Spark 2003

Chapter 333 Metal Hydrogen Fuel Engine

Chapter 333 Metal Hydrogen Fuel Engine
Compared with the "news" that has no real evidence to support it, the sensation brought about by the results of Nanjing University of Technology is obviously much stronger. In just a few days, this news quickly spread throughout the scientific research community. Come, and after further disclosure of specific details, almost everyone was shocked by the significance of this achievement.

Brooke was the first scholar from another country to arrive in China. After in-depth exchanges with Hu Bingchun, he was the first to express his views on behalf of NCC.

".First of all, it is certain that the new substance released by Huaxia this time is definitely an epoch-making product, and its greatest significance is not in its 'newness', but more importantly, its low synthesis difficulty and simple composition. "

"This new compound has a very valuable point, that is, the anions and cations contained are all normal things, namely chloride ions and ammonium ions. =, no strong Lewis acid-base ions appear."

"This quality is extremely important for the fate of the substance's industrialization."

"For a new type of explosive, a new type of fuel, it has to come down in cost, and the new types of explosives that we're using are all too expensive."

"If there is no route with high yield, simple steps, and cheap raw materials, then no matter how new your finished product is and how good its performance is, it can only stay in the laboratory stage."

"It can be said that the new substance synthesized by Huaxia has taken a good start. Its raw materials are not complicated or rare, and it is also a product that can truly improve human technology."

Brooke's discussion directly determined the results of this time, and as long as scholars who pay attention to this competition between China and the United States can hear the implication in Brooke's words.
He almost criticized the "impracticality" of the US experimental results by name, and his position can be said to be extremely clear.

This point really puzzles some people. After all, the United Kingdom is considered a traditional ally of the United States, and NCC also has many cooperations with the National Science Foundation of the United States.

Logically speaking, shouldn't they give the US a platform?

However, scholars who really understand the field of scientific research are not surprised by this—even American scholars have at least shown a neutral attitude when facing this achievement.

Because scientific research is not politics, there is no room for distortion and alteration.

Strong is strong, right is right, and you have no way to put pressure on it with political power to distort the well-known facts.

It is precisely because of this unchangeable feature that the energetic materials conference to be held by the US has fallen into an extremely embarrassing situation.

Due to time conflicts, a large number of invited scholars temporarily changed their plans and planned to go to China to witness this epoch-making moment in the history of nitrogen-containing compound research. The number of people who were able to go to Los Angeles as agreed directly fell below 30% of the expected number.

This 30% is because their research direction overlaps with the high-pressure direction of the United States. Compared with Huaxia, it is more cost-effective.
In this regard, even the conference affairs group under the Civil Affairs Office was not fully prepared, but fortunately, the Civil Affairs Office has enough money, so it is not difficult to temporarily expand the scale.
On the other side, Chengdu.

Chen Guo was also pleasantly surprised by the results of Nanjing University of Technology. You must know that Chen Nian originally said that the technical documents would be output within three weeks, but now, only three weeks have passed, and the finished products have already come out.

In the office, holding the report submitted by Hu Bingchun's team in his hand, he said with some emotion:
"Who could have imagined this. I guess Hu Bingchun himself could not have imagined that the progress would be so fast. Their team didn't even prepare for the patent application process, and they didn't know what to do with the paper—what do you say? Do you want to use it this time?" Your name to apply?"

Hearing Chen Guo's words, Chen Nian shook his head decisively.

"Forget it, it's not necessary, just operate in the usual way."

The so-called "previous method" refers to applying for patents and publishing papers in the name of a team or researcher at the front desk, but in the internal database, the results are marked with Chen Nian's logo to achieve the benefits he deserves anchoring.

Of course, Chen Nian always felt that this kind of interest was dispensable, but in terms of formal compliance, he still had to do well.

"Then follow the old method—so how strong is the new compound this time, tell me about it?"

Chen Guo looked at Chen Nian curiously. He himself is an aerodynamicist, so he knows nothing about chemistry, especially advanced chemistry. Can't recognize them all.

Therefore, he can't quite understand the meaning of this thing.

Chen Nian pondered for a moment, then asked:
"Do you want to hear the technical stuff, or the popular stuff?"

".Let's listen to the technical ones first."

"Technically, there are several indicators."

"The first one, the DDT time is about 300 days, the cleaning type is excellent, and there is not much worry about using it."

"Second, the calculated detonation velocity is above 12000M/S, and the detonation pressure is above 60Gpa. The performance is probably more than twice that of TNAE, the strongest explosive at present. Not to mention compared with TNT, the overall performance can almost reach that of TNT. 5 to 6 times more."

"The third is that the cost is relatively low. If we continue to develop from the current route, the final industrialization cost should be almost the same as that of TNT."

"So in general, even if it is only used as an explosive, this all-nitrogen anion salt compound has great potential."

"Understood the common one?"

"Have you seen Evangelion?"

"No—what's that?"

"A sci-fi cartoon, my childhood memory. There is something called N2 bomb in it. It can be said that we have already manufactured N2 bomb in advance."

Chen Guo nodded thoughtfully, then continued to ask:
"So, what you mean is that this compound turns the science fiction works into reality in advance?"

"In general."

Chen Nian nodded slightly.

Chen Guo breathed a sigh of relief, and said with emotion:

"Although I haven't watched the cartoon you mentioned, but basically, I can experience your feelings. This is probably equivalent to the fact that we are engaged in aircraft. One day, we suddenly discovered that the flying saucer in ET was created. ?”

