Spark 2003

Chapter 367 Escape

Chapter 367 Escape
"The United States found a mysterious aircraft over the Miyako Strait, suspected of being a UFO?"

"Aliens are coming? The speed may exceed Mach 10."

"The American pilot looked at the aircraft and admitted frankly: it is impossible to describe."

"A new generation of domestic reconnaissance aircraft appeared? Zhang Zhaozhong: It is impossible to achieve such a technological height."

In the office, Chen Nian and Li Xiang looked at the reports about Wuzhen-9 that popped up quickly in a short period of time, and said with some amusement:
"Lao Mei is really interesting, breaking the news so quickly, is this trying to force us to admit it?"

Li Xiang on the side nodded slightly and replied:

"Obviously. The performance of Wuzhen-9 is too exaggerated, and the impact it brings cannot be digested by the US internally."

"Therefore, only by confirming the real threat level of the so-called UFO in this way can they further formulate follow-up plans."

"It's a pretty common strategy"

Quite routine indeed.

Chen Nian nodded silently.

In fact, so many so-called UFO incidents broke out in the United States in the last life, most of which were true or false, and most of them were smoke bombs.

But an obvious rule is that most of these UFO incidents eventually correspond to certain new aircraft and missiles.

However, Huaxia has almost never been tricked, and they also send out routinely --- anyway, it does not affect the security of their military information, so let's talk about whether there is a date or not.

"So what's the reaction from the public?"

Chen Nian asked.

"There was no response. After all, the other party did not release any photos or pictures. No matter how hot the hype is, they are purely thinking that the US side is setting off smoke bombs."

"However, there are a few military fans who insist that this must be our new type of reconnaissance plane, which is quite plausible."

"After the investigation, we found that they were purely talking about it—the direction of the guess was correct. Some people even guessed the integrated air-space reconnaissance operation, but if it is related, it is not related at all."

"Then it's fine."

Chen Nian nodded in relief.

"Wuzhen-9 is, after all, one of our trump cards. The sooner it is exposed, the better—what's the effect?"

Hearing this, Li Xiang had a wry smile on his face.

"How should I say it? Well, it's really good."

"If you fly over there, you can basically take pictures of the fleet's position and clear photos."

"But if you want to say it is so good that it exceeds expectations, then it's gone."

"In general, it is quite satisfactory and can achieve our expected strategic goals, but there is a problem that we did not expect."

"That is, at high speed, the sharpness of the camera's shooting has dropped significantly, and the originally considered strategy of 'passing at hypersonic speed and leaving after shooting' will not work."

"It can only be slowed down for investigation and high-speed escape."

"This also means that the danger it faces is actually higher than we expected."

"That's normal."

Chen Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

He had already thought of this problem long ago. In fact, it was a completely unsolvable problem.

At high speeds, no matter how advanced your aerial camera is, no matter how high your resolution is, you cannot completely get rid of the amplified vibration at high speeds, and the imaging clarity brought about by the high speed requirements for image motion compensation devices. degree of influence.

Therefore, it is impossible to blindly pursue perfection.

According to the thinking of Cheng Fei's gang, they can't wait to go to investigate and take pictures at a speed of Mach 6 or above.

How is this possible?
This is not technology, but science fiction.——
Maybe in a few years, when Chen Nian is free, this part will be realized.

But now, its necessity is obviously not that great.

"Then the next step is to formally display the deterrent effect of the Wudetection-9."

"What does the military say? What form is it going to take?"

Li Xiang spread his hands and replied helplessly:
"This is not information within the scope of my authority. If you want to know, you can ask yourself."

"That's fine."

Chen Nian chuckled, and then replied:
"I'll just wait and see."

And that night, on a program of a certain military agricultural channel.

The bureau seat sat relaxed on the sofa in the studio hall, and he could be said to have a well-thought-out plan for the program to be recorded next.

Although until now, he has not been able to get first-hand accurate information, but this does not affect him to write a speech in advance.
Anyway, I don't intend to tell the truth, so it's over.

