Spark 2003

Chapter 366 Encounter

Chapter 366 Encounter
For some time, no one knew where the plane ended up flying, but one thing was certain, and that was, "it was definitely not shot down."

This sentence came from the official spokesperson of the corner tower, and this statement was also regarded as the final conclusion of this incident.

It may take several months before the truth will come out, but by that time, I am afraid that no one will care about the truth anymore.

On the sea, the Reagan aircraft carrier formation re-mobilized after completing another supply. After returning to the Guam Naval Base for supplies, it maneuvered westward again and headed for activities in the Miyako Strait area.

Obviously, the alarm has not been lifted, and the situation shows no signs of easing up, but both sides seem to have tacitly begun to adjust their own strategies. The original layout has been disrupted, and the center of gravity of the confrontation has gradually shifted further south.

Bridge command room.

Luan Yijun compared the chart, frowned, and opened his mouth to analyze:

"The other party hasn't given up yet, but the plan should have been fully adjusted."

"According to the current situation, they seem to want to take advantage of the wartime special administrative region to take over the situation."

"This is indeed a bit disgusting. The three aircraft carriers are hiding behind. They have no intention of confronting them head-on. The purpose is to keep the airway clear and rely on logistics supplies to create a war quagmire."

"Those politicians are really mentally retarded. Can't they see that they treat themselves as abandoned sons?"

"According to this strategy, we will not be able to take it down if it is broken. Only they will benefit the most."

"A master at playing rogue, I'm a bit out of ideas on what to do next."

Hearing his words, Cao Gangchuan couldn't help frowning.

After a little thought, he opened his mouth and replied:

"According to the current situation, the superior will definitely make adjustments to the overall strategy in a short period of time."

"We will be transferred from Chiwei Island soon. After the Coast Guard takes over, our tasks will also change."

"At that time, the confrontation area will remain in the Miyako Strait area, but such a confrontation may really be purely a 'confrontation'."

"The real winner is still on the Strait."

"Now it depends on how the island is chosen—this matter is actually a bit funny. The major direction between the two big countries is actually determined by the South Island sandwiched in the middle."

Luan Yijun nodded slowly, and replied:
"Yes, the essence of this confrontation is actually consuming the South Island's 'expectation value' towards the Western world. If they can't fight before the consumption is exhausted, then it is impossible to fight."

"I hope Gu Kuanmin understands something - he is a speculator, and his kung fu is not bad."

Having said that, Luan Yijun suddenly laughed.

"It is estimated that their expectations are almost exhausted. Most of the leaders over there are bad or bad, but they are not stupid."

"In this world now, it is clear at a glance who can lead the future."

Cao Gangchuan gave an approving hum, and said with emotion:
"It's like a dream. It seems that a few years ago, the lighthouse was still the light of mankind. Even among us, many people thought so."

"We always said that we should learn from their strengths and absorb their good points. There were even discussions that we should integrate into the so-called 'order' established by them at a deeper level."

"Isn't this sad?"

"—But now it's completely different. Our doubts about ourselves have basically been eliminated."

"What we worry about now is not that we won't be recognized, but that other people are blind and can't catch up with this train."

"Honestly, don't care what they do."

"The people of the world are united."

Luan Yijun interrupted Cao Gangchuan and continued:

"One day, we will go to the world."

"It is impossible for us to choose to abandon them completely, so we have to assimilate them."

"Well, that's the truth."

The two stopped talking, and in the distance, the patrol boat that had just completed its mission in the south was gradually approaching.

The pure white painting makes it look a bit out of place with this fleet, but if you look at the size, it blends perfectly into the environment.
Soon, the captain of the patrol boat boarded the Liaoning ship, preparing for the handover of follow-up work.

As soon as he boarded the overtime, the captain Li Wan greeted Luan Yijun and Cao Gangchuan excitedly, and said with a smile:

"Two chiefs, thanks to your blessings, I can be regarded as someone who has been on an aircraft carrier!"

"...It doesn't sound right no matter what you say. Welcome, come and see how our work is doing!"

"That's not to say, the Reagan was forced to leave by you, and your team has made a great contribution this time!"

"You may not know it at sea. Before I came out, I heard the news that the conclusion of your commendation is about to come to an end. Just wait and see, maybe this time, you will get a collective second-class merit!"

Hearing Li Wan's words, both Luan Yijun and Cao Gangchuan showed knowing smiles on their faces at the same time.

To be honest, although it is not easy to get collective second-class merit in peaceful times, it is not too difficult.

According to the information they have, the commendation this time must be more than a simple second-class merit.

But in front of Li Wan, saying this kind of thing was a little bit of showing off, so the two of them shut their mouths tacitly, and only verbally echoed a few words, "It's the credit of the soldiers and scientific researchers."

After some pleasantries, the handover of the two teams officially began.

Luan Yijun handed over the latest measured sea state data to Li Wan, and explained the precautions during the patrol. The specific tasks of the patrol fleet are subject to the task briefings they received.

".The overall situation is like this. At present, the probability of new trends in the island country is not high."

"In addition, the East China Sea Fleet will send ships to perform routine patrols in the future, and we will also keep an eye on the trajectory of the US aircraft carrier. If there is any change, we will respond as soon as possible."

"However, you still have to pay attention to your own safety. If something unexpected happens, don't fight hard."

"The Air Force will always keep cruising, even if we are too late, just wait for their support."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Li Wan patted her chest and said:
"Not to mention whether Lao Mei has the courage, even if they have the courage to come, we have no reason to let them go back easily."

"The cannons on our ship are not vegetarian, and we can fight if we are in a hurry."

