Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 325 Good things are all mine

Chapter 325 Good things are all mine
As if the endless abyss of death opened a gap, Yin Qi rolled like a sea wave, covering the sky and the sun, as if it wanted to cover the entire sky.

The rotten breath came, and the whole world was pierced by thousands of holes by Yin Qi, and even endless Yin Qi condensed into the sky, the gate of hell was opened, and countless ghosts returned to the world.

No one is not horrified by the scene in front of them. There are countless forbidden places in the whole Beidou, but they have been silent since ancient times. Even if there is some movement, it is mostly a warning. Such a big movement.

It seems that the entire forbidden area of ​​death is suffering from catastrophe.

In the endless darkness, at this moment, there was a ray of bright golden light swimming in the endless Yin Qi, as if it was not affected at all.

"That was a golden light. It must be the magic medicine, the real dragon medicine, which exists in the forbidden area of ​​death. I didn't expect that even it was alarmed. What kind of terrible thing happened in the forbidden area of ​​death? How could it make such a big commotion? "

"Is that a hurricane of death? It has enveloped the entire forbidden area of ​​death. If it deviates from the forbidden area of ​​death, no one present may be able to resist it."

"The city of Yuling has guarded the forbidden area of ​​death for such a long time. Naturally, there is a way to resist this hurricane of death. However, I think this hurricane of death came too suddenly. It is very likely that something unimaginable happened inside, and that may be the most terrifying of."

Everyone's hearts were beating wildly, and they looked at the scene in front of them very nervously. At this time, even if they escaped, it was already impossible. The speed of the hurricane of death was too fast. A huge death hurricane, even if he fled back to Yuling City, it might not help.

"elder sister."

At this moment, Mu Longxue's expression suddenly changed, because he was horrified to find that the connection between him and Mu Xueqing was cut off at this moment.

Although it may be affected by the forbidden area of ​​death, there is also a possibility that Mu Longxue dare not think about.
Among the many people watching the battle present, I am afraid that only the members of the Zhang family showed a hint of excitement from the beginning to the end.

"Finally. It worked!"

The ancestor of the Zhang family blushed, as if the long-awaited thing had finally come true.

When the hurricane of death was about to leave the forbidden area of ​​death, it suddenly stopped, as if a mysterious force had blocked them. Many people's faces were uncertain, and they didn't know what happened.

At the same time, many people also noticed the abnormal state of the Zhang family at this time. Almost all the members of the Zhang family came here, chanting mysterious words in their mouths, with excited expressions, as if they were welcoming the gods in their hearts.

"The Zhang family will send members of the Zhang family into the forbidden area of ​​death every so often. The number of times they can come back alive is not many. Two months ago, Zhang Changsheng, the arrogance of the Zhang family, led the team into the forbidden area of ​​death. Could it be that this time the change Is it related to the Zhang family?"

"Impossible. Although the origin of the Zhang family is relatively mysterious, the Zhang family has existed since the beginning of Yuling City's construction. Even after tens of thousands of years of accumulation, it is impossible to reach this point. Even the living emperor Or the ancient emperor, there are few people who dare to explore these forbidden places."

Many people speculated that this change in the forbidden area of ​​death was related to the entry of the Zhang family into the forbidden area of ​​death some time ago. Judging from their various strange performances, they can guess roughly.

But there are also opposing opinions. Not all forces can get their hands on a big forbidden area.

"The rise of the Zhang family is just around the corner, welcome the ancestors back!"

The Zhang family's family looked excited, bowed respectfully on the ground, and saluted in the direction of the forbidden area of ​​death.

The same is true for the rest of the Zhang family, no matter who they are, there is a look of fanaticism on their faces.

Not long after, a young figure came out from the endless black mist. It looked like Zhang Changsheng, the most famous person in Yuling City.

The person worshiped by the Zhang family is also Zhang Changsheng.

Zhang Changsheng was dressed in white. Although he looked immature, the depths of his eyes were full of vicissitudes of life, like antiques that had lived for countless epochs, giving people a sense of calm and prestige.

Zhang Changsheng. Who the hell is he?

At this time, even the most stupid people can see that Zhang Changsheng is no longer the original Zhang Changsheng at this time, he can walk out of the death hurricane, and the entire death forbidden area seems to be under his control. This is not something everyone can do.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I finally succeeded, and it's just around the corner to return to the top!" Zhang Changsheng murmured.

He is the Undead Supreme, who has survived for several epochs, experienced the birth and annihilation of several epochs, and finally created the forbidden land of death like many Supremes chose.

With the great changes in the world, even the former Supreme, it is difficult to return to the peak period, and his lifespan is approaching, so he has to choose another road of reconstruction.

After such a long period of preparation, he finally succeeded in reviving his life, and his layout for so many years was finally successful. He didn't need to launch dark turmoil like other supreme beings to regain his life span.

With the backup he has prepared for countless years, it will not take long to return to the top.

In the darkness, one after another brilliant divine light appeared from the darkness, and finally sank into Zhang Changsheng's body.

At the beginning, he looked like just an ordinary person, but after Dao Dao Shen Guang entered, the aura emerging from him became more and more terrifying, the sea of ​​bitterness, the Taoist palace, the four poles, the dragon transformation, and the immortal stage
Zhang Changsheng rapidly improved his realm at a frightening speed. When he was about to step into the realm of Xiantai, his complexion suddenly changed. He was horrified to find that the most important part had an accident.

"Who is it? Who exactly disrupted my plan?" Zhang Changsheng roared with some unacceptable anger.

Following his roar, the entire forbidden area of ​​death let out a terrifying roar, and the terrifying hurricane rushed out of the forbidden area of ​​death. Anyone who was contaminated by the hurricane of death was instantly annihilated, indistinguishable from the hurricane of death.

His plan has been laid out for a long time, and now the time is finally ripe, everything is going according to his plan, without any mistakes.

Seeing that he is about to succeed, not only will he be reborn, but at least he will be able to return to the realm of a half-emperor. In addition to the existence of the forbidden area of ​​death, even if the real emperor comes in person, he will not be afraid at all.

But at this critical moment, such a change occurred, and an accident occurred in the most critical link.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the only possibility that might arise, that is Mu Xueqing, whose life and death are still unknown. Other than that, there is nothing wrong with his plan.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this matter must have something to do with her.

(End of this chapter)

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