Spark 2003

Chapter 334 Analysis of metal hydrogen technology completed

Chapter 334 Analysis of metal hydrogen technology completed

The Fourth Academy and the First Academy were included in the list, and the entire Huaxia aerospace field followed suit—after all, restrictions exist objectively, and because of such restrictions, many tasks must be adjusted accordingly.

The final result is an increase in chain reaction workload and redundant actions.

Everyone scolded countless times on various occasions, and the superiors were also actively preparing tools for countermeasures. For a while, the atmosphere of public opinion began to become tense.

However, in terms of pure scientific research work, no one will really feel the pressure because of such a list-in fact, even the other party does not expect to choke our solid rocket motor technology by relying on a list develop.

This kind of technology itself is extremely closed, and the self-owned rate of technology in various countries is generally above 90%. Unless it is a fuss in the field of materials, it really doesn't make much sense.

When it comes to materials, in recent years, China's progress in the field of high-temperature-resistant materials has become a world leader.

Therefore, objectively speaking, the current situation of the opponent is that one step is slow, every step is slow.

Of course, the opponent is also very clear about this.

But to put it bluntly, this is a kind of micromanagement.

A kind of micro-management that has little effect but is indispensable.

When the national struggle develops to the limit, it is a process of comparing pennies and pennies.

As for how much impact it can have on the macro situation, it depends on luck.
Obviously, the recent luck of the United States has not been particularly good.

Turning his attention back to the interior of Huaxia, after the total nitrogen anion salt project basically came to an end, Chen Nian also began to sprint the metal hydrogen project with all his strength.

At this time, Isaac has gradually recognized his position, especially after seeing that in less than two months, the concept of total nitrogen anion salt has not even reached its peak, and Huaxia has already completed it. After the trial production, he could more and more feel the potential of Huaxia in the field of materials science.

As a result, his attitude changed drastically.

From the very beginning of self-esteem, he became humble and cautious.

This allowed Chen Nian to communicate with him more smoothly. After several fruitful discussions, Chen Nian also successfully reduced the source consumption of the metal hydrogen industrial method to below 300 points.

Compared with the 470 source points he currently has on hand and the average daily accumulation rate of 1.2 points, it is finally possible to analyze the metal hydrogen industrial production method.

On this day, after completing the last communication with Isaac and completing the deduction in the system, Chen Nian finally determined that the detailed plan to continue to brush metal hydrogen was no longer cost-effective.

Therefore, he decided to complete the analysis of metal hydrogen immediately.

The final source point consumption required for analysis is fixed at 279 points.

After selecting the "Confirm Analysis" button, Chen Nianxian had the illusion of being emptied in his heart. After all, this was the first time he had consumed such a huge amount of source points in a single time.

Immediately afterwards, a surge of information and knowledge immediately filled his brain, bringing him a tearing pain that he hadn't seen for a long time.

After spending a full 12 hours on the phone, Chen Nian intermittently completed the absorption of all the content of the metal hydrogen industrial method.

As he thought, the production method of metal hydrogen is related to the industrial production method of total nitrogen anion salt. The core is to form free hydrogen ions by oxidative fracture under point solution conditions, and then use limited high pressure to dissociate hydrogen ions. Ions are compressed and impurities are removed to obtain the final product.

The core of this process includes two parts, one part is the preparation of cutting agent and oxidant in the chemical reaction process, and the other part is the strong magnetic dynamic pulse high voltage equipment.

In contrast, the latter has higher requirements on the industrial base, and it can even be said that it exceeds the current industrial base in China.

The principle of the device itself is clear, but to be able to manufacture such a device, you must first have a suitable base machine.

However, in order to manufacture the mother machine, the problems of materials and processing accuracy must be solved first.

Layer by layer, peel it off like an onion, and finally push it out, which is the first step that Huaxia can do.

That is, high temperature superconducting coils.

Looking at the final result, Chen Nian suddenly felt dumbfounded.

Going around, I didn't expect that the two seemingly unrelated directions in the energy field actually have a common starting point.

This thing can not only be used as a strong magnetic pulse high-voltage equipment, but also can be used as a tokamak, stellarator, and anti-field pinch device.
These devices are all important technical foundations for controllable nuclear fusion.

