Spark 2003

Chapter 311 The Second Wave of Counterattack

Chapter 311 The First Counterattack

Two weeks later, at a base in the south.

A CH-9 UAV equipped with the latest pod is slowly gliding, while on the runway adjacent to it, two J-[-]s are still ready to go.

According to the plan, the two J-9s will take off 15 minutes after the Rainbow-9 takes off, and then catch up with the Rainbow-9 by virtue of their speed advantage, catch up with the Rainbow-[-] at the end of the voyage, and provide them with an hour of escort .

Yes, after nearly a month of preparations, the first counterattack is finally about to start.

In fact, during this month, the harassment did not stop.

Just as Chen Nian predicted, they are like dog skin plasters that cannot be shaken off. They will always take off at an unpredictable moment, complete 10 to 20 minutes of interference at an extremely fast speed, and then escape before the duty fighter arrives. .

Even with FRFT, the impact of such interference is enormous.

Fortunately, such days, by today, should be completely over.

In the cockpit, Bai Chongkai was conducting the final inspection of the plane, and the voices of the ground crew kept coming from his earphones.

"Check the link status of the unmanned wingman data link."

"Received, check the link status. The link is normal."

"Check the loading status of Yujing 04's strategy."

"Received. The strategy is loaded normally, and it is adjusted to the automatic flight mode."

"The tower received it. Check the working status of the electronic pod."

"Working normally, data transmission is normal, communication is normal."

"Understood, the unmanned wingman 01 is ready to take off, and maintain the data link connection."

"Keep the data link connected and start taking off automatically."

As Bai Chongkai's voice fell, the Rainbow-9 on the runway not far away immediately turned on afterburner.

Then, with the support of the Yujing 04 system, the drone soared into the sky at an extremely elegant angle without any human control.

Immediately afterwards, the unmanned wingman turned slowly in the air and began to fly according to the updated flight target in the data link system.

After watching Rainbow-9 go away, Bai Chongkai pressed the button, and the J-[-] cockpit cover closed.

"The program self-check is complete, everything is normal, ready to take off."

While talking, the two J-[-]s were aligned on the runway, their engines idling, and they were quietly waiting for the take-off time that had been set long ago.

"Old Liu, are you ready?"

Bai Chongkai asked on the radio.

Another J[-]li, Liu Chuanwu calmly gave a thumbs up and replied:

"Ready, ready to fly."


Bai Chongkai continued to ask.

He himself is an experienced pilot, and in terms of qualifications, he is even better than Liu Chuanwu.

But after all, he has not experienced the so-called "real conflict" like Liu Chuanwu, so when performing this task, he is indeed not as "experienced" as Liu Chuanwu.

Hearing his question, Liu Chuanwu smiled softly and replied:
"There's nothing to be nervous about."

"Back when I drove the J-[-], I dared to touch them, but now I drive the J-[-], it doesn't make sense to be cowardly."

"Besides, they won't be able to catch us this time. Rainbow-9 has a self-destruct program. If the situation is really dangerous, we just give up."

"I don't believe that someone can catch us in this sea."

As soon as these words were spoken, Bai Chongkai's nervousness that had been throbbing just now was instantly swept away.

He suddenly realized his real situation:

Driving the world's most advanced fourth-generation aircraft, using the world's most advanced radar and weapons, and the world's most advanced drone cover.

There are so many "world's most advanced", if the mission cannot be completed, then simply retire.
No, it should be said that such a mission is actually no different from a spring outing.

Success is inevitable, and the only uncertainty is whether the best results can be achieved.

Thinking of this, Bai Chongkai's fingers holding the joystick could not help but relax.

After waiting quietly for a few minutes, an instruction from the tower to take off came from his headset.

The engine turned on afterburner, and azure blue flames spewed out. A moment later, the two J-[-]s disappeared into the sky.

The speed continued to increase, and after a 20-minute flight, Bai Chongkai and Liu Chuanwu caught up with Rainbow-9, which set off ahead of schedule.

"Refresh the data link link and enter the wingman synchronization mode."

