Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 442 Divine Protection Technique

In the training ground, Li Ming started with [God Protection Technique], mobilizing his spiritual power bit by bit, and practicing the technique taught by Emperor Jianming step by step according to the steps of the technique.

[God Protection Technique] is a soul protection spell. Its principle is very simple. It is to create a soul shield made of extremely condensed spiritual power on the entire overseas circle of spiritual consciousness.

This soul shield comes from one's own soul, but when the shield is formed, it will be completely disconnected from the soul. In this way, even if the soul shield is broken by the enemy, one will not suffer backlash.

It's just that Li Ming's current level of cultivation is still shallow, and his ability to use spiritual power is still very weak. It is not easy to practice even such a simple step.

Fortunately, I received Master Fuze a few days ago and understood the artistic conception. With the artistic conception, it will become much easier to start cultivating the soul.

However, even if it is simple, it is not an easy task, because it involves how to condense the soul power, make it form a shield on its own, and how to disconnect this part of the power from the main body of the soul without being harmed.

Don’t underestimate these three points. They sound simple. It’s easier said than done until you actually do them.

Because this involves a deep mastery of the soul. Condensing Qi is not easy for ordinary people, let alone condensing the soul?

And letting the soul form a shield is equivalent to letting the true energy automatically form a protective shield in one's own body, and it is separated from the connection with one's own true energy. This is enough to intuitively feel the difficulty.

After years of practice, the true energy that can be controlled at will is still like this, let alone the soul power?
  Therefore, these three points alone are extremely difficult. It is not an easy task to overcome difficulties and learn successfully.

In fact, comparing these three levels, just the first level of getting started is already difficult enough for ordinary people, that is - finding your own sea of ​​consciousness, entering your consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness, and looking inside the sea of ​​consciousness. Control the soul power!
  Not to mention looking inside the sea of ​​consciousness, just looking inside the physical body is something that most people are unable to do. If their cultivation cannot reach the innate realm and they cannot understand the artistic conception, wanting to look inside themselves is tantamount to wishful thinking.

However, the world's first-class warriors are like the crucian carp crossing the river. How many of them can enter the Xiantian?
  There are so many talented people in [Qingsongguan], Wang Hengliang is unparalleled in battle, and there are so many top-notch experts. Didn't any of them make breakthroughs before they arrived in the capital with Li Ming?

How difficult is it to comprehend the artistic conception?
  There are so many first-class warriors in the world, how many are super first-class?
  Why is it so good?

Isn't that because there are very few people who can meet the necessary conditions to achieve super first-class skills and succeed in cultivation?

To achieve subtlety is just to have the foundation of ‘artistic conception’.

Even if a warrior becomes a super first-class warrior who reaches the subtle realm when he is in the first-class realm, and further breaks through to the innate realm, that does not mean that he will definitely be able to understand the artistic conception.

The artistic conception is so rare that it can be said that even among a hundred elite warriors, there may not be one.

Under such extremely difficult conditions, a warrior can look inside himself through artistic conception and the powerful innate true energy. It can be seen that the power of the soul has less contact and is more ethereal than the true energy. How difficult it is to look inside the sea of ​​consciousness. It can be said that just this step can stop countless people from outside.

Fortunately, the artistic conception that Li Ming was guided by was very powerful and condensed. It was on the same level as the artistic conception of the great master Feng Jianming. The step of looking inward was naturally a piece of cake.

The first step after achieving inner vision is to mobilize spiritual power. Under the influence of artistic conception, he can achieve this very easily. He feels successful in mobilizing spiritual power.

The second step after mobilizing the mental power is to condense the mental power. This step is difficult to say, but it is not that difficult to say simple. The reason is very simple. It is not easy for Li Ming to condense the mental power by himself, but... [Guardian God Technique] There is guidance in it.

Following the guidance and the promotion of artistic conception, Li Ming successfully mobilized his spiritual power and started the condensation step after sitting cross-legged in the square for a while.

The spiritual power was pulled one by one, and finally gathered into yarn, and the spiritual power was mobilized and finally gathered into a river, constantly running in the sea of ​​consciousness, showing a vortex shape and constantly compressing downwards.

