Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 252 The Heavenly Soul Emperor Falls

Chapter 252 The Heavenly Soul Emperor Falls (5000 words)
"However, it is obviously impossible to hide here and wait for the people of the soul clan to come to the door. Immediately release the news that I, the ancient clan, are willing to lead all the people of Central Continent to resist the soul clan together."

Now they can only unite all the remaining forces, and maybe they can persist for a while.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid the people of the Soul Race will only destroy them all faster.

When the news spread, many forces breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words. Under the leadership of the ancient clan who is also the eight ancient clans, they should be able to resist the hands of the soul clan who are also the eight ancient clans.

In the end, Gu Yuan joined forces with countless experts at the fighting saint level, trying to forcibly break through the emperor-grade pills prepared by Emperor Huntian with the creatures of heaven and earth, but in the end they all returned in vain. Array, what's the deal?
Countless returns without success made everyone more desperate, and the aura in the blood cloud became more and more fierce. Everyone knew that when Emperor Huntian left the pass, it would be the end of the entire Central Continent. It is also the end of the entire fighting spirit continent.

"Xiao He, why haven't you made a move now? Do you really want Emperor Hun to break through to the realm of Emperor Dou?"

Gu Yuan looked at the blood cloud in the sky, his eyes were full of helplessness, maybe even he didn't think that they would have the kind of place they put all their hopes on one person.

As time passed, the blood cloud enveloped Central Continent, which lasted for three full months.

The originally prosperous Central Continent is now full of dilapidation and desolation, and everyone is looking for a safe refuge in fear.

A cloud of blood enveloped Central Continent, and the thick bloody smell was disgusting. The ground was crimson, and the viscous blood made Central Continent look like Shura Hell.

This kind of killing is extremely rare even in the history of Dou Qi Continent.

The entire land was shrouded in the shadow of death, and the breath of despair filled everyone's heart.

Gu Yuan and others originally had great hopes for Xiao He, but it has been such a long time and they have never seen him make a move. Does it mean that even he feels that he can't stop the current Hun Tiandi?

In this way, everyone continued to be shrouded in despair and fear for seven months, and there was a terrible fluctuation in the sky above the red jade.

The blood lotus rose slowly from the sea of ​​blood, and on top of the blood lotus sat cross-legged a figure like a demon, with blood-colored hair falling down like a waterfall.

"The intoxicating power."

"Who else in this world can be my match for the Soul Emperor? The entire Battle Qi Continent will be under the control of my Soul Clan."

Emperor Huntian opened his eyes, and the space behind him also distorted, and a figure covered in black flames emerged.

"Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan." Nothingness Tunyan said lightly.

"is it?"

While Emperor Huntian was speaking, he struck out suddenly, slamming his claws towards the sea of ​​blood, strands of black light condensed in his palm, and finally turned into a ball of black flames.

"It seems that you and I are not of the same mind?" Hun Tiandi smiled.

"You forced me to do this."

In the eyes of Void Tunyan, a fierce light burst out, accompanied by a burst of shouts, dozens of figures flashed out, countless black flames quickly condensed, turned into a strange formation, and enveloped towards Emperor Huntian.

"Small skills, it seems that you still don't know the power of the Dou Di powerhouse!"

With a smile on his face, Emperor Hun Tian lightly shook the palm of Void Swallowing Flame, his body exploded in an instant, turning into black flames all over the sky, and fled towards the surroundings.

Emperor Huntian glanced at the black flames all over the sky, opened his mouth, and countless black flames flew out quickly, and all of them fell into his mouth.

"Your strength, to me, is like an ant."

"Now, who else is my opponent? Xiao He, the same cannot be done."

Emperor Huntian said indifferently, and then looked into the distance. The first thing to do to break through to Emperor Dou was to kill Xiao He, who was also suspected to be Emperor Dou, in front of everyone.

If he remembered correctly, these people have always regarded Xiao He as a savior these days.

Unfortunately, their savior did not appear in the end.

