Spark 2003

Chapter 344 Offensive Drill

Chapter 344 Offensive Drill
Because of Lin Xianhai's lack of cooperation, the "upgrade strategy" of South Island was not completed in the end.

It is true that they can also ask other crew members to come forward, but Lin Xianhai has a high prestige on board, no matter what they ask, the crew will always say:

"I don't know, you can ask our boat boss, I'm just a part-time worker."

After going back and forth, the South Island cyber army can be regarded as an aftertaste.

Everyone on this ship can basically no longer develop higher utilization value.

It is impossible to let go, after all, our side still depends on them to maintain the popularity of public opinion.

Therefore, the matter of "releasing people" was delayed.

Even if the mainland contacted various forces, and even the head of another major party interceded in person, it failed to change the decision to the authorities.

But at least, the detention conditions of Lin Xianhai and his group have indeed improved. Although they can't reach the level of "eat well and sleep well" as he said, they are better than the previous single cell where it was difficult to even lie flat. Much more.

The reason for such a change, in the final analysis, is still related to the operation of the intelligence department.

After confirming that it was impossible to reach an agreement to release the "hostages" through conventional methods in the short term, Li Xiang directly played the human rights card, put pressure on the South Island authorities through several media, and used magic to defeat magic.

And Nandao did take this approach --- this can be regarded as a useful idea for the intelligence agencies.

At this point, the incident has basically reached a stalemate, and it is foreseeable that it will continue to be a stalemate for a long time in the future.

In order to break this stalemate, various departments within Huaxia began to operate.

Among them, the most tense atmosphere is the military.

Fujian, a unit of the Nanjing Military Region.

In the comprehensive information command room, more than a hundred commanders and various professionals are ready. On the big screen in front of them, the beacons representing various military units are constantly flashing, and what is going on at the moment is an ordinary battle. , It can also be said to be a rare electronic offensive and defensive drill.

It is common because such large-scale offensive and defensive drills are not uncommon in military training. Even at the most intensive time, basically every two months, a drill will be organized inside the military region, and in a fixed month every year, there will be a drill. There will be contests between military regions.

But if it is rare, it is because the goal of this offensive and defensive exercise is extremely clear, and its "practicability" is extremely strong.

It will become a reference for the follow-up actions of the entire Nanjing Military Region.

As for the blue side of the drill, it goes without saying.

With all communication connections checked, the drill officially begins.

The commander-in-chief of the red team sat in the middle of the command room and began to issue instructions to each exercise unit.

"Attention, at 0 o'clock on the 0th day, we will start to implement the scheduled combat plan."

"Order: Combat units of the East China Sea Fleet and South China Sea Fleet begin to assemble in batches to the combat sea area."

"Location: 124.75 degrees east longitude, 26.9 degrees north latitude, in the waters near Chiwei Island."

"Received, all combat units started to move."

Following the command of the commander-in-chief, a series of specific tactical instructions were quickly dismantled. Immediately afterwards, each unit of the two fleets also headed for the target sea area.

At the same time, the blue side responded quickly.

The two aircraft carrier fleets departed from bases near the island country and moved towards the exercise area.

After leaving the port, the two fleets quickly disappeared on the vast sea, leaving only a completely unknown threat to the red side.

"Country A's aircraft carrier formation has departed from the port, its course and location are unknown."

The intelligence officer reported the latest situation to the commander-in-chief. This drill was completely simulated according to actual combat, so it was impossible for the commander-in-chief to use the "God's perspective" to obtain information that could not be obtained in actual combat.

All tactical arrangements and all responses can only rely on his own experience and judgment.

After a brief moment of hesitation, he said:
"The East China Sea and South China Sea Fleets continue to deploy as planned and organize exercises in the southeastern part of the South Island."

"Order, No. 01 and No. 02 094-class nuclear-powered submarines maneuver eastward, sail away from the coastline, and enter the deep sea to stand by."

"Order, No. 01 and No. 02 032-class submarines move north, and the deployment location is 125 degrees east longitude, 32 degrees north latitude, near Hupi Reef."

"At the same time, dispatch the Rainbow-9 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to perform high-altitude reconnaissance in the eastern waters and obtain the location of the local aircraft carrier formation."

In fact, according to normal military logic, the two 094s should maneuver towards the South China Sea as much as possible. After all, the sea conditions there are much better than those in the east, and the average water depth of 1200 meters is a natural barrier for nuclear submarines.

However, as the commander-in-chief of a war, he cannot only consider unilateral conditions.

Under the premise of a large-scale confrontation between the two sides, the sensitive area of ​​the South China Sea is bound to be full of the other party's detective eyeliner. Blind deployment will only lead to an increase in the risk of exposure, thus losing the biggest strategic trump card.

