Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 81 Carbine, speed up

Chapter 81 Back to the carbine, speed up
When Xu Xiu spoke, Li Ming was not in a hurry to start dinner, and Zhang Yuan, who was leaning on Li Ming, was also listening.

My aunt hasn't left yet, and she still feels uncomfortable. If she had put her legs on Li Ming's, she would have put her legs on Li Ming's and let him touch and eat, but now she is really uncomfortable, so she had to sit and let Li Ming eat by herself. reach out.

His eyes were squinted after being rubbed, and his tender white toes were raised up and down.

Xu Xiu spoke in detail, just like her character, Zhang Yuan didn't care much at first, but after a while she couldn't help but listen carefully, her face became paler the more she listened, and she hugged Li Ming's arm tightly.

Even Chen Li, who was letting the child eat first, couldn't help pursing her lips, and then quickly served Yin Yin some food for her mother to take her to the room to eat.

After speaking for 10 minutes, Xu Xiucai said what he knew in one go, and the pressure in his heart dissipated a lot.

But after finishing speaking, I remembered that I had told so many things about them to an outsider, what if they found out...

Xu Xiu's face turned pale for a moment, and Li Ming laughed when he saw her expression: "Well, I see, thank you for your words, I just didn't expect there are so many supernatural beings besides me."

Besides you, there are so many supernatural beings?
"Ah, are you also a supernatural being?"

Xu Xiu was taken aback for a moment, with a bit of astonishment on his face.

But seeing that the two women didn't seem to be nervous, and thinking about Li Ming's straight up several floors when he came here, he couldn't believe it.

Think about what Li Ming did when he went to the gathering place. How could he rush to the gathering place with so many people if he had nothing to rely on?

Thinking of this, Xu Xiu's expression relaxed, and the paleness on his face disappeared a lot.

"Okay, let's eat quickly, the food will be cold later."

Li Ming waved his hand and didn't answer Xu Xiu's question, but it made her feel more convinced, and she couldn't help looking at him frequently for a while.

In his mind, Li Ming combined what Xu Xiu said with what Chen Qiang and Liu Li said, removed their subjective factors, and got a general impression in his heart.

But this is just a general impression, and it is impossible for Li Ming to take these impressions as their standard of strength, but only as a basis for judgment.

The key thing he needs to do is to improve his own strength.

Thinking in his heart, Li Ming quickly picked up the food and finished his lunch in a short while.

After the meal, Zhang Yuan and Chen Li went back to their rooms and continued to rest. Li Ming let Xu Xiu eat a little, and let her continue to rest. Anyway, there is no urgent work now, so let her rest and take care of her body.

After two days, when I start to love, I can enjoy it normally, otherwise it will not be fun if I am not in good health. After the arrangement, I will take the gun and start thinking about returning to the carbine.

Xu Xiu was at a loss on the sofa for a while, even if she didn't have the intention of her husband, then she came to work, but she came here to be taken care of.

After hesitating for a while, after all, he couldn't resist the exhaustion after his weak body gained energy, so he yawned, thinking that Brother Ming had said that she could sleep without any problem, so he fell asleep.

Linglong's body is lying in an unfamiliar environment, and there is a different kind of temptation.

The lobby on the first floor of the villa is a spacious place, even if Li Ming practiced returning his carbine with a gun, there would be no problem.

With the experience of piercing the sword, and the foundation of other kung fu, in addition, Li Ming has also watched some videos of returning to the carbine, and the most important foundation of his current strength...

Li Ming tried it, standing on the spot, twisting his waist and hips violently, the spear stabbed back fiercely with the swift force of turning around.


The long spear stabbed back fiercely with the power of piercing the sword, Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, this spear has taken shape!
He tried more than a dozen shots one after another, and after he found the feeling, he slowly retracted the gun and began to think.

"After all, the purpose of piercing the sword is only the weapon in the hand, and the carbine is different, so you can't just use the power of piercing the sword, maybe you can try to combine the power of piercing the spear and the power of piercing the sword, using the piercing sword as the model, and combining the power of piercing the spear Wear hard."

Li Ming thought about it, and couldn't help trying it again and again in the living room with great interest.

If he wants to break through the Xiaocheng-level skills to the next level, it is very necessary to improve his physical strength. Now he can think of the most famous carbine gun that can be judged.

He can't think of other kung fu for the time being, and he won't~
His various moves have already reached the level of small success. Li Ming doesn't know how the panel judges small success, but the knowledge and strength attached to this level are undoubtedly sufficient.

Coupled with Li Mingyi and Yongzheng, who are always in the best state of skills, as well as his strong body, and some back-to-back content that I have seen before.

With all these gatherings, the most important thing is that although he doesn't know many moves, every move is useful and very solid. Under such circumstances, he has a foundation for further self-improvement.

While pondering in his heart, he kept returning the carbine, moving his waist, and turning his hips.

In this way, I practiced for more than an hour in the blink of an eye.

In this more than an hour, he tested hundreds of guns!
at last……

【Comprehension back to the carbine】

[Returning carbine proficiency +400]

[Returning Carb: No Grade Skill]

[Returning the carbine (0% proficiency in proficiency)]

A large amount of information emerged from Li Ming's mind, and muscle memory seemed to be generated in an instant. Li Ming realized something in an instant, and his grasp of the carbine became very solid.

"The skills I have comprehended actually have this effect?"

Li Ming looked at the skill level information that appeared on the panel with some depression, and then stabbed back with a long spear.


[Returning carbine proficiency +1]

Li Ming's eyes lit up, and then relying on his abundant and powerful physical strength, he exhausted all the remaining 99 proficiency points in one go.


[Returning carbine proficiency +1]

[Back to the carbine (slightly small success 0%)]

In an instant, the strength of the limbs increased, the waist and hips became more compact and flexible, and Li Ming's strength surged.

After the surge was physical hunger, a look of joy flashed across his face, and then he hurried up to the second floor to brew a box of milk powder, and drank all of them bowl by bowl.

What surprised him was that this box of milk powder was still not enough, so he took another box and drank it all, and then drank another half box before it was enough.

"Why did this breakthrough consume so much?"

Li Ming was a little surprised. Could it be that the remaining effects of previous skill breakthroughs were drawn out by this self-created skill?

Or, does the effective skill that I comprehend have additional effects?

"It seems that the strength of the body has indeed increased more."

Li Ming couldn't help but stood up and felt his body, and then couldn't help showing a look of joy in his eyes, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect this kind of benefit. It seems that we should pay more attention to this aspect in the future."

Li Ming felt a little excited, then got up and grabbed the spear, went to the first floor, and stabbed forward with all his heart.


The long spear pierced the air. Li Ming's spear was still in good condition, but there was still no movement.

Not in a hurry, Li Ming stabbed again very patiently.

Still no movement.


Third shot.

Fourth shot.

The fifth shot...

Tenth shot.


[Spike proficiency +1]

Ten times a level of proficiency, twice as fast!
The corner of Li Ming's mouth hooked, and then he looked at the time. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. After thinking about it, he didn't continue to practice. Instead, he brought Xu Xiu who had just woken up, and asked her to take a shovel. He took his weapon and went out to the [third from the right] villa area.

Not long after, the villa area arrived. Li Ming saw that nine people were working, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Just resting and not exercising is not enough. You should also go for a little exercise. You don't have to work too hard, just keep your body active."

Looking at the woman beside him, Li Mingyu touched her buttocks and said with a smile.

Xu Xiu blushed, and went to help with the work without saying a word while holding the shovel.

(End of this chapter)

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