He knows the routines of this kind of military program too well. They are not really trying to give you an analysis of modern military affairs and international situations. To put it bluntly, its scientific significance is far greater than its practical significance.

Therefore, as long as you ensure that you do not make mistakes in the field of popular science, everything will be fine.

After taking a last look at the manuscript, the show officially started shooting.

The host sat across from the front seat, first introduced his title and identity, and then babbled a few words about the latest international news. Seeing that the preparation was almost done, he brought the topic to the latest hot issues.

There is no doubt that the topic this time is the so-called UFO discovered by the US.

"Professor Zhang, what do you think of the U.S. announcement that a UFO was spotted over the Miyako Strait?"

"How can I watch it? I'll watch it on the news."

A signature smile appeared on Zhang Zhaozhong's face, and the wrinkles on his brows and forehead were all twisted together.

"Hahahahaha yes, most of us saw this on the news."

"However, there is one strange thing. The U.S. released the news the day after the UFO was detected, which is different from their routine operations."

"What does Professor Zhang think about this?"

According to the script prepared in advance, the host asked his second question.

And this question is actually one of the most concerned issues in public opinion.

The bureau seat sat up straight a little, coughed and replied:
"I have also thought about this issue myself. Although there is no substantive evidence at present, there are two points that can be determined."

"First, the USS Ronald Reagan's alert level must be very high, and they will seek confirmation immediately for any signs of trouble."

"Second, the turret, or the Congress side, should have panicked."

"The recent situation is too tense, and after Chiwei Island, the US is actually at a short-term disadvantage."

"It's this kind of disadvantage that makes them start to 'like a snake in a cup and a snake in a cup, all trees are soldiers'."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

The host showed a "professional" curious expression on his face, and asked with his head raised.

"The reason why they released the information must be to 'seek proof' in the end."

"As for who to ask for evidence?"

"Obviously, us!"

"I'm afraid they think this UFO is our plane. From my point of view, they really dare to think."

Hearing this, the host's curiosity was really aroused.

Judging from the tone of the boss, this thing is really not our plane?

But it doesn't seem to make sense logically.

On the one hand, since the US has released the news, it must have relatively sufficient evidence to prove that this aircraft is related to us. The so-called "alien" is just a smoke bomb deliberately thrown out.

On the other hand, the official's ambiguous attitude towards this can actually explain the problem.
Thinking of this, the host couldn't help but feel a little confused.

But in the show, he can't show his subjective thoughts.

So, he looked up and glanced at the teleprompter quickly, and continued to ask:
"So that's not our plane? I noticed that there are many voices on the Internet saying that it is our latest generation of high-altitude and high-speed reconnaissance plane. Is this statement credible?"

"Unbelievable, totally unbelievable!"

The bureau seat shook his head firmly, and continued:
"Look at the report released by the US! Their report said that the aircraft's top speed reached Mach 7, and it was still accelerating, but it was out of the radar tracking range, and there was no way to continue, ah, to continue to measure. "

"What is the concept of Mach 7? The top speed of the Blackbird is only Mach 3.6, which is twice as fast as it?"

"It's a ghost in this world that someone can build such an airplane!"

"Whether it is in terms of materials, technology, especially in the performance of aero-engines, it can be said that it is an impossible goal."

"—we say, at least in the short term, it's impossible."

"In another 10 years, it is possible for Laomei to build such an aircraft."

"They have the SR91 program, and the target speed for that plane is Mach 6."

"As for us. 20 years, this is an optimistic estimate."

"20 years? Does it take that long?"

"Of course!"

The bureau seat leaned back tactically and leaned directly on the sofa.

Then he opened his mouth to explain:

"To achieve this, this, the performance of the aircraft claimed by the US, we must first identify a few key data."

"One is the speed and the other is the ceiling."

"According to them, the speed must first reach Mach 7 or higher, the ceiling should be above [-] meters, and at the same time, it must have integrated air-space maneuverability."

"This is not a simple technology. Among other things, the TBCC engine, the so-called turbo-based combined cycle engine, is beyond our current technology."

