Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 253 You Are So Good at Playing

Chapter 253 You Are So Good at Playing

The sea of ​​reincarnation is silver, like an endless stream of galaxies falling down, merging into a vast ocean.

It is very vast and has no boundaries. The Yinhai is endless, bigger than the entire East Wasteland, but on weekdays, it is impossible to see traces of it.

In the depths of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation is a huge ancient tree, towering into the sky, and one after another magnificent palaces are built on the tree, which looks very dreamy.

However, the tree has long since died, and now there are no leaves, only bare branches.

Zhiqian ancient buildings are magnificent, and they go up in steps. Every building is full of dead bones, all of which are dead ancient heroes.

That is the tribe belonging to the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, the once glorious holy land, now it has become their burial place, and many people have chosen this place as their final destination.

The Supreme cannot protect everyone to survive, this is a cruel fact.

Life is alive, fighting against the years, but in the end it is all about death.

On the top of this ancient tree, there is no longer an ancient building, but a mountain, majestic and tall, hanging from the crown of the tree, suppressing the sea of ​​reincarnation, and the air of chaos hangs down.

"The road to immortality has not yet been opened, and Yun Gen doesn't need to eat at the moment, so why is it suddenly broken?"

A middle-aged man wearing a feathered green-gold battle suit, with a cold light shining in his eyes, looked at the broken fairy source not far away, with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Perhaps he discovered the prey who is about to become enlightened and wants to devour the blood of the prey."

In another huge fairy source, a tall old man sat cross-legged there, exuding blazing light all over his body, like the sun falling into the world.

These two people are the Lord of Reincarnation and the Supreme Being, together with Yun Gen in their mouth, they are the three Great Darkness Supremes of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation.

"I don't care about him, let's continue to enter the long sleep and reduce the consumption of life span."

The Lord of Reincarnation shook his head, then calmed down and fell into silence.

The galaxy flickered, vast and incomparably bright, as if thousands of stars were burning, releasing flame-like brilliance.

"I didn't expect you to come so soon!"

Looking at the endless starry sky, Yun Gen's eyes showed a look of extreme excitement, he muttered to himself.

As soon as the words fell, a beam of light piercing the sky and the earth suddenly appeared in this starry sky, piercing through the vast star field, and shocked countless people.

The light faded, and a man in black and holding a folding fan came over. He was very handsome with delicate features.

His eyes are very bright, as bright as stars, flowing symbols and laws, like two stars revolving, sending out a powerful wave of power.

This person is Xiao He who shuttled from the Dou Po World to the Shrouding World.

"I never thought that the first person I saw when I came to Beidou Zandi Xing would be you."

Xiao He carefully looked at Yun Gen in front of him, and then said softly.

"You can come here, it shows that my idea is correct and I succeeded."

Yun Gen's eyes became brighter and brighter, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if seeing a long-lost relative.

"By the way, should I call you Yun Gen, or Xiao Yao?"

Xiao He smiled faintly and asked softly.

"If it's someone else, then I still hope they call me Yuncheng. After all, I don't want to reveal my true identity, but you are different."

Yun Gen shook his head and said with a light smile.

The name Yun Gen is actually the name of the enlightened man who was taken away by Xiaoyao Tianzun, not his real name.

"That's true."

Xiao He nodded slightly, then he sighed and said: "I thought I would go to find you by myself, but I didn't expect you to come out to pick me up."

"Hehe, I'm just a loser after all, but you are a success!"

Yun Gen chuckled, and continued, "Isn't it natural for the losers to greet the winners?"

"Well, then did we fight a battle first, or merge directly?"

Xiao He asked, his eyes were full of brilliance.


Yun Gen raised his head to the sky and laughed loudly, then shook his head and said: "It's not necessary, but I must be fully sublimated before I can fuse with you with the strongest posture."

"I am the main one?"

Hearing Xiao He's words, Yun Gen replied without the slightest hesitation: "Naturally, how could I cut off my hope?"

The word "become a fairy" is an irresistible temptation for any Supreme Being, and even the Supreme Being will be crazy about it.

And at this moment, Yun Gen's aura changed, his brows were bright, his whole body was glowing, he began to change to the utmost!

The aura of supreme sublimation is spreading, and suddenly it is many times more terrifying. His Tao is climbing extremely fast, reaching a peak, and blooming with immortal brilliance.

At the same time, Xiao He also completely released his aura, and that aura belonging to Emperor Wuque seemed to shatter the entire world.

With the full release of the two supreme-level auras, the entire universe trembled, and many lonely stars exploded one after another.

"What kind of aura is this? I feel like my body is about to burst."

"In the end what happened?"

All the tribes of the Big Dipper trembled, this kind of power was too terrifying, it made them panic and felt like the doomsday was coming.

Countless people were shocked, this kind of aura is too terrifying, like an ancient emperor reviving!

Creatures prostrated themselves on the ground and trembled, unable to even raise their heads, because the coercion was so amazing.

Among the seven restricted areas, terrifying aura erupted from two ancient places, the beams of light shook the sky, shaking the universe, and terrifying sounds emanated from the other restricted areas.

"It turned out to be you, still alive, there is an account to be settled with you!"

"When I became enlightened back then, it was you who came to seize the fortune. I can't believe that you are not dead yet!"

"What happened, why are there royal masters who are so sublimated?"

"In this life, besides the Great Emperor of the Yuhua God Dynasty, there is actually another perfect Great Emperor?"

"Could it be that the road to immortality has opened in this world?"

The sound in the restricted area made all the powerful races in the universe tremble, but the existence in the restricted area did not even have the idea of ​​being born.

After all, once the Dark Sovereign is born, it will be the beginning of great turmoil.

In the starry sky, the body of Xiaoyao Tianzun gradually merged into Xiao He's body, and an incomparably terrifying aura spread instantly, sweeping all directions.

"You are so good at playing? Three people, five people, and six people?"

During the fusion process, Xiaoyao Tianzun naturally saw Xiao He's memory, and then he seemed to open a new world.

"Cough, cough, young and frivolous, young and frivolous, don't care."

Xiao He blushed, extremely embarrassed.

"Forget it, this is their good fortune"

Although he somewhat despises the behavior of another self, Xiaoyao Tianzun said that they are all men, which he can understand.

With the passage of time, the bodies of the two slowly merged into one, and a huge cocoon of light enveloped Xiao He's body inside.

Layers of black and gold runes emerged on the surface of the light cocoon, shining with bright golden light, and a supreme divine power emanated from it.

(End of this chapter)

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