Bai Chongkai reported his tactical actions, while Liu Chuanwu on the side kept moving forward, using active radar to detect the target airspace, and assumed the task of early warning.

It is not worried about its own radar waves being intercepted. With the support of the latest adaptive power control system and imitation clutter function, even the most advanced ALR-94 passive radar warning device in the United States may not be able to recognize its own radar signals. .

It can be said that even if the active radar is turned on, to a large extent, this J-20 is still an invisible killer in the air.

On the side of Bai Chongkai's fighter plane, the Rainbow-9 wingman has completed the data link update, Yujing 04 has entered the synchronization mode, and the command of the wingman has been handed over to Bai Chongkai.

"It is 40 nautical miles away from the target airspace, ready to start execution."

"Received, 40 nautical miles, the countdown will start in 3 minutes."

"160 seconds, I turned off the active radar."

"Received, the active radar is turned off, the afterburner is turned off, and it starts to circle."

Just 3 minutes passed quickly, and at this time the three fighters had all arrived in the combat airspace.

It is about 260 nautical miles away from the opponent's base, and it is still outside the detection range of the opponent's coastal defense radar.

From here, Rainbow-09 will activate the electronic jamming pod, begin to receive and analyze the opponent's shore defense radar pulse signal, and formulate a targeted jamming strategy after the onboard computer completes the analysis.

"The jamming pod is powered on, ready for jamming."

"Prepare to implement interference. After analyzing the pulse characteristics, start injecting interference signals and adjust the power to the maximum."

"Understand, implement interference, and start the mission."

the other side.

Lyon sat comfortably on the recliner and drank an iced drink, his eyes were slightly closed, and he didn't even look at the planes that were undergoing routine take-off and landing training.

The assistant on the side reported to him the latest report on the situation in the Pacific Rim, but he didn't even bother to listen.

The reason is simple, this is his last month here.

The transfer order has been issued. From next month, he will leave Kadena and return to the mainland to serve as the commander-in-chief of an air force base in Mississippi.

That's a fat job --- in that air force base, there are the most advanced F-22 fourth-generation aircraft in the United States, as well as the best pilots in the United States.

As long as you don't risk your life and survive two to three years, you will definitely be able to climb a few more steps.

For him, it was a happy ending.

Although the ending is somewhat ironic.

After all, he stayed in Kadena for 5 full years, trying various methods on the way, trying to establish a conspicuous "military exploit" for himself.

But every time, his actions ended in failure.

For a long time, he couldn't even tell whether his side was too weak or his opponent was too strong.

This made him almost fall into despair—especially after the opponent's H-20 took off, he really realized that no matter what angle he looked at, he could no longer confront the opponent head-on.

So, he was depressed for a long time.

But sometimes, fate is so unpredictable.

Just when he thought that his life would stop here, when he thought he would never have a chance to take revenge on his opponent, a technology from the local area completely changed his situation.

ARES advanced electronic warfare system.

With this system, he successfully contained China's actions in the Pacific Ocean and bought time for his own strategy in Africa.

More importantly, he cleverly removed himself from the incident. Even if it was really exposed later, it was impossible for Huaxia to find a reason to confront him.

Such a clever strategy won him a lot of praise in the corner tower, and also laid the foundation for his transfer.

It's not too much to turn around.

Thinking of this, Leon sighed in satisfaction.

Then, he interrupted the secretary's report with a wave of his hand, and said:
"Don't tell me these boring information anymore, I already know everything."

"There is only one thing you need to do, and that is to keep an eye on those islanders and let them complete our mission [-]%, absolutely not allowing any tricks in the execution process."

"When necessary, you can threaten them with stronger means."

"Don't hesitate, don't be kind, you have to."

"After I leave, you will become the chief officer of this base, and you need to establish your prestige."

Hearing his words, the assistant nodded solemnly and replied:
"I understand your idea."

"Don't worry, even after you transfer away, I will still be your most loyal partner, if anything happens, I will definitely"

"woo woo woo woo---"

However, before the assistant finished speaking, a rush of sirens interrupted their conversation.

