncle and master in front of him.

Ask the emperor to send some experts over. This is the solution Li Ming thought of.

Li Ming didn't know how high this master was, but as long as he was a master personally sent by the emperor, even if he was just a first-rate warrior, it showed his attitude.

There are experts sent by the emperor. This is an attitude to protect him. If anyone launches an attack on him when there are experts sent by the emperor to guard him, then it is not a trivial matter like attacking Li Ming, but a provocation. Important matters of imperial power.

When the time comes, Li Ming won't have to worry about it. The huge royal power will move in and crush him into powder in an instant.

In this way, even if their strength has not yet developed, they do not have to worry about encountering any enemy crises that are difficult to contend with.

In addition, there is another little thought... Li Ming specifically mentioned that they knew how to escape, with the intention of asking for the corresponding spell.

————Every assassin I encounter knows this kind of spell. If I don’t have the corresponding means to deal with it, wouldn’t it be very dangerous?
I just don't know if the emperor will give it to him. If he does, Li Ming thought, there is a high probability that the master who was sent will come with him to let them learn.

As for whether the emperor believed it or not...he had no reason to doubt it.

These carrier pigeons are specially trained. Once they fly to the capital, they will not fly to Li Ming's mansion, but directly to the Royal Carrier Pigeon Station. With Li Ming's current status with the emperor, he will definitely not think that he is idle and cheating. What a lie to lie to him.

As for what to do specifically, it depends on what Emperor Jianming thinks.

While Li Ming was thinking, the other people who read the letter he wrote also had smiles on their faces. Apparently they all understood the meaning of Li Ming's letter. After listening to Li Ming's words, Liu Qingshi and Xu Jin immediately nodded.

Pigeons may be threatened by predators during flight, such as hawks, cats, etc., which may cause them to panic, lose direction, or even lose their lives. In order to ensure that the three pigeons can fly back smoothly, it is necessary to escort them for a period of time .

And it doesn't stop there, there are also issues such as hunting by hunters, enemies who may be hiding in the dark, seeing the character, flying out and beating the pigeon to death, etc.

Pigeons are most likely to attract attention when they take off, so it is a wise choice to escort them for a distance at this time.

Especially if you are escorted by an innate expert, it is even more foolproof.

"We can travel much faster than pigeons now."

Hearing Li Ming's words, Liu Qingshi and Xu Jin both had a smile on their faces. They and Wang Hengliang were the core forces in the team. Although escorting the pigeons was important, protecting their safety was equally important, so it was impossible All get out.

It would be the best choice for the two of them to go out and send pigeons while the strongest Wang Hengliang is left.

"You walk more slowly on the way, and rest more when you get to the inn. We will send more pigeons there before we return."

Liu Qingshi said something, and he and Xu Jin took the three grids on their bodies, and then moved quickly towards the capital with a movement.

It is impossible for them to bring the pigeons directly to the capital, but they can bring them to a very close distance in half a day, thereby greatly increasing the safety of the pigeons. With their current cultivation, magic power, and attainments in light body kung fu, they can also bring the pigeons to a very short distance in half a day. With strength, this is not a problem.

Li Ming watched the master and his uncle disappear from sight, and then looked at the [Juyi Villa] group that was following at the end of the team, together with a group of horses and more than 30 carriages brought by the master, his uncle, and his uncle from their home. , a pile of grain, cloth and money, silently returned to the carriage.

"Uncle Master, next you and I will sit together. Wang Guangyun, you and Zhao Xiu ride a carriage in front of us. Let Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu prepare three similar carriages and walk in the middle. There are a few men sitting in them. We have to Just keep the carriage near these carriages, and then let them ride in the carriage behind us."

Li Ming returned to the carriage, thought for a while, and adjusted their positions again. After hearing Li Ming's words, they all nodded, and then began to mobilize the carriages in the convoy and adjust the size of the people riding.

"What a false and true reality. There must be something fishy about three identical carriages walking together in a convoy, but in the end there is nothing fishy about them. The most obvious signs of protection, Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu, are both in the carriage and no one knows where they are. Even if we find your carriage, we will face our strongest masters, and no matter what we find, they will have something good to look at."

After hearing Li Ming's arrangement, Zhao Xiu couldn't help but his eyes lit up and he praised it, and then hurriedly went out with Wang Guangyun to make arrangements.

Wang Hengliang showed a smile on his face, said nothing, and sat opposite Li Ming with his sword in his arms, his eyes slightly closed, sensing the movement around him.

Outside the carriage, Zhao Xiu and Wang Guangyun found Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu and whispered to them what Li Ming had arranged. Their eyes lit up and they hurriedly made arrangements according to the instructions.

The carriages and horses in the convoy moved back and forth several times, and the carriages unknowingly changed positions, and then continued walking on the wide official road. (End of chapter)

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