"There are two clever ones."

In the carriage, Li Ming looked at the roast chicken and cakes cooked at home that were brought to him by his servants. He looked forward and chuckled.

After becoming famous, it was common for people to greet him on the road and ask for rewards when he returned to his hometown, so he didn't feel disgusted. He just smiled and asked people to bring the things over, and gave him a reward at the same time.

He took the roasted chicken and tore it off piece by piece and took a piece of pastry: "I ate this and distributed the rest to the other [Qingsongguan] senior brothers who came back with me, including Wang Guangyun, Zhao Xiu, Liu Wu, and Liu Zhuang. , and Master, Uncle and Master.”

With his current level of martial arts, he can know whether there is any poison in the thing without waiting for him to get it, and it is too rare in the world for poison to poison a Qi Refining monk with magic power. In a small Linshan Town, unless there is a world of immortal cultivation The master deliberately ambush.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible.

What's more... before this food was delivered to him, someone had already tested the poison, and the person who tested the poison was Chen Yue, a great disciple with magical power who was very similar to him.

If the opponent could possess such a strange poison, he would not use such a crude method of poisoning.

Even if you really encounter someone who deliberately uses this crude way of poisoning, and the poison is still capable of poisoning an innate master with magic power, then you can only accept it...

In a sense, the local flavor given by people in his hometown after entering the countryside has special meaning, so Li Ming separated and ate a little bit by himself instead of finishing it by himself.

Moreover, this method is inherently a cost-effective way to unite people, and he would not mind doing more of it since he is passionate about it.

Li Mingqian hid two pieces, and the taste of Linshan Town flooded into his taste buds through a small bite of roast duck meat and pastries. He couldn't help but smile at the corners of his mouth, looking ahead at the servants beside him. He said: "Write them down. If you want to recruit soldiers in the future, pay more attention to them."

There is indeed a custom of welcoming celebrities who are famous outside when they return to their hometown, but 90.00% of people go to the mansion of the returnee to pay the reward to the family master.

It is indeed smart for people like them to think reversely and come here to welcome Li Ming. He happens to be recruiting troops, so he might as well give him a chance to try.

Sometimes, on the battlefield, it is this kind of smart people who are most useful, or in other words, it is this kind of smart people who are easiest to perform miraculous effects.

Now that he has met him, Li Ming doesn't mind trying to recruit him casually.

After listening to Li Ming's words, the servants following him quickly responded, and then silently recorded the appearance of the two people. They watched the two people who received Li Ming's silver reward happily send them back to the city.

At this moment, in Linshan Town, a town that has become increasingly prosperous, the news that Marquis Li Ming, who won the first prize in the imperial examination, has returned to his hometown has spread rapidly in the town as several young people strode back.

"What, my son is back, but is it true?"

Above the Li Mansion, Mr. Li, who had just returned home after entertaining a few passers-by, heard the messenger running over to announce the good news. He couldn't help but speak with joy, and then frowned and looked up and down and asked, Apparently he was worried that some rascal would take advantage of him for fun.

"It's absolutely true. On the wooden pole at the entrance of Mr. Li's small town, you can see two flags from a distance, one with the character "Li" and the other with the character "hou" of the marquis. Except for your young master Li, the entire Linshan Town has been here for hundreds of years. There has never been such a character, so it must be someone else!"

The first person who ran over to deliver the letter spoke hurriedly, and when he spoke, he did not forget to flatter him a little, which made Mr. Li happy.

"At this time of year, if you type the character "Li" and the character "Hou" for "Master Hou", it must be the young master who has returned."

What the young man said, Linshan Town had not seen such a figure for hundreds of years, really made Mr. Li smile and feel comfortable. The housekeeper on the side also spoke quickly after hearing this, which made Mr. Li smile even more.

"Li's surname is a popular surname, what if it's not?"

Mr. Li said no, but the smile on his face did not stop. As he spoke, he stepped forward with a smile and patted the shoulder of the boy who came to deliver the letter: "You kid will come, follow the housekeeper and get a ten Two pieces of silver, and two pieces of cloth, go back and make some clothes for your mother. If my young master really comes back, I promise you a job."

"Hey, thank you, sir. I see that the motorcade is so big. Who else in this area can be so promising except Master Li Ming? It is designated Master Li Ming!"

