Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 431 The Iron-Armed Bronze Man

Li House.

Ever since Li Ming became the top scholar, Li's mansion has been expanding, and the current size of the mansion has been several times larger than before.

All of this is naturally due to Li Ming's fame. Not only in Linshan Town, but also in other places around Linshan Town, many landlords are vying to join him. As a result, the Li family's property is getting bigger and bigger, and their money is naturally getting bigger and bigger. Come more and more.

With more money, the mansion will naturally have room to expand, and without having to subsidize Li Ming much, the money can be used in a lot more places.

In the Li family's mansion, after Li Ming and his party returned, they first set up residences for the female family, brothers, uncles, master, and four followers. During this period, they continued to distribute small gifts, mostly candies, to those who came to please them. Food such as cakes and snacks were served, followed by bathing and changing clothes for everyone. After everything was tidied up and comfortable, a banquet was laid out and several important people were called over.

26 senior brothers and [-] senior uncles were arranged alone in one place. Li Ming sat with four followers Wang Guangyun, Liu Wu, Liu Zhuang, Zhao Xiu, master Xu Jin, junior uncle Wang Hengliang and father Li Chenglin. on a table.

"Now the family has trained five hundred good men, and there are three thousand local heroes who are in constant contact. Each one of them is a good man who can abide by the rules."

After three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes, and tired from the journey, Li Chenglin spoke to Li Ming and the others at the table with a smile on his face. This was not only for Li Ming to hear, but also for his brothers and Master and uncle heard that the reason was very simple. No matter how close people are, they also need confidence in their actual strength, and these soldiers and horses left by his Li family are the basis for achieving great things.

"In addition, there are ten heroes who have reached the level of second-rate warriors in martial arts, and all of them have practiced hard martial arts. They are also living in the village for a long time, and they have the intention of taking refuge under your command. Now that the news of your return has come back, I am afraid they can't wait. I really want to meet you, the top scholar in the imperial examination, who is also a military officer."

After speaking, Mr. Li Li Chenglin looked at Li Ming with a smile. The meaning was obvious. Now is undoubtedly the best time to meet them.

"I never thought that my uncle would do such a big thing quietly. This way, our army preparations will be much easier."

Zhao Xiu on the side couldn't help but his eyes sparkled when he heard this, and he couldn't help but smile.

"In troubled times, it is indeed necessary to retain more men at home to protect safety. Moreover, although these people are good men, they may not be willing to join the army. In my opinion, personal soldiers can be chosen from many, and ordinary soldiers and horses can choose from them. Select some and leave the rest in the town.”

Li Ming smiled, then spoke, and then pondered again: "Most of the army and soldiers still have to be recruited openly from the common people. Firstly, they can give some people who really can't live a way out, and secondly, they can avoid We missed out on many talented generals who were dedicated to joining the army and had the talent to serve as soldiers."

"My son, don't worry. These people are all people who are determined to join the army. Your father and I only mentioned such a number after asking him beforehand."

Hearing Li Ming's words, Li Chenglin couldn't help but smile and said: "Now, in the entire Linshan Town, and even within a hundred miles around, there are basically all those who have a strong desire to join the army, have sound limbs, are in good shape and have normal intelligence. Now, what you really have to worry about is how to choose the remaining 2000 people, and whether the 500 personal soldiers are enough."

"As for the safety of the mansion, [Qingsong Temple] is nearby. Your father and I are in this city. If there is any trouble, we can flee to the mountains in time. [Qingsong Temple] is here to protect us. There are some nursing homes on weekdays, so stay here." Why are there so many people?”

Li Chenglin spoke with a smile on his face. After hearing this, Li Ming raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Does my father have the qualifications to be a general?"

"Hahaha, yes, yes, I think my uncle has the talent of a general!"

Wang Guangyun couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Isn't it possible that if my uncle takes the martial arts examination, he will be able to pass the martial arts examination?"

Liu Zhuang rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"As soon as we arrived, everyone was already here. It was so cool to do this."

Liu Wu couldn't help but smile on his face, and praised Li Ming's father, Li Chenglin.

"My uncle thought carefully. Now we have eliminated most of the five thousand soldiers and horses at once, and even the personal barracks are located. Not to mention these ten martial arts heroes are used as special forces. Our mission this time has become much easier!"

A smile appeared on Zhao Xiu's face and she couldn't help but speak.