As the vortex continues to rotate, the soul power slowly becomes stronger bit by bit.

In this way, he continued to practice until sunset, and then Li Ming slowly opened his eyes from the practice of closing his eyes.

Looking around, I saw that everyone was smiling, so I stood up from where I was with a smile, and went to have dinner together. They briefly asked each other about who felt what they felt when practicing, and how each other felt about each other. What are the differences in cultivation status? Which one is theoretically the best? Do you need to adjust your cultivation progress based on these differences?

After all, most people today are practicing [Qingsong Qi Lianjue]. Even if they have just started practicing, everyone's thoughts and states are different. There are always people who are in a good state at that time, and some subtle problems arise during practice. The operation is better than others.

Only through communication can we make better progress. Only by seeing the differences between ourselves and others can we have the possibility of making better progress.

In a sense, this is also a major reason why sect disciples are often stronger than casual cultivators.

There may be a unique genius among casual cultivators, but there is always no shortage of masters among sect disciples.

The reason lies in this - there are so many people.

When dozens of people practice the same skill together or one person practices alone, even if their qualifications, understanding, and cultivation resources are equal, the strength of those dozens of people must be better.

The reason is very simple. They will discuss with each other and know the gaps and differences between themselves and others. In addition, with the guidance of elders who also practice this skill, they can practice each other in a relatively better way.

Moreover, in this era of supremacy of force, there is no phenomenon that some people are not diligent in practicing. Just like when studying, the probability of an ordinary person becoming a talent by self-study at home is obviously the same as the probability of becoming a talent by studying in a school class with a good collective atmosphere. The latter is much higher than the former.

Maybe in class I thought my studies were just okay, and I could get over [-] points on the exam, but at home I thought my progress was pretty good, but after self-study I quickly dropped to over [-] points.

Moreover, because of the issues of allure and practical effects, many people are too lazy to learn, but not to practice martial arts.

Under such circumstances, the disciples of the sect are naturally much stronger than the casual cultivators, and there are naturally many benefits to joining the sect.

Discussions like this are very obvious for improving personal strength. Of course, it is not certain how high the effect is, but one thing is for sure, it can bring people closer to their own limits.

Although today is the first day of practicing [Qingsong Qi Lianjue], since everyone has different subtleties in practice, the one with the best effect on a certain subtlety is everyone's learning goal.

Among everyone, Li Ming, Wang Hengliang, Xu Jin, Wang Guangyun, Liu Zhuang, Liu Wu, Zhao Xiu, and Chen Yue have all successfully converted into the [Qingsong Qi Lianjue], so the discussion among the people is undoubtedly Center them. Of course, I don’t just listen to what they say. After all, although other people’s practice is not perfect, there are always people who use better methods in some small aspects.

In this way, they talked to each other, listened to each other, and had a long discussion. When the discussion was over, everyone felt that they had gained something, and then they said goodbye to each other and returned to their homes to rest.

Li Ming walked alone to the small courtyard where he and his wife lived. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he happened to see a mature woman and two girls walking in the corridor talking and laughing. When he saw him coming, , all eyes lit up, and they hurried over to say hello.

"I'm practicing martial arts today and I'm not at home with you. Have you had dinner?"

When Li Ming saw the three women coming over, a smile appeared on his face. He stretched out his hands to hold Li in the middle, his hands naturally went down to grab Li's big buttocks, and his mouth was embarrassed by Li's. In his expression, he kissed her hard and deep on the mouth twice. Then he put down Li who was panting and looking at him, and grabbed Ling'er and Xiaocui's buttocks with both hands. In his hand, he kissed their lips deeply one by one, and then asked with a smile.

"After eating, we are discussing going together to make you some handkerchiefs, and chatting by the way."

Mrs. Li leaned her beautiful head on Li Ming's chest and said shyly.

"Husband, let's go inside and talk."

Ling'er felt her little butt being pinched, unnaturally pulled out the hem of her clothes and covered it down, and then whispered to Li Ming: "There are many people in our family."