After listening to Master Li's words, the messenger's eyes suddenly lit up. He hurriedly raised his hand and shouted loudly. After speaking, Master Li waved his hand with a smile and turned around to follow the butler to receive the reward.

"Come on, get ready. Come with me to the outside of the town to greet him and see if my son is back."

As he said this, Mr. Li got into the tall carriage feeling refreshed and rushed out of the city with a smile.

As Li Ming became the Marquis, a rich man like Mr. Li could also ride a tall carriage. During this period of time since he could ride on a tall carriage, Mr. Li could ride a carriage every day when he went out but never walked.

If not for anything else, it is to strive for success for the son of the family and to show off.

Even those who followed to announce the good news and deliver the letter were given two taels of silver each.

With Master Li's greeting, the house immediately got busy. Those who served tea and poured water, and those who wore red flowers and led tall horses, all went into battle together. A large wave of teams happily walked out of the house and followed Master Li's carriage to the city gate. Go.

The journey was lively and bustling, and soon we arrived at the gate of the town, where we saw a motorcade appearing in sight from a distance.

"Hey, sir, it looks like the young master's motorcade!"

At this moment, when he took a closer look at the flags flying above the motorcade, the steward who was following him suddenly said in a hurry.

"Okay, okay, it's really my son, hurry up, raise the drums and beat the gongs!"

Mr. Li also has very good eyesight. How could he not recognize his own flag? He could see it clearly from a long distance. During this period, as he continued to practice internal skills with the Taoist priest of [Qingsongguan], he felt more and more like martial arts. The beauty of.

On the one hand, he secretly regretted not learning any martial arts when he first became rich, but on the other hand, he became more and more diligent, and now he has cultivated his internal strength. Although he focuses on health care, he is also light and healthy, and his eyesight is excellent.

At this moment, as Li Ming's motorcade walked in, Mr. Li even saw the flag flying above the team in front before the sharp-eyed butler beside him. He saw the special style and texture of his own flag at a glance, and then followed his own The family flag was woven with the word "Hou" for Lord Marquis. I still didn't understand that this must be my son's arrival, but I couldn't bear it. I hurriedly asked people to beat gongs and drums behind me.

"Dong dong dong~dang~"

In an instant, the sound of gongs and drums rang out from behind, and the people who had nothing to do and rushed over to watch, as well as the vendors who took the opportunity to carry their burdens to sell things when they saw the crowd here, also started to make noise.

"Oh, Master Li is back!" "We have long said that there is a champion in the imperial examination in our town, and today the top pick is back!"

"Your news is out of date. Young Master Li Ming is not only the number one scholar, but now he has been granted the title of Marquis by the Emperor. He is a military officer!"

"What is the military aircraft waiting list?"

"That must be in charge of military affairs!"

"Hey, his aunt, hurry home and call your children over. Those who can get into the first place are all Wenjun descended to earth, and they have great talents. Call them over and let them use their talents on the road. Maybe in the future we will My children can also get the top prize!"

"Dream on, the number one scholar in the Imperial Examinations can only be achieved if it is not Wenjun who descends to earth. You can become one if you pick up some talent on the roadside. It's a good idea."

"Hey, why do you talk like this? Even if you don't get the top prize, if you do, you will be able to work in the head office, right?"

"To be admitted as a scholar, you have to be talented yourself. Your child doesn't seem to be talented, so don't come over and share this talent with my son. It will be a waste."

"Okay, no wonder you are stalling for time with me here. It turns out that you have called the children over a long time ago. You are so scheming. See if I don't call over my children and the children of my relatives!"

"Hehe, son, this young master Li Ming is not only the number one scholar in the imperial examination, but also a military officer who was personally awarded by the emperor. There are so many number one scholars in the world, how many of them can become the marquis? This young master Li Ming is back today. Come on, you are so talented and official on this journey. Please remember to give your dad two deep breaths later, and suck hard. Don’t let others suck him too much. Dad will give you a lift later. On your head, the rest of the air you breathed in was blocked by others!"

"The current emperor has long wanted to conquer the Huns. I heard that Marquis Li Ming also has this ambition. When he comes back this time, he may choose his own soldiers from his hometown. We must seize the opportunity..."

"I wonder if Mr. Li, who has become the number one scholar and a marquis, is still so good-looking..."

