Spark 2003

Chapter 345 Bridging the Gap

Chapter 345 Bridging the Gap
The results of the exercise were quickly delivered to Chen Nian, and along with the results, there was also a gap analysis report.

In the office, Chen Guo sat across from Chen Nian, and while reading the report, discussed the relevant content with Chen Nian.

".So this exercise did expose a lot of problems. Leaving aside the big problem of our insufficient number of effective combat units, there are also quite a few key tactical decision-making points."

"First, there is a lack of high-altitude and high-speed reconnaissance aircraft. Currently, as an all-in-one reconnaissance and strike aircraft, the Rainbow-9 still has a gap in stealth and high-altitude and high-speed performance. It cannot effectively complete reconnaissance tasks under high-intensity confrontation."

"It's enough to bully small countries, even in operations against island countries, South Korea."

"However, in a battlefield environment where the United States is involved, its effect is very limited."

"Looking at the results of the military push, in fact, the only role that Rainbow-9 played in the whole process was electronic suppression operations. In fact, this part of the work can also be done by attaching the electronic warfare pod to J-10."

"So, we should make up for this equipment gap as soon as possible."

Hearing Chen Guo's words, Chen Nian nodded slightly, but did not answer immediately.

In fact, he has already noticed the problem of high-altitude and high-speed reconnaissance aircraft.

At present, the reconnaissance aircraft used by Huaxia, apart from the Rainbow-9, are mainly the Y-8Z, which is too old.

Although this aircraft has made some improvements after the great development of the aviation industry, its platform potential is so great that no matter how it is modified, it cannot break through the upper limit of the airframe platform.

If we really want to make a breakthrough in the "reconnaissance aircraft", we have to wait until the era of Wuxu-8 and Wuxu-9.

According to the development of the previous life, these two unmanned reconnaissance aircraft will not make their first flight until around 2018. Even considering the difference in the current technical level, it is estimated that it will be around 2015 at the earliest.

Time must be running out.

Originally, Chen Nian did not intend to intervene in the development of this technology, because before that, when the South Island strategy had not reached such an urgent level, the benefits brought by a high-altitude and high-speed reconnaissance aircraft were actually very little. Less.

In a word, it is not necessary.

But now, the situation has changed. The high-altitude and high-speed reconnaissance aircraft has not only become "necessary", but it can be said that it is still an urgent need.

It is too late to rely on Chengfei's Rainbow-9 team to continue to explore slowly. Chen Nian has to do it himself and directly provide the corresponding technical documents so that this unmanned reconnaissance aircraft can make its first flight before a possible conflict breaks out. .

Thinking of this, he said:
"I've thought about this problem before, let me solve it."

"How about a high-altitude, high-speed unmanned reconnaissance aircraft with a ceiling of 5 meters, a speed of Mach 6, and a liquid rocket engine?"

"Mach 6?"

Chen Guo turned pale with shock.

This statistic is indeed a bit too exaggerated for him.

You must know that the maximum flight speed of the Blackbird is only Mach 3.2, and its maximum ceiling is less than 2.5 meters.

The performance data proposed by Chen Nian directly reached twice that of Blackbird.
"Is this data a bit too exaggerated, can it be done?"

"Not too difficult."

This is not an exaggeration by Chen Nian. In fact, to achieve high altitude and high speed, the biggest problem lies not in the structure of the aircraft, not in the strength of materials, but in the "human" factor.

To design a manned fighter, you have to consider human tolerance to high-speed maneuvering. After reaching Mach 3 or above, a series of common operations at low speeds become extremely dangerous and difficult.

So, the whole organism has to make a lot of compromises.

But for unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, there is no such concern at all.

Even in extreme cases, it is not impossible to directly set it in the form of a "rocket".

The simplest point is that the drone does not need a cockpit.

This advantage alone can bring sufficient margin to the body design and provide more design solutions that can be tried.

Chen Guo also quickly figured this out, so he nodded and continued to ask:
"When will the documents be available?"

"Within a week."

Chen Nian replied.

" enough."

"Okay, then this problem is solved, and I will report to the higher authorities."

"However, we have two other problems."

"Insufficient strategic projection capabilities, especially insufficient maritime projection capabilities, may be more difficult to solve than the problem of reconnaissance aircraft."

