Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 13 Deep sleep state!

Chapter 13 Deep sleep state! (Seek to follow up)

Yue Lingshan is a 'good-looking girl', needless to say, it can be seen from Lin Pingzhi.

For a 'good-looking girl', it is obviously impossible for her to get close to an old man who is not good-looking and old.

Lao Denuo has worked hard for a long time, and finally the relationship between him and Yue Lingshan is not as close as that between Lu Dayou and Yue Lingshan. It is indeed a bit difficult to rely on such a relationship to do something.

The primary target, Yue Lingshan, failed, and Lao Denuo could only focus on other people.

Originally, Lao Denuo didn't want to turn his target to Xu Yi. Although Xu Yi, like Yue Lingshan, had the same weakness of being young and immature, the problem was that.

His entry time is too short!
If we really set our goal on Xu Yi and wait for him to obtain the inheritance of the Huashan Nine Kung Fu, when will it be?
Taking Linghu Chong as an example, even if the time when he was adopted is not counted, it has been ten years since he became a major disciple of the Huashan School, and he has not yet obtained one of the nine merits of Huashan, and he is still practicing "Huashan Basic Internal Strength".

When exactly Linghu Chong will be able to obtain the Huashan Nine Kung Fu, there is still no conclusion yet!

And even if these ten years are taken as a measure, Xu Yi has just started for one year, and it will be nine years before he can obtain the Nine Kung Fu of Mount Hua.

Not to mention, Xu Yi's talent status in the Huashan School is far inferior to Linghu Chong's. If it is really counted, this time will take at least ten years.

Ten years?
Lao Denuo felt that by that time, his master Zuo Lengchan would have already unified the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

With such restrictions, it was naturally impossible for Lao Denuo to target Xu Yi before. It wasn't until yesterday's inner sect contest that he discovered the relationship between Xu Yi and Yue Lingshan...

"Xu Yi himself is not that valuable, but he has a close relationship with Yue Lingshan!"

This was why Lao Denuo fell in love with Xu Yi.

Among the many disciples of Yue Buqun, the most valuable in Lao Denuo's eyes are Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan.

Linghu Chong is a disciple trained by Yue Buqun as the next master, and he has a great possibility to become the master of Huashan in the future!

Yue Lingshan is the only daughter of Yue Buqun, the current head of Huashan. This alone is enough to show her importance.

If anyone is most likely to obtain "Zixia Divine Art" from Yue Buqun, then it must be Linghu Chong and Yue Lingshan!
"Although a first-class internal skill is precious, if it can be used to win over or even control Xu Yi, it is worth it! The most important thing is...that internal skill is not so easy to cultivate!"

There was a weird smile on Laudno's mouth.

Whether he can get the "Zixia Magic Art" or not, the hope may be on Xu Yi's body!
Thinking of this, Lao Denuo finally started to write.

An hour passed.

When Xu Yi woke up, he found that he had left the mysterious space and returned to the real space again.

"Hmm! It's like having a full-body massage, and the whole body has become much more transparent!"

Xu Yi stretched, and began to check the changes in his body.

"The exhaustion from practicing internal strength and swordsmanship before has recovered a lot. Although it has not fully recovered, it has returned to the level before I started to practice swordsmanship, and it is even better!"

"In addition, the backlash I suffered because of the breakthrough before seems to have recovered a little! If I sleep for so many hours a day, the body that originally took half a month to recover may only take ten days or even It will be able to fully recover in a shorter time!"

It is completely different from the three major states. Even if the three major states are in the free state, they are still being consumed all the time. The fourth state is the opposite, it is recovering!
Whether it is physical or mental consumption, once you enter the fourth state, you can quickly recover. This is the effect of the fourth state!

"So this state is called the recovery state? Well, forget it, let's call it the deep sleep state! It sounds more appropriate!"

Xu Yi thought about it, and finally named the fourth state the state of deep sleep. The effect was to restore his body and mind.

"The only problem is that after entering this state, the digestion speed seems to be much faster!"

Xu Yi touched his stomach, he just finished his lunch, and he felt hungry again.

The food provided by the Huashan faction is not bad. The so-called poor culture and rich martial arts, if you want to practice martial arts, you must eat good food!

Before becoming innately strong and able to absorb a large amount of spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth, the energy source for warriors' cultivation almost comes from the food they eat every day. If they don't eat well, it will be difficult to maintain their daily practice.

In order to allow Xu Yi and others to practice better, the food provided by the Huashan School every day is very good.

Take today's lunch as an example, what Xu Yi ate was half a roast chicken, a fish weighing two catties, a portion of braised pork, a large portion of fried vegetables, and a pot of pork bone soup.

This pork bone soup is not simple, not only has it been stewed for a long time, but also has several large pig bones and more precious medicinal materials. The value of these ingredients alone is nearly a tael of silver.

This is the case for both lunch and dinner, and throughout the year, an inner disciple will spend seven to eight hundred taels of silver on food alone.

Practicing martial arts in such a world is impossible without some money!

Generally speaking, the food provided by the Huashan School is enough for every disciple to practice every day, and there is even a surplus. In the past, Xu Yi practiced hard every day, even when he woke up every morning, he hardly felt the feeling of being hungry. ——That is because his daily energy intake is sufficient, or even exceeded!
But today, Xu Yi just woke up after an hour of deep sleep and felt hungry...

"The intensity of my practice this morning is not much different from before, even a little less than an hour. The normal consumption should not be too much. The reason why I am hungry should be that when repairing the body backlash, I consumed a lot of extra energy energy."

Xu Yi guessed in his heart.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that when he enters the serious state and the normal state, he actually consumes more energy than his usual practice.If this is the case, then he will need more and richer food for his future cultivation!
If it's because of the backlash of his body, after he recovers from his injuries, the consumption will naturally return to normal, and at most he will just eat more in the past few days.

But if it's the latter...

Although there is no clear evidence yet, Xu Yi has a very strong feeling.

The consumption of body backlash may take up a part, but his special cultivation state also takes up a part!

"Warrior himself is a big eater, I'm afraid I'm going to become a 'rice bucket' in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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