Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 27 Level 8 Memory Palace, successfully built!

Chapter 27 Eight-level memory palace, successfully built! (seeking tickets)
"Yiyuan...corridor, yard, bedroom, study, hut, firewood house... pavilion, ground, grass, desk, wardrobe, bed...teapot, bluestone board, branches dry, stationery, clothes, quilt..."

Xu Yi built up his memory palace bit by bit in his mind, from big to small, level by level, until he built everything he could see and think of.

The so-called memory palace does not really require you to build a palace, the word 'palace' is just a metaphor, in fact it can be anything, as long as you are familiar enough with this thing, you can compare it completely Build it out.

Of course, unfamiliarity is fine, even complete fiction is fine, but relatively speaking, the memory palace built in this way will be very difficult and quite vain, that's all.

Generally speaking, in order to reduce the difficulty, most people who build memory palaces will choose the buildings they are most familiar with—such as the room they live in.

Even the most ordinary and ordinary room can be constructed into a memory palace, as long as you can completely build this 'palace' and then grade them.

Such as the main (first-level) palace, the secondary (second-level) palace, the third-level palace, the fourth-level palace...

If you regard your room as the main palace, then the bed, desk, wardrobe, shoe cabinet, window, etc. in your room can be regarded as the secondary palace, and then your quilt pillow, drawer desktop, upper and lower wardrobe, The upper and lower shoe cabinets, curtains and windows can be used as a third-level palace.

Then it can be further refined. For example, the wallet in the drawer can be a fourth-level palace, the hundred-yuan bill in the wallet can be a fifth-level palace, the Great Hall of the People in the hundred-yuan bill can be a sixth-level palace, and the one in the Great Hall of the People The gate can be a seventh-level palace, flower carvings on the gate...

As long as your thinking is strong enough, it can even be extended infinitely. It is said that Sherlock in "Detective Sherlock" has directly deduced his memory palace to level nine!It can be called a pervert among perverts!
The difficulty of constructing a memory palace increases exponentially with each subsequent level. A normal person can reach a maximum of level six or even level five memory palaces. Those who can build a level seven memory palace can already be called geniuses.

The eighth-level memory palace is something that only a very small number of perverted and evildoers can do!

A nine-level memory palace, that is really a pervert among perverts!

(PS: If you are interested, you can try to play it yourself. The author has tried to build it before. How can I say that? It's very novel and interesting! It's a pity that I didn't have the perseverance to complete the build.)
Of course, just try to build a four-level or five-level memory palace. It is said that there is a risk of getting lost in the deep memory palace. In "Sherlock", Sherlock has been lost in his own memory palace many times. The memory is indistinguishable.

This is mainly because the palace he built is too deep, and the similarity to the real world is too similar!

In the TV series, the scene of Sherlock exploring the whole city in his memory palace has been shown many times. It would be fine if it was only down to every block, but Sherlock is not. What is the name of the store, and even the small characters on the light boards of each store can be clearly remembered!
It can be said that the 'London City' he constructed is almost no different from the real London City.

In such a memory palace, it is not incomprehensible to lose oneself and be unable to distinguish between reality and memory.

And Sherlock was able to move the entire city of London into his memory palace. The power of the memory palace does not need to be described too much.

That is, normal people are limited to their own thinking ability, and it is basically impossible to be as perverted as Sherlock.

With the help of eight times the normal state, Xu Yi can also be regarded as a perverted level among normal humans, not weaker than Sherlock.

However, he didn't directly build a nine-level memory palace. Because he was worried that he might get lost in the memory palace, he cut down one level of the memory palace he built and made an eight-level memory palace.

To be more specific, it looks like this.

Yiyuan—yard—big tree—twigs—branches—leaves—grains—fine lines.

The Yiyuan is the main (first-level) palace, and the fine lines in the leaves on the last big tree are the eighth-level palace.

It is said to be as real as possible, but it is impossible for Xu Yi to observe the fine lines in the veins of all the leaves one by one. In fact, he didn't even observe every leaf-the leaves on a big tree range from thousands, As many as tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands.

With so many leaves, it was impossible for Xu Yi to observe them one by one and imprint them in his memory palace.

Not to mention the question of whether it can be done, even if it is done, how much time will be wasted? !

So starting from the sixth level memory palace, Xu Yi basically adopted the virtual construction method. Although the sixth level memory palace constructed in this way, the seventh level memory palace, and the eighth level memory palace are all illusory, but relatively Speaking of which, the overall difficulty is still relatively small—well, compared to Xu Yi who cheated!

If it is an ordinary person, you want him to construct tens of thousands of leaves, all the lines of tens of thousands of leaves, and even the fine lines behind all the lines in the memory palace, and you also need every leaf, every line and every fine line The tattoos are different, is this something normal people can do? ? !

Ha ha!

Not to mention being a normal person, even Xu Yi, who was turned on, hadn't really built it after spending nearly half a month.

For ordinary people, imagining such things out of thin air is not as good as seeing them leaf by leaf!
At least there is still a possibility of constructing it a little bit, just out of thin air?



"Finally successful!"

At the moment when Yue Buqun finished his morning class, Xu Yi also opened his eyes. At that moment, it seemed that an illusory courtyard flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared in an instant, as if he had a hallucination. .

It took nearly half a month, and after spending eight times the normal state reading time of two hours a day on it, he finally built the eighth-level memory palace today!
"It took half a month for me to activate the eight times normal state and build the eighth-level memory palace. How did Sherlock build the ninth-level memory palace?"

Xu Yi in an eight times normal state is not weaker than Sherlock. It is so difficult for him to build an eighth-level memory palace, and the difficulty of building a ninth-level memory palace is ten times, or even a hundred times, that of an eighth-level memory palace!
With such abnormal difficulty, how did Sherlock build a nine-level memory palace?
(End of this chapter)

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