Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 11 First-class martial arts, Qinglian internal strength!

Chapter 11 First-class martial arts, Qinglian internal strength! (Third request for votes)
"Take it! As long as it can help you break through, little junior brother, what is this mere first-class inner strength method?"

Lao Denuo stuffed the inner strength and mind into Xu Nuo's hands, with a righteous face on his face.

"Second senior brother, you are so kind to me!"

Xu Yi tightly grasped the inner strength method in his hand, with tears in the corners of his eyes, as if he was about to shed tears in the next second.

Lao Denuo patted Xu Yi's shoulder and said with a smile.

"This is what a senior brother should do! Well, I won't bother you anymore. You should read this book of inner strength and mental methods carefully. If there is anything you don't understand, just ask me. I can answer you at any time!"

"Thank you, Second Senior Brother! Second Senior Brother, I will send you off..."

"No need! Just take a good rest! Take care of your body, I believe you will be able to make a breakthrough next time!"

"Brother must live up to brother's expectations!"

Laudnor left.

The hot tears in Xu Yi's eyes also disappeared.

He glanced at the direction where Lao Denuo left, and then at the inner strength in his hands.

"Qinglian internal strength?"

"Laudno, what are you planning on doing?"

Xu Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

If it's just to win him over, there shouldn't be a need for a first-class inner strength technique, right?

It's not that he underestimates himself and looks down on himself, but judging from his previous performance, his value is really not as good as a first-class inner strength method!
How high is the value of a first-class inner strength method?

Let's put it this way, the Huashan School has the Huashan Nine Kung Fu, each of which is a first-rate martial art, but until now, whether it is Linghu Chong or Yue Buqun's biological daughter Yue Lingshan, they are still practicing second-rate inner skills— - Huashan basic internal strength.

Of course, there is the meaning of letting Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan lay the foundation, but the more reason is that the value of first-class inner skills is too great, and Yue Buqun has to think carefully before bestowing them.

Even in the peak period of the Huashan School, only true disciples and Huashan School members who have made great achievements can pass on one of the nine merits of Huashan.

This is true of the Huashan sect, and so are other sects. Even Shaolin Wudang, the two Taishan Beidou of the Jianghu martial arts with a great family, is also very cautious in imparting first-class inner strength and mental methods, and will not pass them on easily.

Such a precious first-class inner strength method, why did Lao Denuo just give it to him? !
"something wrong!"

Xu Yi didn't believe that Lao Denuo would be so kind, there must be something wrong with it!
"But is there a problem with the cultivation technique? Or is Lao Denuo hiding a deeper calculation? Or both?"

Xu Yi held the "Qinglian Neigong" in his hand, and didn't know whether he should open it or not.

It sounds ridiculous to see the problem by looking at the exercises, but it really exists in the world of martial arts. Among other things, in this world, there are such exercises.

Many people should know that, that's right, that exercise is the famous "Sunflower Treasure"!
Legend has it that Dongfang Invincible didn't want to practice "Sunflower Treasure" at the beginning, but in the end because he had read "Sunflower Treasure", he never forgot it, and even dreamed about the content of "Sunflower Treasure".

After many days in a row, with a dazed expression, he cut himself off and completed a gender change.

In a similar situation, when Yue Buqun watched "Evil Resisting Sword Art", he also didn't want to practice it at the beginning, but in the end he practiced this evil skill as if possessed by a demon.

Although Yue Buqun may be affected by some external factors, it is undeniable that there are some martial arts in this world that can affect people's minds!

"In case Laudenuo uses such a martial art to trick me..."

From a rational point of view, Xu Yi felt that this possibility was unlikely.

The kind of martial arts that can affect people's minds does exist, but it is definitely not possible for all martial arts, at least it must be possible with superb martial arts or even innate martial arts!

For an ordinary inner disciple of the Huashan School like him, it was already unbelievable for Lao Denuo to produce a first-class martial art. How could it be possible to produce a martial art that is above the top?
"Sunflower Treasure" and "Evil Resisting Sword Art" are indeed somewhat evil, but they are also really strong!
If you are willing to give up your GG, you can become a top master in the world of martial arts in a matter of minutes!
How stupid is Lao Denuo to entrust this kind of exercise to Xu Yi?

Xu Yi hesitated for a long time, but in the end he didn't look at the "Qinglian Neigong" in his hand.

Although the possibility of Lao Denuo producing a copy of exercises of that level is very low, it does not mean that there is no problem with this "Qinglian Neigong".

Any kind of inner strength mental method is missing by a tiny bit, and lost by a thousand miles.

Lao Denuo only needs to modify a few words in this exercise, and it is possible for the practitioners of this exercise to go mad and die violently!

Of course, according to Xu Yi's previous thinking, there is another possibility.

The exercise that Laudenuo gave him is real, and there is no problem with it. What he really wants to calculate is something else.

But after Xu Yi thought about it seriously, he temporarily put away the "Qinglian Neigong" in his hand.

"I don't know what Laodenuo thinks at the moment. The best way is to put it aside and wait until I have stronger strength to deal with it in the future. It won't be too late to deal with it!"

Of course, Xu Yi is very greedy for a first-class inner strength method. Even if he does not modify this method, watching a first-class inner strength method will be of great benefit to him, and it can greatly improve his martial arts skills. learning understanding.

Every first-class inner strength method contains a lot of martial arts insights, even if Xu Yi can only comprehend a part of it, it may bring him a lot of enlightenment.

It's a pity that Lao Denuo's mind is uncertain, and Xu Yi really doesn't dare to read this martial arts cheat book right now.

"Anyway, "Basic Internal Strength of Huashan Mountain" is enough for me now. With the blessing of a serious state, I don't need to comprehend too many principles of martial arts. I can read it when I have enough strength in the future!"

Thinking of this, Xu Yi temporarily put "Qinglian Neigong" aside.

"Comfortable state, normal state, and serious state, now I have explored the three states of the golden finger."

After a period of research, Xu Yi has roughly understood that the role of the golden finger should be to allow him to control all his states.

On the surface, the three states of being comfortable, ordinary, and serious have included all the states of a person, and he seems to have fully exploited all the functions of the golden finger.

However, Xu Yi always felt that he hadn't discovered all the functions of the golden finger yet.

"If I'm not mistaken, this golden finger has at least the fourth state and... the fifth state!"

(End of this chapter)

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