Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 274 You Must Go Beyond The Past

Chapter 274 You Must Go Beyond The Past

Many elders of the Holy Land of the Five Elements felt that they were sorry for the Holy Land of the Five Elements and committed suicide on the spot, and many disciples could hardly accept this result.

Not long ago, they were high-ranking and distinguished disciples of the Five Elements, but in a blink of an eye they lost even their status.

As for the next thing, Xiao He did not continue to take care of it.

Keeping some people in the Holy Land of the Five Elements alive will also give Mu Xueqing a sense of crisis in the future.

It is impossible for Xiao He to lead her to experience all the time. After all, she is going to become the most amazing and talented empress in history. If everything depends on him, she will be no different from the flowers in the greenhouse.

Maybe he will become an emperor in the future, but he definitely doesn't have the supreme prestige of being a ruthless person like Zhetianzhong.

Although at this time she still has the belief of avenging her brother to support her, but it may be difficult to reach the original height.

Not to mention, in the hands of a seventh-generation emperor, even the ruthless emperor could not surpass her due height, so Xiao He might as well commit suicide.

He wanted to train Mu Xueqing into a supreme empress who could traverse the ages and crush the world.

Although Xiao He thinks so in his heart, he still needs to eat a little bit of food, it is obviously impossible to do it overnight, and it doesn't make any sense.

"Remember, the person who destroyed the Five Elements Holy Land today was the idea of ​​my apprentice Mu Xueqing. If you want revenge in the future, come and find her!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao He took Mu Xueqing to tear apart the void, and left this place directly.

A group of people at the level of the Holy Master were left looking at each other. This mysterious young man really did not play his cards according to common sense, and finally threw the mess to his apprentice.

Although he understood that Xiao He definitely wanted to use people from the Holy Land of the Five Elements to train his apprentice, but in front of many saint-level powerhouses, Xiao He's apprentice Mu Xueqing was just a scum of the Life Spring realm.

This kind of little Karami, who is not even considered an ordinary genius, has countless people who can kill her among her peers.

Everyone who watched the play felt a little weird, but many elders and disciples who were still alive in the Holy Land of the Five Elements had a bright light in their eyes, a light called hope!

Although they certainly didn't dare to seek revenge on Xiao He, his apprentice Mu Xueqing was not that powerful.

Moreover, he wants to use the hands of the living disciples of the Five Elements Holy Land to hone her, which is an opportunity for them.

A month later, the disappearance of the Holy Land of the Five Elements spread throughout the entire Eastern Wilderness in an instant, and became a topic of conversation for others after dinner.

Many people are guessing, what kind of enmity exists between Mu Xueqing and the Five Elements Holy Land, and in the end, she even did not hesitate to let the Great Holy Land disappear.

In the end, the former Son of the Five Elements appeared and restored the original truth.

Xiao He and Mu Xueqing were brought to the Holy Land of the Five Elements by themselves. The main reason was that the death of the Holy Maiden Qingyan was related to him, and the reason why the Holy Maiden Qingyan died at the hands of Xiao He was because he was The sacred spring of the ancient forbidden land that was auctioned at the auction...

When the news came out, everyone felt speechless. Many people were guessing how much enmity there was, and they made it this far. They didn't expect that all the causes were such a trivial matter.

For a Holy Land of the Five Elements that has stood in the Eastern Desolation for tens of thousands of years, this incident is indeed a trivial matter, but they have offended someone they can't afford.

Regarding the rumors from the outside world, Xiao He and Mu Xueqing naturally did not continue to pay attention to them. At this time, they were still in a relatively remote desert in the Eastern Wilderness.

The desert is barren. It is rumored that this is the land of enlightenment in the last era. Every hundred years, the land of enlightenment will be reopened, and it will instantly attract all the young talents in the entire Eastern Wasteland.

It is rumored that even the ancient emperor and the emperor Yuhua once enlightened here when they were young, so it is said that it is miraculous, and there are indeed all kinds of mysteries here, so it has had a great reputation since ancient times.

In addition, this place is not controlled by any party, so even ordinary casual cultivators can come here.

It is rumored that young talents from other places came across the domain just for this place of enlightenment.

Xiao He naturally didn't want to let go of such a magical place.

Mu Xueqing started later than other people. Even if she has the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art, at most she can devour other people's physique. As for things like enlightenment and enlightenment, she can only rely on herself.

In the sky above the desert, long rainbows came through the sky, all of them were some forces or casual cultivators who brought their disciples here, waiting for the opening of the land of enlightenment.

An ancient golden chariot came from afar. The legendary phoenix and real dragon pulled the chariot, and dozens of soldiers in bronze armor followed. You can feel the evil spirit of blood rushing towards your face, as if you are in an ancient death battlefield.

"That's... Qin Luoyang, the princess of the Yuhua God Dynasty?"

Someone recognized the person at a glance, it was the princess of the Yuhua God Dynasty. It is rumored that this princess is extremely tyrannical, and has defeated the holy sons and goddesses of those holy lands several times. Love daughter.

The ancient chariot stood out of nowhere in the void, and no one dared to approach it for dozens of miles. After all, above her was a living emperor, and it was in its prime. Even the ancient holy land dared not touch it Sharpness needs to be avoided far away.

"I didn't expect the Holy Son of the Five Elements to come here. Although the Holy Land of the Five Elements was destroyed and the emperor's soldiers were taken away, the Holy Land of the Five Elements has not been greatly affected, and there are still saint-level masters alive."

At this moment, the arrival of the Holy Son of the Five Elements instantly attracted the attention of many people. After all, the recent incidents in the Holy Land of the Five Elements were full of uproar, and no one would ignore him.

After the Son of the Five Elements arrived, he found a place to sit cross-legged at random, closed his eyes and meditated, without being affected by the voices of people around him.

Immediately afterwards, the famous saint sons and saintesses of the Eastern Wasteland, as well as the princes and princesses of the Supreme Dynasty also came one after another. Their arrival was very grand, like an immortal emperor visiting the heavens and worlds, with radiant divine light and divine beasts opening the way.
"Is this place of enlightenment really so magical? Are there any rare things in these god pilgrimage places? It can even attract them?"

Mu Xueqing asked strangely as she looked at the holy sons and daughters shrouded in endless halos and mysterious aura.

"Since the rumors here are so mysterious, there must be a reason for it. Your foundation is relatively weak, so the opening of the land of enlightenment this time is also a rare transformation for you."

"Originally, I was still thinking about how to help you polish your foundation, but the timing of the opening of this land of enlightenment is just right."

Xiao He opened his mouth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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