Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 19 The Difference Between Righteousness and Demons

Chapter 19 The Difference Between Righteousness and Demons (Please vote!)

During this small conflict, Linghu Chong closed his eyes tightly and acted calmly, as if he didn't care at all.

It's just that when Yue Lingshan spoke up for Xu Yi, the corners of his eyes trembled slightly, which still showed that he didn't care as much as he showed.

Of course, this trifle was just a small episode, and with the appearance of Yue Buqun, it quickly disappeared into nothingness.


All the disciples bowed and saluted.


Yue Buqun sat on the high platform and nodded slightly.

"Today we are talking about the fifth level of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength"..."

There are not so many polite words and nonsense, and I started to explain directly referring to the fifth level of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength".

The first part of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" is to open up the Dantian, the second part is to open up the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, the third part is to get through the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming, the fourth part is to get through the Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyang, and the fifth part is to get through the Hand Sun Small Intestine Meridian.

"Huashan Basic Neigong" is a very orthodox method of inner strength. In addition to opening up the dantian for the first level, the first four meridians opened up correspond to the limbs of the human body. This way, on the one hand, the internal force can be quickly penetrated through the limbs, and on the other hand, it will not let the My limbs are too unbalanced.

For example, some evil or even demonic internal energy methods are not so particular. For example, those who also practice swordsmanship, in order to enhance the power of swordsmanship, some internal energy methods have the first two meridians, or even the first three meridians. Choose to open up the meridian of the right hand.

The right hand is the dominant hand for wielding the sword, and the right-hand meridians that have been opened up three consecutive meridians can naturally greatly enhance the power of one's swordsmanship.

This is why people who practice magic arts at the same level are stronger than those who are righteous.

It's just that if you do this, you will be strong, but you will lose your limbs, and you will easily fall into a situation where your internal power goes berserk, or even crazy!

The orthodox and orthodox cultivation method is to open the meridians one by one along the limbs. After the first meridian of the limbs is opened in succession, there will be another round, and so on, until the twelve orthodox meridians are opened.

In this way, in the early stage of cultivation, it is naturally not as strong as people in the devil way and evil way, but there is almost no risk of limb imbalance and madness.

In the orthodox cultivation method, there are only two words that stand out, stable!Safety!
It doesn't matter if it's not as powerful as the magic way in the early stage. After both sides have got through the twelve serious ways, will they still return to the same level?

Even demonic people are prone to various physical injuries due to their practice of demonic arts. When both sides have opened up the twelve disciplines, the demonic warriors with various injuries on their bodies will not perform as well as the orthodox warriors.


Yue Buqun talked eloquently on the high platform, explaining the meaning of each sentence.

All the disciples in the audience listened attentively, even Lao Denuo and Linghu Chong, who had already cultivated to the sixth and seventh levels of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength", listened very seriously.

Learn the new by reviewing the old, this is a sentence in Confucius' "The Analects", which is for the students to teach, but it is also effective when applied to the cultivation of warriors.

It is not possible for any one of the exercises to be fine after practice. In fact, it is impossible for the vast majority of practitioners to fully comprehend all the mysteries of this important exercise when they first practiced it.

Not to mention second-rate fighters like Linghu Chong and Lao Denuo, even first-rate fighters like Yue Buqun who are only one step away from the top fighters, every time they think about "Huashan Basic Internal Strength", they will have different gains. His martial arts background is even deeper.

Second-rate warriors like Lao Denuo and Linghu Chong listened carefully, let alone other disciples, none of them had reached the level of second-rate warriors yet.

The fifth level of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" is aimed at the third-rate peak level that gets through the fourth meridian. This is a very important level, because the next level is the sixth level that corresponds to second-rate warriors!
It can be said that their cultivation on the fifth level of martial arts determines whether they can break through the second-rate warriors, or better break through the second-rate warriors!
As inner sect disciples who can be accepted by Yue Buqun himself, the talents here are actually not bad. As long as they practice seriously, second-rate warriors are not a problem at all, even if they are first-rate warriors, it is not impossible for them to break through.

Although breaking through is not a problem, how to break through better and faster is still up to them. If they can gain a deeper understanding of the fifth level of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength", their future breakthroughs may be smoother.

Especially for the third disciple Liang Fa and the fourth disciple Shi Daizi who have reached the peak of the third class, this explanation is particularly important to them. They are now in the fifth position and want to enter the stage faster and better. The sixth level depends on their understanding of the fifth level.

Yue Buqun glanced at Liang Fa and Shi Daizi.

I hope you can break through smoothly!
This morning class, or the morning class during this period, was actually taught by him specifically for Liang Fa and Shi Daizi. If the two can fully understand his explanation, not to mention too much, it will at least improve their performance by [-]% Breakthrough probability!

If it was at the peak of the Huashan School, second-rate warriors were nothing at all. At that time, the Huashan School even had to be a second-rate warrior to become an inner disciple.

First-class warriors could barely enter the management team, but their power was average, because at that time, there were even several top-notch warriors in the Huashan faction.

In the Huashan faction of that period, second-rate fighters were not even qualified to meet the head!


In order for his two disciples to break through to the level of second-rate warriors, the head of Huashan spent more than a month and a dozen consecutive morning classes to explain the fifth level of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength".


Xu Yi also listened with great interest.

Although he has just reached the second level of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength", he is far away from the fifth level, but with the help of a serious state, it will take three or four months for him to reach the fifth level!

If it is fast, it will be three months, if it is slow, it will not exceed four months at the latest.

after an hour.

Morning class is over.

"Thank you, master, for teaching me!"

All the disciples bowed and saluted to show their gratitude to the teacher who taught them.

"Well, after listening to it, is there anything you don't understand?"

Yue Buqun asked.

Xu Yi's heart moved. He really had one or two questions that he hadn't studied thoroughly, and he had doubts in his heart. However, considering his current state, he still didn't open his mouth after all.

Now he is just a low-level person who has just opened up his dantian!

In the end, only Liang Fa and Shi Daizi asked a few questions, and Yue Buqun answered them one by one.

After the end, all the disciples were waiting to leave.

"Xu Yi, stay here!"

 Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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