In this case, Chen Nian also has plans for the department in charge of this technology.

Take it directly to the Southwest Institute of Physics.

They had already accumulated a lot of experience in the field of superconducting and strong magnetism when they were working on the Circulation No. 1 project, and this time they can be regarded as professional counterparts.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian picked out the most basic part of the technology, and after completing the output, directly handed it over to Chen Guo.

The latter was a little surprised by this.

"Is this the pre-metal hydrogen technology? Are you sure it's not nuclear fusion?"

Chen Nian nodded and replied:

"It's metallic hydrogen, and it's nuclear fusion."

"I just wanted to understand that in a sense, strong magnetism is the basis of most cutting-edge technologies, not just these two, but also particle colliders, steady-state high magnetic field experiments, etc."

"In short, I still need to read more Xinghuo reports in the future. I remember that some reports mentioned that strong magnetism should be regarded as a base for future technological development."

"However, my focus at that time was still on the specific application technology, and I didn't pay attention to that report."

"look now"

"It's not considered a loss."

Chen Guo interrupted Chen Nian and continued:

"At that time, you really didn't need to think about the technical foundation, because the foundation of the technology and equipment we needed had already been laid."

"Of course, things are changing now."

Chen Nian nodded in agreement and replied:
"Indeed it is."

"However, in any case, the metal hydrogen technology has basically been deduced, and the project will be officially launched later."

"Isaac. Think of a way. You can keep him in the project team, but you must ensure safety."

"Understood, you don't have to worry about this, we will consider it."

Chen Guo replied solemnly.

In fact, until now he has not figured out what kind of help Isaac has brought to Chen Nian, but he can also see that after Isaac's arrival, Chen Nian's research speed on metal hydrogen technology is really fast. Much faster.

In this case, don't break the casserole and ask the end.

Dealing with Chen Nian's "tail" is what I should do
However, the so-called "disposal" is of course impossible to be disposable like Laomei.

This is not only a waste of talent, but also a waste of "talent influence".

Chen Guo already had the prototype of the plan in his mind, but he planned to talk to Li Xiang about how to use it.

This kid is a pro at this
After arranging the basic work of metal hydrogen technology, Chen Nian can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

It was already December, and after leaving school, he suddenly felt that the time passed extremely fast.

It seems that the graduation season is still in sight, but in fact, a year and a half has passed.

It was at this time that Chen Nian suddenly remembered that not only Wang Jiancheng, but also Qiao Mai, who was studying in graduate school, was about to graduate.

And as if there was a telepathy, when Chen Nian thought of the two of them, Qiao Mai and Wang Jiancheng also called him one after another.

Qiao Mai just exchanged pleasantries for a while, casually chatting a few things about life and research, but Wang Jiancheng was indeed at the threshold of a major decision, and needed Chen Nian, the "senior", to give him some advice.

On the phone, Chen Nian quietly listened to Wang Jiancheng's recent situation, and then asked in a little surprise:

".So you have already decided that you are going to come to Chengdu after graduation? Isn't it a year and a half before you graduate? So you made a decision soon?"

Wang Jiancheng hummed and replied:
"It should be confirmed. I want to go to 611. I have already talked with my instructor."

"Didn't we cooperate with 611 before? They were very optimistic about me, so they made an offer in advance."

"However, the direction they gave me is still in the direction of drones, mainly to continue the research work of the Yujing series of AI."

"So now I am faced with a choice. Either I accept the current offer and continue to do AI directly. This is safer."

"Or, I'll give it another go and see if I can choose a direction I want to do."

"I heard that 611, 603, and 601 all have a big project, which may be related to the aerial platform. Didn't I come to ask you to see if there is any inside information?"

Chen Nian was not surprised by this "news leak". After all, at the last air show, the 611 Institute had already produced a sci-fi concept map of the Nantianmen project.

Although it appears on the surface as some kind of "future vision" literary works, as long as they are insiders, they can basically see their ambitions in this field.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian thought for a moment, then replied:
"I suggest you give it a go."

"However, I also want to tell you in advance that even if there is such a project, the technical requirements are very high."