To be honest, he was really worried that Xiao He would come out and destroy it at the beginning, but now, after possessing such terrifying power, this kind of worry is no longer necessary.

"It's over, the end of the entire fighting spirit continent has arrived!"

Gu Yuan and other strong men looked at the majestic figure as tall as a mountain, and murmured with dull eyes.

"Don't worry, you will not die now, because I want you to keep your eyes open and watch a good show!"

As if hearing Gu Yuan's murmur, Emperor Hun Tian looked at the crowd gathered below, and said softly.

When everyone heard this, the despair in their eyes became more intense.

"Xiao He, I believe you have been paying attention to my breakthrough. Now that I have successfully broken through to the Emperor Dou realm, shouldn't you show up too?"

Emperor Huntian seemed to be sure that Xiaohe must be not far away, and his loud voice was like the voice of the Great Dao. Many people heard this voice, bleeding from their seven orifices, and those with weaker strength even fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

For a long time, Xiao He's figure did not appear.

Emperor Huntian's face turned gloomy, unexpectedly Xiao He didn't want to appear.

"I think you may not know my style of behavior, Emperor Huntian. If you don't show up again, all the people related to you may completely disappear from this world."

"Even so, you still don't want to show up?"

Emperor Huntian continued, this time, he threatened Xiao He even more.

Gu Yuan looked at the unscrupulous Hun Tiandi, did Xiao He really fear him?

"Oh, why are you bothering?"

At this moment, a peaceful voice resounded through the world.

The eyes of Gu Yuan and the others glowed with hope again. They didn't expect Xiao He to appear in this way in the end. They just don't know if his strength is as rumored, but a mighty fighting emperor. By.

If not, if he appeared now, it would be a dead end in the end.


"You finally showed up. I thought you were scared and ready to be a turtle!"

Emperor Huntian looked at Xiao He's youthful appearance, and was also surprised in his heart. He didn't expect Xiao He to be like the legend, looking very young, as if time could not leave traces on his body.

"Just because of you, you are not qualified to make me a coward. I originally wanted to make you arrogant for a few days!"

"I didn't expect you to find me so quickly, and even touched my bottom line, threatening me with someone I care about."

"It seems that you really want to die."

"It seems that you don't even want to spend the last peaceful and quiet time smoothly?"

Xiao He shook his head and said helplessly.

To be honest, he was going to let Yun Yun beat the Emperor Hun, but Yun Yun was still breaking through.

Hmm, absorbed too much essence, a little indigestion.

By the way, this is also the case with Medusa, who is still digesting.

It's just that Xiao He didn't expect that Emperor Huntian would be so arrogant that he would dare to threaten himself.

If that's the case, let's just send him on his way.
"Don't be ashamed, do you really think you are in the realm of Emperor Dou?"

"There is only one Emperor Grade Young Pill in Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave. In the end, I worked so hard to get it from it, so there will only be one Doudi in the entire Douqi Continent, and that is me, Soul Emperor Soul God!"

Until now, Emperor Huntian still didn't think that Xiao He would be in the same realm as him.

Since the death of Emperor Tuoshe, there will be no Doudi powerhouses in the entire Douqi Continent. If you want to become a Doudi, only the Emperor Grade Young Pill left by Tuoshe Ancient Emperor, even so, it is still the Emperor Grade Young Pill It is far from enough, otherwise, he would not have used such a heaven-defying formation.

With the blood souls of thousands of living beings, the Emperor Grade Young Pill was completely formed.

When the people below heard the words of Emperor Hun, they all showed even more desperate expressions.

Even Gu Yuan felt that what he said was very reasonable. He didn't expect that the matter of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave Mansion, which he had planned for a long time, would be preceded by Hun Tiandi. They almost got in.

As for Xiao He, maybe it is really as Emperor Hun said, it is not the realm of Emperor Dou, maybe it is just a strong man who is infinitely close to the realm of Emperor Dou?

It's a pity that, after all, it is still not as good as the real Doudi powerhouse.

