Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 14 The fifth state that Xu Yi dare not activate!

Chapter 14 The fifth state that Xu Yi dare not activate! (Third update, ask for tickets)
The meals provided by the Huashan School for each disciple are fixed, and the dishes may change, but the approximate amount is the same, or the money spent is almost the same, it all has the same meaning.

Want to add a meal?

And still have extra meals every day?


Just kidding, the standard for each meal of the inner disciples has reached one tael of silver, and the Huashan sect spends thousands of taels on meals for several inner disciples every year.

Absolutely not!

It is basically impossible for the Huashan School to change Xu Yi's daily meal standards. If it takes a few days to make up for it, it will be fine, but it will be impossible for many years.

Today's Huashan faction itself is relatively tight, and it really doesn't have that much money to improve the diet of the disciples, and there is one thing to say, the food standard of the Huashan faction is already rich enough, and Xu Yi's is something that is difficult for the strong, to put it bluntly, called Unreasonable trouble is fine.

This kind of request can be said to be 100% impossible to be allowed.

"It seems that only the 'money ability' is deployed!"

Xu Yi thought about it.

If his mysterious state really needs a lot of food and energy to maintain, then in order to maintain his daily mysterious state, he can only find ways to obtain more food.

It's not appropriate to mention it with the master, but if he makes a deal with the handyman disciple in the kitchen in private and spends his own money to buy it, then there is no problem.

Even if Yue Buqun knew about it, he would probably turn a blind eye.

"But it's better not to let other people know!"

A person's diet can reflect the state of the person.

Xu Yi, who was no different from the others, suddenly had a huge appetite. What would the others think when they found out?
long body?
What long body can compare to the daily consumption of a warrior!
Compared with the energy consumption required by warriors every day, the consumption required by normal people to grow their bodies is not worth mentioning at all.

If someone finds out about this, they will either suspect that someone is hiding in Xu Yi's courtyard, or they will suspect that there is something wrong with Xu Yi himself!
Xu Yi couldn't help but sighed.

"If it wasn't for Lao Denuo, I would go directly to Xu's house now, which is the best solution!"

As the young master of the Xu family, if he returned to his own territory, wouldn't he be able to eat whatever he wanted?Who can control him?

But now because he was being targeted by Lao Denuo, Xu Yi really didn't dare to return to Xu's house before he knew what the other party's purpose was.

Although the Huashan faction is in decline, Xu Yi's personal safety can still be guaranteed with Yue Buqun. As long as he stays in the Huashan faction, even if Lao Denuo wants to do something, he will be hesitant and dare not take action easily.

But once Xu Yi returned to Xu's house, Lao Denuo didn't have so many scruples. What he would do was beyond anyone's imagination.

"The trouble is not small, but it is not a big problem in a short time. I can use the breakthrough failure and the backlash of my body as an excuse to ask people to add more meals to make up for myself. Even if someone finds out, they won't think too much. "

As for what to do after backlash recovery?
He can also 'fail' the third, fourth, or even fifth time!

In a short period of time, he can use this excuse to cover up the reason why he suddenly ate so much.Anyway, his external talent is not very good, even if he fails four or five times for the first time, it is normal.

As for after five failures...it depends.

At that time, Xu Yi should be able to open up two, or even three meridians. He barely has a certain strength, and there are many more choices.

"But if possible, it's better to hide it as much as possible."

Xu Yi felt that, relying on his good image in the group of handyman disciples and a little 'money ability', as long as no one specifically checked here, he should be able to hide it for a long time.

If he can successfully hide it for half a year, he will basically have the power to protect himself, at least the threat posed by Laudnor is no longer a threat to him.

Thinking about it this way, this problem can be considered a temporary solution.

Next, Xu Yi didn't try the fifth state, not because he didn't want to experience this state, but because this state... is a bit dangerous!
In Xu Yi's imagination, the fifth state is more powerful than the serious state.

The serious state is already the peak state that a normal person can show, and any more will hurt oneself. What other state can be stronger than it?
There is indeed such a state!
"On the premise of hurting yourself, completely open the human body limiter, and burst out all the power in an instant!"

People's potential is extremely powerful, and how powerful each person can unleash may not even be known to him.

For example, there was a news report that a mother's love broke out because her child was crushed under the wheel of a truck, and she forcibly lifted a truck weighing several tons to rescue the child.

The same mother, when the flood came, used her own hands to lift her child. The top of her head was submerged by the flood, but she still held her child high until her child was rescued. into the flood.

Such a thing, not to mention a strong adult man, even a cruelly trained special soldier or king of mercenaries, would be impossible to do, but an ordinary person, and even an ordinary woman, did it.

It's a miracle, and it's not a miracle.

Because in theory, the potential contained in each person may support them to do such a thing.

Of course, it is only theoretically possible, just like keeping serious for an hour, it is theoretically possible for normal people to do such a thing, but it is almost impossible to do it in practice.

This miraculous state is even more difficult to achieve than maintaining a serious state for an hour!
The reason for this lies in the body's self-protection mechanism.

Everyone has a self-protection mechanism. Once your actions exceed a certain limit, it will automatically show a certain signal to suppress your output and prevent you from hurting yourself.

That kind of restraint is the limitation that the human race has inherited through the bloodline for countless thousands of years, and has been engraved in the deepest part of the bloodline generation after generation. It is deeply rooted and has already become the most basic instinct of human beings.

This instinct is like the need for humans to eat, drink, and sleep. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for humans to break through such restrictions with their own strength!
Xu Yi, who has a mysterious space, should be able to use this state theoretically, but he hesitated for a long time, and still did not dare to activate this state.

"Once this state is turned on, I'm afraid it will be fatal!"

(End of this chapter)

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