Chapter 292 Yin-Yang Disc
Many people showed expressions of regret. Judging from the vision created before, this source stone is indeed extraordinary, but it is a pity that the gods in the source stone may have broken away, leaving behind the breath of the past .

Just the breath can cause such a big phenomenon, which shows how rare the things inside were, and it may even be a real dragon.

Master Shenyuan couldn't accept this result. This source stone is the most precious piece, worth 20 yuan. He thought for a long time before making up his mind, but he never expected to end up with such a result.

"Master Shenyuan doesn't have to be like this. The value of the two gods you opened is unimaginable. With that little girl's half-baked Genesis Technique, I'm afraid the things you opened may not be as precious as yours. When the time comes, the Origin Technique As well as the Shenyuan worms, as well as the things unearthed from the origin stones, all belong to you."

At this time, a friend of Master Shenyuan reminded him.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Master Shenyuan's complexion became slightly better.

Indeed, as he said, Lei Jieye and Nirvana Pill are both items that can fetch sky-high prices, and these alone are enough to win.

The saintess of Tianji and many people in Tianji Stone Workshop looked a little better. If Master Shenyuan offered three good things in a row, Tianji Stone Workshop would really make a joke.

After all, although the origin stones that can be placed in the stone workshop have strange lines and are filled with the power of the great way, they are actually illusions, used to confuse people. Choose to place in the stone workshop.

In fact, it is true that many origin stones have basically nothing at the end, but there are also a small number of origin stones that do contain precious things, but all of these require great luck.

"Next, it's your turn!" Master Shenyuan looked at Mu Xueqing and said.

Without his reminding, Mu Xueqing had already walked towards the place where the source stones she picked were placed.

Mu Xueqing's first choice was naturally the three source stones picked from the lake.

Cutting this kind of origin stone is not very meaningful now, even if it is cutting out a different source, how can its value be compared to the treasure cut out by Master Shenyuan?
The first piece was probed by Xiao He with his golden touch, and finally he cut out a fist-sized amethyst source, which was worth ten thousand sources.

Seeing this scene, many people, including Master Shenyuan, stared at the source art in Xiao He's hands. If they can master it, the future stone workshop will be like a no-man's land for them.

Many people from the Holy Land are also transmitting voices to Xiao He, wanting to bid high prices or even rare ones to bid for the Origin Technique in Xiao He's hands.

Xiao He didn't bother to talk to them, if they could come up with fetishes that Mu Xueqing could use, he could barter them, but for real good things, these old foxes would probably be reluctant to take them out.

As for Yuan, this kind of thing is not very meaningful to Xiao He. If he is willing, with his Yuan Technique, he can get as much Yuan as possible.

Immediately afterwards, the second source stone was also opened, worth three thousand catties, and the third one was the same.
Seeing this scene, many people looked at Mu Xueqing as if they were looking at a monster. To be able to mine three divine sources one after another from the waste stones used to adorn the Tianzihao Stone Square, this method can be called against the sky. .

After all, if these waste rocks had not been left to decorate the stone workshop, they would have been thrown on the waste rock pile long ago, and then transported to no one knows where.

Now, such a precious god source can be opened. Before thinking of Mu Xueqing, the god source insect was opened from the waste rock pile in Qingyunfang, and more people began to focus on the waste rock pile, as well as various The waste stone of Tianzihao Shifang in the Great Holy Land.

All of this naturally has nothing to do with Mu Xueqing. At this time, she finally started to cut the three sky-high priced Origin Stones she picked out.

The first piece, of course, is this Yin-Yang Stone. Mu Xueqing used Yuantian Eye before, and felt the scene of Yin and Yang blending and evolving into chaos, and she was sure that the things hidden in the Yin-Yang Stone were absolutely extraordinary.

Mu Xueqing held a black dagger, her movements were clear and graceful, as if her fingers were dancing, her skills were close to Taoism, and she had an unspeakable beauty.

Following the lines of the Yin-Yang stone, the stone chips flew like snowflakes and fell to the ground with a rustling sound.

It was extremely quiet at this time, no one made a sound, only Mu Xueqing, with a dignified expression, the dagger in her hand was flying like a real dragon, and the size of the Yin-Yang Stone shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As time passed slowly, Mu Xueqing's movements became slower and gentler, for fear of disturbing the gods in the Yin-Yang stone.

Mysterious fluctuations were suddenly released from the yin-yang stone, yin and yang blended together, creating chaos, and a mysterious aura spread out. Mu Xueqing also stopped her movements in an instant.

"What is this? Why do I feel that facing it is like facing the heavens and myriad ways? This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you cut it all out, it will definitely be a shocking fetish."

"That's right, the aura permeating the Yin-Yang Stone actually makes me feel like I'm about to enter the state of enlightenment, almost like the Tao."

You know, the speaker is a powerful person, even he can perceive the extraordinaryness of it, enough to make people realize that the things inside are absolutely shocking.

Master Shenyuan's face froze in an instant, and his smile gradually disappeared. Although he didn't want to admit that the things in the Yin-Yang Stone were extremely valuable, it was not easy to surpass what he opened.

Mu Xueqing moved the knife like flying, and suddenly accelerated the speed, the rhythm increased, and the stone chips were like snow, flying one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the entire Yin-Yang stone was completely cut open, and it turned out to be a natural Yin-Yang disk only the size of a palm, which contains supreme power, which can make people easily enter the state of enlightenment, and even subconsciously, Improving understanding is like facing the Dao directly.

"This kind of yin and yang disk is said to be the first opening of heaven and earth. When the chaos turned into yin and yang, there was a slight chance to take shape. It is the culmination of gathering the heavens and myriad ways. Its value is incalculable. I didn't expect it to be in the stone workshop of Tianji Holy Land Only this item is enough to compare with all the things that Master Shenyuan has issued."

A Holy Master said, the envy in his eyes was undisguised, something that can make the Holy Master jealous is indeed a priceless treasure.

Master Shenyuan showed dissatisfaction on his face, his eyes rolled, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

This alone surpassed what he offered, and there was no need to continue the competition, he would definitely lose.

However, he was naturally unconvinced to be so aggrieved to lose in the hands of a young girl.

Afterwards, Master Shenyuan's eyes showed a teasing look, so what if he opened a shocking fetish?
In the end, isn't it up to the auction price to decide the outcome?And behind him, there is a holy place.

(End of this chapter)

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