Spark 2003

Chapter 324 The Foundation Shakes

Chapter 324 The Foundation Shakes
The decision made by Liu Hai is actually just a microcosm of the macro situation. He may not feel it, but on the other side of the sea, some experts in the Immigration Bureau who are closely watching the talent flow data all the time have already discovered it. the seriousness of the problem.

In the office, Libitt, the person in charge of the talent introduction plan, mechanically signed the latest report, while several experts opposite him were serious.

In front of the big screen, the assistant is explaining the latest data to everyone, but even if they don't need to look at it, everyone here understands that the situation is not optimistic just from their daily work.

".In the past 60 months, the number of immigrants from China's scientific and technological workers has decreased by 42.7% month-on-month. Among them, the proportion of immigrants on the focus list is only 1.2%, which is far lower than the average level of 6.9% in previous cycles."

"At the same time, the several target personnel we decided to introduce before were all immigrants. The mission is not just a failure, it can even be said to be a big rout."

"Comparatively speaking, the migration of our scientific and technological personnel to China has broken the long-standing low-level situation. Since 2006, a total of 29 scientific and technological researchers have left us and joined China."

"In addition, we are currently facing even worse future expectations."

"According to the information we have received, Isaac, a well-known scholar in the field of high-pressure physics, has decided to immigrate to China—he is currently in China, and it is estimated that he will not return in the short term."

"So, generally speaking, the situation we are facing now is that our recruitment of key talents from China has all failed, but they are the ones who have begun to attract talents from our side to take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms."

"It's a very scary thing to be shaken to our very foundations."

After hearing the assistant's words, everyone in the meeting room fell silent.

"The foundation is shaken."

That's right, the reason why this country can become strong, in fact, apart from making war fortune, plundering the aborigines, and manipulating the international financial market, is another extremely important reason, which is the plundering of advanced talents from various countries.

From the Fulbright Program, to Operation Paperclip, to the "Science Advisory and Technical Mission Program", their pace of plundering talents has never stopped.

And indeed, these programs have paid off handsomely for them.

For decades, they have been able to maintain a relatively high growth rate and occupy an absolute dominant technological level, which is the dividend brought by these plans.

Talent strategy is the foundation of their country.

But now it seems that this foundation does seem to be shaken.

After all, in the decades after World War II, they have never had a cycle in which the flow of high-end talents was negative.

And this cycle from 2003 to 2008 was the first time in history.

Libitt behind the desk finally finished signing all the names. He slowly raised his head and glanced at everyone in the office, and then asked:
"What's the reason? There must be a reason for such a big problem, right?"

The assistant's expression was a little awkward for a while, and he thought to himself:

What is the reason, don't you really have no idea?

However, he couldn't say that directly to Libby.

After sorting out his words, he opened his mouth and replied:

"There are several reasons."

"First of all, it is our continuous economic recession in recent years, which has made some high-end talents doubt our development prospects."

"You also know that in the past few years, China can be said to be the only isolated island in the entire world economy. When all countries are facing recession, they are constantly advancing, and even took this opportunity to occupy many countries that belonged to our market."

"Their situation is very good, whether it is in terms of wages, social and economic environment, and the level of civil economic development, they have greatly improved."

"From the perspective of 'economic life', their attractiveness to talents is constantly improving."

"I think if some of us are willing to go to Huaxia to take a look, we will easily find that the cities there are no longer the 'backward', 'dilapidated', and 'inconvenient' we used to think."

"Shanghai is not much different from New York, and Shenzhen is not much different from Los Angeles. This has laid the foundation for their talent introduction."

Hearing this, Libby nodded solemnly.

He is not a short-sighted, arrogant and arrogant leader. Although he cannot say that he understands the situation in China [-]%, but he will not look at it with prejudices from decades ago as stupidly as some Indian scholars.

It is an undoubted fact that China is developing and their civilization level is improving.

But relying on this alone, can they take away so many talents?