Therefore, in this deployment, he chose a more secure plan.
In fact, he should also be grateful for his decision.

Because according to the deployment of the blue side, one of the two aircraft carrier formations has already traveled to the edge of the South China Sea via the Philippines, and a large number of sea and air anti-submarine forces have been deployed. The purpose is to catch the 094 that may be active in this sea area.

Once 094 really enters the South China Sea, this exercise can be declared over with the failure of the red team.

"Report, the high-altitude reconnaissance failed, and no trace of the opponent's aircraft carrier formation was found."

Hearing the information officer's feedback, the commander-in-chief frowned involuntarily.

He was vaguely dissatisfied:
My 6 CH-9s are constantly scanning, coupled with satellite assistance, how can I not get any information when the departure location is known?
This director team is too doggy.

However, for him, complaining is completely meaningless. All he can do is continue to deploy according to the "total blind" vision.

"Send Y-8Z to investigate the deployment of Island N and report the location of the main ships on Island N."

"Report, Y-8Z encountered air interception over the western waters of Island N, the escort plane collided with the opponent's fighter plane, the fire control radars illuminated each other, the situation escalated, and the opponent entered a state of emergency."

This is a whole new situation.

Entering a state of emergency means that the countdown to this drill will be forced to advance. If the scheduled goal cannot be completed within the drill time, the drill will be judged as a loss to the red team.

The commander-in-chief frowned tightly. At this moment, he strongly felt the importance of a stealth high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft.

Rainbow-9 is not fully capable of all reconnaissance work, this kind of thing still needs professional reconnaissance aircraft to carry out.
But fortunately, Y-8Z completed the scheduled mission, and the deployment of the entire N Island was clearly displayed in front of him.

The three main fleets of Island N and 24 ships of various types have entered combat positions and are distributed in the eastern and northern waters of Island N, forming a confrontation with the East China Sea and South China Sea Fleets.

At the same time, the ground forces on the island have also assembled towards the coastline, the air force has entered combat readiness, and there are several F-16s on guard around the coastline.

After a brief moment of thought, the commander-in-chief made a new deployment again.

"Order, No. 001 aircraft carrier formation enters the strait westward, H-20 enters strategic duty, and the target airspace position is 24 degrees north latitude and 125 degrees east longitude."

This position is the so-called midline position of the strait, and once the H-20 enters this position, it means that it is ready for strategic strikes.

Due to the changes in the situation, the red side also had to speed up its strategic deployment, compressing the strategic goals that were originally scheduled to be completed within 6 months to within 3 months.

In response, Island N also completed the deployment of a new missile system. At the same time, the aircraft carrier formation of country A began to enter a state of radio silence. At this time, it is almost impossible to find them.

This invisible threat increased the pressure on the commander-in-chief. In the next step, he would implement a sea and air blockade of the entire N island, but under the watchful eyes of country A, he deeply felt that his strength was a bit stretched.

The East China Sea Fleet as a shield cannot be taken away, and the two 055 ships with the strongest combat effectiveness must also stay in the east and north to deal with possible attacks from the other side.

In this way, the entire south can only be defended by the South China Sea Fleet. To fight against an aircraft carrier fleet that may be sent by the other side, the battle will inevitably be extremely fierce.
But fortunately, in the southern waters, he still has two important chess pieces.

Treasure Island, Yongshu Island.

As the largest sea bases in Xisha and Nansha, they have become unsinkable aircraft carriers.

There, he has deployed dozens of fighters in advance, including more than 10 J-22 and J20 fourth-generation aircraft.

Relying on their performance advantages, these fighters will bring huge boost to the South China Sea Fleet and make up for the shortcomings of insufficient aircraft carriers and large destroyers.

Soon, as the drill progressed further, the sea and air blockade gradually took shape, and in the second week after the blockade was completed, the battle officially started.

The first wave of conflict occurred over the strait. According to the setting of the director department, the Air Force of Island N launched a provocation against the J-10 fighter planes performing routine patrols in our room. Air-to-air missiles caused damage to one of our J-10s.

Afterwards, the Air Force immediately launched a counterattack, and the shadow whistle J-20B that followed behind shot down the two F-16s.

In an instant, all the previous deployments started to move.

"Start landing operations."

With the command of the commander-in-chief, the first wave of offensive started.

J-20A took off from an airport in Xiamen, accompanied by two Rainbow-1106 UAVs equipped with CHL-9 electronic warfare systems, and began to kick the door on N Island.

Followed by dozens of J-10, two newly listed J-16 formation of the ground attack sequence.

