Spark 2003

Chapter 325 Rooted

Chapter 325 Rooted
As Liu Hai predicted, as soon as the US policy was announced, various immigration companies immediately took action, searching for their targets across the country.

For them, as long as they can take a person from China and successfully send this person to the United States, then what they can get is 10,000+, or even hundreds of thousands of benefits.

Therefore, their enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high, and they can be said to be unscrupulous in doing things.

Harassing phone calls, offline interception, means of foreign workers...almost all available tricks have been exhausted by them.

In fact, the effect they achieved was really good.

Even within Chengfei, as far as Chen Nian knew, two people chose to resign and prepare to go to the United States.

For this, Chen Nian was not filled with righteous indignation.

Everyone has to make their own choices and must be responsible for their own choices.

I just hope that in the future, they will not regret this day.

In the office, Chen Nian looked at the report that Li Xiang handed over, and said with some emotion:
"These Yankees are really crazy. With such a big cost, how many years can they last?"

"Taking a step back, the people they can attract in this way are non-core personnel after all. Even from the perspective of cost-effectiveness, it's not cost-effective to do so, right?"

Hearing his words, Li Xiang shook his head and replied:

"We have also considered this issue, but after all, the effectiveness of talents is not easy to define."

"An ordinary mediocre researcher here may burst out with great potential after changing the environment."

"An up-and-coming talent can also get buried because they don't fit the way they work."

"No one can accurately predict the outcome. To be precise, they are gambling."

"If they can win the bet, they can get back some chips in their hands."

"If they lose that bet, then they're really down to the last two chips -- agriculture and energy."

Chen Nian nodded slightly, then asked:
"What about your own judgment? Intuitively, do you think they can win the bet?"

"I don't like it."

Li Xiang answered bluntly.

"Although Xinghuo has been criticizing the statement that 'the bench will sit on the bench for ten years' in recent years, objectively speaking, scientific research is indeed a long and lonely process."

"Too utilitarian mentality makes it difficult to guarantee continuous energy investment. There may be a significant improvement in a short period of time, but if it is extended to a few years or more than ten years, the decline in efficiency is almost inevitable."

"Of course, although the final result is not optimistic, I have to admit that their move has indeed brought us a lot of trouble."

"Especially in terms of public opinion and internal voices, we are under pressure."

Hearing this, Chen Nian immediately understood what Li Xiang meant.

The so-called "pressure" means that in comparison, the treatment of domestic scientific researchers is not as good as that of the United States, so that some internal complaints have arisen.

This is a matter of course, but it is not so easy to solve it.

Everyone will shout the slogan of improving the treatment of scientific researchers, but where does the money come from?
It can never fall from the sky.

Moreover, the more embarrassing situation is that most of the scientific researchers who are not paid well and have poor personal returns do not belong to the core layer. They may be restricted by talent or opportunity, so they cannot enjoy the extreme enrichment like those top scientific researchers. H.
Don't talk about the cold bench, they can't sit on the cold bench.

Most of the time, they are in the sewer.

They are the most humble existence in the entire scientific research group, and they are also the existence in the most difficult situation.

It is far away to rely on one's own ability, and it is even more impossible to expect policy changes-after all, from a macro perspective, no investor in any country in the world will allocate a large amount of resources to targets that have not performed well in the early stage superior.

National strategy, bottom-hunting does not exist, chasing high is the norm.
But is it just to give up on them?

Chen Nian was a little unwilling.

In the previous life, he was also a member of this group.

So he also knew that these people were not really incompetent—just kidding, how many people who can embark on the road of scientific research have no two brushes?
Maybe they just need more time to find a way that suits them.
Thinking of this, Chen Nian said:
"It's normal for us to be stressed."

"In the past two years, domestic scientific research has developed rapidly, but in all fairness, the increase in the salary of scientific researchers, especially the salary of grassroots personnel, is not enough."

"We are too utilitarian. All resources are concentrated in a few large-scale projects. If this continues, let alone whether the efficiency can keep up, some industries may be driven to death by us."

Hearing Chen Nian's words, Li Xiang nodded slowly.

"This is indeed a problem, but there is really no way around it."

"We are still in the overtaking stage, and the fuel must be given to the locomotive."

"If you have to pursue fairness at this time, I think the gains outweigh the losses."

"The matter of public opinion can be dealt with, but if the allocation of resources goes wrong, it will be difficult to correct."

Chen Nian shook his head and denied:

"I'm not saying that we should give up key projects and key personnel. What I mean is that, in addition to these people, we should use some resources to ensure the survival of grassroots personnel."

"Then how? Raise the base salary?"

