Chapter 82
After sending his wife away all morning, there was still no movement. Although he knew that she would have to work for a day before returning, Zhou Cheng still felt tormented and sour.

In nearly a month, it was the first time that his wife was so far away from him for such a long time.

Nothing should happen, right?
After thinking about it, Zhou Cheng quickly dismissed the idea, and when he saw it was time to pick up his lunch, he hurried to pick it up.

The queue wasn't long, but the man who delivered the groceries was groping around for the food, and almost an hour had passed by the time he was in the queue.


As a piece of bread smaller than a palm was stuffed into his hand, Zhou Cheng was pushed away by the impatient food delivery staff, and then he pulled a woman behind him to continue to eat with a smile.

Zhou Cheng silently held the bread, returned to his berth, then ate the bread in a daze, then felt that he was really hungry all by himself, looked at his food bag, hesitated and took out a pack of precious instant noodles Go find hot water in your own lunch box.

There are many iron pots on the top floor of the gathering place. Find a few wooden boards and light them, boil some groundwater in the water pipes, and start eating after soaking them.

The groundwater is not poisonous, this is the answer that the people in the gathering place drank.


Breathing the heat of instant noodles, Zhou Cheng finally took a mouthful of hot food after half a month. His head was dizzy with joy, and he didn't realize that he had eaten it until he finished the last mouthful of soup.

Subconsciously, he wanted to make another bag, but his rationality forced him to suppress this thought, went to wash the lunch box, and returned to the bed to be dazed.

He suddenly thought that if he had been in a relationship before, he would have eaten this box of instant noodles with her.

but now……

Zhou Cheng thought about how relieved he was when he sent his wife away, and felt the soreness in his heart again, let out a silent breath, and then lay down on the bedding.

"I don't know when Xu Xiu will come back..."

Zhou Cheng thought of that man's strong body and gentle expression, and thought of his wife's tenderness and exquisiteness...

Now she should be very comfortable living in that man's house, right?

Zhou Cheng silently tightened his muscles, then relaxed, closed his eyes and began to rest.

After this sleep, it would be evening when he woke up. Zhou Cheng got up and saw that his wife hadn't come back yet. He waited anxiously, and a feeling of regret rose in his heart.

If only I didn't send my wife out...

"Phew, wait, wait, wait."

Thinking of his wife's delicate appearance, Zhou Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, sat on the bed, and read silently.


"Brother, what do you mean, let's wait and see what happens?"

In Chen Zhuang's room, the short monkey saw that the beautiful office manager who was explaining to him got up and left and stood behind the bald man, and immediately looked back at him and asked.

"The Linjiang villa area has an area of ​​[-] acres, not counting those villas. I chose to give up here because there are so many trees and grass in it. It took a lot of energy and resources to clean up and wasted time."

"But now that someone has offered to help, of course he must be satisfied."

Chen Zhuang smiled: "As for the original plan to go to the construction site that is also close to the Huajiang River, it will not be too late for two days, let's find out about that person first."

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhuang took a deep look at him: "Since you didn't keep up, then next time I will go in person, and you just follow behind."

"Brother, I will listen to you."

The dwarf monkey smiled and nodded approvingly. Chen Zhuang waved his hand when he saw this, and the dwarf monkey nodded with a smile, then stood up and said goodbye.

Walking out of the room, the dwarf monkey looked inexplicable. After thinking for a while, he beckoned someone and returned to his room.

"I'll go out and inquire secretly later, and ask if there are any brothers who are willing to break in with me."

The dwarf monkey's eyes flickered: "Don't say anything, ask quietly, and don't take it seriously, just ask casually."

"it is good!"

The man nodded when he heard this, and immediately left the room. The short monkey watched him leave, dragged his sister-in-law into his arms, and moved his mouth while thinking silently.

The Linjiang villa area is luxurious, and the construction site is barren, but there are not many such favorable terrains in the city, even if you get the location of the Linjiang villa area construction site, it is impossible to lose it.

"What does Chen Zhuang mean, is he wants to separate the family?" '

In this case, the only problem is that person, but how can Chen Zhuang be sure that he can beat him?

Thinking about the scene where his tires burst inexplicably, the dwarf monkey shook his head from side to side.

"Damn, slow down..."

Hearing his sister-in-law complaining, the dwarf monkey became even more excited.




Linjiang villa area.


After explaining some things to Chen Qiang, Li Ming returned to the courtyard of the villa area, and saw that not only the last bit of ornamental grass had been cleared, but even a small piece of soil inside had been almost dug up.

Xu Xiu, who had regained some energy, stood in the row. Linglong's body was stained with some dirt, and she was digging the ground with the four women.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. Just work harder and dig the innermost part of the ground. I'll bring you something to eat. I'll leave after eating."

Seeing that the time was almost up, and today he had harvested an acre of clean land and a small piece of land dug with a shovel, Li Ming felt satisfied, so he immediately clapped his hands, greeted him, and called Xu Xu amidst the cheers of the crowd. Xiu left.

However, Xu Xiu, who had only worked for three hours, had a red face. She was a little embarrassed to be called away by Li Ming and sat in the car. She couldn't help asking on the road: "Brother Ming, why did you call me out?"

"Help me to get some food for them, then wash up at my place, and eat with me at my villa at night."

Li Ming smiled, and replied simply, Xu Xiu's heart was flustered when she heard this, she hurriedly turned her head away from the car and looked out of the car in a panic, thinking of her husband, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

One thing to say, she made the worst preparations before coming here.

Only she herself knows how much panic and fear she has had in losing the shelter of her only husband in the last days, leaving a familiar place with a strange man, going to his house, and going to a strange place.

But when she came here in a daze, she found that things didn't seem so bad. When she was brought here, not only was she not too rough, but she was very gentle and treated her so well.

This made her feel that things might not be that bad and everything could turn around, but now she was still confused when she heard Li Ming's words.

It was this man who got her out of the den of the Enclave, and she should be grateful.

However, she still harbored the fantasy that she could not reach that step.

"Okay, we're here, let's get out of the car and get our things first."

 Thank you [Qiaoan] brother for the reward of [-] coins!

(End of this chapter)

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