"Hahaha, these little things are not worth mentioning. I also learned from the previous communication with Li Ming. What is it called? In everything, you have to take one step, plan, three steps, see out, five steps, anticipate ten steps. Only in this way can you encounter Things will be smooth sailing when things get better.”

The continuous compliments from several people obviously made Mr. Li, who had been busy with this matter, feel comfortable. He laughed twice, and then spoke with a smile.

"If this is the case, then it will be easy for us. Next we only need to select a site to build a military camp, and then review and recruit people one by one. Then we will make a public announcement and wait for the rest to fill up. I will also be able to free up more time. Go visit the talented generals and the talented counselors, and make full preparations for the future journey.”

Li Ming couldn't help but smile on his face. After he finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows and bowed his hands to the master Xu Jin and his uncle Wang Hengliang who were always smiling at the table while eating vegetables and drinking tea: "Master, uncle, first come back." Going to meet these warriors who are interested in defecting in the future will help to build up feelings, so Li Ming will excuse himself and take his four brothers to see them together."

"Go ahead. If you go out of town, be sure to come and ask us to come with you."

Xu Jin and Wang Hengliang waved their hands indifferently, and Xu Jin then said with a smile. With their current capabilities, as long as the small Linshan Town is in the town, they can send reinforcements in time no matter where they are. , but it may not be certain under the changeable environment of Linshan Town, so this is the reminder.

"Remember to whistle when something happens."

Wang Hengliang raised the whistle hanging around his neck and said with a smile. Since the last attack on the capital, they have paid more and more attention to this simple and easy-to-use whistle. They have attached great importance to it during this period and even improved it. one time.

Nowadays, the sound of the whistle is not only more obvious and harsh, but also spreads farther. The material of the whistle has also been changed to one made of jade, which can be used to make the sound more penetrating.

Not to mention the entire Linshan Town, even a whistle ten miles away from Linshan Town can be heard clearly.

They also knew that Li Ming had previously established a special team to supplement the strength of masters to deal with those assassination masters. Naturally, they immediately thought of the role of this group of warriors. On the premise that they thought of going together with Li Ming, they would naturally support Li Ming. Clear thoughts and actions.

"I understand this, don't worry, Master, Master." Li Ming smiled and nodded, and then he, Wang Guangyun, Liu Wu, Liu Zhuang, and Zhao Xiu stood up from the table. Mr. Li Li Chenglin also got up from the stool when he saw this. He stood up and smiled and cupped his hands towards Li Ming's master and uncle: "Those two masters, I will excuse you now and I will make up for you when the dinner is scheduled."

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay."

The two waved their hands, and then smiled and gestured to the [Qingsongguan] disciples sitting at the next two tables: "Just right, they probably have a lot of problems to discuss with us, so it will save them a lot of trouble."

"Hahaha, uncles and brothers, you must seize the opportunity."

Li Ming laughed when he saw this, and then he bowed his hands to his senior brothers and those first-class uncles, then turned around and left the hall with his father Li Chenglin, Wang Guangyun, Zhao Xiu, Liu Wu, and Liu Zhuang.

After they left, they did not go anywhere else, but rode straight to a compound in the town.

"These ten external martial arts warriors come from the same sect. Their master seems to be a very good man in the martial arts world, named Iron-Armed Bronze Hero Zhang Hu. Unfortunately, the master has passed away now, and only ten of them are left."

When he got off his horse at the entrance of the compound, Li Chenglin spoke in a low voice to Li Ming and the four followers around him, with a solemn voice: "Don't underestimate them. Each of these ten people has [Iron Cloth Shirt] to rely on for their cultivation." This skill has suddenly reached the second-rate level."

"Besides [Iron Cloth Shirt], there are people who practice Iron Head Kung Fu, some people practice Iron Arm Kung Fu, some people practice Iron Leg Kung Fu, some people practice Iron Back Kung Fu, some people practice Iron Waist Kung Fu, some people practice Iron Crotch Kung Fu, and some people practice Iron Palm Kung Fu. Some people practice Iron Foot Kung Fu, some people practice Iron Finger Kung Fu, and some people practice Iron Rib Kung Fu.”

"It can be said that they all have the inheritance of Iron-Armed Bronze Man Zhang Hu, and some people have practiced three additional disciplines, and some have practiced five additional disciplines. Their combat effectiveness can be said to be very powerful."