Li Xiang's expression was a little helpless.

In fact, if you want to ensure the survival of grassroots personnel as Chen Nian said, starting from the basic salary is almost the only choice.

The reason is simple, you cannot give them special subsidies, special bonuses without any reason, which will seriously undermine the fairness of the entire system.

But the problem is that raising base wages is a strategy that affects the whole body.

Not to mention the collateral impact of other industries, just in the field of scientific research, what is the overall cost of increasing the monthly salary of 1000 yuan?

At this stage, the number of scientific researchers in Huaxia officials, including central enterprises and various institutions, is about 110 million. If each person is given an extra 1000 yuan, the annual expenditure will be more than 150 billion yuan.

Taking into account the potential costs in all aspects of the policy implementation process, the cost of raising wages once is close to 200 billion.

This is equivalent to the full-cycle R&D investment of a large-scale project.

The results of the project are tangible, but what about the results of preferential treatment of personnel?
This is indeed a frustrating fact.

"There is no need to move the base salary, and the directionality is too poor."

"We can afford to burn this money, but there is no need to burn it like this."

"My idea is to set up a special allowance."

"This allowance is specially used for scientific researchers who have been working in unpopular fields for many years."

"We don't ask them to make substantive results in a short period of time, but we ask for [-]% investment."

"In other words, let's provide them with a trial and error cost."

On the opposite side, Li Xiang pondered for a moment, and sharply pointed out the key to the problem:
"The evaluation system is a big trouble. If there are no hard indicators, this subsidy will quickly become the best breeding ground for power rent-seeking."

"At the end of the day, it's the powerful researchers who get the stipends, and the poor or poor."

"So, we don't use the 'application-evaluation' method to decide who to send subsidies to, we use big data."

"Big Data?"

Li Xiang didn't know much about this concept, so Chen Nian continued to explain:

"We collect the information of all scientific researchers, extract the income level, the number of papers, the number of experiments, the composition of expenditure, and even the data of the number of times the data is consulted, and conduct a comprehensive analysis of these data to select the most qualified personnel."

"A simple example, real scientific researchers, the time they spend socializing at the wine table is definitely not as much time as they spend in the laboratory."

Hearing this, Li Xiang understood Chen Nian's intentions.

"Understood, you want to use data that won't lie to determine the real suitable candidate."

"It's a good idea—it's even possible that, if the model can be successfully established this time, such an evaluation system can be applied to other places."

"For example, the assessment of some leadership. I guess, once this model is made public, some people may jump their feet."

Chen Nian smiled disdainfully, and replied:

"Let's jump, the more energetic people are, the faster they will be cleaned up."

Li wanted to nod again, but soon he spoke again:

"The idea is fine, and most of the data can be obtained."

"Evaluate the model. If the machine can't draw a direct conclusion, do a preliminary screening first, and then send the results to Xinghuo for evaluation."

"Xinghuo is an independent third party, has no interest relationship, and can guarantee the objectivity of the results."

"But the problem is that the query of some data may require the authorization of the person concerned, because it will involve privacy."

“Then let them authorize — that can also be used as a screening tool.”

"Although it sounds harsh, this is the sand in the porridge. People who really need it don't care about this so-called 'self-esteem'"

Nanjing, in a certain old and dilapidated residential building.

He Wucheng squatted silently in the corridor, with cigarette butts lying under his feet.

He had just quarreled with his wife, but he was not kicked out of the house, but staying in that small and cramped room really broke him down, so he simply slammed the door out when the quarrel reached its peak, trying to get through this This way, let yourself and your wife calm down.

However, this thin iron door can block the sight, but it cannot block the sobbing of his wife inside the door.

He Wucheng felt more and more confused when he heard it in his ears.

It can be said that this quarrel is not much different from any other one. It is nothing more than some trivial matters, plus the pressure of life, so that the problem that could have been easily solved has risen to a big fight. degree.

Why on earth did it become like this?
Why did my wife become less and less able to understand me, and why did I become more and more prone to losing control of my emotions?
My previous self was not like this.

At that time, he was still the proud son of heaven in the eyes of everyone.

After graduating from Nanjing Agricultural University, he entered the Nanjing Academy of Agricultural Sciences and became a backbone.

Whether it is in terms of income or development prospects, it is bright.

However, his own development has not been as smooth as everyone thought.

Because the research direction he chose was too unpopular, he did not achieve any breakthrough results for a full 10 years.

I can't apply for funding, I can't improve my level, and my salary can't even match that of a newcomer who just entered the research institute.

