Spark 2003

Chapter 332 Synthesis Success

Chapter 332 Synthesis Success
A few days later, an "explosive" news suddenly exploded the global scientific research circle.

This is really, literally explosive news, because it's literally about explosions.

"The Christ Laboratory in the United States successfully synthesized all nitrogen anion salts under high pressure conditions, opening a new era for human beings."

No one is complaining about the seemingly hyperbolic title, because if it is true, "New Age" is not too much to describe.

The total nitrogen anion salt is not just a safe and stable explosive. With its ultra-high specific impulse value, it is indeed possible to open a new era of aerospace.

However, the fly in the ointment is that this news is just news, not a convincing research result.

Because according to the laboratory, their finished products have died due to experimental accidents, and the specific papers and experimental data have not yet been output.

Therefore, although the academic community has shown great concern about this, no organization can make a conclusion on this.

But even if it was just that, Christer was satisfied enough.

After all, the purpose of his news release was originally to "raise attention".

And on the Internet forums where information is exchanged most frequently, the discussion on this news has gradually become more heated.

"Is the news from Christ's laboratory highly credible? It's just a report without any evidence, no chemical formula, no corresponding data support, and no finished product display. It's a bit too childish to just say it like that?"

"This is normal. It has not yet entered the stage of publishing papers. Most scientific research projects will release news after the actual results are released. It will take at least one or two months before writing papers and applying for patents. , Open technology."

"Basically speaking, the disclosure of information by Christ Lab this time is a relatively common operation. I boldly guess that they should have achieved some imperfect results. If they want to further research, they need more resources and resources. Funding, so it will attract attention in this way."

"This can also be confirmed from what they say 'the finished product has died unexpectedly'."

"But no matter what, without evidence, it's hard to believe its authenticity."

"Fortunately, Christ's laboratory is backed by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of the United States. Christ himself is a master in the field of energetic materials, especially nitrogen-containing materials. He was the first to synthesize all-nitrogen cation salts. He has participated in the project since then and is also one of the leaders.”

"For such a character, if you say that he uses some tricks to increase his presence, I believe it, but if you say that he doesn't have anything in his hand to brag, it will be a bit malicious."

"Moreover, according to the simple process they have disclosed, some institutions have already begun to try to do repeated experiments. At present, no institution has jumped out to crack down on counterfeiting. This alone is enough to prove that the news is basically credible."

After reading the insider's explanation, many netizens also have a basic judgment.

For this latest scientific research achievement, the reaction of most people is relatively peaceful.

It is true that after several years of development and after witnessing several conflicts between us and the United States, most netizens have a bad attitude towards Laomei. respected by scientific researchers.

Therefore, most of the discussions on this news remain at the technical level, and everyone pays more attention to what can be done and what can be used for the total nitrogen anion salt after it appears.

"...Anyway, the performance of the compound synthesized by the United States is still unclear at present, but if you analyze it from the material itself, it is not very reliable to say that this thing is a new generation of explosives."

"Although the stability of the total nitrogen anion salt is higher than that of the total nitrogen cation salt, its decomposition temperature is basically not too high, and it is estimated to be more than 100 degrees Celsius."

"In this case, the compound breaks down before the detonation occurs."

"So, it shouldn't be treated as purely explosive—especially the full nitrogen anion salt synthesized under high-pressure methods."

"In contrast, I am more looking forward to the results of our own chemistry. It is said that the South University of Technology is also planning to release a progress report, and has held an academic conference to compete with Lao Mei."

"I always feel that they should be holding some secret weapon in their hands, or they should not be so confident."

After this comment was posted, as expected, the originally harmonious discussion of netizens immediately divided into two factions.

One of the schools believes that the chemical method is too difficult and the technical background of Nanjing University of Technology is too poor, so it is basically impossible to achieve results in a short period of time.

The other faction believes that the development of Huaxia Science and Technology in recent years has shown some kind of incredible leapfrogging trend, and this time is likely to be no exception.

The two groups of people were at loggerheads, and gradually, the purely technical discussion began to change.

"You guys think so beautifully. You always think that you can achieve cornering overtaking, but have you ever thought that the accumulation of technology is not something that happens overnight."

"Don't think it's so great to make some breakthroughs in applied technology. In the field of basic science, Lao Mei is the boss!"

"Do you think we are strong in materials science? Don't talk about it! Let alone the total nitrogen anion salt project and the metal hydrogen project, don't we still need foreign aid?"

"Recognize the reality and face up to the gap."

"Hehe, did the one upstairs kneel for too long and can't stand up? Our material science is not strong? Go and look through "Advanced Materials" by yourself and see how many papers we have written in the past few years?"

"Not to mention anything else, just how many new materials in the aviation field have been produced in the past few years?"

"Otherwise, where do you think our planes came from, where did our aircraft carriers come from, and where did our missiles come from?"

"Just because materials are updated does not mean that materials science is strong. Those high-temperature flame-retardant materials are just rearranged and combined on the basis of existing theories. Compared with the difficulty of all-nitrogen anion salts, the difference is not 01: 30 o'clock."

"One is the optimization of old technology, and the other is a brand-new new technology. Can it be the same?"

"Don't talk so much, if you think Nanjing University of Technology is awesome, let them directly present the results, and see if they dare to respond?"

"Hehe, come up with a result of 'dead by accident'? Who can't."

The debate intensified, and the core of the conflict gradually focused on the South University of Technology project, which was conducting similar research.

Regardless of whether the views held are positive or negative, everyone is looking forward to Nanjing Institute of Technology to stand up and respond and make their latest progress public.