"I can't do anything about it, let's get on the civilian ship."

Chen Nian replied bluntly.

After all, the weight of a 99A main battle tank has reached 55 tons. If you want to deliver it through the air route, it is completely idiotic.

How many tons is the maximum load of Hercules?
Although the country is also vigorously developing transport aircraft, and the previous load-carrying helicopter project has also achieved results, but judging from the current data, the maximum take-off weight of this helicopter is only 80 tons, and the maximum load can only be about 30 tons.

If you want to vote for 99A, it is still far behind.

To solve the problem of cross-sea delivery, the only solution is to develop amphibious landing ships.

But the problem is that the most difficult thing about an amphibious landing ship is not technology, but manufacturing.

Its size determines that it cannot be like the fighter jets of the Air Force. Once the technology and technology are mature, it can achieve rapid production in a short period of time.

No matter how strong you are, you still can't save the time you should spend.

Therefore, when there is an urgent need to expand the delivery capacity, the only solution is to use large civilian ships to participate in the transportation.

"I think so too. This is not a problem that technology can solve -- unless we really build an air platform in the short term."

"But that's impossible."

Chen Nian nodded slightly, and after thinking for a moment, said:

"I feel good about this question. After all, judging from the results of the exercise, we have done a better job of shielding the battlefield."

"From the beginning to the end, the landing battle has not been interfered by the US, so we have the conditions to organize the transportation of civilian ships."

"However, there are some optimizations we can make during the 'unloading' phase after landing."

"We can consider asking XCMG to take the lead to customize a wharf hoisting system that can be quickly built and assembled to ensure fast loading and unloading."

"This is a good idea - it can solve the problem of not being able to quickly capture the deep-water port in the early stage of the battle. Do you have the technology?"

"No, what's so difficult about this thing, let Xugong figure it out on its own."

Chen Nian has no doubts about XCMG's ability. After all, they have a miraculous team that can make building machines, so it's impossible for such a small matter to fail.

"Understood, then this issue will not be discussed any more."

"The third point is that the island's defense capabilities are seriously insufficient. During the exercise, the director department did not deliberately design the blue side's attack on the island, but in the later stages of the entire operation, the problems of the island's defense system were fully exposed."

"Treasure Island and Yongxia Island are the most important strategic pillars, but the problem is that there are major flaws in their self-sustaining and defense capabilities."

"If the U.S. did not face off on the eastern front, but placed the third aircraft carrier formation for support on the south side and carried out operations to destroy the two islands, the outcome of the entire battle would be completely different from this exercise. gone."

Chen Nian nodded solemnly. Even a person who doesn't understand tactics can discover this.

After advancing to the later stage, all air support for the attacking force on the island will come from the two islands. Once the infrastructure on the island is destroyed, the southern barrier will be completely broken.

With the door wide open, the No. 001 aircraft carrier formation will be the first to fall into trouble, but in front of the opponent's two fully formed aircraft carrier formations, what chance does it have of winning?
Probably less than 10%.

In the final analysis, it is still insufficient in military strength, or insufficient in martial arts.

Therefore, in this stretched situation, the defense of the island has become the top priority. The air defense and anti-missile system must be fully upgraded, and the peripheral defense line must also be established.

After a moment of silence, Chen Nian didn't think of a good solution, so he had to ask:
"The military, what do they want?"

"New radars, new air defense missiles, and new aircraft carriers. In fact, they don't have a good solution. They can only pile up the number of equipment."

"What about the laser anti-missile system?"

Chen Nian asked tentatively.

"It's useless. Even if it can be built and deployed in time, it is impossible to form combat power in a short period of time. There is no need to rush for quick success."

Chen Guo replied immediately.

Before asking this question, he had already guessed that Chen Nian would use laser weapons to solve the problem, so he also communicated with the military in advance.

According to the thinking of many people, as long as a weapon can be produced, tested and deployed, it will definitely be able to exert its combat effectiveness and cause damage to the enemy.

But in fact, this kind of thinking only exists in fantasy, only in some video games.

For a new weapon, the greater the gap between its technology and the current technology, the more difficult it is to train personnel. Such a laser anti-missile system has never appeared in human history, and there is no reference to any similar weapons. It is not as simple as days, weeks, or months to exert its combat effectiveness.