Whether it is my leader or my wife at home, I have persuaded myself countless times to give up the project at hand and choose a more popular topic.

According to their views, the research on Phytophthora that He Wucheng is doing is nothing more than chicken ribs. In this country where rice and wheat are staple foods, what's the point of studying potato diseases?
But He Wucheng knew very well that someone had to do this part of the content.

What if?
What if one day, our food security is really challenged so much that we have to turn our attention to potatoes, which everyone despises?
At that time, is it still too late to do research?
A massive Phytophthora infection can destroy crops in an entire field. If it really reaches the most extreme situation, do we have to watch the chance of saving life pass before our eyes?
Therefore, He Wucheng never gave up.

He knew very well that he was indeed stubborn and paranoid.

But he never thought that such paranoia was meaningless.

That is, for the "meaning" in his heart, he persisted for ten years.
But now, he really couldn't hold on anymore.

The financial pressure is getting bigger and bigger, the family life is in a mess, and even my physical condition is starting to go from bad to worse.

Almost every night, he asks himself the same question:
If you were given another chance, would you still make the same choice?
Before yesterday, this question had never been answered.

However, when a call from a headhunter came to his mobile phone, and when he rejected the generous offer from an international grain merchant without hesitation, he suddenly had an answer.

Yes, I have never regretted it.

It's just because I have lived so hard that I have the illusion of "regret".

Perhaps, the only thing I am sorry for is my family.

Thinking of this, He Wuchang let out a sigh.

He stood up, took out the key to open the door, and looked at his wife who was sobbing silently on the sofa.

He Wucheng felt a pain in his heart. He walked forward silently, squatted halfway in front of his wife, and said:
"Don't be angry, I'm talking too much."

"I will find a way to pay for the money for the child's school choice."

"The dryer you want to buy, buy it when you need it. The weather is really too humid."

"Don't worry, I will find a way to solve the problem of money. At worst, I will find a way to do some private work."

"But, you really can't blame me, you can't blame me for not taking $10 from the Americans."

"I am doing research on food diseases. Although it is unpopular, it is also very important."

"If I really join them, then the technology in my hand will be used against us one day."

"I can't let that happen. That's my bottom line."

Hearing his words, his wife raised her head, her eyes watered.

She opened her mouth several times, but when the words reached her mouth, she swallowed them all.

After a long time, she finally said:
"He Wucheng, you are thinking about them, but have they thought about you?"

"You always say how important your subject is and how important your technology is, but I know that they never think you are so important."

"I don't mean to blame you, I know you have your ambitions."

"However, you should also think about yourself. Sometimes people need to be more selfish."

"You don't have to immigrate, you don't need to provide technology to them, but just be a consultant, isn't it okay?"

He Wucheng was silent, of course he knew who the "they" his wife was referring to.

And he had no way to refute what his wife said.

Yes, I really have never been taken seriously.
Maybe, it's time to make some changes.

Maybe, I really should accept their conditions.

Because of that, at least your family can get through this embarrassing time.

He Wuchang let out a sigh, he took out his phone, and found the number in the phone that he had seen many times, but never dialed on his own initiative.

Make a call and everything will be different.

His hand had already rested on the dial key, but suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a small envelope icon on the phone screen.

That's the hallmark of a text message.

He subconsciously opened the SMS interface, and two text messages appeared in front of his eyes.

The first one is the bank card transfer notice sent by Yinxintong, and the amount of the account is 12 yuan.

while the second
"Comrade He Wucheng, hello. You have passed the audit of the special allowance of 'Taking Root'. Thank you for your long-term research in the field of Phytophthora and fungal genetics. I wish you more and better results as soon as possible. This allowance is based on the number of years. One-time Subsequent allowances will be issued on a monthly basis, please refer to the relevant documents for details."

He Wucheng stared at the text message dumbfounded. He suddenly remembered that a few days ago, he seemed to have indeed submitted certain audit documents as required.

But he never thought that he could really get this allowance.

Because he has run too many times
He read these two text messages repeatedly, afraid that he would be happy for nothing.

It wasn't until he called the bank to inquire about the change in his balance that he finally felt relieved.

The wife on the side watched his movements suspiciously, and she didn't ask until He Wucheng put down the phone:
"What's wrong? What happened?"

He Wucheng had a smile on his face. He looked straight into his wife's eyes and said:

"I don't have to take American money anymore, our own people sent me the money."

"Look, it's not that they don't value me. It's just that maybe the time hasn't come yet."

"Someone remembers me—I kid you not, they do."

 May 5th is the National Science and Technology Workers' Day, I received a text message, paying tribute to the science and technology workers~
(End of this chapter)

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