Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 275 Unscrupulous Taoist

Chapter 275 Unscrupulous Taoist
Mu Xueqing also nodded when she heard the words.

Indeed, as the master said, the emperor would come here to enlighten the Tao when he was young, which is enough to prove the value of this place.

"This is the Dao Enlightenment Pudding I prepared for you. It is the futon made by the ancient emperor when he realized Dao. It will allow you to enter the state of Dao Enlightenment more easily."

"This is the bodhi seed, which also possesses infinite mysteries."

"This is the Dao Enlightenment Pill, which was refined for you by the teacher himself. It has infinite uses. Try to lay the most solid foundation for you this time."

The good things in Xiao He's hands were handed to Mu Xueqing one after another.

The people nearby were envious, eager to snatch the fetish from Mu Xueqing's hand.

How can they not feel that these things are probably even envious of many holy places, and they are all legendary things.


"Little girl, I see that the futon in your hand is related to Pindao. How about this? Pindao can satisfy you with one condition. Can you give the futon in your hand to Pindao?"

"This bodhi seed is also an ancestral item that my ancestors lost to the ordinary world when they fell into poverty. I don't know if the little girl can bear the pain and give up her love. Pindao is willing to exchange it with you ten times its value."

At this moment, a dignified Taoist priest came here at some time, with the wind of Taoism and bones, like an exiled immortal coming to the dust, giving people a sense of detachment.

Even the conditions he set out moved many people present, thinking that such an existence should not be a charlatan.

"Not interested!" Mu Xueqing said without thinking.

"Little girl, when Pindao went down the mountain, he swore that no matter what price he paid, he would find back the things lost by his ancestors."

"This is the Enlightenment Wood, the effect is several times more precious than any other thing in your hand. I think this is enough to prove the sincerity of the poor Taoist?"

The Taoist priest did not choose to give up because of Mu Xueqing's refusal, but took out a so-called Enlightenment Wood, intending to barter with Mu Xueqing.

Dao Yun circulates on it, and just looking at it can make people enter the state of enlightenment. Many people believe that this is definitely the legendary enlightenment tree.

Xiao He had a strange light in his eyes, and looked at the Taoist priest carefully. He could tell that the Taoist priest in front of him was not his real appearance. As for the enlightenment wood in his hand, it was engraved on it with supernatural powers to create a Just an illusion.

This kind of method, even the general powerful can hardly distinguish it, it can be seen that this is not the first time he has done such a thing.

Xiao He felt that the Taoist priest in front of him was very similar to Duan De in Zhetian. He practiced the kung fu of crossing the catastrophe, went through nine reincarnations, and proved differently every time.

When the lifespan is about to expire, they will find a place to bury themselves, form a reincarnation seal, and wait for the next life to wake up.

"Damn it, I finally found you, you unscrupulous liar, you actually used a piece of broken wood to cheat my ancestral treasure, return my treasure to me quickly."

Just when Xiao He was about to speak, someone suddenly roared in the distance, obviously he was tricked by an unscrupulous Taoist priest, and now he has been found again.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, you must have misunderstood this benefactor, right?"

However, even if someone found out, he was still calm and calm, as if he was not worried about himself at all.

"I misunderstood you"

The man had never seen such a brazen person before, and he cursed directly on the spot, and shot violently at the same time.

In Xiao He's eyes, the Taoist priest was much stronger than the deceived person, but he didn't make a move, instead he ran away without saying a word.

Mu Xueqing also looked at the unscrupulous Taoist priest who ran away speechlessly. From the beginning, she never thought that he was lying to herself. Although she would not exchange the treasure in her hand to him, she believed in what he said very much.

"Master, do you know that he is a liar?" Mu Xueqing asked.

"Of course, if you open Yuantian Eye, you will be able to see his true face clearly." Xiao He couldn't deny it.

Mu Xueqing was speechless, it turned out that the master already knew that he was a liar.

Fortunately, she still trusts him so much.

Time flies, and five days have passed in the blink of an eye. This night, in the originally desolate desert, stars suddenly appeared, everything appeared, and the wind overnight seemed to change the world.

There are inexplicable trajectories emerging between heaven and earth, forming complicated and profound rules and orders, and deriving mysterious lines and patterns. Even if you don't deliberately comprehend it, you can easily capture the passing mysterious trajectories.

Mu Xueqing knew that the land of enlightenment should have been opened.

I saw streams of light flying from all directions, and many geniuses sat cross-legged on the ground, took out the treasures prepared in advance, and entered the state of enlightenment.

The same is true for Mu Xueqing, she randomly found a place with few people, took out the Enlightenment Pu, held the bodhi seed in her hand, closed her eyes tightly, her body completely merged into the heaven and the earth, there was ice spreading on the ground, like It's like declaring her territory.

In fact, not only Mu Xueqing, but all the holy sons and goddesses who have practiced the vision, when they sat down cross-legged, the vision appeared, and those who were not qualified to sit on an equal footing with them dared to stand aside.

Many people dare not speak out, and in the end they can only find other places to practice.

For a time, only a few stars appeared in the desert, and the mysterious trajectories intertwined with Tao and reason, but at this time, countless visions appeared.
Countless visions are intertwined, and this place does not look like a desert, but a bit like a mysterious world evolving.

The Saint Son of the Five Elements seemed to have a feeling in his heart, and looked towards the direction where Mu Xueqing was sitting cross-legged, the murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised. After this retreat was over, he would personally challenge Mu Xueqing in front of Xiao He. In front of her, she beheaded Mu Xueqing with her own hands.

After all, no matter when, there is an unwritten rule, that is, if there is a challenge between the same rank, regardless of life or death, the elders are not allowed to take their anger out on the challenger.

The Saint Son of the Five Elements believes that as long as he goes to challenge, Mu Xueqing, as Xiao He's disciple, will definitely accept the challenge. At that time, even if he kills him, Xiao He has nothing to say.

Naturally, Mu Xueqing didn't know that she was being watched by the Son of the Five Elements at this time, and she was still immersed in her cultivation.

With the fetish prepared by Xiao He for Mu Xueqing, Mu Xueqing can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds.

At this time, she seems to be experiencing the cycle of life and death of countless people. In her eyes, there are unnamed rules that have been transformed into order, and inexplicable power has been derived, and various mysterious lines have been constructed in the void.

In the depths of the eyes, flickering and flickering, from full of vitality to withering of everything, vegetation withered, like an eternal law is evolving.

Mu Xueqing's state of mind also experienced an unprecedented change, and various perceptions permeated the space, as if she felt a call, emerged in Mu Xueqing's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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