Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 443 Air Armor Technique

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, a gray soul shield wraps the entire soul space, and within it is the endless floating soul power.

This is clearly a successful practice of [God Protection Technique]!

Of course, the current [God Protection Technique] has just been completed, and the soul shield has only been barely achieved. It has just barely formed such a shield, and successfully disconnected from the internal soul power. There will be many more in the future. A long way to go.

There is still a long way to go before the limit that [God Protection Technique] can reach. In the future, it will take daily practice to increase the protective strength of this layer of soul shield to the true strength that [God Protection Technique] can achieve.

In addition, this time practicing the [God Protection Technique], Li Ming discovered another wonderful use of this magic - that is, increasing the strength of the soul!

A very important part of the training content of [God Protection Technique] is to condense the soul power. Only by condensing the soul power enough can a sufficiently effective soul shield be formed.

However, this method of condensing soul power is not only used on the part of the soul power that is separated from the main body of the soul. Using this method, he can condense all the power of the entire soul to reach a higher level. !

"It's an added bonus."

Upon noticing this change, Li Ming couldn't help but smile, and nodded with satisfaction. Then he continued to run the [God Protection Technique] a few times to consolidate the formed soul shield, and then he was sure that there was no problem. open one's eyes.

When it was dinner time, the servants had already prepared the meals. Li Ming continued to bring his brothers and uncles to the restaurant for dinner as usual. After the meal, they began to gather together to discuss the content of cultivation.

Li Ming, who had successfully cultivated the [God Protection Technique], undoubtedly made everyone gain a lot and secretly admired his talent. Until the end of the discussion, everyone had gained a lot.

Then they each went to rest for the night without talking.

The sun slowly rises from the horizon the next morning, and everything wakes up quickly. The sky gradually turns into light blue, and the sun shines softly on the earth, filling the air with a fresh breath. The grass under the shade of the trees is coated with a layer of dew, crystal clear and sparkling, swaying when the breeze blows.

The mountain peaks are vaguely visible in the distance, with clouds and mist lingering in the mountains. The wild flowers on the roadside have just begun to bloom, and the gorgeous colors seem to embellish the earth, adding endless beautiful space for imagination to this early morning world. A little bit of sunshine slowly blends into the morning breath, telling people this wonderful beginning.

Li Ming got up from Sister Yu'er and Xiao He, patted their butts to ask them to pay attention, and then came to the square again, recalling the practice method of [Qi Armor] in his mind.

However, he did not rush to practice, but first consolidated the practice of [God Protection Technique] twice. When the consciousness sea space shield formed by [God Protection Technique] became more stable, he stopped with satisfaction and started practicing [Air Armor Technique]. 】

[Air Armor Technique] As the name suggests, it is a spell that mobilizes the true energy and mana in the body to form armor.

The armor formed by mana through special methods is naturally extraordinary. This [Air Armor Technique] can not only defend against weapon attacks, but also the spells that the enemy attacks on the body.

Even if he was attacked by a sneak attack in the future, with the [Air Armor Technique], Li Ming would not be so seriously injured that he would die without reacting.

[Air Armor Technique] [God Protection Technique] You can tell from the name that they are the same type of magic. In fact, this is indeed the case. The two spells and even their practice methods are almost the same.

It's just that one of the contents is true energy and the other is soul, compared to [God Protection Technique]. The practice of [Air Armor Technique] is undoubtedly simpler.

You only need to control the magic power in the body to open a total of thirty-six acupoints all over the body, from the top of the head to the perineum and soles of the feet, and then from the fingertips of the left hand to the fingertips of the right hand, shoulders, armpits, etc. After opening the acupoints in every place, Injecting long-term mana into these acupoints can allow the mana to circulate with each other, generate on its own, and continue to grow without the need for deliberate control.

Similarly, the mana in these acupoints also needs to be further condensed through [Qi Armor Technique] and the connection with the true energy in the body must be cut off. Otherwise, even if there is mana, it will be extremely difficult to achieve it.

Opening the acupoints was originally something that only martial arts masters could do, but now such a spell also involves the practice of acupoints. This shows how much advantage the immortal way has over martial arts.

