Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 18 Morning Lesson

Chapter 18 Morning Lesson
Yue Buqun at this stage is indeed a good teacher, and he really wants to be a good teacher, but there are some things that are not easy to think about.

Compare this aspect of teaching apprentices.

Yue Buqun is really too busy!
As a first-class sect head who is in charge of hundreds of people, he has too many things to deal with every day, and there is no one around him who can help him share the burden except Ning Zhongze.

So even if Yue Buqun wanted to teach his disciples well, it was impossible to find time to give them lectures every day, and even the morning class every three days was only available after Yue Buqun squeezed and squeezed.

It is still not guaranteed that it can be carried out normally every time. Due to the need for frequent 'business trips', Yue Buqun can only fulfill half of the morning class every three days, or even a little bit less.

Most of the remaining morning classes were replaced by Ning Zhongze and Linghu Chong.

This was also one of the reasons why Lu Dayou and other senior brothers respected Linghu Chong so much, because in a way, Linghu Chong was also half of their master.

Coupled with Linghu Chong's usual care for them in daily life, it was only natural for them to get closer to Linghu Chong.

Xu Yilai's time was better, perhaps because he had managed to stabilize the situation, this year Yue Buqun spent very little time going out, most of his time was taught by Yue Buqun himself.

Today's morning class was also taught by Yue Buqun.

However, because the time for the morning class has not yet arrived, Yue Buqun has not come yet, but several disciples have come early.

Xu Yi was relatively late. Before he arrived, the other six senior brothers, including Yue Lingshan, had already arrived.

"Little brother! You are the only one missing! Come and sit down!"

Yue Lingshan beckoned to him, telling Xu Yi to hurry over.

The Huashan School is a Taoist sect, inherited from the Quanzhen lineage in Taoism. The founder is Hao Datong, a direct disciple of Quanzhen Patriarch Chongyang Zhenren, who is known as one of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen.

Although in this world of martial arts, you can basically see no traces of Taoism in the Huashan School, not to mention the daily Taoist morning reading, and even the most basic Taoist robes for a Taoist priest.

The Huashan School has almost completely transformed from a branch of Taoism into a pure martial arts school.

Although the attributes of the sect have changed, some traces left by Taoism can still be displayed at certain times.

Just like the morning class every three days.

The way the disciples listen to the class is to sit on the futons one by one, and every three futons form a row, and the disciples sit back one by one according to their ranking.

Xu Yi was the eighth inner disciple, so he was naturally sitting in the last row with Yue Lingshan, who was ranked seventh.

In front, from left to right, are the fourth brother Shi Daizi, the fifth brother Gao Genming and the sixth brother Lu Dayou.

In the row above, also from left to right, sitting are senior brother Linghu Chong, second senior brother Lao Denuo and third senior brother Liang Fa.

As soon as Xu Yi sat down, Lu Dayou, who was on the upper right of him, turned his head.

"Junior brother, look at you like this... you have failed in the breakthrough, right? It doesn't matter, your talent is not good, you will definitely succeed in the breakthrough if you try a few more times! Don't be discouraged, I am optimistic about you!"

Lu Dayou said comforting words on the surface, but in his expression and even his tone, there was a strong taste of schadenfreude and even sarcasm.

It's like saying, with your talent, you still want to be with Junior Sister?Take a pee and take care of yourself first!
Liang Fa, the third senior brother in front of Lu Dayou, and Gao Genming, the fifth senior brother on the left, frowned slightly when they heard this.

Although because of Linghu Chong, they faintly rejected Xu Yi, but anyway, Xu Yi is also their junior, and Lu Dayou's doing so... is somewhat over the top!

They wanted to say something, but when they looked at Linghu Chong, who seemed to have heard nothing, they hesitated for a while, but they still didn't make a sound.

Lao Denuo's eyes turned slightly, and he seemed to glance at Xu Yi inadvertently from the corner of his eyes.

'Breakthrough failed?It doesn't make sense!Could it be that he didn't practice "Qinglian Neigong"? '

Various thoughts swirled in his mind, but he quickly suppressed them and returned to reality.

'Do you want to speak for him? '

Lao Denuo felt that with Xu Yi's state in the Huashan faction, if he could give him a hand from time to time, it would definitely not be difficult to completely control him in his own hands!
'If this is the case, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of others! '

Lao Denuo quietly glanced at the others. In order to keep his undercover identity from being discovered, he has been a transparent person for several years. Now he has publicly stood up because of Xu Yi, which is a bit too different from his previous image. .

While Lao Denuo was still hesitating, Yue Lingshan who was sitting next to Xu Yi had already started to stare at Lu Dayou.

"Senior Brother Six, what are you talking about? I remember that when you pulsed your pulse for the first time, it took you four times to succeed, right? What qualifications do you have to call me Junior Brother!"

Yue Lingshan, who was protecting the calf, obviously couldn't see her junior brother being bullied, even if this person was her sixth senior brother Lu Dayou.

Lu Dayou has a good relationship with her. Among the senior brothers, she is almost second only to Linghu Chong. After all, from the fifth senior brother Gao Genming onwards, they are all a little older. Only Lu Dayou can be considered as close to her. The two of them You can play around a little bit.

Linghu Chong was an exception. He was picked up by Yue Buqun and Ning Zhongze. He had been with each other since Yue Lingshan was born. In many cases, Yue Buqun and Ning Zhong were busy. Yue Lingshan was taken by Linghu Chong. Personal relationships are naturally extraordinary.

Even the current Xu Yi, with the help of half a year of martial arts stories, dare not say that his status in Yue Lingshan's heart must be higher than that of Linghu Chong.

That is the companionship of more than ten years, which cannot be equaled so easily.

"Little Junior Sister! What are you doing with the events of the past!"

Being told by Yue Lingshan himself about his deeds back then, Lu Dayou obviously felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to yell at Yue Lingshan, so he could only put all this on Xu Yi's head and glared at him With one glance, with a cold snort, he turned his head away.

Xu Yi:...

What does it matter to me?
You mocked me, I didn't say anything, and you still hummed me in the end? !
"Junior Brother, don't take it to heart, it's okay to fail, keep working hard, I believe you will succeed next time!"

Yue Lingshan comforted Xu Yi and paused, as if she had thought of something, she added it again.

"Just like what I said just now, Sixth Senior Brother used it four times before he succeeded! It's no big deal for you!"

Lu Dayou:? ? ?


 Today is still two updates...

(End of this chapter)

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