Chapter 291 Empty Shell
Seeing that the liquid in the Thunder Strike Stone was about to flow out, Master Shenyuan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and at some point a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and he took the precious silver liquid.

The silver liquid is like a new life born after the shattering, the power of the avenue flows, and the mysterious runes are looming, like a mysterious sea of ​​thunder and lightning, full of infinite mysteries.

"Is this Thunder Tribulation Liquid?"

Soon, someone guessed its origin. It was the peerless arrogance above the Almighty level. The lightning liquid that appeared in the thunder sea during the thunder disaster was brewing in the silence, but the liquid contained in the lightning stone was obviously Different from ordinary thunder liquid.

After all, this is thunder calamity that has been experienced thousands of times, and qualitative changes have taken place, so it is called the thunder calamity liquid, and its value is even more astonishing, especially for the many holy sons and saintesses present. It is a priceless treasure.

After all, the benefits contained in this kind of Thunder Tribulation Liquid are self-evident. It can not only polish the supreme foundation, but also strengthen the physical body to an unimaginable level.

As soon as Lei Jieye appeared, there were countless holy places in an instant. The person in charge of Shenchao sent a voice transmission to Master Shenyuan, and the price was negotiable.

In the end, they were rejected by Master Shenyuan one by one. He kept this Thunder Tribulation Liquid for great use.

Even Xiao He saw this Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and felt that it was Mu Xueqing's divine liquid for polishing her foundation in the future.

After all, in the future, she needs to constantly devour other people's physique to strengthen her own body. There is no place as magical as the land of enlightenment, which can help Mu Xueqing stabilize her realm in a short period of time.

"How about this, do you dare to add the fetish that was opened this time on the basis of the original, and whoever wins will get the thing that the other party opened this time."

At this time, Xiao He stood up and proposed this condition.

Master Shenyuan looked at Xiao He, with a teasing expression on the corner of his mouth. They really only put forward conditions, and did not say that the winning party would get what the other party offered. He obviously had a crush on Lei Jieye.

"The origin stone I selected has already released two good things. If the five origin stone hairs chosen by your apprentice don't have any, wouldn't I be at a loss?"

Master Shenyuan said, the value of the things that are opened now is unimaginably high, and he wished for more under such conditions. The reason why he said this was to know if Xiao He could produce other precious things.

Xiao He smiled, he naturally understood what he was thinking, the light flickered in his hand, and a piece of silver paper appeared.

"This is a profound origin technique, known as turning a stone into a golden hand, I think its value should not be low?"

"You said that the advanced source technique is the advanced source technique?" Master Shenyuan questioned.

Xiao He didn't speak, but came to the origin stone that Mu Xueqing picked out from the lake. The palm of his hand instantly turned into gold, and he patted the origin stone lightly. In an instant, the origin stone was really touched into gold, and the whole body was golden. A fist-sized xenogeneic source is clearly visible.

Everyone present was shocked by the miraculous scene in front of them. The value of turning stones into golden hands is indeed extremely high. If you can grasp it, you may be able to obtain the source stones in the future.

Many people showed a greedy look, the origin technique basically would not appear in the eyes of everyone, and now someone is willing to take out the advanced origin technique as a bet?

"Okay, as you say!"

Master Shenyuan's eyes also showed greed. When he saw Mu Xueqing's methods, he already believed in the existence of Yuanjutsu.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Xiao He was willing to take out an origin technique as a bet, which was really beyond his expectation.

From his point of view, it is already an undeniable fact that he won the final victory.

After all, he still has the last source stone unopened. In his opinion, the items in this source stone are of high value, perhaps even more precious than the two items he opened.

Afterwards, Master Shenyuan began to cut his last source stone.

This source stone is very mysterious. It has been placed in Tianji Stone Workshop for nearly a hundred years, and its value is as high as 20 yuan. Someone once wanted to open this source stone, but after hesitating for a moment, he chose to give it up.

All visions may be illusions. If nothing is revealed, it will be a real loss.

The entire body of this source stone is golden, and even the skin of the stone is dyed golden. When it is placed in this stone workshop, many people will pay attention to it at the first sight when they come in.

The dagger in Master Shenyuan's hand was made of some kind of black divine gold, which he specially used to cut the source.

At this moment, his expression was unprecedentedly dignified, and he peeled off the stone cortex layer by layer with great care.

The people around were also holding their breaths, the huge stone workshop was crowded with people, but it was very quiet at this moment, you could hear the needle drop, you could even hear the sound of breathing next to you, everyone was waiting With this source stone.


Accompanied by an astonishing dragon chant, the Origin Stone suddenly burst into brilliant golden light.

The astonishing dragon energy was released from the origin stone, and a lifelike golden dragon formed on the top of Master Shenyuan. Like a living thing, it wanted to hit the pre-arranged prohibition pattern, but was finally defeated by a powerful force, and the golden dragon disappeared.

"This origin stone can't be a young golden dragon, can it? It's amazing that there has been such a big movement before it was cut out."

"Probably so. This is the first time I have seen such a big movement. This time, the people in Tianji Holy Land may even turn green."

Many people looked at Tianji Saintess. Sure enough, it was difficult for her to maintain calmness and indifference at this time, and even the smile that she had always maintained on weekdays completely disappeared from her face at this time.

As for the person in charge of Tianji Stone Workshop, let alone.

Master Shenyuan stopped the movement of his hands and took a deep breath. Sure enough, as he guessed, there might be a shocking treasure hidden in this source stone, and just making a gap can cause such a huge loss. big movement.

If the fetish is born, I am afraid that many powerful people present will need to join forces to suppress it.

Thinking of this, Master Shenyuan found it even more difficult to calm down.

After a long time, Master Shenyuan finally recovered to the state of no waves in the ancient well, and then he picked up the knife in his hand and continued to cut the source.

The golden light filled the air, and the light became brighter and brighter. Many people with poor cultivation even needed to close their eyes, otherwise, they were in danger of being stabbed blind.

Just when everyone thought they were going to cut out something good, the golden source stone suddenly shattered by itself, and a cloud of golden dragon energy shot up into the sky, turning into a golden dragon that was tens of meters long. After circling in the sky, it Disappeared without a trace.

Only a dragon-shaped shell was left, which made Master Shenyuan a little dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, he failed in the end, and the most promising source stone was opened, but there was nothing in it, which made him busy for nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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