Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 26 Memory Palace!

Chapter 26 Memory Palace! (seeking tickets)

Memory Palace!

This is a new job started by Xu Yi. About half a month ago, after reading the Taoist scriptures for a month, he felt that he had accumulated a certain amount of knowledge, and wanted to try to see if he could deduce the exercises.

In the end, it was found that the deduction can be deduced, but the efficiency is really low.

"This is because I haven't read too many Taoist scriptures. There are only [-] volumes at present. I think Huang Chang had read all the Taoist scriptures gathered from the entire Song Dynasty. Compared with him, the Taoist knowledge I accumulated is not enough. It's too far away!"

"The second is because I still have shortcomings in knowledge comprehension, organization, etc., which greatly reduces the speed of my deduction!"

There is nothing to say about comprehension. If you have a deeper understanding of a Taoist scripture, the knowledge you possess will naturally be stronger, and it will be easier to touch deeper things.

This takes a considerable amount of time to do!
Even if Xu Yi was able to activate the golden finger and directly become a super genius in the eyes of ordinary people, who could learn everything quickly, it was impossible to comprehend these Dao scriptures to such a deep level in a short period of time.

Viewing the number of Dao scriptures and comprehending the knowledge of Dao scriptures are not things that can be accomplished overnight. The only way to solve this problem is to use time, or——to start a serious state!
In terms of learning, the efficiency of the mysterious state increases exponentially, eight times the normal state and twelve times the serious state, it seems that the difference is only four times, but in fact the gap is simply impossible to describe in specific words of.

Xu Yi once started to read the Taoist scriptures in a serious state. It only took an hour to fully comprehend a Taoist scripture, almost reaching the level of the original author!
This kind of learning efficiency can no longer be described as horror, it is completely abnormal level!

Normal people, unless they are in the legendary epiphany state, it is impossible to compare with Xu Yi who is in a serious state!

If Xu Yi changed his reading time of two hours a day into a serious state, he would be able to fully comprehend at least two Daoist scriptures every day. After a month, it would be easy to comprehend sixty books.


"For me now, internal strength training is more important!"

Xu Yi, who has the complete version of "Basic Internal Strength of Mount Hua", basically doesn't need to think too much about the exercises before he reaches the second-rate peak.

The matter of Taoism is very important, but now it is not so important.

At least when Xu Yi didn't raise his realm to the second-rate peak, and didn't raise his internal force to the limit of his dantian, he didn't need to rely on Taoism to deduce new exercises so much.

To choose one of the two, of course Xu Yi would still choose to practice internal strength.

There is no way to use the state of seriousness. Regarding the number of Dao scriptures and comprehension of the Tao scriptures, he naturally has no choice but to rely on time to accumulate slowly.

But in terms of tidying up, Xu Yi came up with a way.

During the previous deduction process, Xu Yi discovered a problem.

"My deduction state seems a bit too rigid!"

According to Xu Yi's thinking, his state of deduction should be to quickly absorb the knowledge about martial arts and kung fu in Taoist scriptures, and then combine it with his own kung fu, compare and integrate with each other, so as to transform to a deeper level .

And in the actual deduction process, 'he' has indeed learned the knowledge about martial arts from the Taoism, but it has been learned from the Taoism one by one!
Even though he knows that there is no knowledge related to martial arts behind this Taoist scripture, 'he' will still continue to 'browse' the past, and will not continue to invest in the next Taoist scripture until he has finished 'browsing' this Taoist scripture , and then 'browse' again from beginning to end.

That's fine, what made Xu Yi even more speechless was that when 'he' had 'browsed' all of them and got a few results, when he wanted to delve deeper again, 'he' returned to the beginning The starting point of all the "Tao Sutras" are "browsed" again...

That kind of feeling is like an old-fashioned low-level artificial intelligence, always doing things according to the set procedures, and doesn't understand what is the real point at all. It would be strange if the speed can be deduced like this!

"So my gold finger is so dull?"

Xu Yi couldn't help asking such questions, and then he recalled his previous experience, it seems that... he is really so dull.

Whether it's internal strength training, martial arts training, or even reading time every day, his golden fingers are always so 'dull'.

Not to mention internal strength training, there is basically no distinction between what is important and what is not.

But martial arts, especially reading Taoism, these are all important!
Any martial arts, any book, has its foreshadowing and key points. For example, in "Huashan Sword Art", the white rainbow pierces the sun, the bells and drums sound together, and the poetry and sword meet friends. These three moves are the killing skills in "Hua Mountain Sword Art". Tricks are the point of it!
When other members of the Huashan sect practice, they often put in more effort to practice these three ultimate moves. It's not that other sword moves are not important, but that compared with these three sword moves, the other sword moves are more important. Relatively not that big.

These three ultimate moves are all unique moves that can determine the outcome with one hammer, and they are naturally much more important than other sword moves that are more foreshadowing!

When Xu Yi was practicing before, he also consciously strengthened his practice in these three moves, but when he activated the mysterious state, all sword moves were treated equally.

The same is true for reading Taoism.

No matter what kind of book it is, there is always some focus and focus, right?

Even though ancient books have undergone a lot of condensing due to various reasons, and every sentence contains a lot of deep meaning, there are still differences in severity.

Even scriptures handed down from ancient times such as "The Analects of Confucius", "Diamond Sutra", and "Tao Te Ching" also have their core sentences, which represent the central thoughts of their entire books.

These sentences are worth spending more time studying.

But for Xu Yi who had activated the mysterious state, there was no difference between them.

"Since you don't make a difference here, I'll make the difference myself!"

So ever.

The memory palace appeared.

If you have read the "Sherlock Holmes" novels or "Sherlock" and other film and television dramas, you should be familiar with this term.

The so-called memory palace is to build palaces in one's mind, and then put all one's memories into these palaces by category.

In "Sherlock", the performance of the memory palace is quite abnormal!It can be called a humanoid computer!
But when he came to Xu Yi... he was also perverted!
(End of this chapter)

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