Look at the sky, count me the most wave

Chapter 326 Unlucky Undead Supreme

Chapter 326 Unlucky Undead Supreme

"Old Ancestor, what happened?"

The Patriarch of the Zhang Family asked strangely, when the Patriarch appeared before, he was still full of vigor, and felt that it was time to rise after years of dormancy, but found that other changes had occurred.

You must know that the existence of the Forbidden Land of Death is no less prestigious than the Forbidden Land of Desolation. Few people dare to set foot in forbidden lands such as ancient mines in the early days. Basically, only the patriarch knows about the plans of the ancestors. Therefore, there should be no accidents at all. .

In the forbidden area of ​​death, even when Zhang Changsheng was still able to control part of the power, it was impossible for any accidents to happen.

Moreover, for so many years, their plans have never had the slightest surprise.

"I don't believe it. The Forbidden Death Land is my territory. Even if there is any accident, I will be able to detect it immediately. No one can destroy it."

Zhang Changsheng said in disbelief, and then unimaginable changes occurred in the entire forbidden area of ​​death. Zhang Changsheng seemed to lift up the entire forbidden area of ​​death, and the entire forbidden area of ​​death shook violently.

The others looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

Mu Longxue, on the other hand, was pleasantly surprised to find that the connection between him and Mu Xueqing had returned, and they were getting closer and closer to him.

The endless Yin Qi suddenly rolled violently, as if some terrifying existence was about to rush out of it.

In the end, a golden light pierced through the endless black mist, and finally landed beside Mu Longxue outside the forbidden area of ​​death.

After the divine light faded away, the figure in the golden light was finally able to be clearly recognized, it was Mu Xueqing.

"That's Mu Xueqing?"

"I didn't expect that Mu Xueqing, who had disappeared for two months, would actually be in the forbidden area of ​​death. Moreover, the momentum surging around her was no weaker than that of many holy sons, and she had successfully stepped into the four poles."

"This is too scary. What level did she reach when she was in the Holy City? Now she has successfully become a quadrupole master. Looking at the aura she exudes, even the son of God who has been famous for a long time may not will be her opponent."

Most of the people present came for Mu Xueqing. When they saw her at this time, they naturally showed joyful expressions. At least they didn't make the trip in vain and found the right owner.

So what if it breaks through?Among the many masters gathered at the scene, there are even saint-level powerhouses, and a wave of their hands is enough to suppress Mu Xueqing.

"It was you who devoured and refined my most important Emperor's Heart?"

Zhang Changsheng felt the familiar aura in Mu Xueqing's body, and there was no need to doubt the things he had suspected at this time. He could be sure that she had messed up his original perfect plan.

Originally, he thought that Mu Xueqing's final outcome would be the same as everyone else's, annihilated in the death hurricane, but he didn't expect that something unexpected happened in the end.

By coincidence, Mu Xueqing came to the place where the most important supreme heart to him was, and he was able to successfully refine it. He could even feel that in Mu Xueqing's sea of ​​suffering, was sealing The golden emperor's heart that has not been completely refined.

It's just that, being suppressed by the Five Elements Wheel at this time, he is only at the peak of dragon transformation at this time, and it is difficult to arouse his heart at all. That is the most important step that condenses all the essence.

"Zhang Changsheng? No, you are not Zhang Changsheng!"

Mu Xueqing stayed in mid-air, peaceful and holy, with a kind of detached indifference, and a holy atmosphere permeated her. She is not very old, but she has already developed flawlessly. Even harsh people can hardly pick out any faults.

Surrounded by brilliance, the fairy body is tall and graceful, and the whole personality is ethereal, like a fairy falling from the dust.

After hearing Zhang Changsheng's voice, he frowned slightly and looked at him. He had sensed his horror when he was in the forbidden area of ​​death. When we met again at this time, it was like a completely changed person. He even came to take her We all feel the pressure.

"I am the Immortal Supreme, you have ruined my layout for so long, so let's take all the treasures on your body as collateral!"

Zhang Changsheng said in a cold tone, for him, the only good news was that Mu Xueqing hadn't completely refined the emperor's heart, and she was always filled with an aura that even he couldn't see through.

It made him feel that if Mu Xueqing was refined, she might not be weaker than the half-refined Emperor Xin.

Thinking of this, Zhang Changsheng felt that he couldn't let Mu Xueqing go.

"Undead Supreme?"

Mu Xueqing had never heard of this name, but judging from the aura that permeated his body, he was inextricably linked to the forbidden area of ​​death, so she felt relieved.

"This era belongs to me, Mu Xueqing. Since you are a survivor of other eras, follow the trend of the times and disappear forever!"

Mu Xueqing stared at Zhang Changsheng, there was no sign of fear in her eyes, instead she sneered.

Even the many holy sons and goddess-level figures present felt that Mu Xueqing was a little too arrogant when they saw this scene.

How can you say that Zhang Changsheng was once a supreme being, equivalent to the current emperor, a supreme figure who could suppress an era, but she was so unbearable in her mouth.

"Insulting the ancestors, destroying the great achievements of the ancestors, even killing you thousands of times, it is difficult to make up for the losses of the ancestors."

While speaking, the Patriarch of the Zhang family shot with anger.

He himself is a strong man of the powerful level. Although he has rarely made a move in Yuling City, anyone who really knows him knows that the Patriarch of the Zhang family is definitely a terrifying power, otherwise, he is not qualified. Become the head of the Zhang family.

For a moment, the situation changed, and the immeasurable divine light bloomed, and the figure of the Patriarch of the Zhang family became more and more stalwart. With one step, the world roared, and with one palm, the huge black handprint covered the sky, stretching for tens of miles, like a The mountain generally pressed down towards Mu Xueqing.

"Want to hurt my sister? Pass me first!"

Seeing this, Mu Longxue didn't hesitate at all, divine energy surged from her body, and a phantom of a golden Buddha pierced the sky, piercing the sky and earth, and was able to disperse endless death hurricanes.

Mu Longxue sat cross-legged in the void, chanting the scriptures, and also slapped out with one palm. The divine energy in the void was completely absorbed, filled with terrifying energy, and when it collided with it, there was a huge roar Voice.

The attack used by the Patriarch of the Zhang family collapsed in an instant, and the terrifying fluctuations continued unabated. Void couldn't bear the terrifying fluctuations, showing signs of collapse.

The Patriarch of the Zhang family did not expect that Mu Longxue was so terrifying, he was extremely powerful, ordinary powerful could suppress it with a wave of his hands, but he did not expect that the seemingly weak Mu Longxue possessed such terrifying power.

Although he wanted to escape here, the space around him was blocked, and the huge pressure suppressed him, making it difficult for him to escape. In the end, he was annihilated in countless voids and turbulence, leaving no bones left.

(End of this chapter)

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