Chapter 83 Temptation~
When Xu Xiu was at a loss, the patrol car had already arrived outside the villa, Li Ming got out of the car and greeted her, Xu Xiu got out of the car in a daze, and followed Li Ming into the man's house naturally without even being aware of it.

After arriving at the villa, Xu Xiu helped Li Ming pick out the food, and then thought of eating with him, subconsciously went to the bathroom to tidy up her image...

Li Ming mentioned the food and didn't want Xu Xiu to follow him. After taking the food, he drove the patrol car and sent it to the [third from the right] villa.

Xu Xiu carefully sorted out the hygiene and image in the bathroom, looked at herself in the big mirror, and was only satisfied when she felt that she was almost done. Then she suddenly remembered that she was here to work, so why take care of her image.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiu hurried out of the villa and wanted to deliver things with Li Ming, but as soon as she reached the first floor, she saw that the people and cars had already left.

Biting her lips in confusion, Xu Xiu thought for a while that there were so many people over there who might not need her, and she was going to eat soon, so she immediately returned to the villa.

When I got to the second floor, I found that my aunt was busy arranging ingredients for cooking, so she hurried over to help.

Liu Fang looked at Xu Xiu who was helping her tidy up the ingredients, thought for a while, raised her head and asked carefully: "Xu Xiu, you can see which bedroom you want to live in later, and pick out Auntie to clean up the room with you Pack it up so you can rest at night."

"Huh? Clean up the room?"

Xu Xiuxiu frowned, and asked with some doubts.

"Li Ming's room is only for him and Zhang Yuan to sleep in. You have to find a room of your own to sleep in, and it's not comfortable for the three of you to sleep together at night. It's better to have your own room."

Liu Fang looked at Xu Xiu earnestly: "Girl, it's the end of the day. It's not easy to have a man who can protect you and let you eat and drink well. You have to know how to cherish it."

Listening to her aunt's persuasive advice, Xu Xiu finally realized what she meant, her face became hot immediately, and she quickly shook her head in denial: "Without auntie, I have to go back at night. I..."

"I have to go back, forget it. When you want to come and live, tell auntie that auntie will clean up the house with you, otherwise it will be very tiring to clean up the house by yourself."

Liu Fang froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile, picked up the packed dishes and walked into the kitchen.

Xu Xiu pursed her lips. She originally wanted to say that her husband was still waiting for her at the gathering place, but seeing Liu Fang finished the topic, she kept the words in her stomach and stepped forward to help with the cooking.

Not long after, when the food smelled good, there was the sound of brakes outside, Xu Xiu hurried to meet him, and when he got downstairs, he happened to see Li Ming walking into the villa.

"Brother Ming, the meal is almost ready."

Xu Xiu smiled and greeted Li Ming who was coming over, and seeing Li Ming also smiled and nodded at herself, and followed him up to the second floor.

"Brother Ming, when shall we go back tonight?"

On the second floor, Xu Xiu helped Li Ming get a glass of water and put it on the table, then sat down beside him, and asked with some embarrassment as he watched the sun gradually move to the west outside the window.

She came to work today, but after resting at Li Ming's house for almost a day, she only worked for three hours in the afternoon, which was not heavy work.

Moreover, eating so well at Li Ming's house, thinking about the two meals she ate today, Xu Xiu's face felt hot.

The food is in the gathering place, and those women can't get such good food if they trade for ten days plus one piece...

And she just did some work, and she got it!

Thinking of this, Xu Xiu felt even more embarrassed, and thought that she must do a good job when she came over tomorrow.

"I'll leave after dinner, how do you feel today?"

Li Ming smiled, looked at the Linglong woman and responded.

"I feel pretty good, but I'm a little embarrassed. I haven't worked much, and I've eaten so much."

Xu Xiu said embarrassingly, and Li Ming waved his hand indifferently: "It's nothing, what can you do if you don't recover your strength after being hungry for so long, it's not good if you faint, and someone will ask you when you go back later." Whatever it is, just say what you have to say."

"By the way, are you still here tomorrow?"

Li Ming didn't think about responding to the prying of the two possible enemies in the gathering place by keeping these people silent.

Instead of this, it's better to put less pressure and win people's hearts. That's why I told them so easily.

"Thank you, Brother Ming, but don't worry, even if someone asks me, I won't talk nonsense, I will come tomorrow!"

Xu Xiu nodded and said firmly, then Li Ming smiled and chatted with her about the gathering place, Xu Xiu answered every detail, and didn't stop until the food in the kitchen was ready.

Li Ming pushed Chen Li's door open to let her get up to eat, then went to the third floor to help Zhang Yuan down, Xu Xiu quickly ran to the kitchen to help serve dishes, carrying bowls and chopsticks, busy like a servant.