When he arrived at the gate, Li Chenglin was still explaining in a low voice, for fear that his son would underestimate the warriors he had found: "Such external martial arts warriors are extremely powerful, rough-skinned and thick-bodied, and can react quickly and quickly. Isn't that right?" Is it what the army needs?"

"What my father said is true. I know the severity and I will treat it well."

After listening to what Li Chenglin said, Li Ming nodded carefully, and then spoke seriously. Li Chenglin felt relieved when he saw this, followed by pushing the door, and took him and Wang Guangyun, who was also a lot more serious behind Li Ming, with him. Went to the courtyard.

"Master Li, you are here!"

When I arrived at the gate, I happened to bump into a male servant. When I saw Li Chenglin and several people coming over, he quickly greeted me. Especially when I saw Li Ming, my eyes lit up: "I've seen the young master!"

"Well, where are Tieda and the others?"

Seeing this manservant, Li Chenglin nodded and asked softly. As he asked, he turned back to Li Ming and said, "In order to allow them to concentrate on practicing, I have specially arranged servants for them. Some people are responsible for growing vegetables and cooking." , some are responsible for washing and serving meals, some are responsible for sweeping, chopping firewood and burning pots, and some are dedicated to helping them practice."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Li Ming smiled and nodded, then nodded to the servant. The servant was so happy that he almost smiled. Then he hurriedly responded: "They are practicing in the backyard and haven't come back yet."

"Well, go and do your work."

Li Chenglin nodded and led Li Ming and the others through the continuous houses built in front. Li Ming noticed that there were sandbags, leather, hemp rope, wooden hammers and other auxiliary practice tools everywhere.

"Liu Zhuang, Liu Wu, you are both good at practicing external skills. When we get to the place, you have to check it and give me a try."

Li Ming glanced at the tools, then looked at the spacious yard and living room, thinking that his father had spent a lot of money to keep them. Then he walked towards the backyard and whispered to Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang behind him. Upon arrival, Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang immediately nodded without any trace.

Only then was Li Ming satisfied. Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang were definitely professionals in terms of hard skills. It was natural for these ten people to listen to their opinions.

Several people followed Li Chenglin for dozens of steps before reaching the backyard. What surprised Li Ming was that the backyard was actually a lake and a forest. Looking up, he saw ten shirtless strong men roaring and practicing in the woods with long-dried leaves. Various martial arts.

Someone exhaled in the iron sand and inserted his palm into it with a loud sound. The palm that had been filled with true energy turned red.Some people had their arms spread out and were repeatedly hit on the back by servants with copper sticks. Some people were hit repeatedly on vulnerable places such as their ribs and armpits. Some people were hit on the head with wooden sticks, and some were hugged by quilts. His legs kicked against the iron stake.

Li Ming keenly noticed that during their training process, the true energy in their bodies circulated in a peculiar route, which allowed their bodies to not be destroyed but become stronger and stronger during such resistance training.


Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu are experts in this. He could tell the secret at first glance. Then when he saw Li Ming looking at them, Liu Wu couldn't help but nod and said: "Brother, these people's training methods are very sophisticated, and the inside and outside are integrated." , will not hurt the body and can greatly increase the power of external skills. You can see that there is boiled medicine in the wooden barrel next to it. It is obviously passed down specially and is a very advanced and excellent external skill in the martial arts!"

Li Ming only noticed these things after listening to what they said. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and nodded with a smile: "With your words, I will be stable."

Hearing Li Ming's praise, Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang nodded sheepishly, and then followed them and looked at the ten of them seriously.

"Tie Da, Tie Lao Er, Tie Lao San, Tie Lao Si, Tie Lao Wu, Tie Lao Six, Tie Lao Seven, Tie Lao Eight, Tie Lao Ninth, Tie Lao Ten, look who is here."

Li Chenglin shouted, and the ten people who were a hundred steps away from the backyard gate reacted. They only glanced here, and the next moment they all stopped practicing. As expected, they each applied the medicine, and then sat cross-legged and practiced their skills for a while. He just put on his clothes and ran over quickly.

"But in front of Li Ming, the military commander who advocated war against the Xiongnu?"

The sound came before anyone arrived, and the sound of the ten men approaching quickly came from far away. Li Ming nodded with a smile: "That's right, Li just got home for a bite to eat and heard that the ten heroes are here. , I came here specially to meet you!" (End of this chapter)

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