Of course, even so, after the [Qi Armor Technique] is unlocked, it can indirectly enhance Li Ming's martial arts cultivation. It will be very good if he can rely on his magic power to improve his martial arts realm. The entrance to the Grandmaster realm!

Li Ming sat cross-legged in the martial arts training ground and calmly mobilized the magic power in his body to attack the thirty-six acupoints one by one.


The majestic mana in the body flows like a tide in the acupoints. Li Ming constantly controls the mana to hone the results of the first acupoint, hoping that this acupoint can be opened smoothly and open to him, so that the mana can be contained in it.

In this way, once you practice, the day will pass quietly.

Perhaps it is because the quality of the mana in the body is much higher than the innate Qi of the warrior. This has troubled many innate masters. The acupuncture points that have been difficult to break open throughout their lives. Under the impact of Li Ming's mana, it only took one day to break through at dusk. A total of ten acupoints were discovered!

However, Li Ming knew that this was the reason why he had the advantage of magical power and could not be compared with ordinary innate warriors, so he was not complacent and continued to practice hard after successfully breaking through ten acupoints.

After returning to the hall to have dinner and talking about his experiences in the evening, Li Ming returned to the courtyard with a smile amidst the admiration of the fellow apprentices who had exchanged [Qi Armor Technique] with him.

After arriving in the yard, he ran to Mrs. Li's yard and while discussing some mysterious interests in detail, he pulled the eldest and second young ladies along with him.

"Master, be gentle, master, be gentle, master, master..."


The setting sun was shining slantingly, and the golden afterglow dyed the sky red. The birds on the branches were chirping happily, as if they were singing about the good times. Night falls quietly, and the air is filled with a light fragrance, making people feel a sense of freshness and comfort.

The lights of fireflies gradually brightened, illuminating the nearby grass blades. As time passed, the town gradually became enveloped in the full moon, giving it a hazy light.

Only some nighthawks were flapping their wings happily.

It wasn't until dawn the next day, when the sun gradually rose, that the tranquility of the night was quietly erased.

The rising sun's soft rays penetrated the clouds and dyed the earth with a golden halo. The early morning sunshine fills the air and gently brushes against the cheeks, as if it brings the taste of new life to the world. The mountains in the distance are shining brightly in the sun, seeming to tell people: a new day has begun, let us welcome it together. The dewdrops on the grass are shining with crystal light in the sun, as if they are being watched by some mysterious power, which makes people feel the vast power inexplicably. At the same time, the morning air is full of fresh breath, making people feel a light refreshment, as if their mood has been washed away. This moment of dawn is not only a beautiful display of nature, but also a time when people start a new day of struggle.

The servants got up early to heat hot water, cook, and stir-fry vegetables. The brothers, uncles, and master also got up early and came to the martial arts training ground to exercise.

Of course, Li Ming didn't get up too late. He also got up early and went to the martial arts field to practice for a while. Then he had breakfast and then sat cross-legged on the martial arts field again to transfer the mana in his body and continue to flush the acupoints.


The mana is like a tide constantly hitting the acupoints. Compared with the original pure energy, the speed is simply extraordinary.

In just one day, Li Ming successfully reopened ten acupoints. On the third day, he opened eleven acupoints in one go.

By the afternoon of the fourth day, all the acupoints had been flushed away by Li Ming. He did not rush to continue the next step of practice, but continued to control the magic power to swim among the thirty-six acupoints and flush them continuously. Washing the acupoints slowly stopped until the end of the evening practice.

On the fifth day, Li Ming started to build the Qi Armor. He filled each acupoint with mana, and then controlled the flow of true energy in the thirty-six acupoints. In the process, he gradually followed some steps. Mysterious traces flowed, and finally a set of invisible air armor was formed in the skin of Li Ming's body.

"Huh, the Qi Armor Technique is done."

Li Ming took a long breath, and a smile flashed involuntarily at the corner of his mouth. To the naked eye, his body surface seemed to be no different from before, but in fact he could clearly feel the existence of this layer on the body surface. The defensive power of the air armor.

Apart from anything else, it is no problem to defend against the all-out attacks of ordinary innate masters. After all, it is a spell!