"That's about it. In a word, for scientific researchers in this field, it's a dream come true."

"When you put it that way, I'm quite envious of them."

Chen Guo smiled, then suddenly changed the subject and asked:
"Having said that, does this thing help our aerial platform project?"

After thinking for a moment, Chen Nian replied:
"It helps, but it's not necessary. If you really want to solve the power problem of the aerial platform, you still have to rely on metal hydrogen."

"Then where is the development path for this thing?"

Chen Guo asked suspiciously.

Chen Nian sighed helplessly, and replied:
"It should have existed as a transition product of metal hydrogen. If the normal development path is followed, the total nitrogen compound should have a bright period of about 50 years."

"But now. This time should be shortened to less than 10 years."

"The time when metal hydrogen is mass-produced is the only window for its existence."

"However, under such circumstances, our industrial development must not be based on total nitrogen compounds."

On the other hand, after confirming the latest achievements of Nanjing University of Technology on the total nitrogen anion salt, the US quickly responded accordingly.

As a veteran scientific research powerhouse, they did not get confused because of the temporary backwardness. On the contrary, under the auspices of Christ, the direction of the entire project was quickly and resolutely adjusted, and other related industries also took immediate action.

Among them, the most critical industry is the aerospace industry.

Washington, NASA headquarters.

Bill Nelson sat behind his desk, opposite him was Locke who came with Crist.

".So, in what you call 'new fuels', are we really running out of redemption? Are they really beating us by developing a new generation of rocket fuel?"

Nelson asked.

Locke hesitated for a moment, but in the end he still didn't speak, but gave Christ the chance to answer.

After thinking for a while, the latter replied:

"To be precise, the total nitrogen anion salt is not just a new aerospace solid fuel—but of course, we only discuss its application here."

"As for this kind of application, I have to admit that they are indeed ahead, and, judging from the current results, they have at least 5 to 10 years ahead of us in technology."

"And the consequences of this technological leadership are also serious."

"They will have stronger solid fuel and stronger rocket engines, which will lead to stronger aerospace technology and stronger intercontinental missiles. In this field, we will be completely passive."

"If left unchecked, the end result could be"

"Every missile we launch, they intercept. And every missile they launch, before we initiate interception, falls within our borders."

"This can't even be called a 'threat' anymore. If things really come to this point, we might as well just surrender."

Hearing what Christ said, Nelson's expression became serious.

He frowned slightly, and continued to ask:
"Isn't it possible for us to catch up technically in the short term?"

"No, the route they are taking is something we have never set foot in. To complete the catch-up, it is equivalent to starting from scratch."

"How long does it take to start from scratch?"

".At least five years. Five years is enough for Huaxia to develop a new solid rocket motor and create a new intercontinental missile based on the new total nitrogen compound."

"So, you want me to pay for your mistakes?"

Hearing this, Luo Jiahui, who had been silent at the side, finally couldn't sit still.

He raised his hand and interrupted Nelson, who was still about to continue his sarcasm, and said:
"It's not about paying for someone's mistakes, it's about helping each other."

"Nelson, you don't need to be so mean. In fact, you know very well that neither Christ, nor his team, nor our entire scientific research team has done anything wrong."

"The reason why the current situation has developed is not because we are too weak, but because the opponent is too strong."

"So, what we should do is not infighting and quarreling, but throwing everything together and making full use of the influence of all of us to achieve a common goal."

"I might as well put it bluntly: we need you to stand with us and make recommendations to Congress to limit each other's solid rocket motor development by any means at our disposal, while at the same time promoting our own technological innovation at any cost , so as to offset the disadvantages brought about by the new fuel."

Seeing Locke's solemn expression, Nelson finally put away his resignation. After a moment of silence, he said:
"I can do this."

"If I influence Congress, they will take my advice."

"But I want you to think about what that means. What you call 'restrict by all means' means that we have to launch sanctions against several of their key research institutions."

"Among them, the most critical units include the First and Fourth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology."

"As for the result of such sanctions, I can tell you responsibly that the result is unpredictable."

"Compared with the trouble it may cause them, the biggest impact of launching such sanctions is the so-called 'decoupling'."

"And once decoupling is implemented, it means that we are going to a full-scale war—a full-scale war in the field of technology and patents."

"Have you considered the consequences of doing this?"

Locke nodded and replied:
"Thought it out, we have to do it."


Nelson sighed softly, then said:

"I will initiate a proposal according to your request. We will discuss the specific details later."

After receiving Nelson's confirmation, Locke's expression finally relaxed.

After a brief chat, he left Nelson's office with Christ.

The latter was a little depressed, but after getting into the car, he said as if to comfort himself:
"At least, in the short term, we don't have to worry about possible serious consequences."


Locke replied simply, and then asked again:

"But I don't get it, is it really as bad as you think it is?"

"If you don't respond in time, there is a risk of even worse."

Christ answered solemnly.

Locke stopped talking, and the car gradually drove out of Washington.

And behind them, this state machine has gradually begun to operate.
A few days later, sanctions in the field of solid rocket motors arrived as scheduled.

Many enterprises and scientific research institutions, including the Fourth Academy and the First Academy, have been included in the list.

Everyone can see the purpose of the United States, but unexpectedly, Huaxia's reaction to this is not strong.

the reason is simple:
Not to mention how effective the so-called sanctions can be, Lao Mei's direction is completely wrong.
Huaxia's next-generation solid rocket motor is not a nitrogen-fueled engine, but a metal-hydrogen fueled engine.
(End of this chapter)

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