The common people were talking to each other, most of them came here to admire the talent and elegance of Marquis Li Ming, and some came to admire his official reputation, but there were also many people who wanted to come and witness this imperial examination that has become famous all over the world. The number one scholar, Li Ming's heroic figure, wanted to join his army.

In addition, there are many young women who are looking forward to whether the handsome man who is the most coveted in Linshan Town will become more handsome.

Ordinary people, strong children of wealthy families, women holding umbrellas in frosted sand, and warriors holding swords all rushed to both sides of the road in a short period of time.

Obviously, there is more than one smart person in the world. They don't know that Li Ming will completely select the army from his hometown when he comes back, but they all know that since Li Ming has become a marquis, he is very likely to go to war in the future, so He must choose his soldiers from his hometown.

Because only the soldiers in your hometown are more reliable.

The personal soldiers are more trusted than ordinary soldiers and horses, and they invest more in arms. Those generals wish that the personal soldiers are all members of their own clan, so naturally they will not select them at will.

Their relationship in this town is undoubtedly more reliable, so there is a high probability that they will select soldiers from the town. Therefore, during this period, many people who have thought about this have arrived in advance to wait, in order to ask for someone to join the army. Barracks opportunity.

Because even though the people in the personal barracks are just soldiers, their treatment is no lower than that of ordinary warriors. Although becoming a personal soldier has to face many dangers at critical moments, it is also an opportunity for them to obtain resources that they cannot obtain at all.

Therefore, the opportunity is ahead, and anyone who wants to go further will not miss this opportunity.

This point applies to the low-level warriors in the martial arts world, those with third-rate martial arts skills, or even those with martial arts skills below the third-rate level.

Or are they the children of ordinary wealthy families, tall and strong, or the sons of some particularly small landowners, some people who are born strong and want to give it a try if they still have a way to survive? , or people who simply have a try mentality, and everyone among them looks far away at the approaching convoy outside the city.

In the sight of everyone, the convoy slowly approached, and then eight figures flew out of the convoy and landed in front of Mr. Li one after another. When the crowd saw the figure of Li Ming, the leader, they instantly made an uproar. Those martial artists The warriors opened their eyes even more. Obviously, for them, seeing such an innate master was a great shock.


Li Ming, along with his four followers, his uncle, his master, and his eldest disciple Chen Yue, flew out of the motorcade and landed in front of Mr. Li who was waiting outside the city. He smiled and held his hands in his hands: "Fortunately, my son has lived up to his fate. Let's go to the capital. He was the top pick in high school and had to wait for military service, but now he's back!"

"Hey, my son, good, good, good!"

Mr. Li was smiling from ear to ear. He took Li Ming's hand and said, "You must be tired from the journey. Come on, I made a pot of century-old ginseng soup at home. By the way, Xu Master, Master Wang, you have worked hard on this journey, who are these four?"

Mr. Li's face was flushed with smiles. He wiped Li Yang's hands with a red cloth and kept saying hello. He didn't react until the greeting was over and hurriedly handed a new red cloth to the people behind Li Ming. Shanchen said with a smile.

"Uncle, the four of us are brothers who follow Brother Li's ambition and share the joys and sorrows with him and fight on the battlefield together in the future!"

Hearing Master Li's question, Wang Guangyun hurriedly spoke, and Zhao Xiu, Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu also nodded hurriedly.

"Hello, brother, hello, brother, come on, come on, this is not the place to talk. Let's talk about it when we get home."

The smile on Mr. Li's face became even bigger, and then he greeted Li Ming's master Xu Jin and his uncle Wang Hengliang warmly, and patted Wang Guangyun on the shoulders. He waited until the carriage team approached, and greeted the female family members and family members who came forward to greet the carriage team. The servants handed out red envelopes of money, and then, with a voice of thanks, they turned around and led them towards the city.

"Master Li is back!"

"it is good!"

"Master Li Hou has returned to his hometown!"

"it is good!"

"Li Zhuangyuan is back home!"

"it is good!"

"Master Li was promoted to No. [-] in high school and returned to his hometown!"

"Good good!"

The housekeeper at home took the lead in shouting and beating gongs and drums, and the people around him cooperated at the top of their lungs. Li Ming smiled and rushed towards the mansion with everyone. (End of chapter)

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