Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 31 The memory palace is equal to thinking about thoughts?

Chapter 31 The memory palace is equal to thinking about thoughts?
A leaf corresponds to a scripture.

Thirty Taoist scriptures just fill up the thirty leaves.

I saw the thirty leaves flashing with light, and faint words appeared on them.

Xu Yi stared intently at one of the leaves, and suddenly the contents of a whole Taoist scripture appeared in front of his eyes.

This Taoist scripture is not flat and straightforward, or directly in the shape of a book, but is divided into two different levels. The top layer is the core point of view, core concept, and all related to martial arts. Knowledge (what Xu Yi currently thinks, may increase or decrease appropriately in the future as his understanding deepens).

Below the upper layer is the entire content of this Taoist scripture, complete and complete, regardless of high or low.

"In this way, when deducing again, you only need to absorb the knowledge about martial arts in the seventh-level memory palace, and block the knowledge about the eighth-level memory palace, and you should be able to greatly increase the speed of deduction!"

"Try it!"

Xu Yi did as soon as he thought of it, without hesitation.

"Eight times the normal state is turned on!"

"With "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" as the core, absorb the knowledge in the thirty scriptures! Block the eighth-level memory palace!"


Xu Yi entered the mysterious space.

The 'he' in the real world immediately started a new round of deduction according to the requirements he set.

In the unexplored sea of ​​consciousness, there is chaos and chaos. Originally, there were only a few stars scattered around here, but looking at it now, there is a seemingly real and illusion house floating in the center of the chaos.

That was Xu Yi's memory palace.

"There was no such scene before. I didn't expect that after I built this eight-level memory palace, it would appear here simultaneously."

Xu Yi looked at the memory palace in his sea of ​​consciousness, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he felt.

Buildings in the Sea of ​​Consciousness·····················.
"Isn't this just observing ideas!!"

"Building a memory palace turned out to be an idea?!"

Xu Yi felt a little numb all over.

Memory Palace equals to visualize thoughts? ! !
He was immediately taken aback by the thought.

The main reason is that Xu Yi has never thought in this direction before!
One is the scientific memory method in the modern world, and the other is the introductory practice of Taoism and Buddhism. Two things that are almost completely irrelevant, who will connect them?
"But if you think about it seriously, the two do have a lot of similarities."

"For example, they are all visualizing some kind of existence, but the Taoist monks visualize the Buddha, and the memory palace visualizes a palace. And the more detailed and real they are, the higher the level!"

"For another example, once the two reach a certain level, they can both have power far beyond normal people!"

Not to mention Guan Xiang's ability to enhance the power of the soul, and even slay demons and demons, Xu Yi couldn't tell the truth from the fake if he didn't reach that level.

But when the memory palace reaches the eighth and ninth levels, the abilities it possesses are really abnormal!

Putting an entire city into one's own memory, is this something normal people can do?
"So... Memory Palace is really a concept? It's just a special concept, more inclined to memory ability?"

Xu Yi had a strange expression on his face. He really didn't expect that a scientific method brought from the modern world of science would eventually have something to do with theology.

"Do I now have a personal experience, what is the end of science is theology?"

The memory palace that suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness made Xu Yi's imagination run wild, and he couldn't help but come up with various thoughts.

Perhaps, he can try various scientific methods in the modern scientific world in the future?Maybe there are several theologies that can be produced? !

"You can try!"

In the modern world, there are still some scientific methods like the memory palace. If Xu Yi really wants to try it, maybe it is possible to get something.

But Xu Yi won't regard this kind of thing as his main path, the path he chose for himself is still martial arts!
Just like the current memory palace, it is also because it involves the future of martial arts, so he will try to get it out. If there is a certain scientific method linked to his future martial arts in the future, or his martial arts needs to use such a scientific method , it is not too late for him to study again.

Anyway, with his current learning ability, he doesn't worry about what knowledge he can't learn.

Concentrating all his thoughts, Xu Yi turned his attention back to his sea of ​​consciousness.

But looking at it this way, he found several differences.

"It feels like my sea of ​​consciousness has become bigger, the space seems to have become more stable, and the starlight in the sea of ​​consciousness not only revolves around the memory palace, but also seems to be brighter than before !"

This should be the change brought to him by the eighth-level memory palace!
"Level [-] memory palace, this should be a threshold!"

"After that, you will be able to build such a memory palace between reality and illusion in your own sea of ​​consciousness, and strengthen your own sea of ​​consciousness!"

"If you don't reach it, you will be no different from ordinary people. At most, your memory may be a little more prominent than before."

"According to what you said about observing thoughts, I should be able to count as a small completion of observing thoughts now, right?"

In my own sea of ​​consciousness, I have really constructed my own visualization objects. This kind of thing doesn't seem like something that can be done at the beginning of meditation.

Of course, these are all Xu Yi's thoughts. Whether it is true or not, he has not been in contact with concept ideas, so he has no way to give an answer.

Maybe in the future, I can find a few ideas to try...

Gathering his thoughts, Xu Yi looked at 'him' himself again.

"The deduction has begun!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, his eyes fell directly on the memory palace, or more precisely, the big tree in the memory palace, or more precisely, the thirty leaves of that big tree !

These [-] leaves that Xu Yi has filled with [-] Taoist scriptures are now exuding radiance. The knowledge located in the seventh-level memory palace rises into the sky, interweaves and collides with a bright starlight, and inspires inspiration. spark.

"That's the starlight representing "Huashan Basic Internal Strength"!"

Xu Yi immediately realized something, aware of the essence of that starlight.

The small sparks that came out of the collision finally merged into the starlight representing "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" and became its nourishment, vaguely seeming to make the starlight brighter.

After a deduction was over, Xu Yi finally got the data of this deduction.

"The deduction effect is at least ten times that of before!"

(End of this chapter)

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