In just 4 hours, almost all the air defense positions and radar positions extending 200 kilometers from the coastline to the island were destroyed, and a large number of military airports that had been marked for a long time were destroyed. The air force of Island N was lost after only one encounter. 80%.

Such a rapid offensive, even the headquarters has no way to limit it.

It was not until two hours after the offensive ended that the aircraft carrier fleet of country A began to respond.

The aircraft carrier formations located in the south and east showed up and launched the first round of attacks on the East China Sea Fleet and the two main islands respectively.

Obviously, the target of the USS Washington aircraft carrier formation in the east is aircraft carrier 001, but under the barrier of two 055 ships and several 052D ships of the East China Sea Fleet, their tentacles were severely blocked from the 125-degree east longitude line.

The price is heavy.

Due to the opponent's overwhelming advantage in the number of equipment, the two 055Ds that are far apart cannot form an effective barrier at all. Several 052Cs of the East China Sea Fleet that were not equipped with the latest Haihongqi air defense system were named and sunk, and a 055D was also attacked in a saturated manner. The next one was injured and lost its combat effectiveness, leaving only three 3D and one 052 struggling to support.

At this time, although the losses caused by the red side to the Washington aircraft carrier formation of country A were equally considerable, the opponent quickly found a backhand. The USS Reagan aircraft carrier formation, which had never appeared since the confrontation, supported the USS Washington formation, and the East China Sea Fleet retreated steadily. , the battle situation fell into a one-sided predicament.

It was in such a critical situation that the two 032-class conventional submarines deployed in advance played an important role, causing the opponent's two Ticonderoga-class cruisers and one Ohio-class nuclear-powered submarine to withdraw from the battlefield.

This is the only "luck" in the whole exercise, but such luck cannot reverse the situation of the battle.

The two 094-class nuclear submarines are still standing still. For this last hole card, the commander-in-chief does not intend to use it before the two fleets are completely lost.

What he used was another hole card, which was the Second Artillery DF troops deployed on the coastline and a small number of deployments on Treasure Island and Yongshu Island.

With the eastern battle situation at a disadvantage, a DF-21 shot through the splint of the Truman aircraft carrier and sent the aircraft carrier to the bottom of the South China Sea.

Afterwards, the South China Sea Fleet quickly maneuvered eastward, and No. 001, who had completed the missions of kicking doors and air strikes, also rushed to the eastern battlefield at full speed.

The balance of power was re-established, and the formations of the USS Washington and the USS Reagan assembled, and the two sides were still in a confrontation.

At this moment, two weeks have passed since the outbreak of the war on Island N.

The army has successfully landed on N Island and started to clean up.

Now, their task is to completely stabilize the overall situation of Island N before the balance of the East China Sea is broken.

This is not an easy task. All the air support they can get comes from the two western islands. Even the H-20, which was originally involved in the bombing of strategic targets, was transferred away and went to the southwest plateau for vigilance.

This is a pure army-to-army battle, and even the strongest army in the world is powerless in the face of the quagmire of urban street fighting.

Especially in the case of a serious shortage of strategic projection capabilities, the entry speed of heavy equipment is too slow, and the advancement of the battle situation has once again fallen into a whirlpool filled with human lives.

The commander-in-chief felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

He knew that in this drill, soldiers were just cold binary numbers, but in reality, they would be the departure of fresh lives one by one.

But fortunately, the opponent's military background is not deep, coupled with the introduction of a small amount of early-stage intelligence warfare advantages, part of the production capacity of the opponent's industrial sector was destroyed. After three weeks of stalemate, the balance was finally broken, and within a week, the landing The combat troops were in full swing, and finally took down the main cities in the whole territory.

But that's not the end of the story.

It's just an "opportunity".

A comprehensive strategy also means a comprehensive offensive by country A.

The long-disappeared 094 finally surfaced, and the last H-20 appeared over the Kadena base, and the ultimate deterrence was achieved.

The director's department judged that the red side won.

This victory was tragic. The East China Sea and South China Sea Fleets were almost empty. In the later stage, they were completely supported by the advantage of being close to the sea and relying on the Second Artillery and the Air Force.

And because of the failure of sea and air cooperation, they must face higher battle losses in order to maintain the precarious confrontation.

The air force, which was finally formed with great difficulty, lost 6% within 7 weeks.
But the good news is that the loss of the fourth-generation aircraft is minimal, and it is these fourth-generation aircraft that have become the last pillar
After seeing the result, the commander-in-chief sighed deeply.


Such a victory is definitely not the result he wanted.

And the various problems exposed in the exercise must be resolved in the shortest possible time.
(End of this chapter)

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