"In Chang'an, there is a research team, and they are also working on similar engines."

"However, what they do is RBCC, or rocket-based engine."

"The technical difficulty gap between the rocket base and the turbine is not 01:30."

"So it is."

There was a "sudden realization" expression on the host's face, and then he continued to ask:
"Then can I ask Professor Zhang to introduce to us, if such a reconnaissance plane or even a fighter jet really appears in the future, how should we deal with it?"

Zhang Zhaozhong waved his hand and replied:
"This problem is complicated. After reaching such a performance, whether it is a conventional air-to-air missile or a surface-to-air missile, there is actually nothing to do with it."

"If you really want to deal with it, you can only rely on laser weapons."

"But laser weapons have a disadvantage, that is, they are afraid of clouds and smog."

As a matter of course, the topic of discussion began to gradually expand, and it officially entered the rhythm of "science popularization".

After a game, the seat can be said to have played perfectly.

After the show was broadcast, even Chen Nian couldn't help sighing:

As expected of the originator of Zhan Huju, this expressive power is far from what a behind-the-scenes worker like Li Xiang can match.

But for those non-professional people, what the boss said completely dispelled their speculation about the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.
Indeed, although Huaxia Aviation Industry has made great progress in the near future, it seems a bit too exaggerated to leapfrog into the field of aerospace fighters in one step.

Maybe it will be at least 20 years as the bureau said.
However, on the other side, a group of people did not draw conclusions so arbitrarily.

On the USS Ronald Reagan, in the office.

Jaylen stood opposite Captain Thomas a little nervously, recounting the situation when he encountered the aircraft word by word.

From the initial flicker of the radar, to seeing its pure black body, to completely escaping the range of radar detection in just a few tens of seconds, nothing was missed.

Thomas, on the other hand, frowned more and more.

In fact, he has read the report countless times, and the reason why he asked Jay to report directly is to discover more details.

".So you can confirm that it is a man-made aircraft? I mean, it is a creation within the scope of human technological understanding?"

Jaylen nodded firmly, and replied:
"Yes, I'm pretty sure."

"Even I can be sure that it must be a reconnaissance plane."

"Its streamlined design, as well as its typically low-observable livery, are indicative of its purpose."

"It's very similar to a Blackbird but it seems to have variable-sweep wings and no cockpit - no, I can't remember, it just flies by too fast."

Hearing his words, Thomas couldn't help but fell silent.

A high-altitude and high-speed unmanned reconnaissance aircraft with a variable-sweep wing design and no cockpit?

Could it even be an integrated air-space reconnaissance aircraft?
Has China's aerospace technology developed to this extent?
It's hard for him to believe that, especially after seeing that man's show.

According to that man, China's most advanced research on dual-mode engines is nothing more than RBCC engines, which cannot reach the level of this aircraft at all.
Yes, some of his words are not so credible, but he is consistent with the judgment of the US in terms of technology.

But the problem is, with this man, they have suffered and made misjudgments before.

Stumbled twice on the same problem?
That's kind of stupid too.

After a moment of thought, Thomas finally sighed.

He opened his mouth and said:
"In any case, we must pay attention to this empty situation."

"One reconnaissance is definitely not enough to get all the information, and they will definitely come again."

"We need to be prepared, the next time we meet, even if we can't shoot down, we must leave evidence!"


Jaylen replied immediately.

At this time, he has been freed from fear, and he is more eager than ever to use a battle to vent his emotions.
However, China does not seem to intend to give him this opportunity.

Two hours later.

Several marked maps appeared on Huaxia's news headlines.

The content of the news is very simple, it is just reporting the latest situation at sea.

But the U.S. military personnel who paid attention to this news felt a sense of dread in their backs.

An hour later, the Reagan aircraft carrier fleet turned at an acute angle, evacuated the Miyako Strait, and hid itself under the deep clouds.

This scene is almost exactly the same as the trajectory of the Liaoning.

However, it is the real "escape".

(End of this chapter)

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