However, Nanjing University of Technology, which was at the center of the discussion, did not make any response from the beginning to the end.

Because, this small R&D team is currently concentrating all their strengths to launch the final sprint for the project.

The technology and process have been completely determined, and it is only one step away from the real synthesis of total nitrogen anion salt
On the other side, London, the National Composites Centre.

Brooke Coates is sitting in his office, and across from him is Phillyn Withers, a student, colleague and friend who has been with him since he was at Imperial College.

Brooke did not leave the center on this afternoon when he was supposed to enjoy afternoon tea, and went to drink a cup of black tea with sugar in the cafe he was familiar with. Instead, he stayed in the office abnormally, carefully reading a letter from China's mail.

For a native Englishman like him, this seems to be a bit too hard.

In the past, no matter what reason he was forced to "work overtime", Brook would inevitably curse a few words, and he might even go on strike.

But this time, he enjoyed it.

The reason is simple, the content written in this email, and the fun it provided him, has outweighed the loss of not having a perfect cup of afternoon tea.

For a scholar like him, being able to get in touch with new things and new ideas is always the first priority.

And just when he was immersed in the content of the email and could not extricate himself, Feilin who was on the side suddenly asked:
"Brooke, have you really decided to change your itinerary, give up Los Angeles, and go to Huaxia?"

"You know, we had already confirmed our intention with Christer two months ago, and now there is a sudden change, not only is there a chance to communicate, but to be honest, it's really not polite."

Hearing his words, Brook waved his hands nonchalantly, and replied casually:

"This is a two-way choice event, and we have never said that we will definitely go, let alone ask them to reserve any resources for us."

"At best, we just gave them a chance--now, we have more important things to do, so we take this opportunity back, isn't it reasonable?"

Feilin was at a loss for words, and after a moment of silence, he said helplessly:

"It's true to say so, but. Are the results of Nantong University really so novel? New enough to make us give up a confirmed result, and instead focus on a direction that no one has taken before?"

Brook immediately regained his spirits. He pointed to the text on the screen and said:

"Look for yourself, the staged results they produced are not just as simple as novelty, but most importantly, they are extremely high integrity."

"Although the basic idea of ​​chemical method synthesis is only briefly introduced, and the key steps and key data are also hidden, any researcher with laboratory experience can see that they must have a complete set of procedural."

"It's incredible — I ask you, if you don't have a final result, do you have a final process?"

"Obviously not! Therefore, my judgment is that they have probably completed the synthesis of the total nitrogen anion salt before everyone else, but for some special reason, there is no way to announce it temporarily."

"This is what I am most curious about, and it is also the reason why I must go to Huaxia"


Ferrin nodded slightly, and then suddenly said with some amusement:
"However, since then, Christer is probably going to die of anger."

"You know, I have a good personal relationship with him. When I talked to him before, I also said that when we arrived in Los Angeles, we would go with him to meet the strippers there. But now, I'm afraid there is no chance."

"You can invite him to go to China with us."

Brooke said seriously.

"...This is purely a joke, how could he be"

"No, it's not a joke."

Brook interrupted Ferrin's words, and asked:

"Let me ask you, do you really think that Christ's research results are any forward-looking, or have any special inspiration?"

"I don't think. To be honest, I still had expectations for him, but after their news was released this time, I have fully understood what they are doing."

"It's still those outdated theories and technologies, or those processes that haven't changed in any way—probably the only change is that because of the development of technology, the experimental equipment has become more advanced, and the high pressure of more than [-] g is easier to obtain. .”

"What is the significance of such achievements. The goal of the development of nitrogen-containing compounds is ultimately to achieve comprehensive industrial production, or to achieve universal use."

"But their plan. You know, either it cannot be practical, or it is a monopoly before popularization."


Felin sighed, nodded and answered.

Seeing his reaction, Brook continued:

"So, I think there is no need for him to insist on his own direction. Why not go to Huaxia with us to see the progress of Hu."

"I think that even if hu's team can't reach the level of completion that Christ has achieved for the time being, what they represent is the true direction of development."

Hearing Brook's words, Felin thought for a moment, and finally shook his head with a wry smile.

"For a moment, I was almost convinced by you."

"However, if you think about it carefully, this is still impossible."

"After all, we all know that the reason why Christ is going in this direction is not 'pure scientific research' in essence, and the conflict between their different routes is not just a 'conflict of routes'."

"So, let's not worry about it, let them go."

"Okay, let me tell my assistant to book a ticket first."

With that said, Ferlin got up and wanted to leave, but at this moment, a new email popped up in Brooke's mailbox.

While answering Felin, Brook casually clicked on the email, but when he saw the title of the email, he suddenly froze in place.

"Communication of recent developments in salts of total nitrogen anions."

The sender is hu bingchun.

He quickly clicked on the email.

"Dear Brooke, hello."

"I am extremely honored and looking forward to receiving the news that you have decided to come to Huaxia. This will be the first time we meet again after two years. Taste the peach crisps, trust me, they will definitely satisfy you."

"Besides, before you officially set off, I have another piece of good news to share with you."

"We have successfully synthesized the total nitrogen anion salt. A total of 6.4 grams of compounds were prepared in the first experiment. The properties of these compounds are stable. After testing, the effect is satisfactory"

Brook stared at the screen dumbfounded, while Filin beside him was even more at a loss.

There is no need to read the content behind the email anymore.

"Successfully Synthesized".

This sentence alone is enough to shock the world.

And more importantly, their products did not die due to accidents!
"Hurry up and book tickets."

Brook stabilized his emotions and continued:
"I can't wait for a moment, we'd better start tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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