Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 310 Red Dust Experience

Chapter 310 Red Dust Experience
The surrounding environment changed rapidly, and Mu Xueqing and Mu Longxue were surrounded by warm white light, so they were not affected at all.

After an unknown amount of time, the two of them appeared in a lush forest with lush old trees and rampant wild animals. It was a dangerous place, but for Mu Xueqing and the others, there was not much danger.

"Where is this place?" Mu Xueqing murmured.

She guessed that the master must have sent her to a strange place. The Eastern Wilderness and the Northern Territory must be impossible. It was most likely in Central Continent or other places.

"I will walk with two rainbows, and I will be able to find the ancient city in a short time." Mu Longxue said.

Mu Xueqing nodded, feeling that what he said was not unreasonable.

However, he did not agree to fly in the sky, but walked on foot like a mortal.

There are too many secrets in her body, and in just two years, she has become a person in the realm of the Dao Palace, and after devouring so many sources, her body is like a big melting pot, which needs to be consolidated for a while. time.

Mu Xueqing was walking in the deserted forest, the brilliance of her body faded away, she was extremely peaceful, like an ordinary person, and also seemed to be in a state of harmony between man and nature, there was a mysterious Sanskrit sound on her body, as if To purify, to wash her fleshy body.

Her coat was fluttering, like an immortal, and her footsteps fell, giving birth to Dao rhyme and lines, like an exiled immortal coming to the dust.

For three whole months, Mu Xueqing had been walking on foot. Although Mu Longxue felt a little bored, she didn't complain. Instead, she hid behind Mu Xueqing and didn't appear to disturb her.


At this moment, a divine rainbow flew across the sky, but at this moment, it stopped and looked at Mu Xueqing with a puzzled expression.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

The beautiful woman who was following the man also stopped, followed the man's eyes, and saw a charming woman, surrounded by mysterious light, there were wisps of Dao sounds coming from her body, like the nine heavens walking in the mortal world Xuannv, independent from the world, unattainable.

"It's unbelievable that a little cultivator who is only in the realm of the Taoist Palace has such means. She definitely has a secret book that is not inferior to the ancient scriptures."

Zhao Wuji said with great interest.

Although he didn't come from a divine dynasty or a certain holy place, he once saw a holy son or a holy woman from a holy place from afar. The girl in the realm is not inferior.

In addition, they were surrounded by powerful guardians, but the girl in front of them was alone, so they naturally had other thoughts.

He is pretentious, if he can own a complete volume of ancient scriptures, his achievements will not be weaker than those of the Son of God, but now God seems to be giving him a chance.

"Maybe it's a holy woman from a certain holy place, who has entered the mortal world to practice, brother, let's not disturb them!"

Wang Jiaying obviously didn't want to cause trouble. Her senior brother had always had great ambitions, and felt that sooner or later he would become the protagonist of this world, and what he lacked was a complete ancient scripture.

He also had other thoughts, but he was not qualified to approach someone at the level of the Holy Son, and was often stopped by people in embarrassment, but even so, he never gave up.

"I am only 22 years old, and I am already at the pinnacle of the four extremes. Even the arrogance of those holy lands, I am not inferior to them. Why are they able to cultivate powerful ancient scriptures when they were born, while I can only cultivate ordinary ones?" technique?"

Zhao Wou-ki said unwillingly, the Mu Xueqing in front of him might very well be his chance.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure in my heart."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Wang Jiaying's dissuasion, she turned into a Changhong and landed beside Mu Xueqing.

However, Mu Xueqing didn't seem to see him, she seemed to be wandering too far, and she seemed to regard him as something that appeared beside her.

As for Mu Longxue, who was still hiding in the void, he wasn't too worried. Although Mu Xueqing was in an unconscious state at this time, her perception of danger and combat power had reached an extremely terrifying level.

Ancient beasts run rampant in this wasteland, and there are many extremely powerful ancient beasts among them, but when they met Mu Xueqing, they were slapped to death by her.

During this time, she was like a savage, eating wild fruits and weeds, drinking spring water, and completely integrated with the surrounding space, shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere.

The legendary Dao Palace corresponds to the thoracic area of ​​the human body, where there are five gods. When practicing this secret realm, various strange things will happen.The god of the valley is immortal, it is called Xuan Min, and the gate of Xuan Min is the root of heaven and earth.The five gods conceive the five elements, the five qi are clear and olive, connected with the sky, connected with the earth, continuous, can derive the power of Tao.

In Mu Xueqing's sea of ​​bitterness, a treasure vase of the Dao was born. It is simple and natural, and the Dao is as simple as it is. It seems to be deriving a mysterious world, surrounded by chaos, mysterious and hazy.

The vase of the great way and the sea of ​​bitterness are united, and there is a strange charm, like an unfathomable abyss of Taoism, which is calm and quiet, as if it can last forever.

In the realm of the Dao Palace, Mu Xueqing first chose to cultivate the Divine Treasure of the Heart. She had already made her choice. She had already broken through to the realm of the Dao Palace when she was in the Holy City. Now in the Dao Palace, she has already transformed her spirit into a god. The first god has already been born.

"Zhao Wuji, the prince of Shenyue Kingdom in Lower Central Continent, I wonder if the girl got lost in the Huaxian Desolate Forest."

Zhao Wuji naturally understood that Mu Xueqing's current state could not be broken, so at this time, he used his divine power to wake Mu Xueqing from this state.

His movements still had some effect, Mu Xueqing's body shook, and she was about to wake up from the state of cultivation.

Seeing this, Mu Longxue was filled with anger: "Bold, you dare to disturb my sister's cultivation!"

Mu Longxue turned into a beam of light and appeared beside Mu Xueqing.

When he first heard Mu Longxue shouting loudly, Zhao Wuji was startled, thinking that he might have provoked a terrible existence.

But when he saw Mu Longxue's appearance clearly, a hint of sarcasm could not help showing from the corner of his mouth.

It turned out to be a little doll, who seemed to have not even weaned her milk yet?Can even help people protect the way?
Even if he cultivated from the mother's womb, or he is the son of many holy places, he is probably just an ant, right?

Mu Longxue's original appearance has been changed by Xiao He's art of changing the sky and changing the earth. Outsiders can no longer see his stone appearance, just like a child with flesh and blood. Otherwise, Zhao Wuji would never dare to use this tone Talk to Mu Longxue.

"Is she your sister? Then who is your sister?"

Zhao Wuji's heart was about to burst into laughter, and he was more and more sure that the two people in front of him may have very ordinary backgrounds, but by chance, they obtained the complete ancient scriptures.

(End of this chapter)

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