"The direction you have been working on in the past few years is too complicated. To put it bluntly, it is floating."

"Until now, the deepest technical field you have accumulated is still in the field of mechanical exoskeleton and AI."

"Whether you can participate in this kind of project depends on whether you are determined to break through yourself and start from scratch."

"Yes! Senior, don't worry, I've already made up my mind. Even if I can't be the first choice to enter the aerial platform project, I can take my time and move forward step by step."

"Just having the chance is enough for me."

Hearing his answer, Chen Nian showed an approving smile on his face.

In fact, although he talked about Wang Jiancheng Piao, in fact, he still admired his young mind that dared to think and act, regardless of the consequences.

Leaving aside those nonsensical things, doing scientific research is a process of exploration. Human progress is often based on the whims of some people.

There must be down-to-earth researchers in this world, and someone needs to pave the way for the camp step by step.

But at the same time, some people should be allowed to look at the starry sky and have their big dreams.

After all, in the last century, a large number of researchers in the United States had such a personality.

When Qian Lao was working on rockets, can you tell how stable he was?
Stop talking, people blew up their own dormitory.

In the eyes of people at the time, their behavior was not far from whimsical.

In the past few decades, Huaxia, especially Huaxia's scientific research, has actually been in an extremely urgent balance.

No one dares to do extraordinary things, and no one dares to use their whims to challenge the limited resources.

Trial and error is costly, and once resources are wasted, the double blow caused is likely to make us slump in a certain field.
But now, as the situation is being reversed bit by bit, our young researchers finally have room for trial and error.

I have to say, this is really a gratifying thing
So, Chen Nian said:
"Since you have the determination, go ahead and do it boldly."

"I can't tell you about secret-related things, but in fact, just from your personal understanding, you should also know that the research and development and construction of air platforms is an imperative step for us."

"You still remember the concept of 'high-altitude sovereignty' you proposed earlier?"

"I can tell you responsibly that this concept is advanced and correct."

"Follow this route and go down boldly."

"People live in such a life, if you want to do it, do something big!"


Wang Jiancheng let out a long sigh of relief, and his tone became lighter.

After solving his own affairs, he finally remembered to care about Chen Nian.

"Senior, what have you been doing recently? It seems that after you went to Chengfei, I seldom heard from you."

"How is everything going well?"

"...If you can hear the news that I'm in Chengfei at Xigong University, then is there a big problem?"

Chen Nian answered dumbfounded.

"It's been pretty smooth for me. I was busy some time ago, and I've been a little more relaxed recently."

"Then can I go play with you?"

Wang Jiancheng asked happily.

"Okay—but what are you doing here at this time?"

"I have something nice in my hand, and I want to show it to you."

Wang Jiancheng said pretending to be mysterious.

"Good stuff? What good stuff?"

"Don't worry about it, anyway, you'll know when we meet."

"If I said it now, there would be no surprises at all. I'll be there next Wednesday, senior, do you have time?"

".Yes, come here."

After chatting a few words casually and confirming the meeting time, Chen Nian hung up the phone with some doubts.

surprise?nice one?

Judging from Wang Jiancheng's tone, it seems that this thing is not simple.

But what could it be?

According to personnel intelligence, hasn't he been working on exoskeletons before?
The headquarters should bring a set of exoskeletons.
Chen Nian shook his head, the curiosity in his heart couldn't be suppressed for a while.

But fortunately, in a few days, the answer will be revealed.

He wanted to see what kind of surprises this elementary school boy could bring him.
 It's really dying these days
  It's so uncomfortable, I feel dizzy every day, and I rely entirely on ibuprofen to continue my life

  And I don't have a headache, but if I don't take ibuprofen, I feel that my whole body is not right.

  It was as if cement had been poured into my brain, it was heavy and my neck was sore

  Why is it so uncomfortable?Does anyone have similar symptoms?
  I've turned dark
  I'm going to the hospital tomorrow, I feel like I need a full physical examination
  And the scariest thing is, I took a nap yesterday and felt like I was hallucinating

  Do you feel like there are two on the bed? It really scares me.

(End of this chapter)

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