Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 33 Martial Arts Tree!

Chapter 33 Martial Arts Tree!
Practice swordsmanship with the help of memory palace?

This brain hole is a bit big!

Memory Palace itself is an ability related to memory, and it can improve the efficiency of reading and learning, which can be regarded as professional docking.


This is completely a matter of two worlds!

It is impossible for a normal person to connect the two, but after the impact of the memory palace, which is equivalent to the idea of ​​visualization, Xu Yi is more tolerant of this idea.

Isn't practicing swordsmanship a form of learning in essence?

"Try it!"

Xu Yi raised his sword and walked into the yard.

"Six times the normal state is turned on!"

His consciousness has entered the mysterious space again, and the "he" in the real space has also started a new round of cultivation
"and many more!"

"Change a branch!"

When the 'he' in the real space wanted to include "Huashan Sword Art" on the branch of the Taoist scriptures, Xu Yi in the mysterious space stopped 'him' himself in time.

"In order to avoid confusion and improve learning efficiency, no other knowledge will be added to this branch in the future, and it will be reserved for storing Taoist knowledge!"

"From now on, this first branch will be called the Taoist branch!"

"As for this big tree... it's called the Martial Arts Tree!"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but after Xu Yi named it, the big tree seemed to become more vivid, and faintly fit his own martial arts more closely.

Martial arts tree, martial arts tree!
From now on, this big tree will be the big tree that carries all his martial arts knowledge!
"I hope this Martial Arts Tree will thrive in the future! It will become a towering tree!"

In the yard, the Martial Dao Tree seemed to notice something, and the leaves rustled, as if responding to him.

This is a portrayal of his soul.

Xu Yi smiled and looked at the other branches of the martial arts tree.

Apart from the main trunk, the Martial Arts Tree has a total of nine relatively thick branches. The first branch, the Daojing branch, is considered to be lower than the middle, and the overall ranking should be around fifth.

After Xu Yi read all the branches, he didn't immediately choose a branch for "Huashan Sword Art", but returned to the main trunk and branded "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" on the trunk.

Thousands of words of "Basic Internal Strength of Huashan Mountain" are branded on the thick trunk, which looks so bleak and inconspicuous.

It is also thousands of words, and a Taoist scripture only occupies the position of a leaf. Even so, the shining light of knowledge on this leaf with a Taoist scripture is not so dazzling.

If we only talk about martial arts knowledge, "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" is definitely stronger than a Taoist scripture, but if it is integrated and compared with all the knowledge, the knowledge content of "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" is actually no better than a Taoist scripture. Maybe even slightly worse!
In ancient times, those who could write books and set up biographies were all real masters!

Those who can write scriptures are even better than ordinary people!

The Taoist scriptures they wrote may only have a few thousand words, but the knowledge contained in them may not be comparable to the hundreds or thousands of books in modern times.

Although "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" was created by the founder of Huashan, Hao Datong, and then perfected by countless descendants, it is only a second-rate exercise after all. Compared with the knowledge contained in a Taoist scripture, it really does not have much advantage.

The Taoist scriptures are imprinted on the leaves, and the light emitted is the light that belongs to knowledge alone!

A Taoist scripture is imprinted on a leaf, it must be a clearly visible light.

But "Huashan Basic Internal Strength", which contains no more knowledge than a Taoist scripture, now occupies the largest trunk, which is much larger than all the leaves combined!

Even if only the surface area is counted, it is equivalent to thousands or even tens of thousands of leaves.

A small "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" is imprinted on it, so naturally it won't cause any disturbances, and even if you don't look carefully, you may not be able to see any changes from before.

"It will be different!"

"In the near future!"

Xu Yi said to himself in his heart.

It's not that he never thought about making a branch of internal energy like the branch of the Taoism, but after thinking about it, if he made a branch of the Taoism, what could become the main branch?

This is a martial arts tree, and it is impossible for him to add some messy things to it. The knowledge that can be incorporated into this big tree must be closely related to martial arts.

This is true of Taoism, and so is swordsmanship!
And for a martial artist, what is more suitable to be the backbone than internal strength?

If you practice martial arts without practicing kung fu, it will be nothing when you grow old.

Even the most basic level of martial arts is based on the cultivation of internal strength. It can be seen that for a warrior, internal strength is the most fundamental and important thing!
Now the trunk of the Martial Dao tree is lacklustre, because "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" is really not very good, it can only be said to be a very good basic martial art.

But when Xu Yi absorbs a huge amount of knowledge in the future and deduces it into a first-class exercise, a supreme exercise, or even an innate peerless exercise, everything will be different!

After establishing the main trunk of the martial arts tree, Xu Yi set his sights on the other branches.

After thinking over and over for a long time, he finally chose the branch with the thickest branch, the most branches and the densest leaves.

Among the nine branches, this is the well-deserved first branch!

"From now on, this branch will be called the martial art branch!"

Gong and skills, these are the two most important things in a warrior.

Since "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" has already occupied the trunk of the martial arts tree, then the martial arts as a means for a warrior to fight against the enemy must naturally occupy the largest branch!
In fact, Xu Yi thought about letting his swordsmanship occupy a single branch to form a swordsmanship branch, but then he thought that he only had nine branches in total. Do you want another one?What about other martial arts?Do you want to take some too?
Although martial arts are important, occupying so many branches is somewhat inappropriate, and it also greatly weakens the possibility of Xu Yi's future development.

Martial arts are martial arts, but martial arts are not just martial arts.

Like the first branch of Dao Jing, this can well complement Xu Yi's martial arts.

Since Daoist scriptures are acceptable, are Buddhist scriptures acceptable?What about the various Confucian classics?

Even if the thinking is a little more diffuse, can these knowledge be filled into Xu Yi's martial arts?
"Broaden your horizons, don't just limit yourself to martial arts in this world!"

After establishing the position of the second branch of martial arts, Xu Yidang designated the first branch of martial arts as the branch of swordsmanship, and at the same time imprinted the "Huashan Sword Art" on the first branch in a way similar to Taoism. on a leaf.

"Whether it can be done or not depends on this!"

(End of this chapter)

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