"Although we have stayed in this room and not moved anywhere else in the past few days. We only wait for the servants in the house to bring food and water every day, but the sharpness of hearing and vision brought by our martial arts cultivation makes us unable to do anything even in this house. I didn’t do it, but I also heard that you wanted to recruit troops and build an army.”

As if he was afraid that Li Ming would think they were useless and give them up, after talking to the second child, the boss Chai Yongjie said hurriedly: "Three of the five of us have reached the innate realm, and the two younger brothers Wen Xiupeng and Gan Yongjun have also reached the innate realm." He is a genius who has reached a very low level. If you don't mind, the five of us are willing to join your army, change our household registration and fight on the battlefield."

"What's more, if I serve as a guard under you, and if the thief comes to assassinate you, with all five of our powers unleashed, we will definitely be able to stop some people and increase the chance of intercepting them."

Chai Yongjie spoke hurriedly, looking earnestly at Li Ming and others who came in front. Everyone around him was the same. The youngest Wen Xiupeng and Gan Yongjun had burning hatred in their eyes.

"[Juyi Villa] is a newly established force. The five of you, as disciples of the first generation, under Wu Sanren, are all extremely talented and powerful, and have passed down the inheritance properly."

Xu Jin looked at them with a smile, and then said to Li Ming: "It's just entering the army, I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

"It is not appropriate for our army to recruit people with bad reputations. Please understand."

Li Ming also nodded, then rubbed his fingers, and looked at the few people who looked disappointed after he spoke with a smile: "However, there is a place that may be suitable for you. If you are willing, I may be able to introduce you to it." A place, but only if you can endure the loneliness.”

"Oh? Where are you going?"

Upon hearing Li Ming's words, Chai Yongjie's eyes moved and he asked in a solemn voice.

"Master was killed by that thief, and we are already wandering ghosts with nowhere to go. If we can get your guidance, it is not impossible to find a place to go to, but we must be allowed to take revenge when we have the opportunity in the future!"

The two younger brothers Wen Xiupeng and Gan Yongjun who were following Chai Yongjie couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

"That's the case, but even if you want revenge, we must not be implicated unless we take the initiative."

Li Ming smiled lightly and looked at the two young men who spoke, and then looked solemnly: "This is the retreat place of my [Qingsong Temple] Shanmen Elder. If you are willing, you can practice here with concentration in order to wait for his revenge."

"If you feel you have a chance to take revenge, you can leave. But there is one thing you need to be clear about. That is, no matter what the opportunity is, you must not harm or implicate me [Qingsongguan] or the rest of us. Otherwise, even if you and I are We can be allies and work together to deal with that enemy, but we must also get rid of you first."

Li Ming said with a cold look on his face. Chai Yongjie and the five people in front of him looked at each other, and then all looked at Li Ming: "Master Li, can you let me wait for a discussion?"

"Of course you can, just discuss it."

Li Ming smiled when he heard this, and said lightly: "Just ask the servants in the mansion to come to me again after you have discussed it."

After saying that, Li Ming turned around and left the room with everyone around him. Chai Yongjie and the other five people from Juyi Villa hurriedly saw each other off. They didn't stop until they reached the threshold and watched Li Ming and others leave. Then he turned around and returned to the room.

"It's okay to put the five of them inside the sect, but will this move attract the strong man who can fly in the sky?"

After going out, Xu Jin looked back at the door closed by Chai Yongjie and the others, turned to look at Li Ming, and asked in a low voice: "Although Master has now broken through to the realm of the Grand Master, and has made breakthroughs in his artistic conception these days, but It’s still unclear whether he can be this person’s opponent.”

In fact, one of the very important factors that made them so excited about Feng Jianming's breakthrough to the Grand Master realm was that one of the five people in [Juyi Villa] was the unknown person who killed the five scattered people at will. Strong.

What they could conclude was that with that person's posture, the Wusan people couldn't stop him, and they probably couldn't stop him either. That's why they felt so excited about the appearance and breakthrough of Patriarch Feng Jianming.

The master at the Grand Master level has already surpassed all of them in combat power. His presence will undoubtedly make it easier for everyone.

