chapter 309

People from the ancient royal family would really kill themselves?
You must know that this kind of thing has the ability to destroy the world, but they regard it as a treasure and develop it on their own territory.

Back then, the Longevity Clan and countless forbidden areas were formed to avoid this darkness.

"Did you recognize what this is? Is there a solution?"

Seeing the unexpected expression in Xiao He's eyes, many people knew that Xiao He must have recognized the origin of this weird heart.

Immediately, he quickly asked, completely sealed the thing, and then casually threw it into the forbidden area, causing them a headache.

"I did recognize it, but what I can't figure out is, where did you get it from? It's not from this era, or even from the ancient times, but from an even older era. It even ended a era."

Xiao He said endlessly in an unastonishing way.

For other people, maybe there is nothing to do with it, but for Xiao He, it is nothing at all.

After all, after endless months, as long as it is an existence of the emperor level, it can be completely sealed or destroyed.

It's just that he doesn't have such an obligation, not to mention, these ancient royal families who have not left or are sleeping in front of him, Xiao He has never seen such an ancient royal family in later generations.

That means that they have disappeared in the long river of history, and only those ancient royal families who have been exiled or even sealed by themselves have escaped.

You can wait until that era, and then be born again.

As for the immemorial royal family who are full of infinite longing for the future, they must have been sacrificed.

"This weird devil's heart was made by the saints of the Valley of the Gods. It is said that if they can comprehend it, it is even possible to survive forever without entering the fairy world."

Someone from the ancient royal family spoke up.

"That's right, even the saints of our clan have the same feeling. They feel that it is a supreme secret treasure. Even though it has survived for countless epochs, it is still full of vitality. It may contain the secret of longevity."

People from other royal families echoed.

Xiao He felt speechless after listening.

These people were obviously cheated, but they still think that the words of the ancient royal family who have already exiled themselves are not deceiving them. It is typical to be sold and count the money.

If it is really so powerful, how could they not bring their own comprehension?

Or let it break out after it has already left?It is obvious that they want to make the remaining royal families disappear.

I have to say that this move is indeed ruthless. If he hadn't appeared, this small world would have completely collapsed in less than half a month at most.

As for the rest of the ancient royal family, even if they did not die here, it would be difficult to continue to seal themselves up in the future, waiting for the most promising era to become immortals.

"I don't know if you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid. If it is really so precious, you will wait until they leave"

Xiao He sneered, even at such a time, he is still so obsessed.

"You mean that the rest of our royal family has been cheated?"

At this time, someone finally showed a dazed expression, a little hard to accept the result.

The sudden appearance of this weird heart must have been thoroughly researched long ago, knowing what will happen, so it was opened at this time, in order to keep the remaining ancient royal family in this era.

"How can you stop it?"

Many people said angrily, they didn't expect to be tricked by their own people.

They should have thought about it a long time ago. The price of letting everyone be sealed until the most promising era of immortality is too high, and it is obviously not realistic at all.

Thinking about it carefully, the remaining ancient royal families are all relatively weak races, and those royal families who have successfully left are enough to rank among the top ten royal families.

"Damn it, damn it."

The ancient royal family roared, a terrifying divine light burst out from all over, and at the same time touched the heart of the darkness, and more dense dark mist spewed out, aggravating the collapse of this world.

The remaining Tianjiao also felt unacceptable. They even dreamed of being born again and suppressing their peers, but now it was just a delusion, they were abandoned.

"Stop? Why should I stop? Unless you come up with something that can make my heart beat, otherwise it is impossible to get me to take action."

Xiao He said angrily, he did have a way, but if he didn't do it, what would they do to him?
What's more, these ancient royal families are born with strong physiques, and most of them are in the form of beasts.
"This small world is about to be completely destroyed. I advise you to hurry up and leave, otherwise, when this world is completely annihilated, you will have no chance at all." Xiao He persuaded kindly.

At the same time, a divine light spewed out from Xiao He's fingertips, and just when all the ancient royals thought that Xiao He was going to seal it, they were shocked to find that the heart burst completely at this moment.

The heart was like a volcano that had been suppressed for many years, and it erupted completely at this moment. Horrific dark cracks spread all over the sky. Wherever the darkness passed, everything was submerged. Many unexpected powers were stained by the darkness. Without even the strength to resist, it directly turned into a dead bone.

"Xiao He. My ancient royal family will never die with you!"

A strong man from the ancient royal family uttered an earth-shattering roar. Although the ending is hard to change, at least they still have time to organize other members of the ancient royal family to escape from this world.

However, they lured wolves into the house, causing the eerie darkness to erupt ahead of time. Many powerful members of the ancient royal family were caught off guard and affected, making it difficult to escape.

In an instant explosion, the ancient royal family lost at least half of the powerful people, and this speed is still spreading rapidly.

Many people also know that their world may completely collapse at any time, so they no longer hesitate at the moment, and leave this world quickly with unique means.

When there are still countless people from the ancient royal family who have not had time to escape, they are submerged in the darkness.

"Then you will disappear with the ancestral realm of my royal family!"

At this moment, many powerful forbidden devices released terrifying fluctuations, and the forbidden devices in the shape of towers, bells, tripods, etc. quickly enlarged, surrounding Xiao He, wanting to keep him here forever.

They didn't expect to hurt Xiao He, they just wanted to keep him for a while, once he was stained with darkness, even if Xiao He was a Half-Emperor level existence, it might be difficult to break free.

Accompanied by a wave that could be felt throughout the Northern Territory, the ancestral land of the Primordial Royal Family had completely disappeared from this world. As for Xiao He, no one had seen him escape.

(End of this chapter)

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