Leon jumped up in shock, disbelief written all over his face.

"What's going on? Air raid sirens? We're under attack?"

He ignored the assistant in charge, immediately dropped the cup in his hand, and hurriedly walked towards the command room.

The assistant hurriedly followed, and at this moment, the latest news came from his earphones.

His expression suddenly became dignified, and after listening for a while, he said:
"Major event! Our radar signal has been blocked!"


Leon was shocked. He kicked open the door of the command room and said to the soldiers inside who were nervously staring at the screen:

"Now, immediately, report to me!"

His voice trembled slightly, but in his heart, he kept praying:
Don't cause problems, and don't make trouble when you are about to leave.
However, a word from the radar operator on duty for early warning directly shattered his illusion.

"Two minutes ago, all our radars were subjected to strong electromagnetic interference. One minute ago, a large number of UFOs appeared on the radar screen."

"Initial judgment, we may be under attack!"

Hearing this, Leon subconsciously looked at the radar screen.

At this moment, the once-clean radar screen is full of noise, which is a typical feature of the radar being subjected to strong electromagnetic interference!

What's more serious is that among the noise, there are a few flickering spots of light that are particularly special.

Judging from the data, it is very likely that it is a fighter plane flying at high speed!

The Chinese are here? !

What are you kidding?How could they attack at such a time? ——
No, they can do anything!

They have completely lost in Africa and are facing serious threats in the near future.

At this point in time, it is entirely possible for them to do something desperate!

Leon's heart skipped a beat, and before he had time to think about it, he immediately ordered the entire base to enter a state of emergency.

Following his order, in just a few minutes, most of the air superiority fighters in the base took off, and the radars were turned on from their slumbers. The entire base began to operate with amazing efficiency. The combat effectiveness of this country Revealed in this moment.

"No matter what plane is coming, we must find them!"

Leon said categorically, and then, he immediately contacted the turret and reported the situation of the base to the turret as quickly as possible.

The judgment over there was more radical than his, and even directly issued an order to allow firing outside the airspace.
However, at this critical moment, Lyon finally maintained his final calmness.

An idea came to his mind:
What if, this is the opponent's electronic warfare method?

What if they used a strategy that was completely consistent with their own?
You must never open fire at will, even if the radar of the early warning aircraft scans the opponent!
You must first understand the opponent's intentions—even if your own side moves slowly and becomes passive, it is acceptable!

He didn't know that his last caution saved his life.

After just a few minutes, the early warning aircraft found the opponent's trace, but when our own fighter plane approached and observed it, we found that the fighter plane locked by our own radar did not exist at all!

The anomalous signal on the radar is fake, they are really doing electromagnetic interference!
Leon finally breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he made the right judgment.

Otherwise, in the current complex electromagnetic environment, your own pilots may directly launch beyond-horizon strikes on unrecognizable air units due to misjudgment!

If this thing comes true, it will be a lot of fun.

Because it is possible, it is hitting yourself!

Leon thought for a moment, then immediately ordered to shut down most of the active radars, trying to avoid the risk of radar pulse signature exposure as quickly as possible.

However, the moment he gave the order, the headquarters received an extremely bad message:

A plane crashed in the air 160 nautical miles from the base.

Judging from the opponent's radar signature, it was an F-16.

Leon's eyes were tearing, and he quickly asked all combat units to report the situation one by one, but under the premise of strong electromagnetic interference, even the advanced remote command system he was proud of was almost completely ineffective.

It wasn't until half an hour later, when the radar interference completely disappeared, that he finally got the latest information.

The good news is that the plane that fell was not our own.

The bad news is, it's an island nation's plane!

Their psychological defenses were directly shattered in just a few minutes.

The fighter plane that scrambled into the air to meet the enemy fell directly into the sea due to improper command and operation.
A few hours later, in an embassy.

The ambassador looked at the man opposite with a half-smile, and said:
"If you insist that this matter is related to us, then we hope that you can produce sufficient evidence."

"Do you have any evidence?"

"I don't think so, either?"

(End of this chapter)

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