Spark 2003

Chapter 312 You don't need to rely on your words to tell the truth

Chapter 312 You don't need to rely on your words to tell the truth

"The plane crashed in the island country and crashed into the southeast waters!"

"The pilot was declared missing and the chances of survival are slim."

"Suddenly! More than one plane crashed, and the Black Hawk helicopter crashed at sea!!"

Major events at sea quickly attracted the attention of international public opinion.

Especially the helicopter, which also carried high-ranking officials.

According to sources familiar with the matter, its original purpose was to monitor the sea trials of Dongfang's newest destroyer.

But now, it fell into the sea.

Many media swarmed like flies smelling meat, scrambling to get the most shocking news. However, the reaction of the island country was beyond everyone's expectations.

They released the latest information on the "accident" without any bias, and repeatedly emphasized that the cause of the accident is still under investigation.

This is very unreasonable. Even in the most difficult times of the island nation, such cautiousness has never been shown.

This has to make the media who pay attention to this matter suspicious.

Immediately afterwards, the announcement of another unofficial news made them completely recall:

On that day, the U.S. Air Force at the Kadena base entered a state of emergency. Fighter planes took off on a large scale, and radars were activated in large numbers, but they quickly returned to calm.

The situation is obvious.

The two accidents in the island nation were indeed not pure accidents.

But they dare not admit it?

Even the US side dare not admit it?

what does this mean?
This means that, at least for now, the United States is not [-]% sure of countering such electronic warfare.

Otherwise, they would have jumped up and preached everywhere, clamoring to "maintain universal values"
Ever since, before the public opinion had time to start boiling, it quickly cooled down again.

Because they know that some things can be said and some things cannot be said

Chen Nian listened to Li Xiang's report with satisfaction. This was the first time the latter made a formal report to Chen Nian after he was promoted to the team leader of the intelligence department. There is no doubt that he completed it impeccably.

As a player who can be admitted to the Western Polytechnic University and is a genius in the field of public opinion and intelligence, it is impossible for him to be far behind in terms of comprehensive ability.

This made Chen Nian very gratified -- inexplicably, there was a feeling of an old father watching his son grow up.

However, Li Xiang couldn't guess what Chen Nian was thinking.

After he summed up the key information very professionally, he opened his mouth and concluded:

".To sum up, in response to the follow-up public opinion development of this electronic warfare incident, we will take corresponding actions from the above-mentioned multiple channels, including official and private, so as to effectively control the agenda of public opinion and reduce the risk of losing control."

"In addition, judging from the reaction of the other party this time, due to the improvement of our strength in many aspects in the past two years, the intelligence and public opinion environment we face has also changed."

"In the next report, we will make a special report on this."

Hearing this, Chen Nian nodded slightly.

In fact, neither intelligence nor public opinion matters require him to manage.

However, the intelligence department is the core support department of the Xinghuo team after all, and they also consume a lot of funds.

As the actual controller of Xinghuo, if Chen Nian wants to truly control Xinghuo, he must know it well.

Therefore, he will routinely set aside a small amount of time to make decisions on these "daily" matters.

"Then let's talk about it at the next regular meeting. When today's report is over, let's end the meeting first."

Everyone in the conference room dispersed one after another. Li Xiang didn't leave immediately, but walked up to Chen Nian and said with sincere admiration:
"Mr. Chen, you are really good at this move."

"CHL-1106? In such a short time, you were asked to make it, and it is still used?"

Chen Nian shook his head and replied with a smile:
"It's not so mysterious. The hardware is already there. In fact, the transformation work is nothing more than two. The algorithm is optimized and the power is increased."

"If it's still not working out, the 14th institute will really have nothing to do with it."

"By the way, let's not talk about this first, I still want to ask you, that Black Hawk, was it really not shot down by 055?"

Through Li Xiang's report, Chen Nian has learned the basic situation of the Black Hawk crash.

