Spark 2003

Chapter 343 Induce a confession

Chapter 343 Induce a confession
"The fishing boat was seized, and you still want to repeat the Yinhe incident?"

"Official statement: Release quickly, or you will bear the consequences."

"South Island's statement: The inquiry is controlled according to the normal process, there is no abuse, and the crew is in good condition."

"The crew has yet to show up, safety is in doubt."

"The ship is intact and there is no conflict. The South Island side calls on all parties to remain calm."

In the office, Li Xiang frowned as he watched the constantly refreshing news reports, the expression on his face was as uncomfortable as eating shit.

He never expected that the other party would actually do this!

Just like the judgment he made at the beginning, the conflict of public opinion, in the end, will be attributed to the game in reality.

The news about the launch of the second 055 and the start of construction of a purely domestic aircraft carrier has just been released here, and within a few weeks, the other party immediately responded with a slap in the face and created a farce of "arresting spies".

Obviously, their purpose is not at all to keep the so-called secrecy of the exercise, and of course it is not to provoke China's authority on the sea.

Because the sea area where the incident happened is not at all the core area of ​​dispute between the two sides.

Their purpose is obvious, which is to further warm up Chinese public opinion and force public opinion to change to a populist one, thereby coercing the official and influencing official decision-making from the bottom up.

How effective is this?
It is true that it is rare for Chinese officials to be influenced by public opinion in decision-making, but when a certain public opinion reaches its peak, the official has to make a compromise out of the need to maintain stability.

Originally, this was just an insignificant chip, but when it was put on the table together with other chips, its possibly inconspicuous face value became extremely critical.

In particular, the opponent attacked intensively in a very short period of time, and even punched in combination.

Economically, the incident of the electromechanical plant has been heated up, and the so-called "exercise black material" has been thrown out militarily, and now, diplomatically, conflicts with fishing boats have been deliberately created.

I have to say that the other party's professionalism in manipulating public opinion is indeed frighteningly high, not to mention how good it is compared to Laomei, but compared to Huaxia, it is still a head higher.

It is indeed an organization that acts as Laomei's watchdog all the year round and obtains food by barking.

Thinking of this, Li Xiang feels more and more that the situation in the South Island needs to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise, if they continue to develop, Yan Ge alone will gradually become a big problem.

The BBC is not enough in front of them. Judging from the trend of the past two years, when the BBC only wrote some biased and obviously biased articles, the cyber army on the South Island has evolved to catch social hot issues. .

What demolition, what urban management, what black police.
What about the future?What will be the trend in the future?
Feminism?Military marriage?Animal protection?

Environmental friendly?Medical trouble?Internet security?

They can play too many cards.
To avoid this risk, it is impossible to rely solely on symmetrical competition and passive defense.

The only way to do it once and for all is to take them down.
Even if it is not a physical victory, their trust must be destroyed.

The road is long and long.

Li Xiang shook his head and continued to read the news just captured.

After collecting all the required public opinion data, he closed the computer, picked up a pen, and wrote down a few key issues on paper.

Judging from the current public opinion, if we want to solve it, we must start from several aspects.

First, there is no doubt that in order to quickly rescue the captured crew members, strong means and pressure must be used to achieve it.

Otherwise, the weaker the government is, the stronger the rebellious psychology of the people will be, and the more serious the backlash will be.

Secondly, the discussion about the so-called "central line" brought about by this incident also needs to be resolved quickly.

This can be used as an opportunity, the official can officially propose not to recognize the center line, and implement routine cross patrols.

In this way, a small step of progress can also bring comfort to the people, allowing them to withdraw from the extreme emotions of "one step in place".

The third point is that when the opponent's offensive is obviously accelerating, we must also come up with a reverse plan as soon as possible.

Regarding this historic and strategic issue, the superiors have been discussing intensely, but until now, they have not been able to reach a consensus.

How much time is appropriate for the so-called "deadline"?
Is it one year, two years, or three years?
Do we take the initiative to trigger it, or do we drag it until the other party loses patience and make a move?

This is the problem.

Prior to this, Li Xiang had not participated in this discussion, because he felt that after all, he was only a person in charge of public opinion and could not interfere in such top-level decision-making.

But now, even if he doesn't want to take care of it, he has to take care of it.