Although Master Feng Jianming may not be the opponent of that mysterious strong man, as the saying goes, there will be tall people to hold up the sky when it falls. In the past, they themselves were tall, and the invisible pressure was not enough for everyone.

But now, with Master Feng Jianming, the tallest person who needs to stand up to the sky is no longer them, but Master Feng Jianming, and the pressure on everyone is invisibly relieved for an instant.

But now, the people from [Juyi Villa] suddenly appeared, and the pressure surged up again. They couldn't help but think of those strong men who could fly into the sky, and they felt like a mountain of pressure.

Can such a person be useful even if an army of five thousand is formed and properly trained?
  So, Xu Jin couldn't help but ask.

"If that mysterious strong man really wants to take action directly, no matter where they are, it will be useless, because we have no way to directly resist, so for now we don't have to worry too much about this matter."

Li Ming shook his head, with a glint in his eyes: "On the contrary, [Juyi Villa] has quite a reputation in the world. He rescued them in the mountains. Maybe we can use the name of [Juyi Villa] to recruit some people in the martial arts world." Come here and you can be more useful."

"On the contrary, now, we only need to do our own thing well and do the best we can. That is the best choice."

Hearing what Li Ming said, Xu Jin couldn't help but nodded, and then narrowed his eyes: "If the four unique skills passed down by the master, plus the [Body Protection Technique] and [Qi Armor Technique] are all practiced profoundly, , our confidence can also increase a lot, so instead of thinking too much, it is better to focus on cultivation now."

"This is exactly what I have in mind. After we have mastered all these six skills, we can continue to develop other things. At that time, we will first go to the place where [Juyi Villa] is located to find out the news with our own eyes, and then [ Invite some of the top experts from Qianji Pavilion, and everything will be on track."

Li Ming took a breath and nodded slowly.

"When I heard what my elder brother said, I suddenly felt clear in my heart and everything was sorted out."

Liu Zhuang on the side couldn't help but speak.

"Thousands of thoughts start at the feet. When we do everything step by step according to the big brother's instructions, and then we can rest assured and train our troops well, no matter what kind of magic happens, we will have the best way to deal with it. "

Wang Guangyun on the side also nodded.

In fact, there is one thing that no one has mentioned, and that is the matter of the third prince. [Juyi Villa] Although the ear that a few people heard only contained five short words, and it was impossible to tell whether it was true or false, but no matter what, they must treat this matter carefully, otherwise, this sentence might be of no use. Even if they can't get up, it is likely to become the overwhelming mountain that overturns them in an instant.

However, compared to that mysterious powerful man, they couldn't even mention this matter, and could only hide it in their hearts, waiting for the next opportunity.

"Let's go, brothers and sisters are waiting to practice the special skills passed down by our ancestors."

Li Ming turned around and smiled, everyone's faces also showed smiles, and they left together and walked towards the largest martial arts arena in the entire Li family.

As the largest family in Linshan Town, the Li family courtyard is a large courtyard that contains many small courtyards.

Therefore, the places where the brothers and sisters usually live have small courtyards for martial arts training, and the place where Li Ming lives also has his own small courtyard for martial arts training. Naturally, there is a large venue as a whole.

Everyone came to this huge martial arts arena together and each found a corner to start learning the kung fu they most wanted to learn.

The first person to learn it, everyone unanimously chose [Qingsong Qi Lianjue]. Among the four unique skills passed down by the master, whether it is [Flying Sword Technique], [Qingye Escape Technique] or [Qingmu Rejuvenation Technique], they all have their own unique skills. useful.

[Flying Sword Technique] Just listening to the description of the master, you know that it is powerful and it is a first-class offensive, killing and protective technique.

[Aoba Escape] No one doesn't love the magical power of being able to save one's life and invincible, and change one's body.

[Aoki Rejuvenation Kung Fu] is a magical healing skill. Who can guarantee that you will not get injured while walking in the world?

Therefore, some people particularly like each of these four stunts.

But as the saying goes, practicing martial arts without practicing martial arts will lead to nothing. No matter how powerful a spell is, it requires a strong foundation of magic power to be used to ensure its power. There is no doubt that [Aoki Rejuvenation Technique] is a technique that improves the basic strength of magic power.