"The cultivation system of the Dou Qi Continent, no matter what stage it is, has a division from one star to nine stars. You have just broken through to Dou Di, and at most you are only one star Dou Di."

"I'm curious, you, a one-star fighting emperor, what would you use to fight me, a nine-star fighting emperor?"

Xiao He said indifferently, as if talking about a trivial matter.

Hun Tiandi was amused by Xiao He's remarks just now and wanted to laugh out loud, but he hasn't had time to laugh yet?His face froze instantly.

I saw Xiao He doing the same thing, clenched his fists, and shook lightly towards Hun Tiandi.

The entire world instantly turned into a tangible substance, turning into a huge cage of heaven and earth, trapping the Emperor Hun in it.

"Heaven and earth prison!" Xiao He murmured softly.

"How is this possible? What kind of method is this?"

Emperor Hun Tian was completely frightened by the scene in front of him. The terrifying aura surged from his body like a tide, and even the space he was in couldn't bear the aura released by him.

The constant fragmentation and reorganization between nothingness and space looks very frightening.

Terrible power frantically surged towards the cage of heaven and earth. The terrifying power that could instantly kill the peak of the Dou Sheng couldn't break through this mere cage, which made Emperor Hun Tian feel like he was dreaming.

No, even in a dream, it is absolutely impossible for the scene in front of me to appear.

"I don't believe it. It's absolutely impossible. It must be some kind of blindfold. I, Emperor Huntian, am the only Doudi in the Douqi Continent. How could something trap me?"

Emperor Huntian became a little crazy, and fell from heaven to hell in an instant. Even Huntiandi couldn't accept the feeling of such a gap.

"I've said it all, you're just a one-star Doudi, and I'm a nine-star, what do you use to fight me?"

Xiao He smiled coldly, and shook his right hand suddenly.

With a muffled bang, the heaven and earth around Emperor Hun Tian suddenly let out a crisp explosion, and then the entire space began to collapse.

"Impossible, I am Dou Di, I am the only Dou Di."

Emperor Huntian looked at the approaching destructive power, his eyes were filled with intense fear, and he kept yelling.


But no matter how much he resisted, his physical body could not stop the trend of space collapse. Finally, with a tragic roar, his physical body completely collapsed, turning into a blood mist that filled the surroundings.

"Patriarch, do you think I'm dreaming now? The Emperor Huntian who broke through Emperor Dou was easily killed by Xiao He?"

"Is it because the Doudi powerhouse is not as powerful as imagined? I think Elder Xiao suppressed him casually?"

Countless people murmured, looking at the absurd scene in front of them with dull eyes, feeling unreal, they had spent such a long time trembling under the majesty of Emperor Hun, but in the end he was casually killed by others.

Although they thought so in their hearts, everyone was very clear in their hearts that Emperor Huntian was indeed a real Doudi powerhouse, and the reason for the current situation was entirely because his opponent Xiao He was too strong.

"It turns out that we have always underestimated Elder Xiao's cultivation, and Emperor Dou is not the end of the road of cultivation!"

Gu Yuan's eyes also revealed a deep sense of horror. To be honest, even he didn't want to believe the scene in front of him, but in fact, it really happened.

The Huntian Emperor, who made all of them extremely desperate, was so easily suppressed by Xiao He, so what is Xiao He's current state?
No wonder he watched the Huntian Emperor break through to the Hundi realm so indifferently from the beginning to the end. In his eyes, even the Huntian Emperor who broke through to the Doudi realm was still like a clown who couldn't cause much trouble. .

"Unexpectedly, in the end, you, Elder Xiao, saved the entire Dou Qi Continent."

Seeing Xiao He walking down slowly from mid-air, Gu Yuan said with an extremely respectful expression.

With the strength Xiao He displayed at this time, he naturally didn't have the guts to ask him why he only made a move now.

"It's just a piece of cake!"

Xiao He told the truth, but in Gu Yuan's ears, there was an urge to scold his mother.

During these days, the terrifying coercion of Emperor Huntian has been shrouded in everyone's hearts, and they are in a state of anxiety all day long.