Obviously impossible.

So he went on to ask:

"anything else?"

The assistant paused and continued to answer:
"If economic development lays the foundation for talent introduction, then for now, their core attraction is actually the level of technology that has developed rapidly in recent years."

"Whether in the military industry or the civilian field, their development in recent years is a miracle."

"And for scientific researchers, they often like to have this kind of 'miracle' story the most."

"It's as if, as long as they go to the soil where miracles are born, they can create miracles themselves."

"—Of course, this is not just a superstition."

"If a place can frequently have advanced technological breakthroughs, it means that there must be some kind of special resource or special power in that place."

"The reason why we were able to attract many scientific researchers back then was actually because of the same reason."

"The Isaac we just mentioned is the most typical example."

Libby nodded silently. In fact, he had heard of Isaac.

This person has high academic attainments. Although he cannot be regarded as a leader in high-pressure physics, he is more active in his thinking. Many new methods and new ideas he proposed have been recognized and praised by the academic circle.

Such a person is actually leaving. It must be said that this is definitely a major loss.

"Can we stop him?"

Libby asked subconsciously.

"I'm afraid it's not good."

"Unless we impose an exit restriction and an asset freeze on him, the problem is, he's not at that level of importance."

"If this kind of 'last resort' is used indiscriminately, it will have a major negative effect on the future of the talent introduction project."

".Understood. You go ahead."

"Do you still need to continue?"

The assistant asked a question, and then said:
"Actually, once these two reasons are clarified, we have basically clarified our future coping strategies. As for the others, they either have little impact or we are powerless to intervene."

"For example, in the military, we have faced successive setbacks, which have severely hit the confidence of upper-level scholars."

"But what can we do? We can't go to war with guns."

"So, the focus of our work should still be on the first two things."

Libitt nodded helplessly, and then said with some self-mockery:
"Actually, even if it's the first two things, there's not much we can do."

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Everyone exchanged glances and shook their heads in unison.

yes, any ideas?

After all, the Immigration Bureau is only a front-end administrative department, but what needs to be solved is the bottom-level problem.

This is an irreconcilable contradiction and paradox.

Probably, the only thing they can do is, as Libitt said, implement some restrictive measures, or add some more favorable terms.
Looking at the silent crowd, Libit frowned.

After a long time, he finally spoke:
"No matter what, we must find a way to reverse the disadvantage in talent flow."

"Restrictions are necessary - but at the same time, we also have to build our own appeal."

"I think excess returns are a sound strategy."

"Although it doesn't sound too whimsical, money is the most realistic thing, and no one can resist its temptation."

Hearing what Libitt said, everyone present nodded.

Therefore, the Immigration Bureau's latest talent introduction strategy was decided in this way.

It doesn't have any bells and whistles, and the core has only one sentence: give money, give big money.

After the high-profile announcement of the policy, the whole world was shocked.

Because this policy can already be regarded as the most generous policy in recent decades.

It is foreseeable that once the policy is implemented, a large number of talents will be attracted by the open and transparent incentive plan and invest in the United States.
This is what the USCIS, and Libitt, want to see most.

However, they seem to have overlooked one of the biggest risks in this policy.
Chang'an, in a dilapidated office.

Liu Hai and his newest partner, Mo Cheng, sat opposite each other, their faces full of excitement.

"Brother Liu, it's time to issue it! Lao Mei has given such a good policy, it will be much easier for us to recruit people in the future!"

"One person, as long as they get a green card, they will be given 10 knives. This is too exaggerated!"

"We just need to cast a large net, find those who don't meet the requirements, pack them up and send them to the United States, and we will definitely get rich in a short time!"

Hearing what Mo Cheng said, Liu Hai shook his head disdainfully.

That's right, of course he also saw opportunities in this policy, but the direction he saw was completely opposite to that of Mocheng.

"Are you dreaming? Such a good thing, it's our turn to do it?"