In the worst case, it may even take a year or two for troops to become familiar with the capabilities and characteristics of the weapon.

Therefore, as soon as Chen Nian said it, he immediately vetoed it.

Hearing his words, Chen Nian also realized that he had oversimplified the question.

After thinking again, he said:
"Then there is no other way but to increase the density of firepower and strike first."

"If it doesn't work, let's build a missile boat."

"Based on the basis of 022 to improve, change the current YJ-83 to YJ-18, or even YJ-21, the threat level will increase significantly"

"YJ-21 on the missile boat? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

Chen Guo asked subconsciously.

". Just to give an example, YJ-21 is impossible, but YJ-18 is indeed possible. The weight of 83 is 860 kg, and the weight of 18 is only two tons. Improve the launch system and the problem will be solved."

"The missile boat mainly provides a launch platform. To put it bluntly, it is a disposable product. Therefore, there is no need to consider the issue of continuous combat. After throwing the missile, the mission is completed."

The design idea of ​​the 022 missile boat is actually exactly the same as what Chen Nian said. Objectively speaking, this is a relatively backward ship with simple and rough combat ideas, but it is also undeniable that in the last life, it was the most difficult ship in the South China Sea. Time, and it is these "not worth mentioning" 022, have won us precious space and time.

It is like a pawn on a chessboard, perhaps doomed to be sacrificed again and again. Even when replaying the game, what everyone notices are chariots, horses, and cannons. Eyes turned to pawns.

But at certain moments, it is these courageous pawns who cross the river that determine the outcome of a normal chess game.

Chen Guo on the opposite side frowned slightly, but finally nodded.

"There is no other way. On the one hand, build missile boats, and on the other hand, speed up the construction of islands."

"I'll give you a new plan."

Chen Nian answered.

"022's new plan?"

"Yes, stealth design."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your document."

A smile appeared on Chen Nian's face. Chen Guo was a little puzzled, so he asked:
"What's wrong? What's so funny?"

Chen Nian shook his head and replied:
"No, it just occurred to me."

"Zumwalt's hull design can actually be used on missile boats with slight modifications."

"I don't know what will happen to Lao Mei when she sees a bunch of miniature Zumwalts when she really does it in the future."

After sending Chen Guo away, many problems found in the drill basically had follow-up solutions and plans.

Chen Nian glanced at the time, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, but he hadn't even had dinner yet.

He sighed, and was about to go out to eat something casually, but at this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Or the private one.

It was Wang Jiancheng who called. As soon as he saw his name, Chen Nian immediately knew that stuxnet must have made progress.

And sure enough, after answering the phone, Wang Jiancheng's first words were:

"Senior, the test was successful!"

"Congratulations! How is the effect?"

Chen Nian asked immediately.

Before, I have provided him with the overall framework and key technologies of stuxnet, and also provided him with the 0day vulnerability of the current version of windows system.

Based on this information, Wang Jiancheng needs to complete code writing and testing.

Chen Nian's expectation for him was two months, but unexpectedly, he completed the test in just three weeks.

The efficiency can be said to be frighteningly high.

"The effect is very good. I just read the log. After the virus infects the windows system through the LNK vulnerability, it will realize file loading and file hiding through Ring3 Hook Ntdl, Ring3 Hook Kernel32, and Ntdll, and then pass through"

"Wait, just stop for a moment."

Chen Nian interrupted Wang Jiancheng helplessly, and asked bluntly:
"You told me that these technical things are useless. I want to know now, how effective is this virus in destroying it?"

"Didn't I give you the simulation software for the power station? Did you test it?"

"Tested, tested!"

Wang Jiancheng's voice was a little excited.

"Two routes can be used. The first one, if the pursuit of concealment, can achieve irregular random power outages, which cannot be found at all."

"The second type, if you are looking for a single destructive power. Although it cannot cause effective damage to the entire power grid, at least all the core equipment of the power grid can be destroyed."

"That's enough!"

Chen Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

The progress of the virus is faster than he expected, which means that on the balance, China has already added a chip in advance.

Of course, this is just an "expectation", and how to launch it depends on the intelligence department.
(End of this chapter)

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