Because no matter what, the public opinion will collapse
After writing all the questions, Li Xiang checked it again, then walked out of the office with the note, first reported to the immediate leader, and after passing the review, he went directly to Chen Guo.
The scope of this incident is too wide to be handled by a single intelligence department. It is necessary to use the power of Spark to seek help from a higher level.

After reading the note in his hand, Chen Guo couldn't help but sighed.

"The enemy is very stubborn. Your analysis is in place, basically covering all the problems we are currently facing."

"However, the suggestion is still too general. With this material, I can't communicate with my superiors."

"Why, is it not good to keep it on paper?"


Li Xiang nodded slightly.

This is good for communicating with smart people. Many things don’t need to be explained thoroughly, or even needn’t be said, and the other party can understand.

"Then let's talk about it face to face. Let's not mention the second and third items. This is too top-level. What about the first item? What do you think?"

"For the first question, I still consider the idea of ​​'equal treatment' and 'reciprocal retaliation'."

"It doesn't make sense to reason. If they don't take out their bargaining chips, they will definitely hold people down until we can't take it anymore."

"After all, as long as these people are in their hands, their advantage over public opinion will exist for a day."

"If you want to force the other party to submit, to put it bluntly, you can only use people in exchange."

"But the person to be exchanged cannot be the criminal we have already captured, nor can it be other important and key people-I mean, it is best to catch it now."


Chen Guo nodded slightly, then continued to ask:
"From where? Also from the sea?"

"I can't comment on the specifics—but I want to say, it can't be to catch spies."

"There is no one else here, and I won't hide from you anymore. They are arresting innocent people, so we have to arrest innocent people too."

"It sounds more... nasty, but it's an effective way to solve the problem."

"Okay, I'll consider it. Have you communicated with your immediate superior?"

"We have communicated, we have obtained authorization, and we agree."

"Then there's no problem, I'll go and report. However, the final plan may not completely follow your suggestion, but in terms of thinking, there shouldn't be much change."

On the other side, Kaohsiung.

Lin Xianhai and his crew have been taken to Kaohsiung for three days.

During these three days, he was locked in this simple, narrow, and damp "apartment". Not to mention taking a shower, he even went out with handcuffs and blindfolds when he went to the toilet.

This situation made Lin Xianhai, who had calmed down, feel something was wrong—to be honest, he was not a good citizen who obeyed the law from the very beginning. Been through a few rounds.

And what he is most familiar with is the routine of "sharpening" by investigators.

Let you squat in the worst environment for a few days first, and when you are almost exhausted, hungry and tired, you will be more cooperative when you are interrogated again.

And now, these people in the South Island, they seem to be doing the same thing.

what is this?
What are they going to get from themselves?
Lin Xianhai didn't believe that they were catching some kind of "spy" at all. He could easily check the flight records for such things.

The only possibility is that people like myself have become their bargaining chips.

And it is a bargaining chip that must cooperate with one's own side to play a role.

Thinking of the news about the South Island that he saw before going to sea, Lin Xianhai finally came to his senses.

It wasn't that he was caught as a bird, but he gave the other party a pillow.

I'm afraid they have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. And they and their boat are so stupidly delivered to their door
Thinking of this, Lin Xianhai immediately became vigilant.

However, before he could prepare, the door of the "apartment", or cell, opened suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a man in a suit walked into the room, and said to Lin Xianhai in a friendly manner:
"Boss Chuan, I am a legal aid lawyer assigned by the military. You should know the specific allegations."

"You and your crew are accused of illegally entering a restricted military zone, stealing military intelligence, violent resistance to the law, and intentional injury."

"It can be said that each of these charges is very serious."

"If it is true in the end, it is a pity that you may not be able to return to Huaxia in the short term."

While talking, the man in the suit observed Lin Xianhai's reaction, trying to find the flustered look on his face.

But unfortunately, Lin Xianhai not only didn't panic when he heard these words, but wanted to laugh in his heart.

Going back 20 years, when he entered the police station for the first time, the police officers there also threatened him that he was suspected of intentional homicide
"so what?"

Lin Xianhai's eyes were a little provocative.

After knowing that the other party had something in mind, his original nervousness relaxed instead - the big deal would be to break the pot, what is there to worry about?
Seeing his reaction, the man in the suit was a little dazed, but he quickly adjusted and returned to his "professional" demeanor.

"So, the military hopes that you can cooperate."