Luan Yijun shook his head, but did not speak.

He knew that Li Wan's passionate speech was actually just to reassure himself.

If we really want to fight, how many minutes can these patrol boats last? ——
However, there is no doubt about one thing.

That is, all the patrol ships rushing to this sea area have already made preparations for Xu Guo.

“Hope everything goes well”

"It will definitely go well!"

Li Wan replied firmly.

a few days later.

Jie Lun was flying at an altitude of 7000 meters, conducting routine patrols and training tasks for the day.

His right hand gripped the joystick tightly, even in level flight, he did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Of course, this was not because the training subjects were too difficult for him, but because the psychological shadow left by the two missiles before was too great.
That was the first time he had faced a war so closely. Before that, the narratives about "war" he felt were either cold combat manuals, or those that were deliberately concocted by people who couldn't distinguish the true from the false. promotional story.

For a long time, his impression of the so-called war was actually one-sided.

He thought that he only needed to press a few buttons and move the joystick a few times, as he did in training, to complete his entire mission as a pilot.

But obviously, that's not the case.

When the enemy's trace appeared on the radar, the first thing he felt was not the excitement of facing the enemy, but the fear of death.

Even if the opponent is weaker, so what?

You could still get hit by a missile and disintegrate with your jet in the Pacific without any escape.

What's more, the opponent is not weak at all.

This point, from the superior's reaction, is enough to infer.

In front of their own side, the missile was sent into their own control area. The superior chose not to retaliate immediately or go back with provocation, but to retreat and adjust the mission plan.

Isn't that enough to explain the problem?
They were afraid.

Jaylen let out a long sigh, lowered his height slowly, and reached out to take off the stuffy breathing mask.

"Today is a calm day, Patrick, how are you doing?"

Moments later, Patrick's answer came over the radio:
"It's quiet, just us."

"The other party won't react so quickly. Their aircraft carrier fleet is still on Chiwei Island."

"The next week or two, we can all take it as a vacation."

Hearing Patrick's words, Jaylen couldn't help laughing.

Such a holiday?
Daily high-intensity training, never-ending level [-]+FQ status, and constantly rendered battle-ready atmosphere
If this can also be called a holiday, then the life I lived before is probably really a paradise.

"So, are we really going to stay here for a long time? Has the wind direction on the South Island changed?"

Jalen asked.

"It hasn't changed, it's just that the strategy has changed."

"You know very well that we no longer have the ability to rely solely on frontal confrontation to suppress the opponent, so what we have to do is nothing more than a side attack."

"After we detour to the back of the South Island, that will be the real protracted battle."

"How long will it last?"

"Who knows? Maybe three months, maybe half a year. It all depends on the condition of that legendary weapon."

"No conclusion yet?"

"No, that's their biggest trump card. It's very difficult to obtain information. Prepare to return. Your training is over."

"Received, ready to return."

Jaylen sent a return signal to the control tower, but at this moment, he suddenly noticed a flickering light spot on the radar screen.

He immediately moved his gaze to the screen, but when he looked over again, the spot of light disappeared again.

Jaylen's heart tightened suddenly, he immediately turned on the radio, and asked Patrick:

"Did you see something on the radar?"

"Something? What?"

Patrick's tone was a little puzzled.

"I saw a flash of light, about 100 kilometers away from us, northwest."

"But it only appeared for less than a second and disappeared immediately."

"This is normal."

Patrick's tone was light.

"It was nothing more than an occasional clutter jam, which often occurs in radar systems."

Hearing Patrick's words, Jaylen couldn't help frowning.

This is indeed a very good reason, but it always seems to be wrong.
He stared at the radar screen tightly, and at this moment, the light spot appeared again.

"Here we come! It's him!"

But this time, Patrick also noticed the signal of the light spot.

But his tone was still calm.

"Relax, Jaylen. The radar system didn't alarm, the signal strength is too weak, it's definitely clutter."

"Besides, you just said it was in the northwest, but it is currently appearing in the northeast, and we have no signs of electromagnetic interference."

"Don't think about it, let's return to the flight as planned."

"At this close distance, it's better to think of it as an alien spaceship than an enemy—a UFO, you know?"

Jaylen's hand tightly gripped the accelerator lever, and he didn't relax because of Patrick's comfort.

As it turns out, his vigilance was justified.

Because just ten seconds later, just after he completed the turn to return, in his line of sight, a pure black aircraft with a strange shape, dragging blue flames, flew by at an unimaginable high speed And pass.

This is absolutely impossible to be one's own aircraft.

There is no such thing on an aircraft carrier.

Before he had time to think about it, Jay immediately pushed the accelerator, and the push back brought by the afterburner pushed him to the back of the seat, and the speed of the FA-18 instantly increased to Mach 1.5 or higher.

But the figure of the aircraft is getting farther and farther away.

Jaylen put on the breathing mask, and he felt that the blood in his body had stopped flowing.

"Fire Control Radar Can't Lock, Patrick, Datalink!"

Jaylen yelled.

In less than 5 seconds, the aircraft had completely flown out of visual distance.

The early warning aircraft in the air barely caught its shadow at this time.

"Can't lock, it's fast!"

"The height is rising, Jaylen, pull up!"

"Altitude 9000, still rising."

"11000, the speed has reached Mach 4."

"15000 speed Mach 6 we lost track."

Patrick's voice trembled.

As for Jaylen in FA-18, his back was once again drenched in cold sweat.

what is that.
He stared blankly at the empty sky in front of him.

At this moment, all the cognitions about "flying" that he had built up over the past ten years have been broken.
(End of this chapter)

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