According to the analysis of the intelligence department, the Black Hawk should have just entered the interference range of the Rainbow-9 during the close observation process, and unfortunately, the Rainbow-9 was circling at low altitude at that time, scanning the opponent's coastal defense radar Sidelobe signal, very close to the Black Hawk.

Under the continuous interference of the high-power antenna, the electronic equipment of the entire helicopter collapsed instantly. The crew members who had never encountered such a situation immediately panicked. After making several mistakes in a row, they finally crashed in the sea.

All 10 members of the crew were killed. Originally, the island nation's ships had a chance to rescue them, but 055 was conducting sea trials nearby, and they dared not approach easily.

After the interference is over and 055's consent is obtained, those people in the sea will be completely chilled
Chen Nian felt that this incident was a bit too coincidental, so from the beginning of his career, he had always suspected that 055 had some kind of connection with it.

Hearing Chen Nian's question, Li Xiang shook his head and answered seriously:
"It really has nothing to do with 055. According to intelligence, 055 did not conduct any special project training at that time——it was just doing a sea fire drill."

"You can't tell me that 055 shot down the Black Hawk with a fire extinguisher, right?"

"However, there are speculations that the helicopter was shot down by Lao Mei. We also find it unbelievable. This should be a simple accident."

"Why not believable?"

Chen Nian asked subconsciously.

"Shouldn't you be very clear? With that kind of electromagnetic interference, the US side simply doesn't have the ability to get rid of the interference and launch an attack in a short period of time."

Li Xiang replied with a full face of course.

"...In the short term, this is indeed the case, but electronic warfare is a process of spiral development. We only have an advantage temporarily, and it does not solve the problem fundamentally."

"So, don't take it lightly."

"I don't know what the old American's reaction is. By the way, if this matter can be handled coldly, it should be handled as coldly as possible. It is best not to attract the attention of the other party's Congress. This will give us more room for maneuver."

"Understood, already doing it."

Li Xiang nodded and continued:
"Judging from the current situation, the reaction of Kadena Air Force Base is also very subtle, and the local officials seem to agree with us."

"Also, he seems to be more resistant to the expansion of the situation than we are—maybe, the previous electronic interference was just a means for him to get his qualifications."

"This can also explain why they didn't do it themselves, but blamed the island countries."

"We will investigate further. If this conjecture can be confirmed, our Liaoning ship and Yongjiang ship will not be tied down in the Pacific Ocean."

Of course, although all parties have adopted a cold-handed strategy on this matter, this does not affect the people who eat melons to spare no effort to get to the bottom of it and have heated discussions.

On the largest military website forum in China, the discussion about this incident severely overwhelmed the hottest recent posts about the progress of the outfitting of the Liaoning ship. The first page of the entire forum was almost entirely devoted to discussions about this matter.

And the most popular post was a piece of news that had just been picked up from the Internet.

"The latest news is that one of the 11 missing people in the island country is a general, whose military rank is about equal to the head of the fungus. This is a big deal!"

"Is it true? The land general is down, and the island country still hasn't jumped up? Why is there no movement yet?"

"The calm before the storm. Really, the impact this time is not small, and no one knows what direction it will develop in the future."

"So what's going on? Is it really our actions?"

"I don't know, even if someone knows it, I dare not say it. It's classified--but if it's just a guess, some people guess that it has something to do with the recent electronic countermeasures."

"Anyway, it's a legend. During this period of time, there have been several large-scale electromagnetic disturbances in the eastern and southern parts of the country. The opponents are targeting 055 and 001."

"The accident in the island country seems to be related to electromagnetic interference-basically it can be said to be a counterattack."

As soon as this comment was posted, everyone immediately exploded.

"Damn it, the landlord is emery cloth, you have already said that you are involved in secrets, and you are still talking about it here?"

". You are the emery cloth, right? What can't be said about this, big brother, don't Laomei and Daoguo know that they themselves have been disturbed? The host is not sending technical information."

". Makes sense. But the question is, how did we do it? Are we at this level of electronic warfare?"