Nowadays, everyone's practice naturally focuses on this fundamental skill. Only by improving the true energy in one's body can other spells be better cast and exert their due power.

Therefore, everyone immediately restrained their intention to learn other stunts with obvious effects, and instead studied and learned the basic technique [Qingsong Qi Lianjue]

The easiest people to learn [Qingsong Qi Lianjue] are undoubtedly Li Ming, Wang Guangyun, Liu Zhuang, Liu Wu, Zhao Xiu, as well as master Xu Jin, uncle Wang Hengliang, and senior brother Chen Yue of the same generation who have developed magical power.

They could easily learn the [Qingsong Qi Refining Technique] and even after just one morning of practice, Li Ming and others successfully mastered the [Qingsong Qi Refining Technique].

After practicing all morning, a servant brought the meal to the table at noon. After everyone ate it, they felt the more condensed mana in their bodies after practicing the [Qingsong Qi Lianjue], and it also contained mana that was characterized by vitality and strength. Li Ming's heart moved, and he took the initiative to find Master Feng Jianming.

"Master, this method is [God Protection Technique], and this method is [Air Armor Technique]. They are both passed down by His Majesty the Emperor. They are powerful spells that can be passed on to others."

Li Ming smiled and took out the two spells and handed them to Master Feng Jianming, who raised his eyebrows, and then spoke softly: "There were many things to do when I returned home, and Master made breakthroughs and hunted for skills. , it was delayed after coming and going, otherwise the two spells should be passed on to the master as soon as possible, I hope the master will not be blamed."

"It's not your fault. You really haven't been idle since you came back."

Feng Jianming smiled and put away the two spells, and then nodded: "I happen to be studying the human soul and the new true essence recently. With these two spells, I don't think I can create anything more. These first Not to mention, do you have anything important to mention outside?"

Just like the five people locked in the room at [Juyi Villa], although they have not moved at home, they can still hear some news.

With Feng Jianming's cultivation level, he could hear their conversation even without leaving home, so he asked this question.

Li Ming came here specially, and the purpose was naturally not just to pass on two spells to his master.

"Master Huiyan, on the way back from the capital, we did encounter something. Halfway through the journey, bandits suddenly blocked the road. When the conflict stopped, there was an assassin with extraordinary strength..."

Li Ming nodded lightly and spoke about the things he encountered on the road, from the convoy being blocked, to the extremely powerful assassins, to the spells they cast, to [Juyi Villa], to the mysterious strong man, and then to the third prince. Everything was told one by one.

As the strongest person in their camp, Feng Jianming couldn't do it without knowing something about these things, so he had to talk things out so that he could have a clearer understanding of the situation and be able to make correct judgments at critical moments.

After listening to Li Ming's words, Feng Jianming's expression became solemn.

"These are all big things. You are now in the imperial court. In this general situation, many things must be done even if you don't do them. However, even so, you can't stop yourself too much because of this. You can go back first. Practice the spells entrusted to you well, and when our strength increases and the army is formed, we will have more means to deal with it."

After Feng Jianming finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes again: "With your current influence on the general situation, it is impossible for the emperor to ignore these matters. Maybe it won't be long before an envoy arrives with the emperor's order."

"Well, that's true. Then the disciple resigned."

Li Ming smiled and nodded when he heard this, then bowed and left the master's room with Feng Jianming's nod, and continued back to the martial arts training ground as if nothing had happened.

Wang Guangyun, his senior brother Chen Yue, his master Xu Jin, and his uncle Wang Hengliang were all paying attention to Li Ming's movements, and only returned to practice when they saw him coming back.

Li Ming found a seat and saw that everyone was practicing quietly. After thinking about it, the content of [God Protection Technique] emerged in his mind, and he began to practice it with concentration.

Compared with the four special skills passed down by his master, in addition to the fundamental method [Qingsong Qi Lianjue], Li Ming felt that it was better to prepare some means to prevent sneak attacks in order to prevent being suddenly attacked by enemies in the dark without the ability to fight back.

Moreover, [God Protection Technique] and [Air Armor Technique] are all spells that have been studied for a long time. Although I have not practiced them because of my busy schedule, I am already proficient in them. It is best to practice these two spells one by one first. (End of chapter)

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