Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 30 Filling the Memory Palace

Chapter 30 Filling the Memory Palace (seeking tickets)
"Second senior brother is leaving now?"

Xu Yi looked at Lao Denuo who was leaving in a hurry, with a strange expression on his face.

I haven't started fooling around yet, why did you run away suddenly?
"Did he really believe what I said before? No way? Laudno wouldn't be so naive, would he?"

Xu Yi always felt that Lao Denuo who left in a hurry was a bit strange, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Forget it, it's a good thing to lure him away so easily!"

As long as he doesn't have a direct conflict with Lao Denuo, the longer the time is delayed, the better it will be for him!
"Go back! See what's going on with my eighth-level memory palace!"

the other side.

Lao Denuo, who hurried back to his room, stood in front of the desk with a pen in his hand, with a tangled expression on his face.

"How should I write it? Just say that Xu Yi is the kind of martial arts expert with an extremely strong nature?"

This is not impossible, but the problem is that he has no evidence!
His criteria for judging Xu Yi as a strong martial artist was based on what Xu Yi said and the information he had learned about Xu Yi in the past year. On this basis, he made guesses.


He didn't even know if Xu Yi had read "Qinglian Neigong" or not!
"It's careless!"

Laudno regretted in his heart.

He should have figured this out first!
It's just that he was too shocked just now, and he was a little out of control for a while, so he hurried back.

"Xu Yi probably didn't see anything, did he?"

Lao Denuo had a ghost in his mind, so he naturally thought of this question at the first time.

And thinking of this, of course he didn't dare to contact Xu Yi again at this time.

Things have come to an impasse.

It's been a while.

"do not care!"

"Just write it like this!"

Laudno gritted his teeth, picked up a pen and wrote on it.

"Master! My disciple...discovered Xu Yi...this son must not be kept! I hope the master will send someone to eradicate him as soon as possible! So as not to hinder the sect's plans in the future!... Sincerely, disciple Lao Denuo!"

Of course, this is not the original text written by Laudenau, but the approximate content of the letter after deciphering the ciphertext.The content of the letter he wrote, on the surface, is just an ordinary letter to reminisce with an old friend.

Although he was noticed by Lao Yue on the first day of entry, this does not mean that his undercover level is poor. In fact, in terms of undercover ability, Lao Denuo is quite good.

Don't you see, the entire Huashan faction, except for Yue Buqun, has no one noticed that there is something different about him?

This is the demonstration of his undercover ability!
After writing a letter, Laudno did not stop the pen in his hand, but changed a piece of letter paper, according to the same content, wrote the second letter, the third letter... until the fifth seal up!
After the handwriting was dry, Laodenuo stuffed all five letters into bamboo tubes, tied them to the feet of his five pigeons, and let them fly.

When a single carrier pigeon transmits a message, accidents may occur, such as encountering a large raptor, which will cause the letter to fail to be delivered successfully.

In order to prevent such a situation from happening, the couriers specially designed such a set of multi-pigeon messaging method, so that the letters can be delivered safely.

But homing pigeons are precious and difficult to cultivate. Ordinary people cannot use this method. Only rich and powerful dignitaries can do this.

Because of his special status, Laodenuo has five carrier pigeons, but when he usually transmits information, he basically uses one carrier pigeon to deliver.

Only for more important information, in order to ensure safety, two carrier pigeons will be used.

So far, the number of pigeons used by Laudno at the same time is at most three.

For the first time in Laudno's life, five pigeons delivered messages at the same time.

"I hope the master can pay attention to it!"

Laudno thought worriedly.

After coming back from the contact just now, for some reason, he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling that Xu Yi might become a serious threat to their Songshan faction!

If it cannot be eradicated as soon as possible, the future of the Songshan faction will undergo a huge change!
Zuo Lengchan's longing for the Five Sacred Sacred Sects may become a mirror image, in vain.

"Xu Yi...a martial artist..."

Laudno lost his eyesight and muttered to himself.

inside the room.

Xu Yi sat cross-legged on the bed, his eyes were empty, as if he had lost his spirit, but if you looked carefully, you would find that there seemed to be stars in his eyes, faintly revolving around a courtyard.

In the blink of an eye.

All of this disappeared again, like a bubble.

"Memory Palace."

Without any kind of mysterious state, Xu Yi just concentrated his mind and felt his memory palace.

After the successful construction, it has become relatively easy for him to 'view' his memory palace, and he does not need to enter the mysterious state.

This memory palace seems to have been imprinted in his mind. Even though Xu Yi's thinking ability at this moment is far from being comparable to that of him after he has turned on the eight times normal state, he can still easily explore and even use this memory palace.

Xu Yi first took a general look at the entire palace, and then turned his mind, as if he had penetrated the space, and instantly appeared in the courtyard of the second-level palace, or more precisely, it was the big tree that appeared in the courtyard outside.

This big tree looked lifelike, every leaf and every tree pattern looked so 'real', almost no different from the big tree in Xu Yi's yard in the real world.

But if you look carefully, you will find that the texture of the leaf is a little fuzzy, and the finer texture is more illusory, already between reality and fantasy, as if it will disappear with a little touch .

"The seventh-level memory palace and the eighth-level memory palace are still not fully constructed!"

Xu Yi shook his head slightly.

Although his thinking ability can be called abnormal after he has turned on the eight times normal state, he wants to transform millions of lines of different sizes and lengths, and even tens of millions of fine lines, in just half a month. They are all completely visualized and solidified, which is obviously impossible.

The seventh-level memory palace is alright, but it's a little fuzzy. After Xu Yi spends a few days, he should be able to consolidate it completely.

The eighth-level memory palace is more troublesome. Now he can only barely "draw" the framework of the eighth-level memory palace. It is estimated that it will take more than half a month to completely solidify and consolidate it.

"It's not a big problem. Although it hasn't been fully consolidated, it can be used now!"

As long as it can be used, Xu Yi doesn't care too much. Besides, the so-called problem is that the information stored in the eighth-level memory palace may be retrieved a little slower, which is really not a big deal.

"First, put the thirty scriptures in..."

(End of this chapter)

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