Of course, this is only the initial effect now. When the [Air Armor Technique] continues to improve and reaches its peak level, the defense will naturally be greatly improved.

Moreover, if Li Ming's own magic power becomes more concentrated, the power of this spell will also become greater.

Qi armor formed all over his body, and Li Ming couldn't help but feel the power with his long sword. He casually pressed a long sword against his stomach and pushed in with force. The long sword was shattered, but he was unscathed. A bright smile couldn't help but appear on his lips.

The Air Armor Technique is finally here!


Li Ming exhaled a long breath, then looked up at the setting sun with a smile. The period of building the air armor felt short, but in fact it had already passed by without realizing it. Days of time!

He followed up and continued to transfer the zhenqi a few more times. He did not stop practicing until the end of the practice time. He returned to the hall to eat with satisfaction and exchanged experiences with everyone.

When the exchange was almost over, he was about to leave, but suddenly his ears twitched, and he immediately turned around and came to his master Feng Jianming.

"Have you mastered [God Protection Technique] and [Air Armor Technique]?"

Feng Jianming waited for Li Ming to arrive and asked with a smile. Li Ming naturally nodded: "I just successfully practiced [Qi Armor] today."

"You'll be fine once you practice it. I've already mastered these two skills a few days ago. Come, let's discuss it with Master and see if there's anything we can do to improve it."

Feng Jianming couldn't help but nodded, and said to Li Ming with a smile.

He has lived for such a long time and has long understood many things in the world. Naturally, he will not shy away from practicing because of the gap in generation and age between him and Li Ming.

Now among the people who practice these spells, he and Li Ming are the only ones who have successfully practiced these two spells. Naturally, they need to discuss these matters with Li Ming as soon as possible.

Li Ming understood his master's thoughts as soon as his mind changed, and immediately nodded with a smile, and then took the initiative to tell all the details of his cultivation and various changes in detail, and then listened to the details of his master Feng Jianming. And the content is different from him.

Both of them were geniuses, and they immediately gained something from the discussion. After Li Ming returned, he did not rush to practice new techniques the next day, but concentrated on practicing for a day. The power of [God Protection Technique] and [Qi Armor Technique] was indeed there. The improvement.

It wasn't until the next day that Li Ming began to prepare to practice the third spell: [Green Leaf Escape Technique]

In addition to the fundamental skill of [Qingsong Qi Refining Technique], [Qingmu Rejuvenation Technique] can temporarily make up for it with healing medicine, and [Flying Sword Technique] also has sword energy that can barely make up for it.

Only the [Green Leaf Escape Technique] was in urgent need, so after Li Ming successfully practiced [God Protection Technique] and [Air Armor Technique], this was the first technique that he decided to practice.

"Aoba Escape Technique."

In the morning, Li Ming consolidated the practice of [God Protection Technique] and [Qi Armor Technique] as usual. After doing so, he took a deep breath and began to comprehend the [Green Leaf Escape Technique].

After enlightenment, he discovered that this was a mysterious method that gathered the power of Yimu and his body.

Heaven and earth are composed of five elements, and Yimu is one of the five elements. As long as enough Yimu Qi is absorbed and stored in the body, it can quickly exchange positions with leaves composed entirely of Yimu Qi through the links between Yimu Qi.

The essence of the transfiguration here is that it is actually the flow of Yimu's energy. People just change with the flow of Yimu's energy, so it is so magical.

It sounds mysterious, but in fact it is not particularly difficult to practice, especially when Li Ming himself has practiced the wood attribute skill [Qingsong Qi Lianjue] that corresponds to Yimu Qi.

It only took him one day to initially condense the Qi of Yimu. On the second day, he could learn to mobilize the Qi of Yimu. On the third day, he could transform and change positions with nearby leaves, but he was not proficient enough.

By the evening of the fourth day, he had initially mastered this escape method. However, due to the short training time, the distance moved each time was not far, and the Yimu Qi was used up once. Unless it has been accumulated for many years, what will happen? When Yimu Qi forms Yimu Qingdan in the body, it can be used at will. (End of chapter)

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