Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 32 Learning efficiency has skyrocketed by 4 times!

Chapter 32 Learning efficiency soars four times! (seeking tickets)
"Ten times the effect of the previous deduction!"

Even in the mysterious space, Xu Yi couldn't help feeling excited.

Being able to use the mysterious state to directly deduce martial arts is equivalent to cheating. Now his deduction ability has been further improved, and the effect has been improved by at least ten times compared to before. How can this not excite him?
"If there are enough Taoist scriptures now, and I have enough understanding of these Taoist scriptures, I can definitely deduce a more powerful exercise in a short time!"

If he deduces the second-rate martial arts "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" to the first-class martial arts, even the ultimate martial arts, and the innate martial arts, he will not need any cultivation methods at all!He can create the most top-level cultivation technique by himself!
"It's a pity that I have read too few Dao scriptures now, and my understanding of these Tao scriptures is too shallow. It is impossible to deduce powerful exercises with such a little Taoist scriptures and comprehension. !"

Xu Yi shook his head slightly.

Not to mention that like Huang Chang, who read through the Dao Zang of the entire dynasty, he must at least read through the thousands of Taoist scriptures in the Huajing Pavilion of the Huashan School, right?

"At that time, it shouldn't be difficult to deduce a supreme kung fu, not to mention a congenital peerless kung fu?"

Set a small goal.

First read through the thousands of scriptures of Huajing Pavilion!
"Thousands of scriptures, according to my current speed of one scripture a day, it will take about a thousand days to read all of them, which is less than three years."

Three years does not seem to be a short period of time, but if you associate it with a supreme practice, you will not feel that it is long at all.

You must know that in today's Jianghu martial arts world, innate skills are either lost or lost, and only fragments remain, and the extreme skills are already the top-level cultivation skills.

Even the "Zixia Divine Art", which has been passed down from generation to generation by the Huashan School, and only the master can practice it, is nothing more than a supreme skill.

Xu Yi only needs to consume less than three years to have the foundation to deduce a supreme skill, which can only be done by some monstrous pervert!
"Speaking of which, can I use the Memory Palace to further speed up my reading of the Daoist scriptures?"

Xu Yi suddenly had a whim and thought of a different idea.

The memories in the memory palace are not just the ones you think are hidden in the depths of your memory.

The concept of "memory" in the memory palace is that as long as you have seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched and felt, all of them are your memories!
This includes everything you see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and feel right now!
To put it simply, everything that your five senses come into contact with belongs to the category of your memory and can be directly included in your memory palace.


Everything you felt in the last second or even the last moment can also be directly included in your memory palace!

What does that mean?

A relatively simple explanation is that the moment you build a memory palace, you already have the ability to never forget!
Why is Sherlock able to fit the entire city of London into his memory palace?

It is because after he visited the city of London once, he has already incorporated the whole city of London into his memory palace through the ability of photographic memory!

Of course, this kind of thing requires an extremely powerful thinking ability. It is simply impossible for ordinary people to do such a thing if they only build a memory palace of four or five levels.

Even for the most basic photographic memory ability, it is possible to build a six-level memory palace, or even a seven-level memory palace.

As for including the entire city of London into his memory palace like Sherlock, it is conservatively estimated that it is possible to build an eight-level memory palace, and it is even possible to build a nine-level memory palace!

Xu Yi didn't build his own ninth-level memory palace like Sherlock for the time being, but he also built an eight-level memory palace, and his thinking ability was even stronger than Sherlock's when he opened the eight times normal state.

"Try it!"

Xu Yi has always been amazing in his actions, so he immediately exited the mysterious state, took out a new Daoist scripture, and opened the pages of the book.

"Eight times the normal state is turned on!"

"In a way that the memory palace cooperates - learn!"

After half an hour.

"It really works!"

"My learning efficiency has quadrupled!"

Xu Yi was extremely pleasantly surprised.

He built the memory palace itself just to improve his deduction effect. After the construction was successful, the deduction effect obtained was ten times higher than before, which was far beyond his expectations and brought him a great surprise.

But he didn't expect that this memory palace would bring him an extra surprise!

I only saw the big tree planted in the yard in the sea of ​​knowledge, with 31 leaves on the tree exuding radiance.The extra leaf was exactly the result of Xu Yi's half an hour.

"After turning on the eight times the normal state, my thinking ability itself has reached the level of abnormality. Now, coupled with the super-strong photographic memory ability endowed by the eighth-level memory palace, it only takes a few minutes to read the entire Daoist scriptures. Put it into my memory palace, and then spend a few minutes to classify it into categories, find out the key cores in the book, and learn one by one according to the key cores in the book, this efficiency will not be doubled in an instant!"

After turning on the eight times normal state, Xu Yi's learning efficiency is already extremely abnormal.

It takes ordinary people a year or even a few years to learn the obscure Taoist scriptures, but he only needs two hours.

Two hours!
I'm afraid that most ordinary people may not be able to read it from beginning to end, but Xu Yi has been able to understand its meaning.

But now, this speed has quadrupled again, from two hours to half an hour, which is beyond the description of a pervert!
It's simply a perverted pervert!
"According to this speed, I can read four Taoist scriptures with two hours of reading time every day. The nearly one thousand Taoist scriptures in Huajing Pavilion will only take about 250 days, which is about eight and a half months!"

After eight and a half months, he will be able to have the background to create the ultimate martial arts?
This wave is about to take off!

"Low-key! Low-key! There are still more than eight months!"

It took Xu Yi a long time to finally calm down his excitement.

He looked at the Taoist scripture in his hand, and unconsciously saw the saber hanging by the bed from the corner of his eye.

A thought suddenly appeared in Xu Yi's mind.

"The Taoist scriptures can use the memory palace to improve the learning effect, so can the swordsmanship?"

(End of this chapter)

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