Worried about when Emperor Huntian would break through, he didn't expect it to be so worthless in Xiao He's eyes in the end.

"The Dou Qi Continent should indeed regain the glory of the ancient times, and the Dou Di powerhouse should also reappear in the Dou Qi Continent."

Xiao He said lightly.

"Is there any way Elder Xiao can help us break through to the Emperor Dou realm?"

Xiao He's words shocked Gu Yuan even more than he casually killed Emperor Hun.

After all, in his cognition, apart from the Emperor Grade Young Pill, there is no other way for the entire Dou Qi Continent to reappear the Dou Di powerhouse.

Xiao He's words were like thunder, even Gu Yuan was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Of course there is a way, but before that, I want everyone present to swear to me that they will never become enemies with the Misty Cloud Sect? Are you willing?"

Seeing everyone's anxious faces, Xiao He said in a neutral tone.

Dou Qi Continent could not break through to the Dou Emperor realm, in fact, the origin qi traveling in the world had been exhausted.

It is only necessary to re-introduce the origin qi of heaven and earth into the Dou Qi Continent, and the Dou Di powerhouse who has disappeared will reappear.

What Xiao He is doing now is just advancing the time by a period of time.

"Elder Xiao, if you really have the means, what's the mere oath?"

Gu Yuan and the digital fighters beside him spoke excitedly.

Breaking through the Emperor Dou realm is their last pursuit now. If there is a chance, let alone a mere innocuous oath, even if it is other things, I am afraid they will agree to it.

"Very good, if that's the case, the source qi needed to break through the realm of the Dou Emperor will immediately reappear in the Dou Qi Continent." Xiao He said.

When Gu Yuan and the others heard the words, they swore oaths on the spot.

They knew that since it was what Xiao He said, it must be true.

Isn't the realm of Doudi the same as that of Huntiandi?
Thinking of this, several powerhouses present who had the opportunity to break through to the realm of Emperor Dou raised their heads and looked at the void where the blood was still lingering.

At the moment, my heart is half cold, even if I break through to the realm of Emperor Dou, it is not an invincible existence, there is also a huge gap.

The enthusiasm that had just risen was extinguished in half in an instant.

Xiao He casually broke the mysterious space, led the origin qi to the Dou Qi Continent, and then left.

The Soul Emperor was killed, and the remaining soul clan members couldn't cause much trouble, not to mention the vast majority of them were controlled by nothingness swallowing flames.

As the Void Swallowing Flame was defeated by the Soul Emperor, those soul clansmen who were controlled by the Void Swallowing Flame suffered a backlash. Most of them died on the spot, and a few survived by luck. In the end, it was no different from a waste person.

The people who are still alive in Central Continent naturally hate the soul clan people to the bone. All the soul clan people who have not died have also become street rats. Everyone screams and beats, basically there is no room for survival.

Dividing line.
Three years later, on the top of the back mountain of the Misty Cloud Sect, Xiao He, dressed in black, stood quietly on the edge of the cliff with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky far away.

"Hey, congratulations to the host for refining the entire Battle Qi Continent."

At this moment, the system's prompt sounded in Xiao He's mind.

"It took three years, and it's still okay."

Xiao He smiled slightly, and then ordered the system: "System, open the personal panel!"

The next moment, a water-blue projection interface appeared in front of him.

【Name: Xiao He】

【Gender: Male】

[Age: million years old]

【Emperor Soldier: Like a Dream】

【Soul: Normal】

【Status: Normal】

[Skills: Nine Secrets, Happy Tour, etc. 】

[Cultivation: Sendai Nine Point Five Heavens]

[Achievements: The founder of Xingzimi, one of the Mythical Nine Heavens, etc. 】

[Luck value: 100 million (Zhoutian) + 270 million (Douluo) + 530 million (Doupo)]

[Backpack: Dark Fly Swatter, Double Pain Whip, Traveling Experience Talisman, Douluo World, Fight Break World]

"Everything is over, it's time to go to the next world!"

(End of this chapter)

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