Chapter 301
However, just in the first Holy Land Stone Workshop, Xiao He has gathered the resources needed by the Holy City Auction House.

So far, the competition between Mu Xueqing and Master Shenyuan has officially come to an end.

On the contrary, Xiao He became the biggest winner.

For the sake of fairness, Xiaohe then continued to the rest of the holy land, the stone workshop of the gods, each selected a source stone, and all of them were unearthed. The whole holy city was a sensation, and everyone was talking about the horror of Yuan Tianshi. .

Yuan Tianshi also quickly became a headache for all Shifang.

Every day, I hope that Xiao He and Mu Xueqing can leave the holy city quickly, and then never come back.

Among them, the most troublesome thing is the stone workshop in Wanyan Holy Land. After finally picking out a batch of good source stones and transporting them into the stone workshop, Xiao He immediately went to visit the stone workshop in Wanyan Holy Land, and then put the good ones into the stone workshop. All the source stones of things were cut.

The person in charge of Wanyan Stone Workshop cursed Xiao He countless times in his heart.

However, Xiao He seemed to be very leisurely recently. He stayed in the holy city for half a year without leaving, but Mu Xueqing, since that day, has disappeared without a trace, as if he had completely disappeared.

Naturally, Mu Xueqing didn't go missing, but was practicing in closed doors, and she was rushing to the next realm, and finally, not long ago, she successfully stepped into the Dao Palace realm.

As for Xiao Longnu, she seemed to only recognize Mu Xueqing, and followed her every step of the way. Finally, Mu Xueqing named him Mu Longxue, which made her happy for a while.

The stone workshop in Wanyan Holy Land was completely closed after Xiao He continued to stay in the Holy City for a month.

It really can’t continue. Once a new source stone arrives, Xiao He will go shopping for the first time, and then cut a good source stone. No matter what they say, it is also a holy place, so it is naturally impossible. Forbid Xiaohe from entering their stone workshop.

In the end, we could only choose to close the stone workshop.

In fact, this can't be blamed on Xiao He, it's really because Mu Longxue doesn't eat anything, but only eats Shenyuan, Xiao He can't stand it, so after a while, he has to go around the major stone workshops.

Every stone workshop guarded against Xiao He like thieves. The weird origin stones that had just been transported would not even be placed in the stone workshops, making Xiao He secretly call it a pity.

Because Xiao He didn't leave the holy city for half a year.

Slowly, rumors about Xiao He began to spread in the Holy City, saying that he had offended many Holy Lands in one fell swoop, especially the Wanyan Holy Land, and it was very possible that a shocking murder against Xiao He was waiting for him.

Once he leaves the holy city, he will be assassinated by countless people.

The moment this rumor appeared, almost everyone believed it instantly.

The rare and secret treasures that Xiao He has accumulated during this period of time, even if he owns only one, is enough to make most people's heartbeat, not to mention that he has so many sources of gods in him, and there is also a promising Mu Long Snow.

With the background of many holy places, it can completely support him to reach the realm of the great emperor, and even has the supreme secret technique in it, which can easily change his memory and make him belong to the holy place from now on.

All kinds of things superimposed together, I am afraid that no one can resist such a temptation.

And if Xiao He stayed in the holy city and did not go out, no one would make plans for him in the holy city, and many people were waiting for Xiao He's departure.

Gradually, a strange atmosphere permeated the holy city.

However, what people did not expect was that on this day, people from the ancient royal family suddenly came to the holy city.

The person who came was a member of the golden python ox family with golden horns. Among the young generation of the ancient royal family, he was enough to rank in the top ten. Behind him were dozens of powerful old men, with a terrifying aura. Diffuse, standing in the void outside the holy city.

There is also a mysterious young man with dragon horns, sitting on Xiaohe's chariot, pulled by four mutilated holy spirits, as soon as he appeared, he shocked the entire holy city.

However, mysterious and powerful members of the ancient royal family emerged one after another and gathered outside the holy city.

"What do these people from the ancient royal family want to gather outside the holy city? Can't they start a big battle?"

"It should be impossible. It is said that the people of the ancient royal family have begun to retire. It is true that they have not seen the figures of the ancient royal family for a long time. Even some powerful royal families may have left Beidou, or exiled themselves, waiting for the fairy road open."

"Looking at their appearance, they seem to be prepared!"

Countless people were horrified, wanting to know what the people of the ancient royal family gathered outside the holy city.

The Son of the Holy Land came forward to negotiate, wanting to know what they were doing, but in the end they met with a cold face, as if they didn't look down on them at all, and didn't bother to talk to him.

"It's too much to deceive people. It is said that the royal family can only dominate in ancient times. Now it is the world of the human race. Even the royal family is suppressed by the human race's arrogance. Why pretend?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Although the ancient royal family has gradually disappeared from the human race's sight recently, their strength cannot be underestimated. Didn't you see that even the Holy Son can only swallow his anger?"

The sudden appearance of the ancient royal family made many people feel heavy in their hearts, especially the various rumors in the ancient times that human beings could only be reduced to eating blood. It was a dark period, and even if they did not live in that era, they could Feel that hopelessness.

The atmosphere became more and more oppressive, and even figures of the Holy Master level came to the holy city.

The sudden appearance of the ancient royal family made many people feel uneasy, and they paid close attention to what happened here.

Finally, a mysterious blond boy came from the ancient royal family. His body was tall, his blond hair was like a waterfall, and his eyes were shining brightly.

"I heard that a Heavenly Master Yuan appeared in the Holy City, and he opened up all the stone workshops in the Holy City. Is this Heavenly Master Yuan still in the Holy City?"

The tone of the boy's speech gave people a feeling of superiority, as if he didn't bother to talk to many people present, even if there were even figures of the Holy Master level present.

This feeling of ignorance made many people angry, but they dared not speak out.

It turned out to be looking for Xiao He, which made many people a little surprised. Unexpectedly, the reputation of Yuan Tianshi had already spread to the ears of the ancient royal family.

They just didn't know why they came to find Xiao He, which made some people who harbored bad intentions towards Xiao He sink in their hearts, feeling that they might have lost a lot of treasures.

After all, if Xiao He chooses to leave the holy city with the ancient royal family, they will have no chance to fight. In the future, if the sky is high and the birds are flying, it may not be easy to find Xiao He.

(End of this chapter)

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