"Yes, husband, don't let anyone see you."

Xiaocui also nervously covered it with the hem of her clothes, but Li Ming stretched his hand in and couldn't cover it, and suddenly said to Li Ming with a red face.

"Okay, okay, go back to the house, go back to the house."

When Li Yang looked at them, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he kissed the eldest lady Li, who was looking at him with a smile, and then walked towards Li's room with the three girls in his arms.

For no other reason, Li's bed was bigger.

Xiaocui and Ling'er stretched out their skirts to cover the soft flesh exposed by Li Yang. They looked around guiltily until they were taken to the room, then hurriedly closed the door.

When they arrived in the room, they had just closed the door bolt, and soon there was a fluttering sound in the room.

The flapping sound lasted until half the night before it stopped.

Immediately followed by sweet dreams, the next morning, Li Ming got up from Xiaocui and went to practice with his junior brothers, master and uncles in high spirits.

This time, he practiced from morning until dark. After finishing, he got together with everyone and discussed for a while before going back to rest.

He walked to the yard alone and happened to see Ni Guangling sitting in the corridor wearing a brightly colored skirt. When she saw him coming over, she hurried over to greet him.

"Master, I'm back today."

The delicate and beautiful Ni Guangling moved her legs and straightened her body and walked towards Li Yang. When she arrived in front of Li Yang, she slightly opened her delicate red lips, revealing some of her white jade teeth, and helped Li Ming arrange his clothes and whispered. Concerned: "You must be tired after practicing martial arts for a day."

"I'm tired. I'm really a little tired. I just need a little beauty like you to relieve my fatigue."

Li Ming smiled and lifted Ni Guangling's chin and kissed her red lips fiercely. After the kiss, he opened his mouth with a smile. Ni Guangling blushed and put her arms around his neck, and then she was hugged by Li Yang. He picked her up by the buttocks and was carried all the way to the room.


The room was closed, and the faint reflection in the window showed the warmth inside, but not long after, as the figure moved to the bed, there was a blowing sound, the candle was blown out, and only a creaking sound was heard.

This time, the squeaking stopped at midnight. The next day, Li Ming emerged from Ni Guangling's bed feeling refreshed. After washing, he continued to practice the [God Protection Technique] in the square.

In the morning, the sun had just risen, and there was still a faint purple-red color left in the sky. At this time, the sun is not particularly bright, but it can already warm the earth. The landscape on the earth is faintly outlined, the trees are swaying, and the dew on the grass is sparkling. The breeze blows, and a burst of fresh air hits the nostrils, making people feel more comfortable.

Many disciples came to the field to practice in the morning light, full of energy and energy.

At noon, the sun is in the middle of the sky, and the red sunlight is projected onto the earth, reflecting everything. The trees and grass exude a warm atmosphere, and the distant peaks and clouds appear even taller and more spectacular in the sunshine. At this time, the sun is bright and dazzling, making people feel unable to look directly, and they need to squint to see the surrounding scenery.

Everyone had lunch together, took a short break, and then returned to practicing.

In the evening, the sun gradually sets towards the west, and streaks of yellow light appear in the sky. At this time, the sunshine was much warmer, reflecting on the earth like a layer of gauze, covering everything with a gentle veil. The distant mountains are becoming more and more green, the leaves are swaying, and the wild flowers on the grass are even more beautiful.

Everyone stopped practicing, had dinner together, and started discussing today's experience.

It wasn't until the sunlight became weaker and weaker and the sky gradually darkened that they separated and returned to their homes at dusk.

In the evening, the sun has set, and the sky is filled with deep blue. At this time, everything on the earth became quiet, and there was a mysterious feeling all around. The moon hangs in the sky, and the stars are twinkling, bringing a sense of tranquility and peace to people.

When Li Yang returned that day, Tong Fenglin greeted him at the door. He hugged Tong Fenglin's legs with a smile, kissed her and went to rest in the room while she hummed softly.

It wasn't until early the next morning that he got up and continued practicing. It wasn't until the evening that a smile appeared on his lips. (End of chapter)

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