Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 20 The Different Yue Buqun

Chapter 20 The Different Yue Buqun


Xu Yi was stunned for a moment.

Yue Buqun asked him to stay by name?

'Master can't see something, can he? '

Xu Yi was a little apprehensive.

His 'breath disorder' was simulated by himself through the normal state, not the real breath disorder that appeared after the breakthrough failed and was backlashed.

Lu Dayou and others couldn't see his disguise. Can Yue Buqun, whose strength has reached the peak of first-class and is only one step or even half a step away from the top level, not be able to see it?
Xu Yi really didn't know what to do.

Although he is very confident in his mysterious state, he will not underestimate the ability of a half-step superpower!

It can be said that in this arena, Lao Yue's current strength is already very strong, second only to those few extremely strong men who are at the apex!
Lu Dayou gloated at Xu Yi.

Is it over?Are you going to be scolded?
Let you get so close to your junior sister every day!

This is retribution!

If it wasn't for the consideration of the occasion, Lu Da would have to sneer a few words, but he glanced at the majestic Yue Buqun on the high platform, and finally held back his mouth and left the hall obediently.

Even when he left, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, showing his good mood.

After all the disciples left.

Only Yue Buqun and Xu Yi were left in the hall.

"Master, what's the matter with you keeping your disciple?"

Xu Yi bowed and asked, his expression was calm, and there was no panic.

After the initial apprehension, he had figured it out.

Concealing one's strength can be big or small. If you say it big, you have ulterior motives and intend to do something to the sect; Sample.

With Yue Buqun's character, most likely he would think in a big direction... It's not a big problem, just throw Lao Denuo out.

It is said that he suspected that Lao Denuo had bad intentions, so he did not dare to show his strength.With Lao Denuo's 'noble' status in Yue Buqun's heart, Xu Yi felt that it was very possible to pick him out!
Laudnor:? ? ?

Please be yourself!
Xu Yi had already considered everything, but the development of things was a little different from what he had imagined.

Yue Buqun left him alone because of his breakthrough, but not because he concealed the fact that he succeeded in breaking through, but because he wanted to comfort him when he failed!
Is Lao Yue such a caring master?
Xu Yi was stunned for a moment.

If the person who did this was Ning Zhongze, he wouldn't be surprised, because the teacher's wife is such a gentle and kind person, but Yue Buqun...
To be honest, although Xu Yi has changed his senses because of the other party's dedicated teaching this year, he really didn't expect the other party to have such a side!
"It seems that the image of Yue Buqun in the film and television dramas and novels of the previous life has a greater influence on me than I imagined!"

In film and television dramas and novels, Yue Buqun's image is generally hypocritical, cunning, ruthless, and even eventually evolved into a super villain with the final big boss!
When Xu Yi faced him, he naturally put on a filter, and he naturally associated whatever was bad.

However, he did not consider that at that time, Yue Buqun had first experienced the Huashan faction's sword qi struggle from its peak to its decline, and then was oppressed step by step by the Songshan faction led by Zuo Lengchan to encroach on his Huashan faction. , After struggling constantly, he was powerless and finally plunged into the darkness, becoming that hypocrite that everyone hates!
It is now three years before the official start of the plot. Although the signs of the rise of the Songshan School have been fully revealed, they are far from being as serious as later generations. Even the famous Songshan Thirteen Taibaos of the Songshan School have not really made a name for themselves in the arena. .

The current Songshan faction is in the late stage of accumulating strength. Although some measures have been taken against the Huashan faction, it is still in a relatively moderate state.

Yue Buqun felt a little urgent, but it was not as urgent as it was at the beginning of the plot.

People change.

Maybe in the future Yue Buqun will still look like in the original book, but the present him is not the future him.

Now Yue Buqun's greatest wish is still to develop and strengthen the Huashan School, and because the external pressure is not too great, he will not bear all the pressure on himself, to teach his disciples and let his disciples become talents. Yue Buqun's most important task!
If it weren't for the expectations he had for his disciples, it would be impossible for Yue Buqun to insist on taking at least one hour every three days to teach all his disciples when he was so busy.

Managing a force of nearly 500 people already has a lot of chores, plus his own training needs, it is really not easy for Yue Buqun to spare an hour every three days!

"Failing to break through is nothing, just accumulate experience and come back next time! Your current strength is still weak, even if you fail to break through, you only need to cultivate for half a month, so it's not a big problem."

"On the contrary, this kind of failure experience is precious. The more you experience now, the more help you will break through to a higher level in the future! It will help you climb to a higher level!"

"In contrast, those who have never failed are more likely to have problems! It should be noted that the further you go, the more serious the backlash you will suffer from the breakthrough failure! If you advance..."

Yue Buqun tried his best to comfort him, pointing out the benefits of the loser from the perspective of the loser.

In order to comfort Xu Yi better, Lao Yue even tried his best to make his tone and expression as gentle as possible, which was really well-intentioned.

"Thank you, master, the disciple has already realized it! I will definitely learn from it in the future, so that I can gain more valuable experience!"

Xu Yi bowed again and said.

The bow this time can be said to be his complete recognition of Yue Buqun's 'master' status.

No matter what the future holds, at least the Yue Buqun in front of him now is definitely worthy of his 'master'!

Yue Buqun accepted it calmly.

"You failed to break through this time, have you encountered any problems? Tell me, and I will give you some advice as a teacher."

Xu Yi was slightly taken aback.

What should I say about this thing?
If he really failed to break through, there is still something to say, but the key point is that he succeeded in breaking through!
There was no way, Xu Yi could only bite the bullet in the end, and took out his second breakthrough failure experience.

"Master, this time I made a breakthrough..."

"Well, you are doing this because..."

After some explanation.

Yue Buqun had planned to wave Xu Yi to leave, but he seemed to have thought of something and said suddenly.

"Xu Yi, I remember you have been a beginner for a year, right? Is there anything you are not used to?"

Xu Yi's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

maybe i can...

 On New Year's Eve, maybe the handsome readers are willing to vote for the humble author?
(End of this chapter)

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