Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 12 The 4th State!

Chapter 12 The Fourth State! (Ask for tickets and follow up!)
That's right!

Fourth state and fifth state!
The state of ease is the most relaxed and comfortable state for a person.

The serious state is the most serious and peak state of a person.

The normal state is in between these two states.

Logically speaking, these three states have indeed included all the states of a person, and there should be no other states.

But in fact.

"There is a fourth state and a fifth state!"

"And these two states are outside the three major states!"

Outside the three states.

This was Xu Yi's idea.

More relaxed than the free state, stronger than the serious state!

This is the fourth state and the fifth state.

Under normal circumstances, the three major states already include all states of a person, so these two states are not states under normal circumstances.

Xu Yi lay on the bed, meditating in his heart.

"I want an hour of deep sleep!"

"I want an hour of deep sleep!"

"I want an hour of deep sleep!"

Say it silently three times in a row.

Xu Yi entered the mysterious space again.

But this time when he entered the mysterious space, his state was different from before.

In the real space, he has closed his eyes, and his breathing and heartbeat are rapidly becoming stable, which is a sign of deep sleep.

As his body in the real space entered a deep sleep state, his consciousness in the mysterious space also began to become sleepy, which he had never experienced before entering the mysterious space.

When he entered the mysterious space before, whether he was in a free state, a normal state, or a serious state, his consciousness was very clear, even much clearer than he was in the real space most of the time.

There has never been such a sleepy situation!

"Sure enough! This is the fourth state!"

Only relying on this completely different mental state in the mysterious space, Xu Yi knew that he was definitely in another state besides the three major states.

This is not the state of a person during normal activities, but a state that only appears after falling asleep!
Xu Yi originally wanted to explore this fourth state in depth, but as time passed, he began to become more and more sleepy. At first he became half-dream and half-awake, and finally he completely entered the state like the body in the real space. In the state of deep sleep, there is only a very weak consciousness left, and a certain perception of the outside world is maintained.

Time passed slowly.

Delin Court.

Laudno returned to the yard that belonged to him. He observed carefully and found that no one was there for four weeks, so he quickly returned to his room.


The door was locked.

Even the doors and windows were shut tightly.

Laudno came to the desk, took out the paper, ink, brush and inkstone, and prepared to write a letter.

He didn't start writing immediately, but recalled the thoughts and ideas he had had in the past few days in his heart.

"The master asked me to lurk in the Huashan faction. There are two main purposes. One is to closely monitor all the movements of Yue Buqun and the Huashan faction. If there is any important news, I will be notified back as soon as possible!"

"The other is to find a way to obtain the most important inheritance of the Huashan School—the Nine Kung Fu of Huashan, especially the "Zixia Divine Art" that only the masters of the past can practice!"

The former is okay, he has obtained some news more or less in the past few years, although most of them are not very important information, but it can be regarded as gaining something.

The latter will not work.

Not to mention the "Zixia Divine Art", which can only be practiced by the heads of the Huashan School in the past, even the other weaker Huashan Jiugong, he has not obtained any of them!

Even so far, there is no sign of getting it.

Sometimes Lao Denuo even suspected that Yue Buqun had discovered his identity as an undercover agent, right?

But after thinking about it, I think this possibility should not be very big. Although Yue Buqun didn't treat him very well, he didn't have any other targets for him. He even learned a lot from Yue Buqun. secret.

If Yue Buqun really suspected him, it should be impossible to do so.

And the reason why he has joined the Huashan School for so many years and has not obtained one of the nine achievements of Huashan is that Lao Denuo believes that he has the influence of the label of "bringing an art investment teacher".

No matter for any sect, it is very difficult for a person with an art investor to gain enough trust, let alone enter the core of the sect.

After several years of getting along, Lao Denuo can be seen that, with his identity, it is basically impossible to obtain one of the nine merits of Mount Hua from Yue Buqun.

"If I want to complete the task assigned by the master, I can only start with Yue Buqun's other disciples!"

Laudno's eyes flickered.

Today, there are eight disciples of Yue Buqun, the eldest disciple Linghu Chong, the second disciple Lao Denuo, the third disciple Liang Fa, the fourth disciple Shi Daizi, the fifth disciple Gao Genming, the sixth disciple Lu Dayou, the younger disciple Yue Lingshan and the younger disciple Xu Yi .

Excluding himself, there were only seven people left to choose from.

He has been in contact with all these seven people. If they are ranked in order of difficulty, Liang Fa and Shi Daizi should be the most difficult. Liang Fa is calm and has a lot of wisdom. It is more difficult to fool him.

Although Shi Daizi was not as intelligent as Liang Fa, he listened to Yue Buqun the most. If Yue Buqun passed on one of the Nine Skills of Huashan to him, and then told him not to pass it on to others, even if he was killed, it would not be a problem. It is possible to leak this technique.

Gao Genming, who is ranked below the two, is more like an ordinary person compared to the previous two, but he is an ordinary person with a mature mentality.

If he possessed Huashan Nine Kung Fu, it would be very difficult to get the kung fu from him by normal means, unless he was caught and tortured to force him.

Further down, there are Linghu Chong and Lu Da.

Linghu Chong was indeed wise, and he was also the wisest among all the disciples. Logically speaking, it would be very difficult to fool him.

But it's a pity that Linghu Chong has a fatal flaw - good wine!
If you can effectively use his defect, the difficulty of obtaining exercises from him is relatively low.

The same is true for Lu Dayou. He looks alert, but he also has the flaw of impulsiveness. As long as he can make good use of it, it is quite possible to obtain skills from him.

In the end, it was Yue Lingshan and Xu Yi.

There was no other reason why Laudnor put the two of them last, it was because the two of them were too young, their minds were immature, and they still had a lot of room for manipulation!
Lao Denuo's initial target was originally Yue Lingshan's. As the only daughter of Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan School, if he can get Yue Lingshan out, he will definitely get rich rewards!

The target was selected, and Laudno also took action.

It's a pity that Yue Lingshan doesn't like him as an 'old man'...

(End of this chapter)

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