"No one really dares to say this, but if you look at the progress of radar technology that has been made public in the past two years, if you think about it for a while, you will know that our electronic warfare technology is not bad."

"After all, the two should be said to be of the same origin."

Speaking of this, everyone's interest was immediately diverted, and they began to discuss the electronic warfare technology of Huaxia and the United States.

For a while, everyone even forgot that what they discussed at the beginning was "this matter may lead to serious consequences."
To put it bluntly, they were not that worried.

Going back five years, let alone a Black Hawk crashing near one's own warship, even if the warships of both sides are too close, netizens will worry about the risk of war.

Accompanying this "worry" is actually a kind of helpless and sad "inferiority".

He was indeed frightened, so that as long as there was a slight disturbance, he would subconsciously think about whether he could bear it, whether he could resist the opponent's military weapon that looked like Zentraedi technology.

I'm afraid that I won't be able to fight, I'm afraid I'll suffer a loss, I'm afraid that the country will perish.
But now, the situation is completely different.

Although these people are still a little worried, but if you tell them, "We can't beat Laomei and make such a big deal, just admit it and apologize", they will probably collectively regard you as a fool.

After all, in their hearts, maybe Huaxia may not be able to "beat the old beauty", but at least, there is no problem at all if they fight hard.

Sure enough, after discussing technical issues at length, everyone's topic returned to the results.

And when someone asked "how will this incident end", the replies below were basically more confident.

"How will it end? I guess the island will swallow it by itself. Otherwise, what else can we do? According to public information, this time the action has also been affected, but they have not spoken up until now, and they should have admitted their cowardice."

"The old beauty has given up, how dare the island country dance?"

"I think so. After all, they provoked first, and now they have nothing to say when they are hit in the face by counterattacks. Could it be that they are fighting hot wars if they can't beat electronic warfare? The islanders are bad, but they are not stupid."

"That's not necessarily true. Everything can be done in a hurry, especially the situation in Laomei is so serious recently. They urgently need to create some troubles in the Pacific Ocean and cause a new round of chaos."

"Perhaps, they directed this incident from beginning to end—even the crash of the island country may be a bait."

"What, what do you mean, the islanders still want to reproduce 1931?"

"They can do it."

When the topic came to this point, everyone's mood became a little heavy.

Yes, that period of history more than 70 years ago is a memory that no one can forget.

Even if you have not personally experienced that era, just a few photos and a few paragraphs in the textbook are enough to make people feel the heart-wrenching shame.

Do you need a reason to frame someone?

I want to do something to you, do I still need to hear your rebuttal?

Strength is the only truth.

From bombed railways, to lost soldiers, and now, to crashed helicopters.
Could it be that they really want to do it again?
Come on.

This time, no one will back down——
However, just when everyone's anger was gradually ignited, a piece of newly released news made everyone instantly dumbfounded.

"The island country announced the results of the investigation: the cause of the helicopter crash was a mechanical failure, without any external force."

Seeing this report, the netizens who were still excited can be said to be dumbfounded.

"What's the situation? The investigation was completed in less than a day, and it was classified as a mechanical failure? Is it reliable?"

"It's a hammer, it's a problem whether their plane is caught or not - let alone the plane, the corpses haven't been recovered yet"

"I'm looking for this reason, and I can't complain. Why don't I help them think of one: General Lu personally went into the water to investigate the deployment of the Huaxia aircraft carrier, and he is still on mission and has not returned. Does this sound more reliable?"

"Really reliable, hands-on, craftsman spirit!"

"Islanders are brain-dead, it's thanks to them that they can come up with such a statement."

Amidst the mocking voices, a comment was refreshed.

"There is nothing difficult to understand. I have known that they would be so qualitative."

"Do you know what this means?"

"When you were weak, they would recklessly plant the life and death of non-existent 'soldiers' on your head."

"When you become stronger, even if General Lu is really killed by you, they will hurry to clarify for you!"

"Everyone, do you understand? In international exchanges, the best reason is not diplomats, but giant ships with cannons!"

(End of this chapter)

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