"They will ask you some questions, and as long as you can answer them truthfully, they will deal with them leniently or even withdraw the charges against you."

"How about you, do you want to think about it?"

"I don't have any information to tell you—besides, if you want to know information about Huaxia, don't you think it's a bit ridiculous to find it from a fisherman like me?"

Lin Xianhai's tone was not kind. At this moment, he has broken free from the fear of being pointed at by a gun, and has recovered his nature of stabbing.

"Of course it's not about intelligence. You're thinking about the military. Well, that's too bad."

The man in the suit smiled and continued:
"We will only ask you some routine questions. I can assure you that I have read all of those questions, and there is absolutely no classified information."

"At most it will only involve your work - where to fish, what the route is, whether you have deliberately avoided warships, etc."

"These questions are all to confirm the true intentions of you and your fishing boat."

"It's fair, isn't it?"

Lin Xianhai looked at the man in the suit in surprise, and asked in disbelief:
"It's that simple?"

For him, what the man in the suit said was indeed too incredible.

Are they that polite?
If you really follow the rules, will you arrest yourself?

What the hell are you talking about?

However, the man in the suit nodded solemnly and replied:
"It's that simple."

This time, it was Lin Xianhai's turn to hesitate.

Logically speaking, if you just answer these questions, you really have nothing to lose.

In the worst case, if the other party really asks some sensitive questions, at worst, you won't answer them yourself.

Thinking of this, he finally nodded and said:

"Then do as you say."

"very good!"

The man in the suit nodded in satisfaction, and continued:

"In order to ensure your right to know, we need to communicate the content of the question in advance, which is part of legal aid."

"I will teach you how to answer so that your rights will not be violated."

As he spoke, he took out the documents he had prepared a long time ago from his bag, spread them out and handed them to Lin Xianhai.

"Here's the list of questions, shall we take a look now?"

Lin Xianhai nodded slightly, and looked at the long list of questions on the document.

The man in the suit sat next to him and began to explain one by one:

"Look, it's the first question first, your daily work area."

"On this point, you just need to answer truthfully. According to our understanding, you mainly carry out fishing operations along the coast of Xiamen. Is that correct?"


Lin Xianhai replied.

"Then it's no problem, just explain it directly."

"Next to the second question, you have never encountered such a situation in your daily work, that is to say, you have absolutely no illegal records before, right?"

"Illegal record. None."

Lin Xianhai suddenly felt something was wrong. This feeling was exactly the same as when he was induced to confess.

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't find any loopholes in it.

So, he had no choice but to continue reading following the guidance of the man in the suit.

"The third question, during operations, you will consciously avoid our control areas, such as staying away from the center line, away from our fishing grounds and sea areas, right?"

".That's right."

"So you actually know that there are some places that you shouldn't enter. This time, you just entered by mistake, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Xianhai suddenly raised his head.

At this moment, he figured it out.

He knew what the other party wanted.

They want to use their own mouths to speak out, and want to realize the rationality of the so-called "actual control".

Lin Xianhai does not have much culture, but he knows that if he admits that he will never go to a piece of land in the countryside, and admits which piece of land he will consciously avoid when doing activities, it basically means that he knows that that piece of land is not his own.

But. Do you want to cooperate with them?

Seeing Lin Xianhai's actions, the man in the suit seemed to realize something.

But he remained calm and made a statement to Lin Xianhai in a "professional" manner.

The conversation between the two went smoothly, and after only half an hour, they completed the so-called "legal aid".

After receiving Lin Xianhai's confirmation and taking a short break, soon, someone specially assigned entered Lin Xianhai's room and began to "make up" him.

According to the man in the suit, this is a necessary step for the "public inquiry" because this is going to be on TV.

Lin Xianhai didn't resist, but after finishing his makeup, he took a quick look at himself through the other party's reflective foundation case.

And just at this glance, he had already made a decision in his heart.

A few minutes later, the public inquiry began.

The female police officer sat opposite Lin Xianhai and asked her first question:
"Where is your daily fishing operation area?"

Lin Xianhai smiled slightly, deliberately rubbed his face hard with his hands, and answered:

"The shallow sea fishing grounds of the South Island."

"This is our most familiar and favorite fishing ground."

"We've never shunned people and we've never been turned away."

"By the way, I eat well and live well here, the people of the motherland don't have to worry, and don't need to rush to save me"

(End of this chapter)

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