Not long after, the food was ready, and several people sat at the dining table to start dinner. Chen Li sat on the side to take care of the children, Liu Fang and Chen Li sat together, Li Ming sat opposite, and Zhang Yuan sat beside him without hesitation.

Xu Xiu looked left and right, and saw that there was only a seat beside Li Ming, so she sat on Li Ming's right side in embarrassment.

"Xu Xiu, don't you clean up a room at night?"

Halfway through the meal, Zhang Yuan happily took a mouthful of Li Ming's food, and then asked Xu Xiu curiously.

As soon as he said this, Chen Li on the opposite side couldn't help looking at her. Only Liu Fang, who knew the result earlier, reacted flatly.

"Ah, I have to trouble Brother Li Ming to go back with them when I send them back at night, so I don't need to tidy up the room."

Xu Xiu was a little dazed, and quickly shook her head and said.

"Uh, it's so troublesome, just live here."

Zhang Yuan smiled at the corner of her mouth, which was quite meaningful. When she saw her husband bring this woman home, she understood what he was playing in his heart. calf thing.

I also thought about my husband's panic for the past two days, so he took the initiative to speak.

"Well, it's okay, I'll get there just by squeezing in the car with others."

Xu Xiu shook her head and spoke in embarrassment.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan immediately realized that it was not the time yet, so she didn't speak again.

Xu Xiu quickly finished her meal stiffly, and then silently waited for the end of the dinner, until she watched Li Ming help Zhang Yuan back to the house, and waved to her, then followed Li Ming out with her head down and without saying a word .

Now she suddenly realized that the distance between herself and Li Ming had reached the cordon where she would never let other men approach besides her husband before the end of the day.

Although she had made some bad plans before, the current situation clearly has not reached that point.

That being the case, she shouldn't be so casual...

Xu Xiu's heart was full of emotions, and she was a little silent along the way.

"Is the sanitation cleaned up?"

Li Ming drove Xu Xiu to the entrance of the [third from the right] villa area. After stopping, he saw that the nine people were waiting inside with smiles. He immediately got out of the car and asked.

"Clean up bro."

Chen Qiang opened his mouth quickly, Li Ming waved his hands, and they got into the car quickly, the woman sat in Li Ming's car, the man sat in Chen Qiang's car, and rushed back to the gathering place one after the other.


There was a gentle breeze, and the windows in the front row were being opened. The outside air circulated through the windows while walking, blowing Xu Xiu's beautiful hair. From time to time, a few strands of hair flew too long, and even flew to Li Ming's shoulders place.

When I went back, it was different from when I went there. This time Li Ming drove an ordinary off-road vehicle, Xu Xiu sat alone in the co-pilot, and several other women sat behind.

The co-pilot was originally an exclusive seat for the hostess, and Xu Xiu was assigned here before she got in the car. She also felt that it was not appropriate, after all, she was married.

But there were already four women sitting in the back, so she had no choice but to sit here, thinking about this ridiculous day and feeling a little unreal.

As a married woman, she stayed in this strange man's house for a day, slept so much, and was even left there at night, which made her heart flutter.

In such a doomsday, she should be very excited and satisfied to have such a treatment, but she always feels that this should not be the case. She still has her husband, so she has to go home and see.

So Xu Xiu is very silent in many scenes, especially when her hungry head is gradually waking up, she feels that she should not move forward in the direction of betraying her husband and marriage.

But facing the choice of survival, the gentleness of this strange man, the cruelty of the gathering place, and the choice of her husband, Xu Xiu was very disturbed.

Xu Xiu felt so tired in her heart, she didn't want to think about it anymore, she just wanted to go home now and get her husband's spiritual support, so that she would have the courage to make the right choice in this difficult decision.

Xu Xiu stared closely at the road ahead, hoping in her heart that her husband would give her warm support after arriving at the gathering place. This was the love she gave the most in her life.

The journey was very peaceful, the car drove slowly towards the gathering place under the sunlight that had already wandered into the western sky, and Xu Xiu's heart became more and more relaxed.

She can't wait to meet her husband.


It was dusk, and my wife hadn't come back yet.

Zhou Cheng sat on his bunk, looking at the setting sun outside the gathering place, feeling empty in his heart.

He knew that the goal he had hoped for had been achieved, that her wife would no longer be ruined by messy men, and would be able to survive with her reliance.

But for some reason, now that the matter was done, he didn't feel any sense of joy in his heart.

It should be a happy thing for his wife to find someone to rely on, and he should be happy for him.

But why is it so uncomfortable...

Zhou Cheng suddenly understood that people are selfish, and if he gave his wife to another man, no matter what the reason was, he would not be comfortable with it.

"But the matter has come to this, what can we do?"

Zhou Cheng sighed, feeling uncomfortable for a while.

"Your wife is gone. If you want to get it, a pack of instant noodles will do."

 Brothers, ask for some monthly tickets!Work hard to burst!
(End of this chapter)

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