Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 302 The Golden Bull Head Delivered to Your Door

Chapter 302 The Golden Bull Head Delivered to Your Door
Xiao He lived in the most luxurious inn in the holy city, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a fairy palace rather than an inn.

Surrounded by smoke and clouds of beauties, it is a fairyland on earth that can only be enjoyed by people at the level of the Holy Lord.

Xiao He, as Yuan Tianshi, is naturally qualified to stay.

The most important thing is that everything here is complete, even the places for retreat and cultivation are very particular, which can only be described as luxury.

As for what happened outside the city, he naturally saw it, and Xiao He was also well aware of the rumors that had been circulating outside.

But he himself is invincible, and any rumors and rumors are like clouds in the past to him, as long as he shows a little bit of strength, all the rumors will be self-defeating.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the ancient royal family had their eyes on him, and even bluntly said they wanted to find him?
The ancient royal family ruled an era, and the many means and cards left by it, and even the dark turmoil that many people fear, are related to the kings left by the ancient royal family. Every time there is a dark turmoil, the entire Big Dipper is bleeding. Supreme figures came forward to suppress.

From now on, Mu Xueqing will also suppress the dark turmoil, even more than once.

At this time, Mu Xueqing had already left the closed door, and her body was filled with a powerful aura. Originally, Xiao He wanted Mu Xueqing to continue to retreat and consolidate her own realm, but she said that only by fighting against life and death, and breaking through in adversity, can she progress faster .

She is very interested in the master of the ancient royal family.

If she can devour the essence of several Tianjiao, she will definitely be able to continue to improve her strength.

"Where my sister goes, I will go there!" Mu Longxue said.

After half a year of nourishment by Shenyuan, Mu Longxue has not changed a little from when he was born, but the aura surging around him is very terrifying, even Mu Xueqing is no match for him.

As for his real strength, if he is desperate, even a powerful person may not necessarily be his opponent.

"Master Yuan Tian is in the Celestial Immortal Palace in the holy city at this time, I think he should be able to detect such a big movement."

Someone said that he was the person in charge of the Holy Land Stone Workshop, and he longed in his heart for Xiao He to leave the Holy City as soon as possible, no matter which way he left.

Of course, there are also people who are certain that Xiao He may be thinking about how to escape.

After all, the reputation of the ancient royal family is not that good. If one accidentally offends them, no matter how rare Yuan Tianshi is, he may not escape death.

"How did Yuan Tianshi offend the ancient royal family? It seems that the comer is not kind?"

"Not necessarily. The ancient royal family has always given people a feeling of arrogance. Even if they ask Yuan Tianshi to help them do things, it is absolutely impossible to lower their stature. They have such capital."

"It is rumored that Yuan Tianshi possesses the supreme means to change the world and change the world. Is it possible to be that courageous rat today and hide in the holy city for the rest of his life?"

The golden python Niu Niu Tu Shen of the Primordial Clan said indifferently, his tone was also full of disdain.

It seems that they are not here to invite Tianshi Yuan, but to give Tianshi Yuan a chance to be loyal to them.

"Ha ha."

"If you want to be a turtle, you belong to the ancient royal family. Now it is difficult to become an immortal, so you calculate the day when the road to immortality will open, and seal yourself up. endless dry bones."

Just as Niu Shentu finished speaking, there was a faint voice, Xiao He's figure appeared outside the holy city at some unknown time.

"You are not ashamed to say that you are a mere human being and dare to judge the supreme means of our royal family. If you are not useful to our royal family, you are now a dead body."

The murderous intent in Niu Shentu's eyes was undisguised, but he forcibly suppressed it. It can be seen from this that the ancient royal family really needs a master of origin.

Otherwise, according to their haughty temperament, Xiao He's words alone are enough to make him die ten thousand times.

"Golden python family, it is rumored that your meat contains mysterious substances that can transform the body, stabilize the realm, and have various magical effects. The pure-blooded golden python family is said to be comparable to half a plant of magic medicine, but your blood is too messy. It’s barely noticeable.”

Xiao He saw Niu Shentu's body at a glance, it was a golden python bull comparable to a hill, its golden body was made of divine gold, its muscles bulged like a horned dragon, full of strength.

For a long time, in their eyes, the human race is like a blood-eating existence.

But now, the lowly human race actually regards his golden python cow as a food comment, and his tone is even full of disdain, as if only a pure-blooded golden python cow can get into his eyes.


Niu Shentu let out smoke from his angry nostrils, and let out a roar, the frightening energy fluctuated wantonly, and the void was trembling.

This is just his casual roar, and he possesses such terrifying power. If the deity himself made a move, how terrifying would his strength be?
"Although Yuan Tianshi is still somewhat useful to our ancient royal family, but it can be seen that you are arrogant and need to teach a barbarian like this a good lesson, otherwise you don't even know a little bit of etiquette."

Niu Shentu said in a cold voice, as if he had received tacit approval, he wanted to take action to teach Xiao He a good lesson.

"That little girl seems to be very important to him. You killed her directly. As for the holy spirit, she is qualified to be the leader of my cart-drawing holy spirit."

The mysterious young man spoke, announcing the fate of Xiao He and Mu Xueqing in a different way.

"If you want to kill my sister, you need to step over my corpse."

Before Mu Xueqing could speak, Mu Longxue had already occupied it, golden light bloomed all over her body, shrouded in a mysterious halo, and the bright golden light was released, dyeing this space golden.

"It's kind of interesting. It doesn't look like the kind of Holy Spirit who was born early and has a mutilated body. You can take it back and study it."

Niu Shentu said, he became interested in Mu Longxue.

"Don't worry, with the master here, all problems can be easily solved."

Mu Xueqing said softly behind Mu Longxue.

She knows that it is obviously impossible for her to defeat these ancient royal families based on her current self. After all, she has just stepped into the secret realm of the Dao Palace, and even if she has the means to defy the sky, it is difficult to overcome so many people. Equal battles.

Therefore, she wisely stood behind Xiao He, and with the strength of her master, these members of the ancient royal family were nothing to worry about.

"Tch, do you really think that your master is the emperor of the human race? Has the power to suppress the ancient royal family? It is difficult for Emperor Bucheng to resist the ancient royal family. If they are targeted by them, you can ask for blessings!"

Someone heard Mu Xueqing's words, and before people from the ancient royal family could refute, someone from the human race had already sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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