"Everyone knows that going to the United States to make money has long been planned by big companies and institutions. If we do the same thing as them, let alone making money, we probably won't even be able to keep up with hot soup."

"Listen to me, if you really want to make money, there is only one way, and that is to go against them!"

"The other way around? What do you mean?"

Mo Cheng asked suspiciously.

Unlike Liu Hai, he is not an experienced "talent broker". In fact, he only entered this industry three months ago. He first registered a company for the purpose of doing labor dispatch business.

If Liu Hai hadn't taken a fancy to his funds and came up to fool him, he probably wouldn't have paid attention to the news released from the other side of the ocean in his life.
Of course, even if he saw it now, all he could think of was the most superficial opportunity.

"What do you mean, isn't that obvious?"

"In this environment, everyone wants to send people there, and the competition is so fierce that blood is flowing like a river."

"We are different. We just took this opportunity to poach people from there."

"Think about it, the United States wants people, but our own country doesn't want people?"

"The stronger their policies are, the bigger the talent gap will be on our side, and the policies will gradually catch up."

"As long as we plan ahead and get the resources in our hands in advance, we will be the biggest human resources leader when the policy comes out in the future!"

"Are you afraid you won't be able to make money by then? Money in a sack is light!"

Hearing Liu Hai's words, Mo Cheng felt enlightened.

But soon, he discovered the flaw in Liu Hai's words.

He scratched his head and asked:
"Brother Liu, the train of thought you mentioned is not a problem."

"But the question is, where do we go to find people in this situation? Everyone runs out, can we force them to come back?"

Liu Hai shook his head with a smile, and replied:

"Of course we don't pull those who want to run outside."

"They want to leave, but no matter what conditions you offer, they won't be able to keep them. Their hearts are no longer here."

"What we want to attract are those who are abroad but want to come to China!"

"As soon as the old US policy came out, it can be said that it created the conditions for these people to come to China. If I don't seize this opportunity, I feel sorry for them."

"Created conditions? Why?"

Mo Cheng asked with a confused face, until now, he still hasn't understood Liu Hai's strategy.

Although it sounds absurd, can it really be effective?

Looking at this unresponsive partner, Liu Hai suddenly had a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

He took a deep breath and asked rhetorically:

"Let me ask you, if you are a scientific researcher who has worked hard for more than ten years, or even decades, and you have come to an end in terms of economics and status, it is impossible to strive for further progress. gone."

"At this time, your country suddenly issued a policy to implement super high treatment for all new recruits, and this treatment even exceeds you. What do you think at this time?"

Mo Cheng's eyes lit up, and he immediately replied:
"Jealous, not reconciled——I probably understand what you mean, they were hung upside down."

"But the problem is, it's not that easy for them to make a decision just because of the upside-down, right?"

"Of course not."

Liu Hai nodded with confidence, and then continued:

"The upside-down is just a fuse, and it will ignite the anger of scientific researchers in the United States."

"But this anger alone is far from enough to make us money."

"What really determines the direction of things is the allocation of resources."

"Let me ask you, this time the policy is issued by the Immigration Bureau, but is the Immigration Bureau the one who actually paid the money?"

"Probably not. It must be paid by various demand units, and the Immigration Bureau will subsidize part of it at most? How can they have so much money to burn?"

"That's right. In the final analysis, the cost of talents will eventually fall on the heads of various employing departments, that is, the heads of various scientific research institutions."

"So now, here comes the problem."

"As a scientific researcher, you not only have to endure the upside-down salary, but also watch the resources that should belong to you being distributed to those newcomers who have not made any contributions."

"Now, what would you think?"

"I understand!"

Mo Cheng said in surprise.

He's not really stupid, he's just unfamiliar with the industry.

And now, after Liu Hai's answer, he has completely figured out the logic.

He vaguely felt that a big change was about to happen soon.

And in this changing situation, he may reap a lot of benefits.

But the biggest profit, I am afraid, is your own country
(End of this chapter)

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